15 research outputs found

    The Determinants and Value Relevance of Risk Disclosure in the Indonesian Banking Sector

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    The aim of the current study is to analyse the association between the determinants and the value relevance of risk disclosure in the Indonesian banking sector. The purpose will be derived into four research objective: to measure the extent of risk disclosure in the Indonesian banking sector; to compare the risk disclosure practice between listed and unlisted banks, and between Islamic and non-Islamic banks; to study the determinants of risk disclosure and what factors affect a bank's decision to disclose risk information; and to analyse the value relevance information on risk disclosure of listed banks, unlisted banks, Islamic banks, and non-Islamic banks. Agency theory, signalling theory, stakeholder theory, and communication theory were used for underpinning theory. The annual reports of 120 banks which released between 2008 and 2012 were employed for testing in this research. Risk disclosure was measured by the number of Indonesian risk keywords divided by the number of Indonesian sentences in annual reports. Firm value for listed banks was measured by Tobin’s Q. The Black Scholes Merton model was employed for measuring firm value of unlisted banks. The number of risk keywords, number of sentences, and risk disclosure in the Indonesian banks showed an upward trend. The delta of size, liquidity, profitability, leverage, and earnings reinvestment did not have association with the delta of risk disclosure in all banks, LB IB, NIB. The delta of firm value in all banks, LB, ULB, and NIB has an association with aggregate the delta of firm characteristics and the delta of risk disclosure. Risk disclosure in annual reports was not value relevant for stakeholders. This method will construct a new measurement of risk disclosure; and firm value for unlisted banks. The regulators, banks’ managers and bank supervisory should pay more attention to increasing the usefulness of disclosure, the completeness of the risk information, and how to deliver signals and information more understandably and readably for stakeholders. This research adds to the limited literature relating to earnings reinvestment, new measurement of risk disclosure, and firm value for unlisted banks. The results enrich agency, signalling, stakeholder, communication and dividend theories


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    Aisyiyah Islamic Hospital (RSIA) in Malang is a private hospital with C type that provides cardiac catheterization services with the installation of a Stent or Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). The payment system in the implementation of the National Health Insurance has been regulated that the payment pattern to advanced level health facilities used INACBGs. This study aims to analyze the accountability of the comparison of INA-CBG's rates and hospital rates for cardiac catheterization with stent placement. This research employs a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis. The study concluded that thecost rates in handling of cardiac catheterization between INA CBGs and RSIA is different. Monitoring, implementing strict business plans and budgets, testing with Ratio Analysis and communicating in the Doctors in Charge of Cardiology Specialist forums are the keys to accountability

    GCG, ROE and Size on CSR Based on Sharia Enterprises Theory

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    The purposes of this paper are to investigate the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting information at Indonesia sharia banks based on Sharia Enterprise Theory and explores the potential effects of Corporate Governance (CG) elements, Return on Equity (ROE) on CSR based on sharia enterprises theory, with size as the moderating variable.  Using the sample of 10 sharia banks which published annual reports, CG, and CSR reports above the year 2014 to 2016, the panel data are examined by regression.  The statistic test reveals that size is not fit as a moderating variable in testing the effect of CG and ROE on CSR. Aggregately, GCG, Size and ROE influence CSR.  A large and high-profit sharia bank which apply good corporate governance will implement CSR by considering horizontal and vertical accountability based on Sharia Enterprise theory. This study makes a significant contribution to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and enterprise theory by offering Sharia Enterprise theory as the foundation of the CSR implementation at sharia banks.</p

    Does the development of non-cash payment affect broad money in Indonesia / Dwi Nita Aryani, Siti Munfaqiroh and Endys Kartikasari

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse the effect of development of non-cash payment on broad money (M2) in short-term and long run in Indonesia. This research used time series of data namely number of transaction of credit card, debit card, e-money, Bank of Indonesia Real Time Gross Settlement (BI-RTGS) and National Clearance System of Bank of Indonesia (BI-NCS) transaction during 2012-2017. Error Correction Model (ECM) is employed as the analysis model. The result exhibits that transaction volume of Credit Card, Debit Card, E- money, BI-RTGS and BI-NCS, simultaneously affect broad money. Partially, BI-RTGS and BI-NCS are the most significant factors influence broad money in short term in Indonesia


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    Usaha UMKM di Kampoeng Kajoetangan Heritage Malang saat masa pandemi covid-19 &nbsp;harus bisa bertaahan terutama di era new normal dan harus bisa meningkatkan usahananya, utamanya bisa melaksanakan tertib membuat pembukuan utamanya pengelolaan kas nya secara efektif. Pelaksanaan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini diberikan kepada para pelaku UMKM di Kampoeng Kajoetangan Heritage Malang &nbsp;dengan cara memberikan pelatihan bagaimana membuat cashflow (arus kas) dengan mudah dan efektif untuk mengetahui seberapa pemasukan dan pengeluaran yang dibutuhkan dalam usahanya,. Para peserta pelatihan sangat antusias terlihat dari aktifnya bertanya kepada pemateri. Pelaksanaan PkM ini dilaksanakan di kampus STIE Malangkucecwara. Peserta pelatihan terdiri para pelaku UMKM di Kampoeng Kajoetangan Heritage. Hasil PkM menunjukan para peserta semangat dan tertarik untuk melaksanakan pengelolaan kas yang baik dan secara disiplin, yang selanjutnya akan membuat usaha mereka menjadi meningkat dan berkemban

    A Study on Consumer Behaviour: Transition from Traditional Shopping to Online Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to investigate Malaysian and Indian consumers’ preferred ways of shopping, the reasons behind their choices, and problems of transactions they faced during the pandemic. Data were primarily collected through a survey distributed to 200 respondents. The study concluded that it is unlikely for online shopping to replace traditional shopping as many consumers remain value physical examination of the products prior to purchase. However, many have opted for online shopping for its various advantages. Regardless of which method of shopping, respondents face similar problems in their transactions. The findings of this study may serve as a guideline for businesses to integrate into online shopping platforms for potential future development


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    Pelaku usaha Kampoeng Kajoetangan Heritage memproduksi dan memasarkan produk unggulannya, dalam mempromosikan produk nya para pelaku usaha mempunyai kendala keterbatasan kemampuan dalam membuat media promosi yang menarik, mereka belum memiliki kemampuan yang bagus untuk memanfaatkan media digital seperti video. Media video ini merupakan tehnik yang strategis untuk menarik minat konsumen karena video merupakan media yang cocok di era digital ini, konsumen dapat melihat dengan bagus secara virtual dan imajinasi produk maupun jasa yang ditawarkan pelaku usaha. Hal ini membutuhkan upaya peningkatan kemampuan skill dalam melakukan editing video. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat dalam pelatihan editing vidio berbasis smartphone ini adalah metode ceramah dan praktek. Pelatihan ini dihadiri 20 peserta pelaku usaha produk unggulan Kampoeng Kajoetangan Heritage. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah pelaku usaha antusias dan semangat dalam berpraktek melakukan editing video, yang merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan promosi produk mereka dengan harapan penjualan produk akan meningka


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    Pelaku usaha Kampoeng Kajoetangan Heritage memproduksi dan memasarkan produk unggulannya, dalam mempromosikan produk nya para pelaku usaha mempunyai kendala keterbatasan kemampuan dalam membuat media promosi yang menarik, mereka belum memiliki kemampuan yang bagus untuk memanfaatkan media digital seperti video. Media video ini merupakan tehnik yang strategis untuk menarik minat konsumen karena video merupakan media yang cocok di era digital ini, konsumen dapat melihat dengan bagus secara virtual dan imajinasi produk maupun jasa yang ditawarkan pelaku usaha. Hal ini membutuhkan upaya peningkatan kemampuan skill dalam melakukan editing video. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat dalam pelatihan editing vidio berbasis smartphone ini adalah metode ceramah dan praktek. Pelatihan ini dihadiri 20 peserta pelaku usaha produk unggulan Kampoeng Kajoetangan Heritage. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah pelaku usaha antusias dan semangat dalam berpraktek melakukan editing video, yang merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan promosi produk mereka dengan harapan penjualan produk akan meningka

    The Determinants and Value\ud Relevance of Risk Disclosure\ud in the Indonesian Banking Sector

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    The aim of the current study is to analyse the association between the\ud determinants and the value relevance of risk disclosure in the Indonesian banking\ud sector. The purpose will be derived into four research objective: to measure the\ud extent of risk disclosure in the Indonesian banking sector; to compare the risk\ud disclosure practice between listed and unlisted banks, and between Islamic and\ud non-Islamic banks; to study the determinants of risk disclosure and what factors\ud affect a bank's decision to disclose risk information; and to analyse the value\ud relevance information on risk disclosure of listed banks, unlisted banks, Islamic\ud banks, and non-Islamic banks.\ud Agency theory, signalling theory, stakeholder theory, and communication theory\ud were used for underpinning theory. The annual reports of 120 banks which\ud released between 2008 and 2012 were employed for testing in this research. Risk\ud disclosure was measured by the number of Indonesian risk keywords divided by\ud the number of Indonesian sentences in annual reports. Firm value for listed banks\ud was measured by Tobin’s Q. The Black Scholes Merton model was employed for\ud measuring firm value of unlisted banks.\ud \ud The number of risk keywords, number of sentences, and risk disclosure in the\ud Indonesian banks showed an upward trend. The delta of size, liquidity,\ud profitability, leverage, and earnings reinvestment did not have association with\ud the delta of risk disclosure in all banks, LB IB, NIB. The delta of firm value in all\ud banks, LB, ULB, and NIB has an association with aggregate the delta of firm\ud characteristics and the delta of risk disclosure. Risk disclosure in annual reports\ud was not value relevant for stakeholders.\ud \ud This method will construct a new measurement of risk disclosure; and firm value\ud for unlisted banks. The regulators, banks’ managers and bank supervisory should\ud pay more attention to increasing the usefulness of disclosure, the completeness\ud of the risk information, and how to deliver signals and information more\ud understandably and readably for stakeholders. This research adds to the limited\ud literature relating to earnings reinvestment, new measurement of risk disclosure,\ud and firm value for unlisted banks. The results enrich agency, signalling,\ud stakeholder, communication and dividend theories