807 research outputs found

    Health-saving as a factor of success of the lesson in the system of additional education for children

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    В статье проанализированы причины ухудшения здоровья детей, даны определения здоровьесбережения и здоровьесберегающих технологий, рассмотрены принципы здоровьесбережения в системе дополнительного образования детей, критерии оценки учебного занятия в аспекте здоровьесбережения.The article analyzes the causes of deterioration of children’s health, defines health-saving and health-saving technologies, discusses the principles of health-saving in the system of additional education, the criteria for assessing the lesson in terms of health-saving

    Using videocontent for the control of knowledge in information security

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    The article describes the aspects of the use of video to test knowledge in the field of information security and data protection within their respective disciplines. Examples of videocontent, with reference to the specific problems of information securityВ статье рассказывается об аспектах применения видеоконтента для проверки знаний в области информационной безопасности и защиты информации в рамках соответствующих дисциплин. Приводятся примеры видеоконтента, применительно к конкретным проблемам информационной безопасност

    The problem of genesis and systematic of sedimentary units of hydrocarbon reservoirs

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    The problem of identifying and ranking sedimentation, facies associations and their constituent parts - lithogenetic types of sedimentary rocks was considered. As a basis for paleo-sedimentary modelling, the author has developed a classification for terrigenous natural reservoirs,that for the first time links separate sedimentological units into a single hierarchical system. Hierarchy ranking levels are based on a compilation of global knowledge and experience in sediment geology, sedimentological study and systematization, and data from deep-well coresrepresentingJurassichydrocarbon-bearing formationsof the southeastern margin of the Western Siberian sedimentary basin

    Migration of human capital from developing countries of Europe in terms of European integration: causes and consequences

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    This article is devoted to studying causes and consequences of international migration from developing European countries to the Eurozone countries. The aim of the study is to evaluate migration attractiveness of the Eurozone states through the study of the impact of socio-economic factors on the number of arrivals of foreign workers from developing European countries. The main migration European centers are analyzed in the article. Priority areas for migrants from the developing European countries are presented with the graphical method. The authors point out that the contradictory nature of migration, which, on the one hand, opens up opportunities for qualified foreign workers, brings economic benefits to exporting and importing countries of labor, on the other hand, leads to negative consequences for countries involved in migration processes. The hypothesis about the importance of socio-economic factors of external migration in the Eurozone member states from developing European countries were confirmed as a result of the econometric research. It is revealed that when making decisions about migration, indicators such as average wage, crime rate, unemployment rate, GDP per capita, index of economic freedom, are taken into account. The significance of the results is enhanced by the fact that migration processes are indicative because the EU countries that were the first ones to experience the effects of the demographic transition, and as well as Russia, are trying to fill in missing manpower with growing migration. The obtained results can be of interest to professionals who are involved in the study of migration, development of migration policy and the challenges of demographic and cultural security. The findings can be adopted by relevant agencies to develop solutions which are aimed at attracting skilled migrants to the workforce-deficient sectors of the economy.Данная статья посвящена изучению причин и последствий внешней миграции населения из развивающихся европейских стран в государства Еврозоны. Целью исследования является оценка миграционной привлекательности государств - участниц Еврозоны через изучение степени воздействия социально-экономических факторов их развития на численность прибывших иностранных работников из развивающихся европейских стран. В статье проведен анализ главных миграционных центров Европы. С помощью графического метода представлены приоритетные территории для переселенцев из развивающихся европейских стран. Авторы отмечают противоречивый характер миграции, которая, с одной стороны, открывает широкие возможности для квалифицированных иностранных работников, приносит экономические выгоды странам-экспортерам и странам-импортерам трудовых ресурсов, с другой стороны, влечет за собой и негативные последствия для стран - участников миграционных процессов. В результате проведения эконометрического исследования были подтверждены гипотезы о значимости социально-экономических факторов внешней миграции в государствах - членах Еврозоны из развивающихся европейских стран. Выявлено, что при принятии решения о миграции учитываются такие показатели, как размер средней заработной платы, индекс преступности, уровень безработицы, величина ВВП на душу населения, индекс экономической свободы. Значимость полученных результатов усиливается тем обстоятельством, что рассматриваемые миграционные процессы являются показательными, так как развитые страны Европейского союза первыми испытали на себе последствия демографического перехода, и, так же как Россия, пытаются восполнить недостающие трудовые ресурсы за счет миграционного прироста. Полученные результаты могут быть интересны специалистам, занимающимся вопросами изучения миграции и разработки миграционной политики, а также проблемами демографической и культурной безопасности. Полученные выводы могут быть взяты на вооружение заинтересованными ведомствами для разработки решений, направленных на привлечение квалифицированных мигрантов в трудонедостаточные отрасли экономики.Публикация подготовлена в рамках проекта РГНФ № 16-02-00422 «Мониторинг внешней трудовой миграции в разработке инструментария повышения социально-экономического благополучия регионов России»

    Biophotonics approach for the study of leukocyte activation

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    Leukocytes are the main cells of immune system, but also contribute to other systems and participate in pathogenesis of different diseases. In particular, leukocytes are involved in the progression of diabetic retinopathy due to their hyperactivation in diabetes. However, a connection between diabetes and the dysfunction of leukocytes is poorly understood. For a more complete picture, studies of the leukocytes activation under the influence of various substances are necessary. Arachidonic acid (AA) and its metabolites are the strongest activating factors of leukocytes. However, the studies involving AA are complicated because it is water-insoluble. Here we describe the method to study activation using photolabile analogs of AA

    Assessment of the diversity of vascular plants in phytocenoses with a share of Quercus mongolica on the territory of Relic Oaks State Reserve

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    In this paper, we assess the diversity of vascular plants in phytocenoses with Quercus mongolica (family Fagaceae) on the territory of the Relic Oaks State Reserve (Eastern Siberia, Transbaikal region), where Q. mongolica is located at the northwestern boundary of the areal. The descriptions of phytocenoses have been processed in the PAST3 application. The similarity of species composition has been determined using the Jaccard index. The resulting tree diagram shows two groups of descriptions at a similarity level of 0.14-0.15. The first group includes the descriptions of mixed forest quadrats, in which Q. mongolica is a co-edificator. The second group of descriptions presents the communities where Q. mongolica is the only species in the tree layer. The analysis of the tree diagram shows the dependence of species richness within the phytocenoses on the surface patterns and edaphoclimatic conditions. The phytocenoses located on steep southern slopes show less diversity

    Ultrastructure of gametes of marine tricladid Uteriporus vulgaris (Tricladida, Maricola)

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    The data on the ultrastructure of spermatozoa and oocytes and their development in the marine tricladid Uteriporus vulgaris are described for the first time. The conservativeness of the spermatozoal morphology in Tricladida as one of the most advanced turbellarian orders is notified. In addition, some specific ultrastructural features of spermatids and oocytes in U. vulgaris are described

    Development of sportsman students' autonomy in the educational environment of electronic information and foreign language teachers’ readiness to this process

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    The study addresses the major factors preventing foreign language (FL) teachers from effective use of electronic information educational environment (EIEE) at the institutes of higher learning (IHL) in Russia to develop learner autonomy. Upon holding interviews and taking polls of 60 respondents from three universities helped the authors find out that these factors include: sketchy knowledge of information and communication technologies among foreign language teachers; poor standards of material and technical resources capability at universities; inadequate readiness of FL teachers to apply new information and communication technologies; insufficient level of FL teachers motivation to use innovative ITs at work. The contributors have worked out a number of pedagogical conditions that should be provided at the IHL to clear the barriers mentioned above: gradual development of FL teachers readiness to use the EIEE (the IT competence acquisition based on learning management systems (LMS); FL teachers activity stimulation to work in the EIEE through creating modular courses); setting up the EIEE in the IHL, which can translate all e-learning possibilities into action, the LMS, software and documentation among them. The said pedagogical conditions have successfully been tested and implemented at RUDN University

    Complex correlation of two language systems: modern literary German of Germany and Austrian variant of German

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    The article presents a research of Austrian variant of German lexical variety. German language of Germany is a pluricentric language. It exists in some variants: standard variant of modern literary German of Germany and two variants of German in Austria and Switzerland. The relations between the standard form of the language in Germany and its variant in Austria are the main issue of the researc

    Russian industry in global value-added chains

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    The paper analyzes Russia's participation in global value-added chains in the context of global trends in their development and the challenges facing the Russian economy in modernizing its industry. The analysis is based on the OECD’s TiVA indicators. The results indicate that the extent of Russia's involvement in GVACs is very significant, but the nature of this participation is purely raw. The specificity of the participation of the Russian Federation in the international fragmentation of production within GVACs is that most of the links in value chains are bottom-up. Russia is extremely limited in using imported flows to create export products with high added value. The study confirms that in the international division of labor, Russia retains a historically established specialization, with predominance in the export of mineral and agricultural raw materials, which determines the current profile of Russia's participation in global value-added chains.peer-reviewe