4,317 research outputs found

    Membrana pupilar persistente

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    La persistencia de la membrana pupilar es una de las alteraciones congénitas oculares más frecuente en los pequeños animales. En este artículo se hace una revisión de las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes de esta patología.The persistence of the pupillary membrane is one of the most common congenital ocular anomalies in small animals. In this article a review of the principal clinical signs of this alteration is made

    El imaginario managerial: El discurso de la fluidez en la sociedad económica

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    Este artículo intenta describir el denominado imaginario managerial, esto es, el conjunto de imágenes y representaciones míticas presentes en el discurso empresarial sobre las organizaciones. Estos elementos condensan distintas imágenes de la empresa y el trabajo, atribuyendo un sentido a la tarea misma de gestionar. Desde una perspectiva crítica, en este trabajo nos centraremos en los libros de gestión empresarial o literatura del management. En esta literatura no sólo se recogen de una manera nítida los ejes que articulan el imaginario social de los directivos de las empresas; además, examina su transformación histórica, en una transición desde un capitalismo sólido que enfatiza las jerarquías a otro líquido, basado en la fluidez y las redes.This article attempts to describe the so-called managerial imaginary, that is, the set of images and mythical representations present in the managerial discourse on organizations. These elements condense several images about labour and companies, confering a sense to the managing tasks. In this paper we will focus on the business books or management literature, from a critical approach. This literature does not just clearly highlight the axis that articulate the managers’ social imaginary. It also examines its historical transformation, in a transition from a solid capitalism which emphasizes hierarchies, to a liquid one based on fluidity and networks

    Stationarity, structural breaks, and economic growth in Mexico: 1895-2008

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    This paper shows that the evolution of the level of Mexico real and real per capita output between 1895 and 2008 can be adequately described through a trendstationary model, affected by 4 structural breaks, which occurred at dates that seem to coincide with domestic institutional arrangements, wars, and financial and economic crises. These changes are modeled through logistic smooth transition functions, in which transition periods are endogenously estimated. In terms of growth rates, our results indicate that for Mexico real and real per capita GDP, there are four stationary growth paths, separated by three transition periods. For instance, for real GDP we identify the following stationary growth paths: 1895-1924, 1935-1952, 1956-1978, and 1989-2008, separated by three transition periods: 1925-1934, 1953-1955, and 1979-1988.Gross domestic product, economic growth, stationarity, unit root, structural break, logistic function, smooth transition.

    Understory plant communities show resistance to drought, hurricanes, and experimental warming in a wet tropical forest

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    Global climate change has led to rising temperatures and to more frequent and intense climatic events, such as storms and droughts. Changes in climate and disturbance regimes can have non-additive effects on plant communities and result in complicated legacies we have yet to understand. This is especially true for tropical forests, which play a significant role in regulating global climate. We used understory vegetation data from the Tropical Responses to Altered Climate Experiment (TRACE) in Puerto Rico to evaluate how plant communities responded to climate warming and disturbance. The TRACE understory vegetation was exposed to a severe drought (2015), 2 years of experimental warming (4°C above ambient in half of the plots, 2016–2017 and 2018–2019), and two major hurricanes (Irma and María, September 2017). Woody seedlings and saplings were censused yearly from 2015 to 2019, with an additional census in 2015 after the drought ended. We evaluated disturbance-driven changes in species richness, diversity, and composition across ontogeny. We then used Bayesian predictive trait modeling to assess how species responded to disturbance and how this might influence the functional structure of the plant community. Our results show decreased seedling richness after hurricane disturbance, as well as increased sapling richness and diversity after warming. We found a shift in species composition through time for both seedlings and saplings, yet the individual effects of each disturbance were not significant. At both ontogenetic stages, we observed about twice as many species responding to experimental warming as those responding to drought and hurricanes. Predicted changes in functional structure point to disturbance-driven functional shifts toward a mixture of fast-growing and drought-tolerant species. Our findings demonstrate that the tropical forest understory community is more resistant to climatic stressors than expected, especially at the sapling stage. However, early signs of changes in species composition suggest that, in a warming climate with frequent droughts and hurricanes, plant communities might shift over time toward fast-growing or drought-tolerant species

    El síndrome de caquexia tumoral

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    En este trabajo realizamos una revisión de los mecanismos patogénicos que intervienen en el desarrollo de la caquexia tumoral, así como de sus consecuencias clínicas y de las medidas terapéuticas que podemos establecer para su tratamiento.This paper is a review of the pathogenesis of tumoral cachexia. Also, we present the main clinical signs of this syndrome and the therapeutic protocols to treat it

    Gender bias in ecosystem restoration: from science to practice

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    The declaration of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2020–2030 has established the need to focus on human rights in restoration initiatives, including gender equality. Although this goal raises a need to monitor gender biases on ecosystem restoration, we still lack basic gender information and evaluations on the current situation. The main purpose of this study is to analyze gender bias in ecosystem restoration covering three dimensions: research, outreach, and practice. We used scientific publications from the Restoration Ecology journal, mentions of these articles in Altmetric Explorer and Twitter, and projects from the Society for Ecological Restoration's database. First, we study gender bias among people leading ecosystem restoration initiatives in the three dimensions. Second, we assessed factors that could influence gender bias, including year, target ecosystem, and socioeconomic country development. Third, we analyzed whether the impact of scientific knowledge in society depends on the gender of the scientific team. Our results indicate that men were primary leaders in research, outreach, and practice initiatives in ecosystem restoration. There seems to be a trend over time toward equality in research, but gender inequality is still present in most types of ecosystems, with women leading more projects in more developed countries. The impact of scientific knowledge is independent of the author's gender, but research of male senior authors seems to reach society more easily. This broad perspective of inequality in the three dimensions can evolve toward gender equality, by applying gender approaches in restoration policies and initiatives. © 2022 Society for Ecological Restoration.Raw data is publicly available thanks to Web of Science, Altmetrics, Twitter and SER. Data and scripts used for the analysis are available via Figshare (Cruz‐Alonso et al. 2022 ). Funding: V.C.‐A.—Real Colegio Complutense postdoc fellowship; A.R.‐U.—Spanish State Research Agency through María de Maeztu Excellence Unit accreditation 2018–2022 (MDM‐2017‐0714); L.M.—Swiss National Science Foundation (PCEFP2_181115) and a Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellowship from Universidad de Alcalá; L.M.‐B.—Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019‐106806GB‐I00) and a Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellowship from Universidad de Alcalá; N.M.—predoctoral grant from Universidad de Alcalá; E.V.‐A.—European Commission (project SHOWCASE, H2020: 862480). We appreciate the support of the FIRE Foundation and the comments of M. Almaraz, M. Pajares, A. S. Moya, and D. Rohrer to improve the manuscript.Raw data is publicly available thanks to Web of Science, Altmetrics, Twitter and SER. Data and scripts used for the analysis are available via Figshare (Cruz‐Alonso et al. 2022 ). Funding: V.C.‐A.—Real Colegio Complutense postdoc fellowship; A.R.‐U.—Spanish State Research Agency through María de Maeztu Excellence Unit accreditation 2018–2022 (MDM‐2017‐0714); L.M.—Swiss National Science Foundation (PCEFP2_181115) and a Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellowship from Universidad de Alcalá; L.M.‐B.—Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019‐106806GB‐I00) and a Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellowship from Universidad de Alcalá; N.M.—predoctoral grant from Universidad de Alcalá; E.V.‐A.—European Commission (project SHOWCASE, H2020: 862480). We appreciate the support of the FIRE Foundation and the comments of M. Almaraz, M. Pajares, A. S. Moya, and D. Rohrer to improve the manuscript

    Dislipidemias in Patients with Cardiopathy Isquemica

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    The dislipidemias are a risk factor well recognized of the cardiovascular diseases and constitute a problem of public health. A descriptive study in 150 patient elders of 30 years with diagnosis of Izquemic Cardiopathyes accomplished itself for the sake of identifying dislipidemias in patients of high cardiovascular risk that they helped the high-technology General Medical Center state James Mariño Aragua, at the Republic Bolivariana of Venezuela, that you constituted the sign of study from October 2011 to October 2012. They used quantitative and qualitative variables like weight, age, sex, pathological personal background, risk factors cardiovascular associates, seric levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol VLDL cholesterol. 63 percent of patients with dislipidemias were detected, being hypercholesterolemia the more alteration frequently found. The ages understood between 41 and 60 years evidenced the bigger frequency