3,050 research outputs found

    Lemme de moser feuilleté et classification des variétés de poisson réguliéres

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    Regular Poisson structures with fixed characteristic foliation F are described by means of foliated symplectic forms. Associated to each of these structures, there is a class in the second group of foliated cohomology H2 (F). Using a. foliated version of Moser's lemma, we study the isotopy classes of these structures in relation with their cohomology class. Explicit examples, with dim F = 2, are described

    Teaching English From the Multiple Intelligences Theory Approach for Bilingualism Development

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    discoveries to understand the functioning and cognitive process of the brain. The study aims to determine strategies based on multiple intelligences and their relationship with cognitive neuroscience to improve English language learning processes. To achieve this, a theoreticalpractical methodological approach was proposed through the review of bibliographic information from researchers whose studies aim to improve mental processes for learning another language. It is worth highlighting the importance of the results where the teacher’s role is to apply the learning strategies and styles in students to promote new cognitive developments, skills, and motivation, despite the fact that students possess different multiple intelligences. In addition, emotional intelligence is strengthened, and the importance of neuroscience in the context of neuroplasticity for learning English in the classroom is understood. For this purpose, strategies are presented for each intelligence. Furthermore, the bilingualism scale is presented in terms of flexibility with non-linguistic rules, producing an effect on other aspects of human knowledge. Additionally, arguments centered on neuroscience have been raised to indicate how the brain learns and its emotional connections, which contribute to linguistic processing, bringing us closer to a basic understanding of the central nervous system to inquire about the relationships between linguistic elements and mechanisms for learning another language. Keywords: multiple intelligences theory, English language teaching, bilingualism, cognitive neuroscience. Resumen Las Inteligencias Múltiples de Gardner ha evolucionado en las teorías sobre la mente, aportando descubrimientos para comprender el funcionamiento y el proceso cognitivo desde el cerebro; para lo cual, el objetivo es determinar las estrategias basados en las inteligencias múltiples y su relación con la neurociencia cognitiva para mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje del idioma inglés, para ello se planteó un enfoque metodológico teórico – práctico a través de la revisión de información bibliográfica de investigadores cuyos estudios buscan mejorar los procesos mentales para el aprendizaje de otro idioma, cabe destacarla importancia de los resultados donde el rol del profesor es aplicar las estrategias y estilos de aprendizaje en los estudiantes para promover nuevos desarrollos cognitivos, habilidades y motivación a pesar que el estudiante posee inteligencias múltiples distintos, además fortalecer la inteligencia emocional y comprender la importancia de la neurociencia en el contexto de la neuroplasticidad para el aprendizaje del inglés en el aula; para este efecto, se presenta estrategias para cada una de las inteligencias, asimismo la escala del bilingüismo en la flexibilidad a la hora de normas no necesariamente lingüísticas, esto produce un efecto sobre otros aspectos del conocimiento humano, además se ha topado argumentos centrados en la neurociencia para indicar como aprende el cerebro y sus conexiones emocionales, mismos que contribuyen al procesamiento lingüístico acercándonos a un conocimiento básico del sistema nervioso central para indagar sobre las relaciones entre los elementos lingüísticos y los mecanismos de aprender otro idioma. Palabras Clave: Teoría de las inteligencias Múltiples, enseñanza del inglés, bilingüismo, neurociencias cognitivas

    High resolution observations of the outer disk around T Cha: the view from ALMA

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    T Cha is a young star surrounded by a transitional disk with signatures of planet formation. We have obtained high-resolution and high-sensitivity ALMA observations of T Cha in the CO(3{\rm CO}(3--2)2), 13CO(3{\rm ^{13}CO}(3--2)2), and CS(7{\rm CS}(7--6)6) emission lines to reveal the spatial distribution of the gaseous disk around the star. In order to study the dust within the disk we have also obtained continuum images at 850μ\mum from the line-free channels. We have spatially resolved the outer disk around T Cha. Using the CO(3-2) emission we derive a radius of ∼\sim230 AU. We also report the detection of the 13^{13}CO(3-2) and the CS(7-8) molecular emissions, which show smaller radii than the CO(3-2) detection. The continuum observations at 850μ\mum allow the spatial resolution of the dusty disk, which shows two emission bumps separated by ∼\sim40AU, consistent with the presence of a dust gap in the inner regions of the disk, and an outer radius of ∼\sim80AU. Therefore, T Cha is surrounded by a compact dusty disk and a larger and more diffuse gaseous disk, as previously observed in other young stars. The continuum intensity profiles are different at both sides of the disk suggesting possible dust asymmetries. We derive an inclination of i(deg)=67±\pm5, and a position angle of PA (deg)= 113±\pm6, for both the gas and dust disks. The comparison of the ALMA data with radiative transfer models shows that the gas and dust components can only be simultaneously reproduced when we include a tapered edge prescription for the surface density profile. The best model suggests that most of the disk mass is placed within a radius of R<R< 50AU. Finally, we derive a dynamical mass for the central object of M∗M_{*}=1.5±\pm0.2M⊙_{\odot}, comparable to the one estimated with evolutionary models for an age of ∼\sim10Myr.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Limits to differences in active and passive charges

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    We explore consequences of a hypothetical difference between active charges, which generate electric fields, and passive charges, which respond to them. A confrontation to experiments using atoms, molecules, or macroscopic matter yields limits on their fractional difference at levels down to 10^-21, which at the same time corresponds to an experimental confirmation of Newtons third law.Comment: 6 pages Revtex. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    MACHe3, a prototype for non-baryonic dark matter search: KeV event detection and multicell correlation

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    Superfluid He3 at ultra-low temperatures (100 microKelvins) is a sensitive medium for the bolometric detection of particles. MACHe3 (MAtrix of Cells of Helium 3) is a project for non-baryonic dark matter search using He3 as a sensitive medium. Simulations made on a high granularity detector show a very good rejection to background signals. A multicell prototype including 3 bolometers has been developed to allow correlations between the cells for background event discrimination. One of the cells contains a low activity Co57 source providing conversion electrons of 7.3 and 13.6 keV to confirm the detection of low energy events. First results on the multicell prototype are presented. A detection threshold of 1 keV has been achieved. The detection of low energy conversion electrons coming from the Co57 source is highlighted as well as the cosmic muon spectrum measurement. The possibility to reject background events by using the correlation among the cells is demonstrated from the simultaneous detection of muons in different cells
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