10 research outputs found

    Issues of Inclusion and Special Education in the Creative Heritage of Sofia Rusova

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    The article analyzes the issues of inclusion and special education in the creative heritage of Sofia Rusova – teacher, citizen, politician, state maker, who considered them in the context of world scientific achievements of the interwar period of the XX century. Inclusion, as a process of increasing the participation of all citizens in society, including those with physical or mental disabilities, involves the development and implementation of specific solutions that will allow each person to participate equally in academic and public life. The evolution of the idea of inclusion and the birth of special education S. Rusova closely linked with the understanding and interpretation of the leading principles of pedagogy, general and social psychology, sociology, philosophy of education, historical and pedagogical searches of the late XIX - early XX century. Perhaps the most important source of new pedagogical ideas of S. Rusova, embodied in the writings of the interwar period (“New School of Social Education”, “Education and Sociology of Durkheim”, “Social Education: Its Importance in Public Life”, “Public Issues of Education” became acquainted with the latest trends in Western European pedagogy, which allowed her to keep up with the times, psychologize pedagogy. Extensive education, fluency in the leading European languages (first and foremost, French) made it possible for S. Rusova to access the original literature - works by J. Dewey, E. Claapared, G. Kerschensteiner, V. Lai, E. Meiman, and G. Spencer with the most prominent pedagogical figures of the 1920s and 1930s, including O. Decroly and M. Montessori, and studying the experience of their practical work. Guided by the statement that “ development of the child is influenced by three main factors: education, heritage, and environment”, based on the experiments of foreign (German, Belgian, Czech) researches, the scientist revealed the specifics of social and educational impact of the environment, preparing the groundwork inclusion as a set of conditions, methods and means of their implementation for joint learning, education and development of the educational recipients, taking into account their needsand opportunities. At the same time, I emphasize the shaft that no child “is passively influenced by the environment: it takes from it what its individuality seeks.” The issue of special education, in particular, the psychological and pedagogical principles of working with children with intellectual disabilities, is most fully revealed in S. Rusova's work, “Something about defective children in school”. It clearly traces the idea that children of all walks of life are necessarily subject to process education and training. According to S. Rusova, children with deviant behavior (in particular, “child offenders”), for whom the conditions for education as a factor of their re-education should be created, and for the needs of such schools, should not be left out of the educational influence in order to organize teacher training “with a deep psychological understanding of their sick students, with a heart warmed with love for them, and with a certain understanding of their social and pedagogical task: to return these children to citizenship ...”. Summarizing the above, it can be argued that the issues of inclusion, studying, education of children and young people with special educational needs, as represented by the property of Sofia Rusova are a significant contribution to Ukrainian and world pedagogical thought, an important factor in the revival of national educational systems in the teaching experiences of the past

    Mokytojo minkštųjų įgūdžių tobulinimas naujoje švietimo paradigmoje: kompetencijos, vertybės, rodikliai, rezultatai

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    This paper deals with theoretical models of soft skills development in teacher education. The immediate purpose of this consideration is to develop a model for the development of a teacher’s soft skills as a competent, innovative, motivated, and competitive specialist in the labor market in the present time. The role of soft skills in the process of professional development of employees in all organizations has been increasing in recent times. However, the importance and necessity of teachers’ soft skills and, therefore, their formation among students studying in pedagogical areas are not yet adequately realized by many participants in the educational process. This paper examines the concept of soft skills and identifies the importance of these skills for the development of a specialist in the pedagogical field. In addition, a comparative analysis of hard skills and soft skills was conducted, and their components, namely competences, values, and behavioral indicators were evaluated. An analysis was conducted to assess the labor market needs for new qualifications. This made it possible to design a model of the modern teacher with skills reflective of their real environment. The results of this study can be further used in the improvement of lifelong learning and adult education.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami teoriniai minkštųjų įgūdžių tobulinimo modeliai mokytojų rengimo srityje. Tyrime pirmiausia buvo siekiama sukurti šiandienos mokytojo, kaip kompetentingo, novatoriško, motyvuoto, konkurencingo darbo rinkos specialisto, minkštųjų įgūdžių modelį. Pastaruoju metu organizacijose pastebimai didėja minkštųjų įgūdžių vaidmuo profesinio tobulėjimo srityje, tačiau daugelis švietimo proceso dalyvių dar nesupranta mokytojų minkštųjų įgūdžių svarbos ir to, kad juos būtina formuoti pedagoginių studijų studentams. Straipsnyje pateikiama minkštųjų įgūdžių samprata ir atskleidžiama šių įgūdžių svarba ugdant būsimus pedagogus. Atlikta lyginamoji kietųjų ir minkštųjų įgūdžių analizė bei įvertinti jų komponentai, kuriuos sudaro kompetencijos, vertybės ir elgesio rodikliai; atlikta ir naujų darbo rinkos poreikius tenkinančių kvalifikacijų analizė. Visa tai leido suprojektuoti modernaus ir realybę atitinkančių įgūdžių turinčio mokytojo modelį. Tyrimo rezultatai gali būti naudojami tobulinant visą gyvenimą trunkantį mokymąsi ir suaugusiųjų švietimą

    Educating Students with Special Educational Needs in the Context of Modern Neurosciences

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    The relevance of this topic resides in the fact that children with special developmental needs should have equal opportunities with other children in getting training and this means not only creation of technical conditions for unimpeded access of children with disabilities to secondary schools, but also specifics of the educational process to be built taking into account psychophysical abilities of physically disabled children.The article presents research results of domestic and foreign scientists, teachers and psychologists on education of students with special needs in the context of modern neuropsychology. It is the neuropsychology of children that allows us to get acquainted closer with peculiarities of children’s development and, accordingly, to correctly determine methods and principles of working with students.We considered disorders in the process of ontogenesis, which most often occur in children: speech delay, autism, hyperactivity, intellectual disabilities. All of them complicate social connections, which often leads to low self-esteem, especially with hyperactive children and students with speech impairments. Therefore, in the process of educating students with special needs, domestic scientists call for the use of neuropsychological correction, which is the basis of social protection of children with developmental problems and creates the most favorable conditions for their education and socialization. Methods of correctional work are aimed not only at overcoming some of the disorders, but at development of a harmonious personality.</p

    Neuropsychological Bases of Correctional and Preventive Preparation of Children with Autism to Master Writing

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    The article presents a neuropsychological approach to the correctional and preventive preparation of autistic children to master writing. The neuropsychological bases of correctional work with autistic children are considered: structural functional organization of the brain and symptoms of the main disorders of brain blocks, scientific ideas about functional blocks – regulation of the level of brain activity (energy block); receiving, processing and information storing block; block for programming, regulation of educational activities, including writing and its control. Scientific ideas about autism, learning difficulties and methods of writing development in children with developmental disabilities are analysed. Neuropsychological recommendations for correctional and preventive preparation of autistic children to master writing based on domestic and foreign experience have been developed. It is confirmed that implementation of correctional and preventive training of autistic children in writing should be carried out mainly individually, comprehensively and systematically, taking into account disorders in the mental development of a child and the prognosis of learning difficulties. The conceptual provisions of neuropsychology about the brain organization of higher mental functions and functional blocks of the brain, features of interfunctional systems, methods of correctional and preventive, restorative training of special children in writing and the method of “substitutive ontogenesis” are reflected.</em

    Development of Ukrainian School and Educational Affair as a Basis of Professional Preparation of the Youth of Ukrainian Diaspora in the Second Half of the XX-th Century

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    The formation and development of the Ukrainian school and educational affair as the basis for the professional training of Ukrainian youth in the Western countries in the second half of the XX-th century is examined in the article. The emphasis was given to the complexity and multiplicity of this process, which was caused by the socioeconomic and educational policies of the states, which became a new homeland for the Ukrainians, geography and compactness of their resettlement, employment in the different branches of the economy, the presence in the diaspora of the professional intelligentsia, its national awareness, the state religious life, etc. Accordingly, in different countries (Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Canada, USA, Australia, Argentina), this process was different, more or less intense and had results, but it still remains an object of interest as an important support of native cultural heritage, an inexhaustible source of preserving its spirituality bearers. The institutional forms and types of obtaining of pedagogical education by Ukrainians in the Western countries of the second half of the 20th century, the peculiarity of teaching and educational activities in different types of educational establishment and the main tendencies of the development of the Ukrainian school and educational affairs are presented. Among them: an expansion of the network of pre-school establishments, primary, secondary and high schools in connection with the arrival of emigrants to countries of Western Europe, America and Australia; public uniting efforts of leading Ukrainian public associations in preserving the national identity and spirituality of Ukrainians born outside Ukraine's native land; development of scientifically grounded, adapted to the needs and conditions of Ukrainians living in the diaspora of the theory of teaching and national education of younger generations; improving the content of studying and educational process in all types of schools, bringing it to the standards of the existing state education system and the increased requirements of economic and cultural life of the countries that have become a new homeland for Ukrainians. <br /

    Implementation of the Professional Training and Education Experience of the Ukrainian Diaspora Girls in the Content of the Work of the “School of Noble Ukrainian Women”

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    The article describes the essence of the implementation of the experience of professional training and education of girls of the Ukrainian diaspora in the content of the activities of "School of noble Ukrainian women" in Bolekhov (Dolynsky district of Ivano-Frankivsk region, (1996 - 2001) and Lviv (since 2009), traces their role in the national-civic formation of the Ukrainian youth, the influence of the work of this extra-curricular educational institution on the deployment of activities of similar institutions in modern Ukraine has been found out.It has been researched, that the school of noble Ukrainian women in Bolekhiv of Dolyna district of Ivano-Frankivsk region under the leadership of Larisa Darmokhval (the chairman of the Union of Ukrainian women of Bolekhiv) can be considered a prototype of creation of a network of schools for girls. It continued the best traditions of women's schools in Galicia in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, which in turn fully fulfilled their mission in emigration, became a strong support for the formation of education for women in the Ukrainian diaspora, opened a new page in the history of girls' education in the western region of Ukraine and inspired to create a network of similar educational establishments in other settlements of our state.Emphasis is placed on the activities of the Bolshevik members of the Union of Ukrainian Women in the field of Ukrainian girls' upbringing and the uplifting of spirituality of women of the region, which has been continued since 2009 by Lviv women, led by Rostyslav Fedak (Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Union of Ukraine and initiator of the establishment of the School in Lviv). Noble Ukrainian Schools in 2009/2010 testified that the purpose of the school was to educate a new generation of public figures, educated citizens, who would not only be able to build their family and protect it, but also were the basis for building a civil society, an independent state of law, a model of spirituality and culture.Emphasis is placed on the role in the professional formation of the girls-students of the school of prominent cultural and educational figures of Ukrainian emigration, the implementation of the European experience in their professional orientation. Continuing the best traditions of women's educational institutions of the Ukrainian Diaspora "School of noble Ukrainian women" even today opens new pages in the history of education of girls of the region, inspires work and service for the benefit of the Ukrainian stat

    Implementation of the Professional Training and Education Experience of the Ukrainian Diaspora Girls in the Content of the Work of the “School of Noble Ukrainian Women”

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    The article describes the essence of the implementation of the experience of professional training and education of girls of the Ukrainian diaspora in the content of the activities of "School of noble Ukrainian women" in Bolekhov (Dolynsky district of Ivano-Frankivsk region, (1996 - 2001) and Lviv (since 2009), traces their role in the national-civic formation of the Ukrainian youth, the influence of the work of this extra-curricular educational institution on the deployment of activities of similar institutions in modern Ukraine has been found out.It has been researched, that the school of noble Ukrainian women in Bolekhiv of Dolyna district of Ivano-Frankivsk region under the leadership of Larisa Darmokhval (the chairman of the Union of Ukrainian women of Bolekhiv) can be considered a prototype of creation of a network of schools for girls. It continued the best traditions of women's schools in Galicia in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, which in turn fully fulfilled their mission in emigration, became a strong support for the formation of education for women in the Ukrainian diaspora, opened a new page in the history of girls' education in the western region of Ukraine and inspired to create a network of similar educational establishments in other settlements of our state.Emphasis is placed on the activities of the Bolshevik members of the Union of Ukrainian Women in the field of Ukrainian girls' upbringing and the uplifting of spirituality of women of the region, which has been continued since 2009 by Lviv women, led by Rostyslav Fedak (Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Union of Ukraine and initiator of the establishment of the School in Lviv). Noble Ukrainian Schools in 2009/2010 testified that the purpose of the school was to educate a new generation of public figures, educated citizens, who would not only be able to build their family and protect it, but also were the basis for building a civil society, an independent state of law, a model of spirituality and culture.Emphasis is placed on the role in the professional formation of the girls-students of the school of prominent cultural and educational figures of Ukrainian emigration, the implementation of the European experience in their professional orientation. Continuing the best traditions of women's educational institutions of the Ukrainian Diaspora "School of noble Ukrainian women" even today opens new pages in the history of education of girls of the region, inspires work and service for the benefit of the Ukrainian stat

    Sofia Rusova and Development of Ukrainian Extracurricular Education (to the 20th Anniversary of the Law of Ukraine “On Extracurricular Education”)

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    У статті розкрито маловідомі аспекти життєдіяльності Софії Федорівни Русової, з’ясовано її внесок у становлення й розвиток позашкільної освіти в Україні. Здійснено аналіз опублікованих та рукописних праць С. Русової, у яких окреслено питання просвіти, національного виховання, рідномовного навчання. Наголошено на ролі позашкільної освіти як об’єднуючого чинника діяльності національно свідомої інтелігенції й запоруки розбудови незалежної Української держави. Виявлено, що актуалізація ідей С. Русової цілком корелюються із провідними постулатами Закону України «Про позашкільну освіту».The article reveals little-known aspects of the life of Sofia Fyodorovna Rusova, clarifies her contribution to the formation and development of extracurricular education in Ukraine, the society “Education” in eastern and western Ukraine. The analysis of published and manuscript works of S. Rusova is carried out, in which the issues of education, national education, native language education are outlined. The role of out-of-school education as a unifying factor in the activity of the nationally conscious intelligentsia and the key to building an independent Ukrainian state is emphasized. Based on primary sources and periodicals of the early twentieth century S. Rusova’s activity in the field of out-of-school education is thoroughly analyzed. It is emphasized that if in Ukraine during its independence (1917 – 1919) a teacher and public figure was able to develop and partially implement a program of organizational formation and approval of various forms of extracurricular education, in emigration it focused mainly on theoretical justification of universal education and its role in moral and social formation of the young generation, preparing it for conscious work for the future of independent Ukraine, improving the social and political conditions of its citizens, as well as covering foreign experience of adult education and its state in the Ukrainian lands of Galicia, Bukovina and Transcarpathia. It is proved that with the direct participation of S. Rusova clear guidelines for the development of the system of out-of-school education were developed, concrete steps were taken to achieve its goal: science for all through active independent learning. It is revealed that actualization of S. Rusova’s ideas is completely correlated with the leading postulates of the Law of Ukraine “On Extracurricular Education”, in which the latter is interpreted as a component of the system of continuing education defined by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, students and listeners, meeting their interests, spiritual needs and needs in professional determination. A review of the activities and works of Sofia Rusova in the field of extracurricular education allows us to conclude that the scientist had a deep understanding of the need to educate the people, to convey knowledge to all segments of the population

    Application of technologies of formal and non-formal education for continuous professional development of the modern specialist

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    The article considers the technology of formal and non-formal education as a factor of improving the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of lifelong learning of adults, their continuous personal and professional self-development and self-realization in accordance with an individual educational trajectory. In the study, the following methods were used: expert survey, interview, questionnaire, testing, observation, analysis of documents. The content, essence, principles of application of interactive, acmeological, andragogical and digital technologies are described, which ensure the effective functioning of the content of adult learning, meet the interests, requests and needs of customers of educational services, employers and key stakeholders. On the basis of comprehensive permanent monitoring, the effectiveness of the use of continuing education technologies for the training of a modern specialist has been experimentally tested. The results of the research can be used in the process of modernizing the system of continuing education, the organization of adult lifelong learning

    From the experience of organizing artistic and productive activities of older preschool children by means of distance education in the conditions of quarantine measures for the spread of COVID-19

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    The relevance of the article relates to the need for continuing preschool education under quarantine conditions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by means of distance technologies and preparation of children for STEAM education. Artistic and productive activities are considered to be the resource of STEAM education. The aim of the article is to substantiate educational opportunities of distance education programs for undertaking artistic and productive activities of older preschool children on quarantine. Research methods: theoretical analysis, surveys, generalization of experience, analysis of children’s products, parental feedback. The scientific basis of the study is a set of approaches of different levels. Scientific novelty of the research is two-fold. The possibility of organizing artistic and productive activities of older preschool children by means of remote technologies in terms of preparing parents to interact with educators and organizational, technical, informational assistance to children. The features of the organization of such education in Ukraine under conditions of introducing quarantine measures are revealed. Practical significance is viewed through development and approbation of the content of classes on artistic and productive activities, integrated with the fundamentals of mathematics. There have been developed the questionnaires on digital competence for educators and digital literacy for parents