625 research outputs found

    Effect of branch position and light availability on shoot growth of understory sugar maple and yellow birch saplings

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    Phenotypic plasticity enables tree saplings to change their morphology according to their environment to grow toward a better light micro-habitat. Therefore, processes of crown development could be expected to vary as a function of light. The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate the effects of position and light availability on shoot growth within the crowns of understory saplings of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britton.); (ii) develop a new vigour index for shoots; and (iii) evaluate the possible factors relating to branch mortality in the crown of sugar maple saplings. The results revealed that there is a clear branch position effect on shoot growth in the crown for yellow birch saplings and that it is partly related to the presence of two types of shoots. Dead branches were located at the bottom of the crown of sugar maple saplings; they were smaller in size, had wider angles and had lower indexes of vigour than live branches found nearby. Preliminary results obtained on the vigour index indicate that it is a potentially useful tool for predicting the growth and vigour status of a branch

    Essais de génotoxicité in vitro et in vivo applicables à l'environnement hydrique

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    Cet article est une revue des essais in vitro et in vivo utilisés pour évaluer le caractère génotoxique des micropolluants des milieux environnementaux relatifs aux eaux continentales et marines, rejets liquides d'origine domestique, industrielle ou agricole, sédiments de rivières et boues de stations de traitement d'épuration.Les essais in vitro réalisés sur cellules eucaryotes ou procaryotes sont fondés sur la détection des mutations géniques et chromosomiques, ou la mesure des adduits à l'ADN. Ils constituent des systèmes d'épreuve miniaturisés qui requièrent des volumes d'échantillons faibles; ils se prêtent ainsi au dépistage à grande échelle de la génotoxicité et à l'étude des concentrats et des extraits préparés à partir des milieux contaminés. Ils sont cependant moins bien adaptés à la prédiction de l'impact des micropolluants sur l'environnement.La recherche de conditions d'essai plus proches de la réalité environnementale a conduit au développement des essais in vivo réalisés sur organismes supérieurs, mollusques, poissons ou amphibiens, qui évaluent un potentiel génotoxique à partir d'études cytogénétiques ou d'études du caryotype des organismes exposés.Les critères de génotoxicité étudiés in vitro peuvent être utilisés dans le cadre d'études écoépidémiologiques, sur le terrain, afin d'évaluer l'impact réel des micropolluants présents dans les milieux environnementaux sujets à des contaminations d'origines diverses.This review deals with in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity bioassays carried out to evaluate the genotoxic potential of polluted environmental samples : continental and marine waters, domestic and industrial wastewaters, aquatic sediments and sludges of urban or industrial wastewater treatment plants.The end-points of the in vitro and in vivo assays are : genetic alterations, i.e. reverse and forward mutations, DNA adducts or chramosomic damages, i.e. chromosomic aberrations (AC), micronuclei (MN) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCE).The in vitro assays generally detect adverse effects on DNA only alter concentration or extraction of micropollutants. They constitute miniaturized tools, rapid and easy to use, thus well-suited for large screening studies. In vitro genotoxicity bioassays requiring only small volumes of samples are therefore systems of choice for testing concentrates or extracts from environmental contaminated samples. Among the in vitro assays reviewed, the Salmonella typhimurium gene mutation test is the most often used to assess the genotoxic potential of contaminated samples. However, genotoxicity tests performed on eukaryotic cell cultures are more relevant than those using bacteria for evaluating environmental pollution. The use of fish cell fines appears superior to the use of mammalian cells for assessing an aquatic impact.In vitro bioassays, whether performed on prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells, are limited for predicting the possible impact of genotoxic pollutants on the environment. It is clear that it is difficult to extrapolate in vitro bioassay results to higher organisms in which the response obtained integrates effects of complex metabolizing systems, hormonal regulation and immunological defenses.Therefore, genotoxicity studies performed with aquatic organisms such as molluscs (Mytilus sp.), fish (Umbra pygmaea, Notobranchius rachowi) or amphibians (Pleurodeles waltl) appear more representative of environmental conditions. The genotoxicity end-points of in vivo assays are mainly cytogenetic damage such as the SCE, AC or MN but also take into account DNA adducts. Direct testing of environmental samples without preconcentration is possible with in vivo assays. This means that factors such as bioavailability and metabolism will be integrated direcrly in the response of these assays. Hence, these in vivo assays are more sensitive titan in vitro genotoxicity tests. However, in vivo tests require important volumes of sample and it will be difficult or almost impossible to apply them for testing concentrates or sample extracts, generally only available in small quantities. An interesting area of application of in vivo assays is field studies and ecoepidemioiogy. In this respect, they would constitue an a posteriori control system of pollution effects, assuming that suitable control areas are available to eliminate the influence of confounding factors.As a general conclusion, if is important to emphasize the interest of using both in vitro and in vivo bioassays for evaluating the genotoxicity of contaminated environmental samples. This rationale is based on the fact that in vitro bioassays are well adapted for genotoxicity screening or concentrates and extracts testing, white in vivo tests are interesting because of their better representativity in terms of environmental conditions of exposure to pollutants

    Modelling the spectral response of the Swift-XRT CCD camera: Experience learnt from in-flight calibration

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    (Abbreviated) We show that the XRT spectral response calibration was complicated by various energy offsets in photon counting (PC) and windowed timing (WT) modes related to the way the CCD is operated in orbit (variation in temperature during observations, contamination by optical light from the sunlit Earth and increase in charge transfer inefficiency). We describe how these effects can be corrected for in the ground processing software. We show that the low-energy response, the redistribution in spectra of absorbed sources, and the modelling of the line profile have been significantly improved since launch by introducing empirical corrections in our code when it was not possible to use a physical description. We note that the increase in CTI became noticeable in June 2006 (i.e. 14 months after launch), but the evidence of a more serious degradation in spectroscopic performance (line broadening and change in the low-energy response) due to large charge traps (i.e. faults in the Si crystal) became more significant after March 2007. We describe efforts to handle such changes in the spectral response. Finally, we show that the commanded increase in the substrate voltage from 0 to 6V on 2007 August 30 reduced the dark current, enabling the collection of useful science data at higher CCD temperature (up to -50C). We also briefly describe the plan to recalibrate the XRT response files at this new voltage.Comment: 27 pages, 29 figures (many in colour), accepted for publication in A&

    Global transition path search for dislocation formation in Ge on Si(001)

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    Global optimization of transition paths in complex atomic scale systems is addressed in the context of misfit dislocation formation in a strained Ge film on Si(001). Such paths contain multiple intermediate minima connected by minimum energy paths on the energy surface emerging from the atomic interactions in the system. The challenge is to find which intermediate states to include and to construct a path going through these intermediates in such a way that the overall activation energy for the transition is minimal. In the numerical approach presented here, intermediate minima are constructed by heredity transformations of known minimum energy structures and by identifying local minima in minimum energy paths calculated using a modified version of the nudged elastic band method. Several mechanisms for the formation of a 90{\deg} misfit dislocation at the Ge-Si interface are identified when this method is used to construct transition paths connecting a homogeneously strained Ge film and a film containing a misfit dislocation. One of these mechanisms which has not been reported in the literature is detailed. The activation energy for this path is calculated to be 26% smaller than the activation energy for half loop formation of a full, isolated 60{\deg} dislocation. An extension of the common neighbor analysis method involving characterization of the geometrical arrangement of second nearest neighbors is used to identify and visualize the dislocations and stacking faults

    Testing the standard fireball model of GRBs using late X-ray afterglows measured by Swift

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    We show that all X-ray decay curves of GRBs measured by Swift can be fitted using one or two components both of which have exactly the same functional form comprised of an early falling exponential phase followed by a power law decay. The 1st component contains the prompt gamma-ray emission and the initial X-ray decay. The 2nd component appears later, has a much longer duration and is present for ~80% of GRBs. It most likely arises from the external shock which eventually develops into the X-ray afterglow. In the remaining ~20% of GRBs the initial X-ray decay of the 1st component fades more slowly than the 2nd and dominates at late times to form an afterglow but it is not clear what the origin of this emission is. The temporal decay parameters and gamma/X-ray spectral indices derived for 107 GRBs are compared to the expectations of the standard fireball model including a search for possible "jet breaks". For ~50% of GRBs the observed afterglow is in accord with the model but for the rest the temporal and spectral indices do not conform to the expected closure relations and are suggestive of continued, late, energy injection. We identify a few possible jet breaks but there are many examples where such breaks are predicted but are absent. The time, T_a, at which the exponential phase of the 2nd component changes to a final powerlaw decay afterglow is correlated with the peak of the gamma-ray spectrum, E_peak. This is analogous to the Ghirlanda relation, indicating that this time is in some way related to optically observed break times measured for pre-Swift bursts.Comment: submitted to Ap

    1867, l’année de tous les Rapports. Les lettres et les sciences à la fin du Second Empire

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    En juillet 1865, le ministre de l’Instruction publique Victor Duruy propose, au Conseil des ministres, « de faire l’histoire des progrès de toutes les sciences depuis vingt ans », dans le cadre de la préparation de l’Exposition universelle de 1867. Vers la fin octobre, il adresse à Napoléon III un rapport dans lequel il demande à l’empereur d’« autoriser le ministère de l’Instruction publique à être exposant » lors de la prochaine Exposition universelle à Paris. Une fois ce rapport approuvé par Napoléon III, il informe, en décembre, le commissaire général de la future Exposition universelle, le conseiller d’État Frédéric Le Play, que son ministère déposera une série de Rapports « sur les principales œuvres produites par l’esprit français ». De cette initiative sortiront 29 Rapports, plus ou moins importants en volume, écrits par des auteurs plus ou moins connus aujourd’hui. Ce corpus considérable a été sorti de l’oubli et étudié pendant trois ans par un groupe interdisciplinaire composé d’une quinzaine de chercheurs (historiens, historiens des sciences, de la philosophie et de la littérature). Il fournit un excellent état des préoccupations concernant les sciences et les lettres à la veille de la guerre de 1870. Les résultats de l’enquête permettent au lecteur d’aujourd’hui d’évaluer le patrimoine d’un XIXe siècle dont nous sommes les héritiers, aussi bien en ce qui concerne les conceptions relatives aux lettres, aux sciences et aux techniques, que pour les relations entre la recherche, l’université et la société

    Comparison between classical potentials and ab initio for silicon under large shear

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    The homogeneous shear of the {111} planes along the direction of bulk silicon has been investigated using ab initio techniques, to better understand the strain properties of both shuffle and glide set planes. Similar calculations have been done with three empirical potentials, Stillinger-Weber, Tersoff and EDIP, in order to find the one giving the best results under large shear strains. The generalized stacking fault energies have also been calculated with these potentials to complement this study. It turns out that the Stillinger-Weber potential better reproduces the ab initio results, for the smoothness and the amplitude of the energy variation as well as the localization of shear in the shuffle set

    Radiolitid rudists: An underestimated archive for cretaceous climate reconstruction?

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    Rudist shells are important archives for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions in the greenhouse world of the Cretaceous. Radiolitids, a family of rudists became very abundant dwellers of the shallow marine carbonate platforms during the Cretaceous. Still, due to the complex structure of their low-Mg calcite outer shell layer, radiolitids are often deemed unsuitable for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The aim of this study is to present a combination of petrographic (transmitted light microscopy and cathodoluminescence microscopy) and elemental analyses (high-resolution ÎĽXRF and stable isotope) to investigate radiolitid shells for diagenetic alteration and to make them accessible as an archive for environmental conditions during the mid-Cretaceous. Four Eoradiolitites shells were analysed in detail: two right valves (RV), a left valve (LV) with an articulated RV and an isolated LV. Three shell structure types have been identified, including a non-compact, compact and celluloprismatic types. The compact structure type was identified in the LVs while the other two types were observed exclusively in the RVs. Radiolitid shell material composed of the non-compact and the compact structure types can be used as palaeoenvironmental archives as it preserved seasonal signals in both, shell growth structure and isotopic records, while celluloprismatic shell structures are less suitable for reconstructions due to diagenetic alteration. The alternation of dark and light lamellae in both valves, RV and LV, provide information on the intertidal living habitat of the shell-producing organism and its life span. Cretaceous; radiolitid rudists; petrographic and rlemental analyses; right and left valves; palaeoenvironmental reconstructio
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