538 research outputs found

    A Matrix Convexity Approach to Some Celebrated Quantum Inequalities

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    Some of the important inequalities associated with quantum entropy are immediate algebraic consequences of the Hansen-Pedersen-Jensen inequality. A general argument is given using matrix perspectives of operator convex functions. A matrix analogue of Mar\'{e}chal's extended perspectives provides additional inequalities, including a p+q≤1p+q\leq 1 result of Lieb.Comment: 8 page

    A new look at C*-simplicity and the unique trace property of a group

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    We characterize when the reduced C*-algebra of a group has unique tracial state, respectively, is simple, in terms of Dixmier-type properties of the group C*-algebra. We also give a simple proof of the recent result by Breuillard, Kalantar, Kennedy and Ozawa that the reduced C*-algebra of a group has unique tracial state if and only if the amenable radical of the group is trivial.Comment: 8 page

    Completely positive multipliers of quantum groups

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    We show that any completely positive multiplier of the convolution algebra of the dual of an operator algebraic quantum group \G (either a locally compact quantum group, or a quantum group coming from a modular or manageable multiplicative unitary) is induced in a canonical fashion by a unitary corepresentation of \G. It follows that there is an order bijection between the completely positive multipliers of L^1(\G) and the positive functionals on the universal quantum group C_0^u(\G). We provide a direct link between the Junge, Neufang, Ruan representation result and the representing element of a multiplier, and use this to show that their representation map is always weak∗^*-weak∗^*-continuous.Comment: 18 pages; major rewrit

    On the Grothendieck Theorem for jointly completely bounded bilinear forms

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    We show how the proof of the Grothendieck Theorem for jointly completely bounded bilinear forms on C*-algebras by Haagerup and Musat can be modified in such a way that the method of proof is essentially C*-algebraic. To this purpose, we use Cuntz algebras rather than type III factors. Furthermore, we show that the best constant in Blecher's inequality is strictly greater than one.Comment: 9 pages, minor change

    Skew Category Algebras Associated with Partially Defined Dynamical Systems

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    We introduce partially defined dynamical systems defined on a topological space. To each such system we associate a functor ss from a category GG to \Top^{\op} and show that it defines what we call a skew category algebra A⋊σGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G. We study the connection between topological freeness of ss and, on the one hand, ideal properties of A⋊σGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G and, on the other hand, maximal commutativity of AA in A⋊σGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G. In particular, we show that if GG is a groupoid and for each e \in \ob(G) the group of all morphisms e→ee \rightarrow e is countable and the topological space s(e)s(e) is Tychonoff and Baire, then the following assertions are equivalent: (i) ss is topologically free; (ii) AA has the ideal intersection property, that is if II is a nonzero ideal of A⋊σGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G, then I∩A≠{0}I \cap A \neq \{0\}; (iii) the ring AA is a maximal abelian complex subalgebra of A⋊σGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G. Thereby, we generalize a result by Svensson, Silvestrov and de Jeu from the additive group of integers to a large class of groupoids.Comment: 16 pages. This article is an improvement of, and hereby a replacement for, version 1 (arXiv:1006.4776v1) entitled "Category Dynamical Systems and Skew Category Algebras

    Noncommutative Figa-Talamanca-Herz algebras for Schur multipliers

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    We introduce a noncommutative analogue of the Fig\'a-Talamanca-Herz algebra Ap(G)A_p(G) on the natural predual of the operator space Mp,cb\frak{M}_{p,cb} of completely bounded Schur multipliers on Schatten space SpS_p. We determine the isometric Schur multipliers and prove that the space Mp\frak{M}_{p} of bounded Schur multipliers on Schatten space SpS_p is the closure in the weak operator topology of the span of isometric multipliers.Comment: 24 pages; corrected typo

    Structure, classifcation, and conformal symmetry, of elementary particles over non-archimedean space-time

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    It is known that no length or time measurements are possible in sub-Planckian regions of spacetime. The Volovich hypothesis postulates that the micro-geometry of spacetime may therefore be assumed to be non-archimedean. In this letter, the consequences of this hypothesis for the structure, classification, and conformal symmetry of elementary particles, when spacetime is a flat space over a non-archimedean field such as the pp-adic numbers, is explored. Both the Poincar\'e and Galilean groups are treated. The results are based on a new variant of the Mackey machine for projective unitary representations of semidirect product groups which are locally compact and second countable. Conformal spacetime is constructed over pp-adic fields and the impossibility of conformal symmetry of massive and eventually massive particles is proved

    Perturbations of nuclear C*-algebras

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    Kadison and Kastler introduced a natural metric on the collection of all C*-subalgebras of the bounded operators on a separable Hilbert space. They conjectured that sufficiently close algebras are unitarily conjugate. We establish this conjecture when one algebra is separable and nuclear. We also consider one-sided versions of these notions, and we obtain embeddings from certain near inclusions involving separable nuclear C*-algebras. At the end of the paper we demonstrate how our methods lead to improved characterisations of some of the types of algebras that are of current interest in the classification programme.Comment: 45 page
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