10,116 research outputs found

    Pair Creation of Dilaton Black Holes in Extended Inflation

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    Dilatonic Charged Nariai instantons mediate the nucleation of black hole pairs during extended chaotic inflation. Depending on the dilaton and inflaton fields, the black holes are described by one of two approximations in the Lorentzian regime. For each case we find Euclidean solutions that satisfy the no boundary proposal. The complex initial values of the dilaton and inflaton are determined, and the pair creation rate is calculated from the Euclidean action. Similar to standard inflation, black holes are abundantly produced near the Planck boundary, but highly suppressed later on. An unusual feature we find is that the earlier in inflation that the dilatonic black holes are created, the more highly charged they can be.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Measuring the transition to homogeneity with photometric redshift surveys

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    We study the possibility of detecting the transition to homogeneity using photometric redshift catalogs. Our method is based on measuring the fractality of the projected galaxy distribution, using angular distances, and relies only on observable quantites. It thus provides a way to test the Cosmological Principle in a model-independent unbiased way. We have tested our method on different synthetic inhomogeneous catalogs, and shown that it is capable of discriminating some fractal models with relatively large fractal dimensions, in spite of the loss of information due to the radial projection. We have also studied the influence of the redshift bin width, photometric redshift errors, bias, non-linear clustering, and surveyed area, on the angular homogeneity index H2 ({\theta}) in a {\Lambda}CDM cosmology. The level to which an upcoming galaxy survey will be able to constrain the transition to homogeneity will depend mainly on the total surveyed area and the compactness of the surveyed region. In particular, a Dark Energy Survey (DES)-like survey should be able to easily discriminate certain fractal models with fractal dimensions as large as D2 = 2.95. We believe that this method will have relevant applications for upcoming large photometric redshift surveys, such as DES or the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST).Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Stochastic inflation on the brane

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    Chaotic inflation on the brane is considered in the context of stochastic inflation. It is found that there is a regime in which eternal inflation on the brane takes place. The corresponding probability distributions are found in certain cases. The stationary probability distribution over a comoving volume and the creation probability of a de Sitter braneworld yield the same exponential behaviour. Finally, nonperturbative effects are briefly discussed.Comment: 9 page

    Measurement of the mean central optical depth of galaxy clusters via the pairwise kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect with SPT-3G and des

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    We infer the mean optical depth of a sample of optically selected galaxy clusters from the Dark Energy Survey via the pairwise kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (KSZ) effect. The pairwise KSZ signal between pairs of clusters drawn from the Dark Energy Survey Year-3 cluster catalog is detected at 4.1 σ in cosmic microwave background temperature maps from two years of observations with the SPT-3G camera on the South Pole Telescope. After cuts, there are 24,580 clusters in the ∼1 ,400 deg2 of the southern sky observed by both experiments. We infer the mean optical depth of the cluster sample with two techniques. The optical depth inferred from the pairwise KSZ signal is τ¯e=(2.97 ±0.73 )×10-3 , while that inferred from the thermal SZ signal is τ¯e=(2.51 ±0.5 5stat±0.1 5syst)×10-3 . The two measures agree at 0.6 σ . We perform a suite of systematic checks to test the robustness of the analysisThe DES participants from Spanish institutions are partially E. SCHIAPPUCCI et al. PHYS. REV. D 107, 042004 (2023) 042004-14 supported by MICINN under Grants No. ESP2017-89838, No. PGC2018-094773, No. PGC2018-102021, No. SEV2016-0588, No. SEV-2016-0597, and No. MDM-2015- 0509, some of which include ERDF funds from the European Union. I. F. A. E. is partially funded by the CERCA program of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) including ERC Grant Agreements No. 240672, No. 291329, and No. 30647

    Euclid preparation: XXV. The Euclid Morphology Challenge: Towards model-fitting photometry for billions of galaxies

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMThe European Space Agency's Euclid mission will provide high-quality imaging for about 1.5 billion galaxies. A software pipeline to automatically process and analyse such a huge amount of data in real time is being developed by the Science Ground Segment of the Euclid Consortium; this pipeline will include a model-fitting algorithm, which will provide photometric and morphological estimates of paramount importance for the core science goals of the mission and for legacy science. The Euclid Morphology Challenge is a comparative investigation of the performance of five model-fitting software packages on simulated Euclid data, aimed at providing the baseline to identify the best-suited algorithm to be implemented in the pipeline. In this paper we describe the simulated dataset, and we discuss the photometry results. A companion paper is focussed on the structural and morphological estimates. We created mock Euclid images simulating five fields of view of 0.48 deg2 each in the IE band of the VIS instrument, containing a total of about one and a half million galaxies (of which 350 000 have a nominal signal-to-noise ratio above 5), each with three realisations of galaxy profiles (single and double Sérsic, and 'realistic' profiles obtained with a neural network); for one of the fields in the double Sérsic realisation, we also simulated images for the three near-infrared YE, JE, and HE bands of the NISP-P instrument, and five Rubin/LSST optical complementary bands (u, g, r, i, and z), which together form a typical dataset for an Euclid observation. The images were simulated at the expected Euclid Wide Survey depths. To analyse the results, we created diagnostic plots and defined metrics to take into account the completeness of the provided catalogues, as well as the median biases, dispersions, and outlier fractions of their measured flux distributions. Five model-fitting software packages (DeepLeGATo, Galapagos-2, Morfometryka, ProFit, and SourceXtractor++) were compared, all typically providing good results. Of the differences among them, some were at least partly due to the distinct strategies adopted to perform the measurements. In the best-case scenario, the median bias of the measured fluxes in the analytical profile realisations is below 1% at a signal-to-noise ratio above 5 in IE, and above 10 in all the other bands; the dispersion of the distribution is typically comparable to the theoretically expected one, with a small fraction of catastrophic outliers. However, we can expect that real observations will prove to be more demanding, since the results were found to be less accurate for the most realistic realisation. We conclude that existing model-fitting software can provide accurate photometric measurements on Euclid datasets. The results of the challenge are fully available and reproducible through an online plotting too

    Lambda-inflation and CMB anisotropy

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    We explore a broad class of three-parameter inflationary models, called the Λ\Lambda-inflation, and its observational predictions: high abundance of cosmic gravitational waves consistent with the Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum of primordial cosmological perturbations, the non-power-law wing-like spectrum of matter density perturbations, high efficiency of these models to meet current observational tests, and others. We show that a parity contribution of the gravitational waves and adiabatic density perturbations into the large-scale temperature anisotropy, T/S 1\sim 1, is a common feature of Λ\Lambda-inflation; the maximum values of T/S (basically not larger than 10) are reached in models where (i) the local spectrum shape of density perturbations is flat or slightly red (nS<1n_S{}_\sim^< 1), and (ii) the residual potential energy of the inflaton is near the GUT scale (V01/41016GeVV_0^{{1/4}} \sim 10^{16} GeV). The conditions to find large T/S in the paradigm of cosmic inflation and the relationship of T/S to the ratio of the power spectra, rr, and to the inflationary γ\gamma and Hubble parameters, are discussed. We argue that a simple estimate, T/S3r12γ(H6×1013GeV)2\simeq 3r\simeq 12\gamma \simeq (\frac{H}{6\times 10^{13}{\rm GeV}})^2, is true for most known inflationary solutions and allows to relate straightforwardly the important parameters of observational and physical cosmology.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures include

    Microwave background anisotropies in quasiopen inflation

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    Quasiopenness seems to be generic to multi-field models of single-bubble open inflation. Instead of producing infinite open universes, these models actually produce an ensemble of very large but finite inflating islands. In this paper we study the possible constraints from CMB anisotropies on existing models of open inflation. The effect of supercurvature anisotropies combined with the quasiopenness of the inflating regions make some models incompatible with observations, and severely reduces the parameter space of others. Supernatural open inflation and the uncoupled two-field model seem to be ruled out due to these constraints for values of Ω00.98\Omega_0\lesssim0.98. Others, such as the open hybrid inflation model with suitable parameters for the slow roll potential can be made compatible with observations.Comment: 19 pages, ReVTeX, 10 figures inserted with eps

    The radial BAO scale and Cosmic Shear, a new observable for Inhomogeneous Cosmologies

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    As an alternative explanation of the dimming of distant supernovae it has recently been advocated that we live in a special place in the Universe near the centre of a large spherical void described by a Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) metric. In this scenario, the Universe is no longer homogeneous and isotropic, and the apparent late time acceleration is actually a consequence of spatial gradients. We propose in this paper a new observable, the normalized cosmic shear, written in terms of directly observable quantities, and calculable in arbitrary inhomogeneous cosmologies. This will allow future surveys to determine whether we live in a homogeneous universe or not. In this paper we also update our previous observational constraints from geometrical measures of the background cosmology. We include the Union Supernovae data set of 307 Type Ia supernovae, the CMB acoustic scale and the first measurement of the radial baryon acoustic oscillation scale. Even though the new data sets are significantly more constraining, LTB models -- albeit with slightly larger voids -- are still in excellent agreement with observations, at chi^2/d.o.f. = 307.7/(310-4)=1.005. Together with the paper we also publish the updated easyLTB code used for calculating the models and for comparing them to the observations.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, the code can be downloaded at http://www.phys.au.dk/~haugboel/software.shtm

    Complete power spectrum for an induced gravity open inflation model

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    We study the phenomenological constraints on a recently proposed model of open inflation in the context of induced gravity. The main interest of this model is the relatively small number of parameters, which may be constrained by many different types of observation. We evaluate the complete spectrum of density perturbations, which contains continuum sub-curvature modes, a discrete super curvature mode, and a mode associated with fluctuations in the bubble wall. From these, we compute the angular power spectrum of temperature fluctuations in the microwave background, and derive bounds on the parameters of the model so that the predicted spectrum is compatible with the observed anisotropy of the microwave background and with large-scale structure observations. We analyze the matter era and the approach of the model to general relativity. The model passes all existing constraints.Comment: 12 pages RevTeX file with four figures incorporated (uses RevTeX and epsf). Also available by e-mailing ARL, or by WWW at http://star-www.maps.susx.ac.uk/papers/early_papers.html Only change is additional reference