9 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of two video-based multicomponent treatments for fibromyalgia : The added value of cognitive restructuring and mindfulness in a three-arm randomised controlled trial

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICUTP en procés de revisióBackground/objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of two video-based multicomponent programs (FIBROWALK) and the Multicomponent Physiotherapy Program (MPP) for patients with fibromyalgia (FM) compared to treatment-as-usual (TAU) only. We posit that FIBROWALK, due to inclusion of specific psychological ingredients (cognitive restructuring and mindfulness), can produce additional clinical benefits when compared to TAU or MPP alone. Methods: A total of 330 patients with FM were recruited and randomly allocated (1:1:1) to TAU only, TAU + FIBROWALK, or TAU + MPP. FIBROWALK and MPP consisted of weekly videos on pain neuroscience education, therapeutic exercise and self-management patient education, but only the FIBROWALK intervention provided cognitive restructuring and mindfulness. Both programs were structurally equivalent. Between-group differences in functional impairment, pain, kinesiophobia, anxious-depressive symptoms and physical functioning were evaluated at post-treatment following Intention-To-Treat and complete-case approaches. Results: Compared to TAU only, individuals in the FIBROWALK arm showed larger improvements in all clinical outcomes; similarly, participants in the MPP program also showed greater improvements in functional impairment, perceived pain, kinesiophobia, depressive symptoms compared to TAU only. The FIBROWALK intervention showed superior effects in improving pain, anxiety and depressive symptoms and physical functioning compared to MPP. Conclusions: This RCT supports the short-term effectiveness of the video-based multicomponent programs FIBROWALK and MPP for FM and provides evidence that cognitive-behavioural and mindfulness-based techniques can be clinically useful in the context of physiotherapeutic multicomponent treatment programs. Trial registration number: NCT04571528

    Central sensitization in knee osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia: Beyond depression and anxiety

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    Objectives: To determine the psychopathological profile of patients with central sensitization (CS) in a sample of knee osteoarthritis, with and without CS, and fibromyalgia, and to compare their psychopathological profiles. Methods: The final sample consists of 19 patients with osteoarthritis and CS (mean 66.37 years ± 8.77), 41 osteoarthritis patients without CS (mean 66.8 ± 7.39 years), 47 fibromyalgia patients (mean 46.47 years ± 7.92) and 26 control subjects (mean 51.56 years ± 11.41). The psychopathological profile was evaluated with the Millon Multiaxial Clinical Inventory. Results: The average score of MCMI-III reflect higher scores in the fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis-CS groups. Patients with osteoarthritis-CS are more likely to report larger scores in Borderline and Major Depression scales. Fibromyalgia patients are more likely to report more increased scores in Somatoform and Major Depression, versus osteoarthritis-CS group. Fibromyalgia patients versus osteoarthritis without CS are more likely to report higher scores in Schizoid, Depression, Histrionic, Sadistic, Borderline, Somatoform, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depression scales. Discussion: Patients with CS have less differences in their psychopathological profiles as well as in both osteoarthritis groups and greatest differences are obtained between the fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis without CS, so perhaps presence of CS is the key to differentiate those groups and not chronic pain. An exhaustive assessment brings more accurate psychopathological profiles, thus better psychological treatment could be applied.This work was partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant PSI2014-53524-P and PSI2017-83777) and the Agency of University and Research Funding Management of the Catalonia Government (Research Groups SGR2017-1198). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    A central nervous system-focused treatment approach for people with frozen shoulder: protocol for a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Frozen shoulder (FS) is a musculoskeletal condition of poorly understood etiology that results in shoulder pain and large mobility deficits. Despite some physical therapy interventions, such as joint mobilization and exercise, having shown therapeutic benefit, a definitive treatment does not currently exist. The aim of this study will be to compare the effectiveness of a central nervous system (CNS)-directed treatment program versus a standard medical and physical therapy care program on outcomes in participants with FS. Methods/design: The study is a two-group, randomized clinical trial with blinding of participants and assessors. Participants will be recruited via referrals from orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists, community-based advertisements, private care practices and hospitals. Participants will be randomized to receive either a CNS-focused treatment program or standard medical and physical therapy care. The Shoulder Pain And Disability Index (SPADI) will be the primary outcome, while the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), shoulder range of movement (ROM), The Patient Specific Functional Scale, two-point discrimination threshold and laterality judgement accuracy will be the secondary outcomes. Assessment will occur at baseline, at the end of the treatment program (week 10), and at 3 and 6 months' follow-up. Discussion: Preliminary data suggest that treatments that target CNS function are a promising approach to the treatment of people with shoulder pain including patients with FS. In the context of modest effects from most available physical therapy treatments for FS, this CNS-focused approach may lead to improved clinical outcomes. The trial should determine if the CNS-directed program is more effective than traditional interventions at reducing pain intensity and improving function in a FS cohort and will follow up participants for 6 months, providing important information on the persistence of any treatment effects.This work is funded by the Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte de la Generalitat Valenciana, Spain (GV/2016).Ye