363 research outputs found


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    We examined diet, habitat use, and behavior (focal animal observations of intraspecific interactions, escape behavior, and activity period) of Leiocephalus semilineatus from near Puerto Alejandro, Provincia de Barahona, República Dominicana, and compared some parameters to similar data collected at a site near Baní, Provincia de Peravia. Leiocephalus semilineatus is found in sympatry in dry scrub forests at both sites with Ameiva lineolata, an active-foraging teiid of approximately the same size, and at the Puerto Alejandro site with a larger congener, L. schreibersii. Leiocephalus semilineatus and L. schreibersii from Puerto Alejandro exhibited sexual size dimorphism, whereas L. semilineatus from the Baní site and A. lineolata did not. Leiocephalus semilineatus spent most of the time motionless; other observed activities were interactions with conspecifics, movement, and feeding. Lizards were active from shortly after sunrise to sundown, although activity peaked in late morning. Mean cloacal temperatures of L. semilineatus did not differ significantly from those of the other two species, but were significantly above ambient temperatures. Reproductive condition of collected specimens was examined and no correlation was found between snout-vent length and egg, follicle, or testis size. Clutch size was 1–2. Diets consisted primarily of invertebrates and did not differ significantly between the three species

    Mineralisation of surfactants using ultrasound and the Advanced Fenton Process

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    The destruction of the surfactants, sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (DBS) and dodecyl pyridinium chloride (DPC), using an advanced oxidation process is described. The use of zero valent iron (ZVI) and hydrogen peroxide at pH = 2.5 (the advanced Fenton process), with and without, the application of 20 kHz ultrasound leads to extensive mineralisation of both materials as determined by total organic carbon (TOC)measurements. For DBS, merely stirring with ZVI and H2O2 at 20°C leads to a 51% decrease in TOC, but using 20 kHz ultrasound at 40°C, maintaining the pH at 2.5 throughout and adding extra amounts of ZVI and H2O2 during the degradation, then the extent of mineralisation of DBS is substantially increased to 93%. A similar result is seen for DPC where virtually no degradation occurs at 20°C, but if extra amounts of both ZVI and hydrogen peroxide are introduced during the reaction at 40°C and the pH is maintained at 2.5, then an 87% mineralisation of DPC is obtained. The slow latent remediation of both surfactants and the mechanism of degradation are also discussed

    Cold atoms in videotape micro-traps

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    We describe an array of microscopic atom traps formed by a pattern of magnetisation on a piece of videotape. We describe the way in which cold atoms are loaded into one of these micro-traps and how the trapped atom cloud is used to explore the properties of the trap. Evaporative cooling in the micro-trap down to a temperature of 1 microkelvin allows us to probe the smoothness of the trapping potential and reveals some inhomogeneity produced by the magnetic film. We discuss future prospects for atom chips based on microscopic permanent-magnet structures.Comment: Submitted for EPJD topical issue "Atom chips: manipulating atoms and molecules with microfabricated structures

    Cooperative effects in nuclear excitation with coherent x-ray light

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    The interaction between super-intense coherent x-ray light and nuclei is studied theoretically. One of the main difficulties with driving nuclear transitions arises from the very narrow nuclear excited state widths which limit the coupling between laser and nuclei. In the context of direct laser-nucleus interaction, we consider the nuclear width broadening that occurs when in solid targets, the excitation caused by a single photon is shared by a large number of nuclei, forming a collective excited state. Our results show that for certain isotopes, cooperative effects may lead to an enhancement of the nuclear excited state population by almost two orders of magnitude. Additionally, an update of previous estimates for nuclear excited state population and signal photons taking into account the experimental advances of the x-ray coherent light sources is given. The presented values are an improvement by orders of magnitude and are encouraging for the future prospects of nuclear quantum optics.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables; updated to the published version, one additional results tabl

    Novice Nurses’ Experiences With Palliative and End-of-Life Communication

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    Health care providers recognize that delivery of effective communication with family members of children with life-threatening illnesses is essential to palliative and end-of-life care (PC/EOL). Parents value the presence of nurses during PC/EOL of their dying child. It is vital that nurses, regardless of their years of work experience, are competent and feel comfortable engaging family members of dying children in PC/EOL discussions. This qualitative-descriptive study used focus groups to explore the PC/EOL communication perspectives of 14 novice pediatric oncology nurses (eg, with less than 1 year of experience). Audio-taped focus group discussions were reviewed to develop the following 6 theme categories: (a) Sacred Trust to Care for the Child and Family, (b) An Elephant in the Room, (c) Struggling with Emotional Unknowns, (d) Kaleidoscope of Death: Patterns and Complexity, (e) Training Wheels for Connectedness: Critical Mentors during PC/EOL of Children, and (f) Being Present with an Open Heart: Ways to Maintain Hope and Minimize Emotional Distress. To date, this is the first study to focus on PC/EOL communication perspectives of novice pediatric oncology nurses

    Identificação de Pragas e Doenças na Cultura da Soja por meio de um Sistema Computacional em Linguagem Natural

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    Technology is becoming expressively popular among agribusiness producers and is progressing in all agricultural area. One of the difficulties in this context is to handle data in natural language to solve problems in the field of agriculture. In order to build up dialogs and provide rich researchers, the present work uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to develop an automatic and effective computer system to interact with the user and assist in the identification of pests and diseases in the soybean farming, stored in a database repository to provide accurate diagnoses to simplify the work of the agricultural professional and also for those who deal with a lot of information in this area. Information on 108 pests and 19 diseases that damage Brazilian soybean was collected from Brazilian bibliographic manuals with the purpose to optimize the data and improve production, using the spaCy library for syntactic analysis of NLP, which allowed the pre-process the texts, recognize the named entities, calculate the similarity between the words, verify dependency parsing and also provided the support for the development requirements of the CAROLINA tool (Robotized Agronomic Conversation in Natural Language) using the language belonging to the agricultural area

    Non drowsy obstructive sleep apnea as a potential cause of resistant hypertension: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and arterial hypertension (AH) are common and underrecognized medical disorders. OSA is a potential risk factor for the development of AH and/or may act as a factor complicating AH management. The symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) are considered essential for the initiation of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which is a first line treatment of OSA. The medical literature and practice is controversial about the treatment of people with asymptomatic OSA. Thus, OSA patients without EDS may be left at increased cardiovascular risk.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>The report presents a case of 42year old Asian woman with symptoms of heart failure and angina like chest pain upon admission. She didnt experience symptoms of EDS, and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale was seven points. Snoring was reported on direct questioning. The patient had prior medical history of three unsuccessful pregnancies complicated by gestational AH and preeclampsia with C-section during the last pregnancy. The admission blood pressure (BP) was 200/120mm Hg. The patients treatment regimen consisted of five hypotensive medications including diuretic. However, a target BP wasnt achieved in about one and half month. The patient was offered to undergo a polysomnography (PSG) study, which she rejected. One month after discharge the PSG study was done, and this showed an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) of 46 events per hour. CPAP therapy was initiated with a pressure of 11H<sub>2</sub>0cm. After 2months of compliant CPAP use, adherence to pharmacologic regimen and lifestyle modifications the patients BP decreased to 134/82mm Hg.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>OSA and AH are common and often underdiagnosed medical disorders independently imposing excessive cardiovascular risk on a diseased subject. When two conditions coexist the cardiovascular risk is likely much greater. This case highlights a possible clinical phenotype of OSA without EDS and its association with resistant AH. Most importantly a good hypotensive response to medical treatment in tandem with CPAP therapy was achieved in this patient. Thus, it is reasonable to include OSA in the differential list of resistant AH, even if EDS is not clinically obvious.</p

    The development of sentence-interpretation strategies in monolingual German-learning children with and without specific language impairment

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    Previous research on sentence comprehension conducted with German-learning children has concentrated on the role of case marking and word order in typically developing children. This paper compares, the performance of German-learning children with language impairment (age 4-6 years) and without language impairment (aged 2-6, 8-9 years) in two experiments that systematically vary the cues animacy, case marking; word-order, and subject-verb agreement. The two experiments differ with regard to the choice of case marking: in the first it is distinct but in the second it is neutralized. The theoretical framework is the competition model developed by Bates and Mac Whinney and their collaborators, a variant of the parallel distributed processing models. It is hypothesized that children of either population first appreciate the cue animacy that can be processed locally, that is, "on the spot," before they turn to more distributed cues leading ultimately up to subject-verb agreement, which presupposes the comparison of various constituents before an interpretation can be established. Thus agreement is more "costly" in processing than animacy or the (more) local cue initial NP. In experiment I with unambiguous case markers it is shown that the typically developing children proceed from animacy to the nominative (predominantly in coalition with the initial NP) to agreement, while in the second experiment with ambiguous case markers these children turn from animacy to the initial NP and then to agreement. The impaired children also progress from local to distributed cues. Yet, in contrast to the control group, they do not acknowledge the nominative in coalition with the initial NP in the first experiment but only in support of agreement. However, although they do not seem to appreciate distinct case markers to any large extent in the first experiment, they are irritated if such distinctions are lacking: in experiment II all impaired children turn to. animacy (some in coalition with the initial NP and/or particular word orders). In the discussion, the relationship between short-term memory and processing as well as the relationship between production and comprehension of case markers and agreement are addressed. Further research is needed to explore in more detail "cue costs" in sentence comprehension

    cGMP-independent nitric oxide signaling and regulation of the cell cycle

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    BACKGROUND: Regulatory functions of nitric oxide (NO(•)) that bypass the second messenger cGMP are incompletely understood. Here, cGMP-independent effects of NO(• )on gene expression were globally examined in U937 cells, a human monoblastoid line that constitutively lacks soluble guanylate cyclase. Differentiated U937 cells (>80% in G0/G1) were exposed to S-nitrosoglutathione, a NO(• )donor, or glutathione alone (control) for 6 h without or with dibutyryl-cAMP (Bt(2)cAMP), and then harvested to extract total RNA for microarray analysis. Bt(2)cAMP was used to block signaling attributable to NO(•)-induced decreases in cAMP. RESULTS: NO(• )regulated 110 transcripts that annotated disproportionately to the cell cycle and cell proliferation (47/110, 43%) and more frequently than expected contained AU-rich, post-transcriptional regulatory elements (ARE). Bt(2)cAMP regulated 106 genes; cell cycle gene enrichment did not reach significance. Like NO(•), Bt(2)cAMP was associated with ARE-containing transcripts. A comparison of NO(• )and Bt(2)cAMP effects showed that NO(• )regulation of cell cycle genes was independent of its ability to interfere with cAMP signaling. Cell cycle genes induced by NO(• )annotated to G1/S (7/8) and included E2F1 and p21/Waf1/Cip1; 6 of these 7 were E2F target genes involved in G1/S transition. Repressed genes were G2/M associated (24/27); 8 of 27 were known targets of p21. E2F1 mRNA and protein were increased by NO(•), as was E2F1 binding to E2F promoter elements. NO(• )activated p38 MAPK, stabilizing p21 mRNA (an ARE-containing transcript) and increasing p21 protein; this increased protein binding to CDE/CHR promoter sites of p21 target genes, repressing key G2/M phase genes, and increasing the proportion of cells in G2/M. CONCLUSION: NO(• )coordinates a highly integrated program of cell cycle arrest that regulates a large number of genes, but does not require signaling through cGMP. In humans, antiproliferative effects of NO(• )may rely substantially on cGMP-independent mechanisms. Stress kinase signaling and alterations in mRNA stability appear to be major pathways by which NO(• )regulates the transcriptome

    Fronto-Limbic Brain Dysfunction during the Regulation of Emotion in Schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is characterized by significant and widespread impairments in the regulation of emotion. Evidence is only recently emerging regarding the neural basis of these emotion regulation impairments, and few studies have focused on the regulation of emotion during effortful cognitive processing. To examine the neural correlates of deficits in effortful emotion regulation, schizophrenia outpatients (N = 20) and age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers (N = 20) completed an emotional faces n-back task to assess the voluntary attentional control subprocess of emotion regulation during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Behavioral measures of emotional intelligence and emotion perception were administered to examine brain-behavior relationships with emotion processing outcomes. Results indicated that patients with schizophrenia demonstrated significantly greater activation in the bilateral striatum, ventromedial prefrontal, and right orbitofrontal cortices during the effortful regulation of positive emotional stimuli, and reduced activity in these same regions when regulating negative emotional information. The opposite pattern of results was observed in healthy individuals. Greater fronto-striatal response to positive emotional distractors was significantly associated with deficits in facial emotion recognition. These findings indicate that abnormalities in striatal and prefrontal cortical systems may be related to deficits in the effortful emotion regulatory process of attentional control in schizophrenia, and may significantly contribute to emotion processing deficits in the disorder