131 research outputs found

    Quss Ibn Sa’ida al-Iyadi (6th–7th cent. A.D.), Bishop of Najran: An Arabic and Islamic Cultural Hero

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    The article deals with the half-legendary Quss Ibn Sa’ida from an ancient North Arab tribe Iyad, who is believed to have been a bishop of the Yemeni city of Najran and a monk (anachorete). The sources from the Quranic and medieval Arab (Muslim) tradition are gathered and analysed to underline the vivid place that Quss had in later historiography and theological works, and his unique position, a Christian, in the history of the Arab-Muslim culture. The case of Quss is not without value as far as the problem of common historical memory is concerned

    Historical memory of a text: Khabar describing the Jews from Khaybar in Kitāb al-istiqṣā by Aḥmad b. Khālid al-Nāṣirī

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    El presente artículo analiza las transformaciones experimentadas en el khabar que describe la abolición de la jizya impuesta a los judíos residentes en Khaybar. La historia comenzó en el siglo X, con una obra de Hilāl al-Ṣābiˀ, que fue incluida posteriormente, con algunas variantes, en las historiografías de otros autores de épocas más tardías, llegando hasta el siglo XIX. Fue probablemente entonces cuando se recoge la última referencia a la cuestión en la obra del historiador marroquí Aḥmad al-Nāṣirī. El artículo analiza también la función que desempeña el khabar en la obra cuando es citado.The article analyses the transformations that occurred in the khabar describing abolishment of the jizya for the Jews living in Khaybar. This story first emerged in the 10th century, in a work by Hilāl al-Ṣābiˀ, and later, with various alterations, it was included in historiographies by other authors from the subsequent epochs until the 19th century. It was probably then that it was last referenced by a Moroccan historian, Aḥmad al-Nāṣirī. The article also analyses the function played by the khabar in the work where it is quoted

    Restore-L Satellite Servicing Internship Final Report

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    An experiment was conducted to determine whether a sample of shorter flexible metal hoses could sustain tensile loads of up to 200 lbf and continue to meet the minimum mission requirements. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if tension loads during the processing of the hoses compromise performance. With this information, it will be decided whether the flight flex-hose manufacturer should proceed with the testing of the full-scale flex-hoses. To reduce the time and funding required for this test, a test fixture was designed and assembled in the Engineering Development & Operations (EDO) test facility. In this test fixture, two Engineering Development Unit (EDU) flex-hoses were loaded with free floating weights up to 350 lbf. A load of 200 lbf equates to the maximum expected loading with a margin of safety, thus all data recorded after 200 lbf was purely for reference. Measurements were taken using a tape measure and a custom datum measurement system to record the loaded and unloaded length of each flex-hose at various loads. Any permanent stretching beyond a 1/8th of an inch was indicative of inelastic yielding. The loading of each flex-hose was done with an initial weight 80 lbf and was increased to 100 lbf. Additional loading up to 350 lbf was done by 50 lbf increments thereafter. During the performance of the test, slippage occurred in the mounting of the flex-hoses in the test fixture. The first slippage occurred during the testing of the first flex-hose due to the collar of the flex-hose slipping within the collet of the top Kellem. As a result, the first flex-hose test was terminated early to modify the fixture. Due to the flex-hose not inelastically yielding, the test was repeated on the first flex hose. This test resulted in another instance of slippage in the upper collar of the Kellem due to tape interfering with the securing of a collet around the collar of the flex-hose. The test was then continued with one more slippage of the flex-hose within the collet of the bottom Kellem. Preventive measures were taken for future slippage, and the second hose remained secure during testing.Once the tests were concluded, the elongation of each hose was analyzed for inelastic yielding. Both flex-hoses stretched a measurable and repeatable amount under loading, however, this stretching was recovered once each hose was unloaded. As a result, both EDU flex-hoses did not experience any inelastic yielding during the tension testing. Once received, one additional flex-hose will be tested for yielding, but at the time of this paper, the recommendation is to proceed with testing of the full-scale flex-hoses at the flex-hose manufacturer

    Ku demokracji? Muzułmańska koncepcja ichtilafu a zachodni pluralizm poglądów

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    Pomysł na przygotowanie tej monografii pojawił się w związku z chęcią podsumowania bogatego dorobku naukowego samodzielnych pracowników nauki Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politologicznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Publikacja ma na celu ukazanie eksperckiego potencjału tego zespołu, który zajmuje się bardzo szerokim spektrum międzynarodowych problemów politycznych, społecznych, ekonomicznych i kulturowych. Interdyscyplinarność jest traktowana jako ważny atut prowadzonych przez nas badań politologicznych oraz kulturowych. Jest ona jednocześnie wyrazem konsekwentnego dążenia do posługiwania się nowoczesnymi metoda mi naukowymi, łączącymi harmonijnie wiedzę z zakresu nauk społecznych, humanistycznych i ekonomicznych. Autorzy w swoich opracowaniach podjęli zarówno szczegółowe wątki związane z wyzwaniami strategicznymi występującymi w wybranych regionach świata, jak też bardziej uniwersalne rozważania nad warsztatem badawczym naukowca zajmującego się międzynarodowymi studiami politologicznymi i kulturowymi.Przedmiotem analizy jest w niniejszym tekście koncepcja różnicy zdań, znana w klasycznym prawie islamu jako ichtilaf. Stanowi ona jedną z osi rozważań z zakresu filozofii polityki i prawa m.in. wybitnego współczesnego „liberalnego” myśliciela marokańskiego Alego Umlila oraz pochodzącego z Iraku, ale działającego poza jego granicami (m.in. w USA i Egipcie) teologa Tahy Dżabira al- Alwaniego. Ich monografie na temat ichtilafu, pisane z rozmaitych punktów widzenia, są przedmiotem dociekań mających na celu zbadanie, w jakim stopniu ichtilaf w ujęciu współczesnych arabskich teoretyków polityki i prawa może być interpretowany jako zachodni pluralizm i stać się czynnikiem o charakterze demokratyzacyjnym.The main scope of this text is the analysis of the concept of difference, known in classical Islamic law as ikhtilaf. It is a one of important problems of the philosophy of politics and law, undertaken, among others, by outstanding contemporary “liberal” Moroccan thinker Ali Oumlil and originating in Iraq, but working abroad (e.g. in the USA and Egypt) theologian Taha Jabir al-Alwani. Their monographs on ikhtilaf, written from various points of view, are the the subject investigations aimed at examining to what extent ikhtilaf in terms of contemporary Arab political theory and law can be interpreted as western pluralism and can become a factor of the democratization process

    Šawqī Dayf (1910–2005). Biography, Method, Bibliography

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    The Article contains a biography and full bibliography of an eminent Egyptian scholar in the field of literature and linguistics, Šawqī Dayf

    „Jak zachwyca, kiedy nie zachwyca?”

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    “HOW IS IT DELIGHTFUL WHEN IT IS NOT?”: ON THE TRANSLATIONS OF THE 55TH SURA OF THE KORAN AR-RAḤMĀN – THE MERCIFUL The Koran is not only the holy book of Islam, but also one of the most important literary works of classical Arabic literature. Muslims and people who know Arabic emphasize the extraordinary beauty of this text, written in rhymed and rhythmic prose. 55 sura of the Koran, Ar-Raḥmān (The Merciful) is widely regarded, both in Muslim and Orientalist circles, as one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful, sura of the Koran from the artistic point of view. This is mainly due to the presence of a kind of “refrain” in this sura, which, of course, also has a semantic role in the context of the content of this fragment of the holy book of Muslims. The subject of the article is, first of all, a comparative analysis of the translation of this sura, and first of all of the refrain, in selected translations of the Koran into Polish, German, French and Russian. The analysis focuses not on the way of presenting the content, but on whether the authors of the translations tried to reflect the undoubted beauty of the sound of the Koranic text, which is supposed to delight not only with its content, but also its form, and translators usually have huge problems with this. The conclusions resulting from this analysis have a broader meaning, because analogous problems also arise in the case of ancient Arabic poetry and some other literary genres, primarily maqāma

    Czech w Stambule i co z tego wynikło – Václav Budovec z Budova (1551–1621) i jego »Antialkorán«

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    The article is devoted to Václav Budovec of Budov, a prominent representative of the Czech Reformation, political and religious activist and writer, denouncing the various important issues of his time. The main point of this article is his work Antialkorán, published in 1614 in which Václav wants to present Islam to the Czech reader, and on the other hand discusses various elements of Muslim doctrine. This work was created as one of the effects of Václav Budovec’s residence in Turkey with the imperial delegation