126 research outputs found

    On the excursions of reflected local time processes and stochastic fluid queues

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    This paper extends previous work by the authors. We consider the local time process of a strong Markov process, add negative drift, and reflect it \`a la Skorokhod. The resulting process is used to model a fluid queue. We derive an expression for the joint law of the duration of an excursion, the maximum value of the process on it, and the time distance between successive excursions. We work with a properly constructed stationary version of the process. Examples are also given in the paper.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Analysis of stochastic fluid queues driven by local time processes

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    We consider a stochastic fluid queue served by a constant rate server and driven by a process which is the local time of a certain Markov process. Such a stochastic system can be used as a model in a priority service system, especially when the time scales involved are fast. The input (local time) in our model is always singular with respect to the Lebesgue measure which in many applications is ``close'' to reality. We first discuss how to rigorously construct the (necessarily) unique stationary version of the system under some natural stability conditions. We then consider the distribution of performance steady-state characteristics, namely, the buffer content, the idle period and the busy period. These derivations are much based on the fact that the inverse of the local time of a Markov process is a L\'evy process (a subordinator) hence making the theory of L\'evy processes applicable. Another important ingredient in our approach is the Palm calculus coming from the point process point of view.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figure

    Complete characterization of convergence to equilibrium for an inelastic Kac model

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    Pulvirenti and Toscani introduced an equation which extends the Kac caricature of a Maxwellian gas to inelastic particles. We show that the probability distribution, solution of the relative Cauchy problem, converges weakly to a probability distribution if and only if the symmetrized initial distribution belongs to the standard domain of attraction of a symmetric stable law, whose index α\alpha is determined by the so-called degree of inelasticity, p>0p>0, of the particles: α=21+p\alpha=\frac{2}{1+p}. This result is then used: (1) To state that the class of all stationary solutions coincides with that of all symmetric stable laws with index α\alpha. (2) To determine the solution of a well-known stochastic functional equation in the absence of extra-conditions usually adopted

    High Light Induced Disassembly of Photosystem II Supercomplexes in Arabidopsis Requires STN7-Dependent Phosphorylation of CP29

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    Photosynthetic oxidation of water and production of oxygen by photosystem II (PSII) in thylakoid membranes of plant chloroplasts is highly affected by changes in light intensities. To minimize damage imposed by excessive sunlight and sustain the photosynthetic activity PSII, organized in supercomplexes with its light harvesting antenna, undergoes conformational changes, disassembly and repair via not clearly understood mechanisms. We characterized the phosphoproteome of the thylakoid membranes from Arabidopsis thaliana wild type, stn7, stn8 and stn7stn8 mutant plants exposed to high light. The high light treatment of the wild type and stn8 caused specific increase in phosphorylation of Lhcb4.1 and Lhcb4.2 isoforms of the PSII linker protein CP29 at five different threonine residues. Phosphorylation of CP29 at four of these residues was not found in stn7 and stn7stn8 plants lacking the STN7 protein kinase. Blue native gel electrophoresis followed by immunological and mass spectrometric analyses of the membrane protein complexes revealed that the high light treatment of the wild type caused redistribution of CP29 from PSII supercomplexes to PSII dimers and monomers. A similar high-light-induced disassembly of the PSII supercomplexes occurred in stn8, but not in stn7 and stn7stn8. Transfer of the high-light-treated wild type plants to normal light relocated CP29 back to PSII supercomplexes. We postulate that disassembly of PSII supercomplexes in plants exposed to high light involves STN7-kinase-dependent phosphorylation of the linker protein CP29. Disruption of this adaptive mechanism can explain dramatically retarded growth of the stn7 and stn7stn8 mutants under fluctuating normal/high light conditions, as previously reported

    Probabilistic study of the speed of approach to equilibrium for an inelastic Kac model

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    This paper deals with a one--dimensional model for granular materials, which boils down to an inelastic version of the Kac kinetic equation, with inelasticity parameter p>0p>0. In particular, the paper provides bounds for certain distances -- such as specific weighted χ\chi--distances and the Kolmogorov distance -- between the solution of that equation and the limit. It is assumed that the even part of the initial datum (which determines the asymptotic properties of the solution) belongs to the domain of normal attraction of a symmetric stable distribution with characteristic exponent \a=2/(1+p). With such initial data, it turns out that the limit exists and is just the aforementioned stable distribution. A necessary condition for the relaxation to equilibrium is also proved. Some bounds are obtained without introducing any extra--condition. Sharper bounds, of an exponential type, are exhibited in the presence of additional assumptions concerning either the behaviour, near to the origin, of the initial characteristic function, or the behaviour, at infinity, of the initial probability distribution function

    A Protein Phosphorylation Threshold for Functional Stacking of Plant Photosynthetic Membranes

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    Phosphorylation of photosystem II (PSII) proteins affects macroscopic structure of thylakoid photosynthetic membranes in chloroplasts of the model plant Arabidopsis. In this study, light-scattering spectroscopy revealed that stacking of thylakoids isolated from wild type Arabidopsis and the mutant lacking STN7 protein kinase was highly influenced by cation (Mg++) concentrations. The stacking of thylakoids from the stn8 and stn7stn8 mutants, deficient in STN8 kinase and consequently in light-dependent phosphorylation of PSII, was increased even in the absence of Mg++. Additional PSII protein phosphorylation in wild type plants exposed to high light enhanced Mg++-dependence of thylakoid stacking. Protein phosphorylation in the plant leaves was analyzed during day, night and prolonged darkness using three independent techniques: immunoblotting with anti-phosphothreonine antibodies; Diamond ProQ phosphoprotein staining; and quantitative mass spectrometry of peptides released from the thylakoid membranes by trypsin. All assays revealed dark/night-induced increase in phosphorylation of the 43 kDa chlorophyll-binding protein CP43, which compensated for decrease in phosphorylation of the other PSII proteins in wild type and stn7, but not in the stn8 and stn7stn8 mutants. Quantitative mass spectrometry determined that every PSII in wild type and stn7 contained on average 2.5±0.1 or 1.4±0.1 phosphoryl groups during day or night, correspondingly, while less than every second PSII had a phosphoryl group in stn8 and stn7stn8. It is postulated that functional cation-dependent stacking of plant thylakoid membranes requires at least one phosphoryl group per PSII, and increased phosphorylation of PSII in plants exposed to high light enhances stacking dynamics of the photosynthetic membranes

    Differential Phosphorylation of Ribosomal Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana Plants during Day and Night

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    Protein synthesis in plants is characterized by increase in the translation rates for numerous proteins and central metabolic enzymes during the day phase of the photoperiod. The detailed molecular mechanisms of this diurnal regulation are unknown, while eukaryotic protein translation is mainly controlled at the level of ribosomal initiation complexes, which also involves multiple events of protein phosphorylation. We characterized the extent of protein phosphorylation in cytosolic ribosomes isolated from leaves of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana harvested during day or night. Proteomic analyses of preparations corresponding to both phases of the photoperiod detected phosphorylation at eight serine residues in the C-termini of six ribosomal proteins: S2-3, S6-1, S6-2, P0-2, P1 and L29-1. This included previously unknown phosphorylation of the 40S ribosomal protein S6 at Ser-231. Relative quantification of the phosphorylated peptides using stable isotope labeling and mass spectrometry revealed a 2.2 times increase in the day/night phosphorylation ratio at this site. Phosphorylation of the S6-1 and S6-2 variants of the same protein at Ser-240 increased by the factors of 4.2 and 1.8, respectively. The 1.6 increase in phosphorylation during the day was also found at Ser-58 of the 60S ribosomal protein L29-1. It is suggested that differential phosphorylation of the ribosomal proteins S6-1, S6-2 and L29-1 may contribute to modulation of the diurnal protein synthesis in plants

    Uniform Boundary Harnack Principle for Rotationally Symmetric Levy processes in General Open Sets

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    In this paper we prove the uniform boundary Harnack principle in general open sets for harmonic functions with respect to a large class of rotationally symmetric purely discontinuous L\'evy processes.Comment: 21 Page

    Fractal-dimensional properties of subordinators

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    This work looks at the box-counting dimension of sets related to subordinators (non-decreasing Lévy processes). It was recently shown in Savov (Electron Commun Probab 19:1–10, 2014) that almost surely limδ→0U(δ)N(t,δ)=t , where N(t,δ) is the minimal number of boxes of size at most δ needed to cover a subordinator’s range up to time t, and U(δ) is the subordinator’s renewal function. Our main result is a central limit theorem (CLT) for N(t,δ) , complementing and refining work in Savov (2014). Box-counting dimension is defined in terms of N(t,δ) , but for subordinators we prove that it can also be defined using a new process obtained by shortening the original subordinator’s jumps of size greater than δ . This new process can be manipulated with remarkable ease in comparison with N(t,δ) , and allows better understanding of the box-counting dimension of a subordinator’s range in terms of its Lévy measure, improving upon Savov (2014, Corollary 1). Further, we shall prove corresponding CLT and almost sure convergence results for the new process

    Cirene : air-sea iInteractions in the Seychelles-Chagos thermocline ridge region

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90 (2009): 1337-1350, doi:10.1175/2008BAMS2499.1.The Vasco—Cirene program ex-plores how strong air—sea inter-actions promoted by the shallow thermocline and high sea surface temperature in the Seychelles—Chagos thermocline ridge results in marked variability at synoptic, intraseasonal, and interannual time scales. The Cirene oceano-graphic cruise collected oceanic, atmospheric, and air—sea flux observations in this region in Jan-uary—February 2007. The contem-poraneous Vasco field experiment complemented these measure-ments with balloon deployments from the Seychelles. Cirene also contributed to the development of the Indian Ocean observing system via deployment of a moor-ing and 12 Argo profilers. Unusual conditions prevailed in the Indian Ocean during Janu-ary and February 2007, following the Indian Ocean dipole climate anomaly of late 2006. Cirene measurements show that the Seychelles—Chagos thermocline ridge had higher-than-usual heat content with subsurface anomalies up to 7°C. The ocean surface was warmer and fresher than average, and unusual eastward currents prevailed down to 800 m. These anomalous conditions had a major impact on tuna fishing in early 2007. Our dataset also sampled the genesis and maturation of Tropical Cyclone Dora, including high surface temperatures and a strong diurnal cycle before the cyclone, followed by a 1.5°C cool-ing over 10 days. Balloonborne instruments sampled the surface and boundary layer dynamics of Dora. We observed small-scale structures like dry-air layers in the atmosphere and diurnal warm layers in the near-surface ocean. The Cirene data will quantify the impact of these finescale features on the upper-ocean heat budget and atmospheric deep convection.CNES funded the Vasco part of the experiment; INSU funded the Cirene part. R/V Suroît is an Ifremer ship. The contributions from ODU, WHOI, and FOI (Sweden) are supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 0525657. The participation of the University of Miami group was funded though NASA (NNG04HZ33C). PMEL participation was supported through NOAA’s Office of Climate Observation