5,980 research outputs found

    Modelling an isolated dust grain in a plasma using matched asymptotic expansions

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    The study of dusty plasmas is of significant practical use and scientific interest. A characteristic feature of dust grains in a plasma is that they are typically smaller than the electron Debye distance, a property which we exploit using the technique of matched asymptotic expansions. We first consider the case of a spherical dust particle in a stationary plasma, employing the Allen–Boyd–Reynolds theory, which assumes cold, collisionless ions. We derive analytical expressions for the electric potential, the ion number density and ion velocity. This requires only one computation that is not specific to a single set of dust–plasma parameters, and sheds new light on the shielding distance of a dust grain. The extension of this calculation to the case of uniform ion streaming past the dust grain, a scenario of interest in many dusty plasmas, is less straightforward. For streaming below a certain threshold we again establish asymptotic solutions but above the streaming threshold there appears to be a fundamental change in the behaviour of the system

    High frequency sampling of the 1984 spring bloom within the mid-Atlantic Bight: Synoptic shipboard, aircraft, and in situ perspectives of the SEEP-I experiment

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    Moorings of current meters, thermistors, transmissometers, and fluorometers on the mid-Atlantic shelf, south of Long Island, suggest a cumulative seaward export of perhaps 0.35 g C/sq m/day between the 80 and 120 m isobaths during February-April 1984. Such a horizontal loss of algal carbon over the lower third of the water column would be 23 to 78% of the March-April 1984 primary production. This physical carbon loss is similar to daily grazing losses from zooplankton of 32-40% of the algal fixation of carbon. Metabolic demands of the benthos could be met by just the estimated fecal pellet flux, without direct consumption of algal carbon, while bacterioplankton needs could be served by excretory release of dissolved organic matter during photosynthesis. Sediment traps tethered 10 m off the bottom at the 120 m isobath and 50 m above the 500 m isobath caught as much as 0.16 to 0.26 g C /sq m/day during March-April 1984, in reasonable agreement with the flux estimated from the other moored instruments

    Decomposition of coarse woody debris in a long-term litter manipulation experiment: A focus on nutrient availability

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    The majority of above-ground carbon in tropical forests is stored in wood, which is returned to the atmosphere during decomposition of coarse woody debris. However, the factors controlling wood decomposition have not been experimentally manipulated over time scales comparable to the length of this process.We hypothesized that wood decomposition is limited by nutrient availability and tested this hypothesis in a long-term litter addition and removal experiment in a lowland tropical forest in Panama. Specifically, we quantified decomposition using a 15-year chronosequence of decaying boles, and measured respiration rates and nutrient limitation of wood decomposer communities.The long-term probability that a dead tree completely decomposed was decreased in plots where litter was removed, but did not differ between litter addition and control treatments. Similarly, respiration rates of wood decomposer communities were greater in control treatments relative to litter removal plots; litter addition treatments did not differ from either of the other treatments. Respiration rates increased in response to nutrient addition (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) in the litter removal and addition treatments, but not in the controls.Established decreases in concentrations of soil nutrients in litter removal plots and increased respiration rates in response to nutrient addition suggest that reduced rates of wood decomposition after litter removal were caused by decreased nutrient availability. The effects of litter manipulations differed directionally from a previous short-term decomposition study in the same plots, and reduced rates of bole decomposition in litter removal plots did not emerge until after more than 6 years of decomposition. These differences suggest that litter-mediated effects on nutrient dynamics have complex interactions with decomposition over time

    An Analytical Study for Subsonic Oblique Wing Transport Concept

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    The oblique wing concept has been investigated for subsonic transport application for a cruise Mach number of 0.95. Three different mission applications were considered and the concept analyzed against the selected mission requirements. Configuration studies determined the best area of applicability to be a commercial passenger transport mission. The critical parameter for the oblique wing concept was found to be aspect ratio which was limited to a value of 6.0 due to aeroelastic divergence. Comparison of the concept final configuration was made with fixed winged configurations designed to cruise at Mach 0.85 and 0.95. The crossover Mach number for the oblique wing concept was found to be Mach 0.91 for takeoff gross weight and direct operating cost. Benefits include reduced takeoff distance, installed thrust and mission block fuel and improved community noise characteristics. The variable geometry feature enables the final configuration to increase range by 10% at Mach 0.712 and to increase endurance by as much as 44%

    Concentric cracking of grape berries

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    Light microscopy has been used to study the anatomy of "cracks" and "splits" in grape berries. In cracking, fine concentric surface cracks in the skin are formed around the base of the pedicel or at the stylar end. Cracks usually involved rupture of the cuticle and epidermal layer of cells only. In splitting, the cuticle, epidermis, sub-epiclermis and outer pericarp cells were ruptured. Suberization was evident in the cells beneath cracks, but was not present in the cells around splits. Possible mechanisms of epidermal damage and penetration of microorganisms are discussed in relation to cracking ancl splitting.Konzentrisches Aufreißen von WeinbeerenBei Traubenbeeren wurden Schrunden (,,cracks") und Platzwunden (,,splits") beobachtet, deren anatomische Verhältnisse lichtmikroskopisch untersucht wurden. Die Schrunden bilden sich als feine, konzentrische Oberflächenrisse um den Beerenansatz oder am apikalen Ende der Beere. In diesem Falle sind gewöhnlich nur die Kutikula und die epidermale Zellschicht aufgerissen. Die Platzwunden erstrecken sich dagegen auf Kutikula, Epidermis, Subepidermis und die äußeren Perikarpzellen. In den Zellen unterhalb der Schrunden ließ sich Verkorkung nachweisen, nicht jedoch in den an die Platzwunden angrenzenden Zellen. Mechanismen, die für die Beschädigung der Epidermis verantwortlich sein könnten, sowie das Eindringen von Mikroorganismen werden im Zusammenhang mit dem Auftreten von Schrunden und Platzwunden diskutiert

    Scaling of the Random-Field Ising Model at Zero Temperature

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    The exact determination of ground states of small systems is used in a scaling study of the random-field Ising model. While three variants of the model are found to be in the same universality class in 3 dimensions, the Gaussian and bimodal models behave distinctly in 4 dimensions with the latter apparently having a discontinuous jump in the magnetization. A finite-size scaling analysis is presented for this transition.Comment: 14 pages Latex, 4 figure

    Lattice Boltzmann simulations of lamellar and droplet phases

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    Lattice Boltzmann simulations are used to investigate spinodal decomposition in a two-dimensional binary fluid with equilibrium lamellar and droplet phases. We emphasise the importance of hydrodynamic flow to the phase separation kinetics. For mixtures slightly asymmetric in composition the fluid phase separates into bulk and lamellar phases with the lamellae forming distinctive spiral structures to minimise their elastic energy.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Glassy behaviour in an exactly solved spin system with a ferromagnetic transition

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    We show that applying simple dynamical rules to Baxter's eight-vertex model leads to a system which resembles a glass-forming liquid. There are analogies with liquid, supercooled liquid, glassy and crystalline states. The disordered phases exhibit strong dynamical heterogeneity at low temperatures, which may be described in terms of an emergent mobility field. Their dynamics are well-described by a simple model with trivial thermodynamics, but an emergent kinetic constraint. We show that the (second order) thermodynamic transition to the ordered phase may be interpreted in terms of confinement of the excitations in the mobility field. We also describe the aging of disordered states towards the ordered phase, in terms of simple rate equations.Comment: 11 page

    The role of law and ethics in developing business management as a profession

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    Currently, business management is far from being recognised as a profession. This paper suggests that a professional spirit should be developed which could function as a filter of commercial reasoning. Broadly, management will not be organised within the framework of a well-established profession unless formal knowledge, licensing, professional autonomy and professional codes of conduct are developed sufficiently. In developing business management as a profession, law may play a key role. Where the idea is that business management should be more professsionalised, managers must show that they are willing to adopt ethical values, while arriving at business decisions. The paper argues that ethics cannot survive without legal regulation, which, in turn, will not be supported by law unless lawyers can find alternative solutions to the large mechanisms of the official society, secured by the monopolised coercion of the nation state. From a micro perspective of law and business ethics, communities can be developed with their own conventions, rules and standards that are generated and sanctioned within the boundaries of the communities themselves