3,371 research outputs found

    Design of strategies for the implementation and management of a complementary monetary system using the SWOT-AHP methodology

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    [EN] The objective of this research is to contribute to the scientific debate on “complementary monetary systems” (CMSs), what strategies may be the best for allowing the implementation of a CMS in a territory and that optimise the potential that it seems to have to strengthen processes of sustainable local development and urban resilience. For this, the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats-Analytic Hierarchy Process methodology (SWOT-AHP) has been used, which has allowed us to identify four strategies: (1) build a social, economic and political consensus, (2) create a community observatory for “complementary social monetary systems” (CSMSs), (3) define communication tools for raising awareness and education in ethical finance and (4) promote the alignment of the CSMS with sustainable local development strategies. These strategies have been formulated so that that they can be implemented by any entity, public or private, and for any of the types of CMS that may be part of a CSMS.S

    Association between the Mediterranean diet and metabolic syndrome with serum levels of miRNA in morbid obesity

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    Background: The Mediterranean diet (MD) could be involved in the regulation of different miRNAs related to metabolic syndrome (MS). Methods: We analyzed the serum level of mir-let7a-5p, mir-21, mir-590, mir-107 and mir-192 in patients with morbid obesity and its association with the MD and MS. Results: There is an association between the adherence to MD and higher serum levels of mir-590. Mir-590 was lower in those patients who consumed >2 commercial pastries/week. Mir-let7a was lower in those who consumed ≥1 sweetened drinks, in those who consumed ≥3 pieces of fruit/day and in those who consumed less red than white meat. A lower mir-590 and mir-let7a, and a higher mir-192 level, were found in patients who met the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) criterion of MS. A higher mir-192 was found in those patients who met the triglyceride criterion of MS and in those with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Conclusions: There is an association between specific serum levels of miRNAs and the amount and kind of food intake related to MD. Mir-590 was positively associated with a healthy metabolic profile and type of diet, while mir-192 was positively associated with a worse metabolic profile. These associations could be suggestive of a possible modulation of these miRNAs by food

    Resistin Regulates Pituitary Lipid Metabolism and Inflammation In Vivo and In Vitro

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    The adipokine resistin is an insulin-antagonizing factor that also plays a regulatory role in inflammation, immunity, food intake, and gonadal function and also regulates growth hormone (GH) secretion in rat adenopituitary cells cultures with the adipokine. Although adipose tissue is the primary source of resistin, it is also expressed in other tissues, including the pituitary. The aim of this study is to investigate the possible action of resistin on the lipid metabolism in the pituitary gland in vivo (rats in two different nutritional status, fed and fast, treated with resistin on acute and a chronic way) and in vitro (adenopituitary cell cultures treated with the adipokine). Here, by a combination of in vivo and in vitro experimental models, we demonstrated that central acute and chronic administration of resistin enhance mRNA levels of the lipid metabolic enzymes which participated on lipolysis and moreover inhibiting mRNA levels of the lipid metabolic enzymes involved in lipogenesis. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time that resistin has a regulatory role on lipid metabolism in the pituitary gland providing a novel insight in relation to the mechanism by which this adipokine can participate in the integrated control of lipid metabolism.Sara Borrell Postdoctoral program; BFU 2011 and CIBER Obesidad y Nutricion (Instituto de Salud Carlos Tercero (ISCIII), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion). Juan de la Cierva Program (Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia)S

    Patient information after hospitalization improves humanistic care in intensive care units

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    Introduction The purpose of the study was to assess the prognosis value of pro-adrenomedullin (pADM), C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT), lactate (LT), albumin (ALB), cholesterol (CHOL), white blood cell (WBC) and severity score in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. Methods A prospective, observational study in adult patients with severe sepsis or septic shock in a polyvalent ICU. Demographics, severity scores (APACHE II and SOFA) and all of the biomarkers were studied within 24+ hours from septic shock onset. Descriptive and comparative statistical analysis was performed using the statistical software packages SPSS v.15 and MedCalc® Conclusion The protein pADM, LT and ALB showed good prognosis accuracy when measured on admission of septic patients to the ICU.Ye

    Algunos aspectos preliminares de biología de la reproducción en canavalia ensiformis (l.) dc

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    En un lote de Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC, sembrada en Santa Fe de Antioquia (550 m.s.n.m.), con 145 plantas, se seleccionaron al azar 24 plantas con el fin de estimar el porcentaje de formación de frutos por polinización natural y autogamia, en la primera y la segunda producción de flores. Estos porcentajes fueron muy semejan/es en ambos tipos de polinización. El ensayo de flujo de polen dio resultados negativos. En una segunda parcela sembrada en Medellín, con 12 plantas, se hizo un seguimiento de la cantidad de flores y frutos producidos por polinización natural, cleistogamia y agamospermia y se obtuvo un porcentaje muy semejante entre aquellos producidos por la polinización natural, autogamia y cleistogamia. Se observó, además, que la hora de dehiscencia de las anteras fue a las 12 pm y la antesis entre las 4 Y las 4:30 am, dando suficiente tiempo para que el polen se ponga en contacto con el estigma antes de la arnesis y ocurra la fecundación por vía cleistógama

    Resistin Regulates Pituitary Lipid Metabolism and Inflammation In Vivo

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    The adipokine resistin is an insulin-antagonizing factor that also plays a regulatory role in inflammation, immunity, food intake, and gonadal function and also regulates growth hormone (GH) secretion in rat adenopituitary cells cultures with the adipokine. Although adipose tissue is the primary source of resistin, it is also expressed in other tissues, including the pituitary. The aim of this study is to investigate the possible action of resistin on the lipid metabolism in the pituitary gland in vivo (rats in two different nutritional status, fed and fast, treated with resistin on acute and a chronic way) and in vitro (adenopituitary cell cultures treated with the adipokine). Here, by a combination of in vivo and in vitro experimental models, we demonstrated that central acute and chronic administration of resistin enhance mRNA levels of the lipid metabolic enzymes which participated on lipolysis and moreover inhibiting mRNA levels of the lipid metabolic enzymes involved in lipogenesis. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time that resistin has a regulatory role on lipid metabolism in the pituitary gland providing a novel insight in relation to the mechanism by which this adipokine can participate in the integrated control of lipid metabolism

    "We live from mother nature":neoliberal globalization, commodification, the 'war on drugs', and biodiversity in Colombia since the 1990s

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    This article explores how macroeconomic and environmental policies instituted since the 1990s have altered meanings, imaginaries, and the human relationship to nature in Colombia. The Colombian nation-state is pluri-ethnic, multilingual, and megabiodiverse. In this context, indigenous peoples, Afro-Colombians, and some peasant communities survive hybridization of their cultures. They have developed their own ways of seeing, understanding, and empowering the world over centuries of European rule. However, threats to relatively discrete cultural meanings have increased since major changes in the 1990s, when Colombia experienced the emergence of new and modern interpretations of nature, such as “biodiversity,” and a deepening of globalized neoliberal economic and political management. These policies involve a modern logic of being in the world, the establishment of particular regulatory functions for economies, societies, and the environment, and their spread has been facilitated by webs of political and economic power. We trace their local effects with reference to three indigenous groups

    Vigilancia epidemiológica de brotes de triquinosis en España. Temporadas 2006/07 a 2013/14

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    [ES] La triquinosis es una enfermedad zoonótica producida por nematodos del género Trichinella, que infecta al ser humano a través del consumo de carne cruda o poco cocinada, principalmente de cerdo o jabalí. En el análisis se utilizaron las siguientes fuentes de información: los brotes y los casos individualizados de triquinosis notificados a la Red Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica (RENAVE) y altas por esta enfermedad del Conjunto Mínimo de Datos Básicos (RAE-CMBD), la superficie destinada a la caza en cada comunidad autónoma de los Anuarios de Estadística Forestal del Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación y el número de capturas anuales de jabalí de la Federación Navarra de Caza. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo temporal y espacial de los brotes y casos de triquinosis en las temporadas 1994/95 a 2005/06. Se estudió la asociación entre el número de casos de triquinosis y la superficie de caza y el número de capturas de jabalí con el test de correlación de Spearman. Se declararon 22 brotes de triquinosis, con un total de 837 personas expuestas, 295 casos, 47 hospitalizaciones y una defunción. De los 295 casos, 155 fueron confirmados (53%), 137 fueron casos probables (46%) y 3 sospechosos (1%). De los 22 brotes, en 17 el alimento implicado fue la carne de jabalí. Los brotes se concentraron en provincias interiores y del centro de la Península. Trichinella spiralis sigue siendo el agente más frecuente, seguido de cerca por T. britovi. La enfermedad afectó más a hombres de entre 20 y 60 años, que también sufrieron más hospitalizaciones. En los últimos años se aprecia una disminución en el número de casos y brotes de triquinosis declarados en España. Las medidas de prevención deben incluir el adecuado control sanitario de los productos cárnicos del cerdo y el jabalí y el cocinado eficaz de la carne, que debe alcanzar al menos 65 ºC en el centro de la pieza durante un minuto como mínimo. [EN] Trichinosis is a zoonotic disease caused by nematodes of the genus Trichinella, which infects humans through the consumption of raw or undercooked meat, mainly pork or wild boar. Five different sources of information were used in the analysis. The registry of reported outbreaks, the registry of cases notified to the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network (RENAVE), and the cases coded as trichinosis in the National Hospital Discharge Registry (RAE-CMBD), the area destined for hunting in each Autonomous Community of the Forestry Statistics Yearbooks of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and the number of annual catches of wild boar of the Navarra Hunting Federation. A temporal and spatial descriptive analysis of the outbreaks and cases of trichinosis was carried out in the seasons 1994/95 to 2005/06. The association between the number of cases of trichinosis and the hunting surface and the number of wild boar captures was studied with the Spearman correlation test. 22 outbreaks of trichinosis were reported, with a total of 837 people e exposed, 295 cases, 47 hospitalizations and 1 death. Of the 295 cases, 155 were confirmed (53%), 137 were probable cases (46%) and 3 possible cases (1%). Of the 22 outbreaks, in 17 the food involved was wild boar meat. The outbreaks were concentrated in the centre of the Peninsula. Trichinella spiralis remains the most frequent agent, followed closely by T. britovi. Men between 20 and 60 years, were more affected and suffered more hospitalizations. In recent years, there has been a decrease in the number of cases and outbreaks of trichinosis notified in Spain. Prevention measures should include adequate sanitary control of pork and wild boar meat products and effective cooking of meat, which must reach at least 5 ºC in the centre of the piece for at least one minute

    Effect of five rootstocks in flowering, fructification and maturity in orange "frost valencia" citrus sinensis (l.) obs. in palmira, the cauca valley

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    The work was made at Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, Palmira in the Cauca Valley. It was considered under observation twenty citric trees over five rootstocks: Citrumelo 4475, Citrus amblycarpa, Citrange yuma, Trifoliado por Ruby Or and Mandarina Cleopatra. Flower development, intensity of flower and fruit production, thicken percentage, fruit's development, fruits falled percentage, maduration process and number and weight at harvested fruits was evaluated. Flowering is induced between 15-30 days after any rain. The maximum fruit production was between five and six months after maximum precipitation. The rootstocks are different in maturity epoch, fruit's production; however there were not great differences in potential production (17-20%).En el trabajo, realizado en el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario en Palmira, Valle del Cauca, se consideraron 20 árboles cítricos injertados sobre Citrumelo 4475, Citrus amblycarpa, Citrange yuma, Trifoliado por Ruby Or y Mandarina Cleopatra. Se evaluaron los parámetros desarrollo floral, época e intensidad de la floración, porcentaje de cuajamiento, desarrollo del fruto, proceso de maduración y número y peso de frutos cosechados. La floración de la naranja ocurrió 15-30 días después de una lluvia; la máxima producción de frutos se presentó entre cinco y seis meses después de la máxima precipitación. Los porta-injertos mostraron diferenciase significativas en período de maduración y producción de frutos; no obstante, su potencial productivo fue relativamente similar (17-20%)

    Incidence and management of inguinodynia after inguinal plasty

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    Background: Hernia is defined as a defect of fascial and muscle-aponeurotic structures, allowing the protrusion of elements. The most frequent is inguinal region, prevailing in men 3:1 vs female. The most frequent complications are persistent chronic pain.Methods: A descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional study was performed in postoperative inguinal plasty patients, using a laparoscopic approach and open approach, the presence or absence of inguinodynia was studied using the visual analogue pain scale (VAS) and the Semmes-Weinstein monofilament, in addition to a systematic investigation in the following PubMed, Medline, Clinical Key and Index Medicus databases, with articles from July 2019 to April 2020.Results: Inguinodynia was present in laparoscopic surgery and open approach, 58 patients had inguinodynia at two weeks associated with the inflammatory response of the tissues and the presence of a foreign body (mesh), 77% of the patients with persistence of pain at 3 months reported mild pain (VAS 1-4), 21% moderate pain that did not limit their daily activities (VAS 5-8) and 2% of the patients reported severe pain which limited physical activity and effort   (VAS 9-10).Conclusions: Inguinodynia has an impact on hospital costs and quality life, we consider it is essential to domain the anatomical variants of the region. We propose an extensive follow-up of this group of patients, to make a comparison of diagnostic methods, as well as conservative management vs. modern techniques for pain control