5,098 research outputs found

    Peran Komunikasi Orang Tua Dalam Melestarikan Bahasa Tonsawang Di Desa Tombatu II Tengah Kecamatan Tombatu Utara Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara

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    The role of parental communication in preserving language Tonsawang. Introduction: communication plays an important role in human life. Most of the communication activities that we do takes place in a situation of interpersonal communication. The importance of the role of parental communication, more specifically in preserving language Tonsawang especially to the youth as the next generation. The role of parents is very influential to the younger generation to teach, provide an understanding of the language Tonsawang so willing to learn and preserve the language Tonsawang. Theory and Methods: This Study uses symbolic interaction theory and methods of qualitative research. Results: the role of parent communication is very dominant in the use of language to communicate Tonsawang daily compared to the younger generation, this is quite reasonable because the parents in the village of Central II Tombatu more proficient Tonsawang. Suggestion: the role of parental communication in preserving the language Tonsawang need to be increased again, by increasing the intensity of use Tonsawang language when communicating with childrens, young people, so that they are more aware of the language

    Hematological response in sheep given protracted exposures to Co 60 gamma radiation

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    Leukocyte count changes in sheep after prolonged exposure to gamma irradiation at rate of 1.9 R/h

    Applications of 3D printing in the management of severe spinal conditions

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    The latest and fastest-growing innovation in the medical field has been the advent of three-dimensional printing technol- ogies, which have recently seen applications in the production of low-cost, patient-specific medical implants. While a wide range of three-dimensional printing systems has been explored in manufacturing anatomical models and devices for the medical setting, their applications are cutting-edge in the field of spinal surgery. This review aims to provide a com- prehensive overview and classification of the current applications of three-dimensional printing technologies in spine care. Although three-dimensional printing technology has been widely used for the construction of patient-specific ana- tomical models of the spine and intraoperative guide templates to provide personalized surgical planning and increase pedicle screw placement accuracy, only few studies have been focused on the manufacturing of spinal implants. Therefore, three-dimensional printed custom-designed intervertebral fusion devices, artificial vertebral bodies and disc substitutes for total disc replacement, along with tissue engineering strategies focused on scaffold constructs for bone and cartilage regeneration, represent a set of promising applications towards the trend of individualized patient care

    Measurement of Resonant Frequency and Quality Factor of Microwave Resonators: Comparison of Methods

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    Precise microwave measurements of sample conductivity, dielectric, and magnetic properties are routinely performed with cavity perturbation measurements. These methods require the accurate determination of quality factor and resonant frequency of microwave resonators. Seven different methods to determine the resonant frequency and quality factor from complex transmission coefficient data are discussed and compared to find which is most accurate and precise when tested using identical data. We find that the nonlinear least-squares fit to the phase vs. frequency is the most accurate and precise when the signal-to-noise ratio is greater than 65. For noisier data, the nonlinear least squares fit to a Lorentzian curve is more accurate and precise. The results are general and can be applied to the analysis of many kinds of resonant phenomena.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figure

    A millimeter-wave antireflection coating for cryogenic silicon lenses

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    We have developed and tested an antireflection (AR) coating method for silicon lenses at cryogenic temperatures and millimeter wavelengths. Our particular application is a measurement of the cosmic microwave background. The coating consists of machined pieces of Cirlex glued to the silicon. The measured reflection from an AR coated flat piece is less than 1.5% at the design wavelength. The coating has been applied to flats and lenses and has survived multiple thermal cycles from 300 to 4 K. We present the manufacturing method, the material properties, the tests performed, and estimates of the loss that can be achieved in practical lenses

    A class of diagonal preconditioners for limited memory BFGS method.

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    A major weakness of the limited memory BFGS (LBFGS) method is that it may converge very slowly on ill-conditioned problems when the identity matrix is used for initialization. Very often, the LBFGS method can adopt a preconditioner on the identity matrix to speed up the convergence. For this purpose, we propose a class of diagonal preconditioners to boost the performance of the LBFGS method. In this context, we find that it is appropriate to use a diagonal preconditioner, in the form of a diagonal matrix plus a positive multiple of the identity matrix, so as to fit information of local Hessian as well as to induce positive definiteness for the diagonal preconditioner at a whole. The property of hereditary positive definiteness is maintained by a careful choice of the positive scalar on the scaled identity matrix while the local curvature information is carried implicitly on the other diagonal matrix through the variational techniques, commonly employed in the derivation of quasi-Newton updates. Several preconditioning formulae are then derived and tested on a large set of standard test problems to access the impact of different choices of such preconditioners on the minimization performance

    Automatic classification of ICA components from infant EEG using MARA.

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    Automated systems for identifying and removing non-neural ICA components are growing in popularity among EEG researchers of adult populations. Infant EEG data differs in many ways from adult EEG data, but there exists almost no specific system for automated classification of source components from paediatric populations. Here, we adapt one of the most popular systems for adult ICA component classification for use with infant EEG data. Our adapted classifier significantly outperformed the original adult classifier on samples of naturalistic free play EEG data recorded from 10 to 12-month-old infants, achieving agreement rates with the manual classification of over 75% across two validation studies (n = 44, n = 25). Additionally, we examined both classifiers' ability to remove stereotyped ocular artifact from a basic visual processing ERP dataset compared to manual ICA data cleaning. Here, the new classifier performed on level with expert manual cleaning and was again significantly better than the adult classifier at removing artifact whilst retaining a greater amount of genuine neural signal operationalised through comparing ERP activations in time and space. Our new system (iMARA) offers developmental EEG researchers a flexible tool for automatic identification and removal of artifactual ICA components

    Cytotoxic clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa identified during the Steroids for Corneal Ulcers Trial show elevated resistance to fluoroquinolones.

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    BackgroundTo determine the relationship between type three secretion genotype and fluoroquinolone resistance for P. aeruginosa strains isolated from microbial keratitis during the Steroids for Corneal Ulcers Trial (SCUT) and for two laboratory strains, PA103 and PAO1.MethodsConfirmed P. aeruginosa isolates from the SCUT were divided into exoU(+) or exoU(-). The exoU(+) strains contained the gene encoding ExoU, a powerful phospholipase toxin delivered into host cells by the type three secretion system. Isolates were then assessed for susceptibility to fluoroquinolone, cephalosporin, and aminoglycoside antibiotics using disk diffusion assays. Etest was used to determine the MIC of moxifloxacin and other fluoroquinolones. Laboratory isolates in which the exoU gene was added or deleted were also tested.ResultsA significantly higher proportion of exoU(+) strains were resistant to ciprofloxacin (p = 0.001), gatifloxacin (p = 0.003), and ofloxacin (p = 0.002) compared to exoU(-) isolates. There was no significant difference between exoU(+) or exoU(-) negative isolates with respect to susceptibility to other antibiotics except gentamicin. Infections involving resistant exoU(+) strains trended towards worse clinical outcome. Deletion or acquisition of exoU in laboratory isolates did not affect fluoroquinolone susceptibility.ConclusionsFluoroquinolone susceptibility of P. aeruginosa isolated from the SCUT is consistent with previous studies showing elevated resistance involving exoU encoding (cytotoxic) strains, and suggest worse clinical outcome from infections involving resistant isolates. Determination of exoU expression in clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa may be helpful in directing clinical management of patients with microbial keratitis

    Cost-benefit analysis for commissioning decisions in GEO600

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    Gravitational wave interferometers are complex instruments, requiring years of commissioning to achieve the required sensitivities for the detection of gravitational waves, of order 10^-21 in dimensionless detector strain, in the tens of Hz to several kHz frequency band. Investigations carried out by the GEO600 detector characterisation group have shown that detector characterisation techniques are useful when planning for commissioning work. At the time of writing, GEO600 is the only large scale laser interferometer currently in operation running with a high duty factor, 70%, limited chiefly by the time spent commissioning the detector. The number of observable gravitational wave sources scales as the product of the volume of space to which the detector is sensitive and the observation time, so the goal of commissioning is to improve the detector sensitivity with the least possible detector down time. We demonstrate a method for increasing the number of sources observable by such a detector, by assessing the severity of non-astrophysical noise contaminations to efficiently guide commissioning. This method will be particularly useful in the early stages and during the initial science runs of the aLIGO and adVirgo detectors, as they are brought up to design performance.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, 2 table

    A Decolonial Critique of the Racialized “Localwashing” of Extraction in Central Africa

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    Responding to calls for increased attention to actions and reactions “from above” within the extractive industry, we offer a decolonial critique of the ways in which corporate entities and multinational institutions propagate racialized rhetoric of “local” suffering, “local” consultation, and “local” fault for failure in extractive zones. Such rhetoric functions to legitimize extractive intervention within a set of practices that we call localwashing. Drawing from a decade of research on and along the Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline, we show how multi-scalar actors converged to assert knowledge of, responsibility for, and collaborations with “local” people within a racialized politics of scale. These corporate representations of the racialized “local” are coded through long-standing colonial tropes. We identify three interrelated and overlapping flexian elite rhetoric(s) and practices of racialized localwashing: (a) anguishing, (b) arrogating, and (c) admonishing. These elite representations of a racialized “local” reveal diversionary efforts “from above” to manage public opinion, displace blame for project failures, and domesticate dissent in a context of persistent scrutiny and criticism from international and regional advocates and activists