449 research outputs found

    On the Merging Cluster Abell 578 and Its Central Radio Galaxy 4C +67.13

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    Here we analyze radio, optical, and X-ray data for a peculiar cluster Abell 578. This cluster is not fully relaxed and consists of two merging sub-systems. The brightest cluster galaxy, CGPG 0719.8+6704, is a pair of interacting ellipticals with projected separation ∼\sim10 kpc, the brighter of which hosts the radio source 4C +67.13. The Fanaroff-Riley type-II radio morphology of 4C +67.13 is unusual for central radio galaxies in local Abell clusters. Our new optical spectroscopy revealed that both nuclei of the CGPG 0719.8+6704 pair are active, albeit at low accretion rates corresponding to the Eddington ratio ∼10−4\sim10^{-4} (for the estimated black hole masses of ∼3×108 M⊙\sim 3 \times 10^8\,M_\odot and ∼109 M⊙\sim 10^9 \, M_\odot). The gathered X-ray ({\it Chandra}) data allowed us to confirm and to quantify robustly the previously noted elongation of the gaseous atmosphere in the dominant sub-cluster, as well as a large spatial offset (∼60\sim 60\,kpc projected) between the position of the brightest cluster galaxy and the cluster center inferred from the modeling of the X-ray surface brightness distribution. Detailed analysis of the brightness profiles and temperature revealed also that the cluster gas in the vicinity of 4C\,+67.13 is compressed (by a factor of about ∼1.4\sim 1.4) and heated (from ≃2.0\simeq 2.0\,keV up to 2.7\,keV), consistent with the presence of a weak shock (Mach number ∼1.3\sim 1.3) driven by the expanding jet cocoon. This would then require the jet kinetic power of the order of ∼1045\sim 10^{45}\,erg\,s−1^{-1}, implying either a very high efficiency of the jet production for the current accretion rate, or a highly modulated jet/accretion activity in the system.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    On the Interaction of the PKS B1358-113 Radio Galaxy with the Abell 1836 Cluster

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    [abridged] Here we present the analysis of multifrequency data gathered for the FRII radio galaxy PKS B1358-113, hosted in the brightest cluster galaxy of Abell 1836. The galaxy harbors one of the most massive black holes known to date and our analysis of the optical data reveals that this black hole is only weakly active. Based on new Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observations and archival radio data we derive the preferred range for the jet kinetic luminosity ∼(0.5−3)×1045\sim (0.5-3) \times 10^{45} erg s−1^{-1}. This is above the values implied by various scaling relations proposed for radio sources in galaxy clusters, being instead very close to the maximum jet power allowed for the given accretion rate. We constrain the radio source lifetime as ∼40−70\sim 40-70 Myrs, and the total amount of deposited jet energy ∼(2−8)×1060\sim (2-8) \times 10^{60}\,ergs. The detailed analysis of the X-ray data provides indication for the presence of a bow-shock driven by the expanding radio lobes into the Abell 1836 cluster environment, with the corresponding Mach number ∼2−4\sim 2-4. This, together with the recently growing evidence that powerful FRII radio galaxies may not be uncommon in the centers of clusters at higher redshifts, supports the idea that jet-induced shock heating may indeed play an important role in shaping the properties of clusters, galaxy groups, and galaxies in formation. We speculate on a possible bias against detecting jet-driven shocks in poorer environments, resulting from an inefficient electron heating at the shock front, combined with a relatively long electron-ion equilibration timescale.Comment: Version accepted to Ap

    Feedback under the microscope II: heating, gas uplift, and mixing in the nearest cluster core

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    Using a combination of deep 574ks Chandra data, XMM-Newton high-resolution spectra, and optical Halpha+NII images, we study the nature and spatial distribution of the multiphase plasma in M87. Our results provide direct observational evidence of `radio mode' AGN feedback in action, stripping the central galaxy of its lowest entropy gas and preventing star-formation. This low entropy gas was entrained with and uplifted by the buoyantly rising relativistic plasma, forming long "arms". These arms are likely oriented within 15-30 degrees of our line-of-sight. The mass of the uplifted gas in the arms is comparable to the gas mass in the approximately spherically symmetric 3.8 kpc core, demonstrating that the AGN has a profound effect on its immediate surroundings. The coolest X-ray emitting gas in M87 has a temperature of ~0.5 keV and is spatially coincident with Halpha+NII nebulae, forming a multiphase medium where the cooler gas phases are arranged in magnetized filaments. We place strong upper limits of 0.06 Msun/yr on the amount of plasma cooling radiatively from 0.5 keV and show that a uniform, volume-averaged heating mechanism could not be preventing the cool gas from further cooling. All of the bright Halpha filaments appear in the downstream region of the <3 Myr old shock front, at smaller radii than ~0.6'. We suggest that shocks induce shearing around the filaments, thereby promoting mixing of the cold gas with the ambient hot ICM via instabilities. By bringing hot thermal particles into contact with the cool, line-emitting gas, mixing can supply the power and ionizing particles needed to explain the observed optical spectra. Mixing of the coolest X-ray emitting plasma with the cold optical line emitting filamentary gas promotes efficient conduction between the two phases, allowing non-radiative cooling which could explain the lack of X-ray gas with temperatures under 0.5 keV.Comment: to appear in MNRA

    ALMA observation of the disruption of molecular gas in M87

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    We present the results from Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) observations centred 40 arcsec (3 kpc in projection) south-east of the nucleus of M87. We report the detection of extended CO (2-1) line emission with a total flux of (5.5 ± 0.6) × 10-18 erg s-1 cm-2 and corresponding molecular gas mass M_{H_2}=(4.7 ± 0.4) × 10^5 M_{⊙}, assuming a Galactic CO to H2 conversion factor. ALMA data indicate a line-of-sight velocity of -129 ± 3 km s-1, in good agreement with measurements based on the [C II] and H α+[N II] lines, and a velocity dispersion of σ = 27 ± 3 km s-1. The CO (2-1) emission originates only outside the radio lobe of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) seen in the 6 cm Very Large Array image, while the filament prolongs further inwards at other wavelengths. The molecular gas in M87 appears to be destroyed or excited by AGN activity, either by direct interaction with the radio plasma, or by the shock driven by the lobe into the X-ray emitting atmosphere. This is an important piece of the puzzle in understanding the impact of the central AGN on the amount of the coldest gas from which star formation can proceed

    The far-infrared view of M87 as seen by the Herschel Space Observatory

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    The origin of the far-infrared emission from the nearby radio galaxy M87 remains a matter of debate. Some studies find evidence of a far-infrared excess due to thermal dust emission, whereas others propose that the far-infrared emission can be explained by synchrotron emission without the need for an additional dust emission component. We observed M87 with PACS and SPIRE as part of the Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS). We compare the new Herschel data with a synchrotron model based on infrared, submm and radio data to investigate the origin of the far-infrared emission. We find that both the integrated SED and the Herschel surface brightness maps are adequately explained by synchrotron emission. At odds with previous claims, we find no evidence of a diffuse dust component in M87.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings IAU Symposium 275 (Jets at all scales
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