32 research outputs found

    The Transition Of Legal Modernism Paradigm To Legal Postmodernism In The Digital Era

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    Abstract: Legal construction in Indonesia, which is largely influenced by the influence of the Continental European legal system, the Dutch heritage is identical with the nuances of legal positivism. The flow of legal positivism is in legal modernism, which is included in the form of written rules. The development of human civilization in modern times is so fast and gives birth to a modern digital civilization. The power of legal positivism is strong enough to solve legal problems that develop following the civilization of its people. The new paradigm that can be a solution to problems in this digital era is the post-modernism paradigm. Post-modernism opens up opportunities for diversity in the meaning of law. Rigid written law can be interpreted more flexibly with the context, so that within the framework of that meaning it becomes more flexible in solving problems that occur in society.Keywords: Modernism, Post-Modernism, Digital Era.Â

    Opportunities to Implement Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Law Enforcement in Indonesia

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    Studies on Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) in various countries around the world have been carried out. However, for Indonesia, this is a new thing. So this article aims to examine Mutual Legal Assistance from the perspective of law and social contracts. This study explores methods for obtaining witness statements of foreign nationals. The writing of this article uses a normative legal research method, with a conceptual and statutory approach. The technique of analyzing legal materials used in writing this article is literature study. The results of this study are that it can be seen that foreign nationals have the right to refuse to give their statements before an Indonesian court, and there are no legal consequences whatsoever. Based on this phenomenon, it causes a lack of evidence that is very important in the examination of criminal cases, namely witness statements

    The Quo Vadis Weaknesses in the Corruption Law Enforcement

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the Law Enforcement Arrangements for Corruption in Positive Law in Indonesia, and analyze the weaknesses of law enforcement of corruption in Indonesia. The method of approach used in this research is normative legal research. The results of this study are the weaknesses of law enforcement in Indonesia, including the weaknesses of legal substance, namely the existence of the principle of differentiation in the Criminal Procedure Code, many articles are multi-interpreted so that legal certainty is not guaranteed. The weakness of legal structure is the overlapping authority between law enforcement agencies in investigating corruption crimes. The weakness of legal culture is the existence of a legal culture of compromise, peace, patrimonial values and the attitude of the people who consider corruption cases as a breeze and ignorance of the law enforcement procession


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    Sistem ekonomi terus mengalami perkembangan. Salah satunya ada bentuk baru sistem ekonomi adalah sistem kapitalisme negara. Sistem kapitalisme negara tidak seperti sistem kapitalisme pada umumnya. Aktor utama sistem ini adalah negara yang didukung oleh perusahaan minyak negara, perusahaan negara, perusahaan swasta unggulan negara, dan dana kekayaan negara. Peluang sistem kapitalisme dijalankan di Indonesia sangatlah terbuka melalui sistem kerja sama antara negara dan swasta dalam pembangunan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat penerapan sistem kapitalisme negara yang ada di Indonesia. Metode dalam makalah ini menggunakan metode study literature, dengan memaparkan teori yang berhubungan dengan judul, yang diperoleh dari jurnal, buku dokumentasi, dan internet. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara teoritis dan konstitusi, sistem kapitalisme negara bisa diterapkan di Indonesia dengan menafsirkan secara operasional asas kekeluargaan dan penguasaan cabang-cabang produksi yang penting bagi masyarakat umum oleh negara. Namun, dalam praktiknya, sebagaimana dijelaskan bahwa pendukung kapitalisme negara terdiri dari 4 faktor yaitu perusahaan minyak, perusahaan negara, perusahaan swasta unggulan negara, dan dana kekayaan negara; untuk Indonesia masih mengalami kesulitan menerapkannya.Kata Kunci: kapitalisme negara, sistem ekonomi Indonesia


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    The Jakarta North Coast reclamation activity cannot be separated from the controversy, because there has been a polemic and discussion about which regulations can be used as a legal basis in the implementation of the reclamation and who is the most authorized in giving permits or recommendations for the implementation of the reclamation along with the process of building facilities and infrastructure for economic activity centers existing on reclaimed land. The granting of a reclamation permit for the North Coast of Jakarta, is judged to be inappropriate by law. In this study using research methods that include analytical descriptive research specifications, the approach used in this study is a normative juridical approach, the research phase is taken from the data below by conducting a library study, data collection techniques in this study were analyzed in a normative qualitative manner. feasible, because the DKI Governor has issued a Permit before the Reclamation Regional Regulation, the Reclamation Draft Regulation is submitted to the DKI Provincial DPRD after the reclamation permit is issued by the Governor, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government also cannot prove the Regional Regulation on the Zoning Plan Wi Coastal and Small Islands (RZWP-3-K). Second, the impact of the reclamation of the Jakarta bay is the destruction of the living places of animals and coastal plants so that fishermen lose their jobs. Meanwhile, the coastal area which was originally a public space for the community will be lost or reduced because private activities will be utilized. Third, Then the steps that need to be taken are, the developers must complete the planning and implementation of the reclamation document. In addition, pay attention to all positive and negative impacts that may arise in the entire reclamation impact area and where reclamation material resources are taken. In order for the reclamation decision making to be optimal, the decision on what must be done in the reclamation must prioritize the principles of inclusion (including all stakeholders), be open and transparent.Kegiatan reklamasi Pantai Utara Jakarta tidak lepas dari adanya kontroversi, karena  telahterjadi polemik dan pembahasan tentang peraturan manakah yang dapat dijadikan landasan hukum dalam pelaksanaan reklamasi dan siapakah yang paling berwenang dalam memberikan izin maupun rekomendasi atas pelaksanaan reklamasi beserta proses pembangunan sarana dan prasarana pusat kegiatan ekonomi yang ada diatas tanah hasil reklamasi.Pemberian izin reklamasi Pantai Utara Jakarta, dinilai tidak patut secara hukum. Dalam Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yang meliputi spesifikasi penelitian yang bersifat deskiptif analitis, metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan yuridis normative, tahap penelitian ini diambil dari data dibawah ini dengan melakukan studi pustaka, teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi dokumen melalui studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini pertama, Perizinan reklamasi pantai Utara Jakarta dinilai tidak layak, karena Gubernur DKI telah mengeluarkan Izin terlebih dahulu sebelum adanya Peraturan Daerah Reklamasi, Raperda Reklamasi diserahkan kepada DPRD Provinsi DKI setelah Izin reklamasi di keluarkan oleh Gubernur. Pemprov DKI Jakarta juga tidak dapat membuktikan tentang adanya Peraturan Daerah Rencana Zonasi Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil (RZWP-3-K).Kedua, Dampak dari reklamasi teluk Jakarta adalah, musnahnya tempat hidup hewan dan tumbuhan pantai sehingga nelayan kehilangan lapangan pekerjaan. Sementara itu wilayah pantai yang semula merupakan ruang publik bagi masyarakat akan hilang atau berkurang karena akan dimanfaatkan kegiatan privat. Ketiga, Maka langkah yang perlu diambil adalah, para pengembamg harus melengkapi dokumen perencanaan dan pelaksanaan reklamasi. Selain itu, memperhatikan semua dampak positif dan negatif yang mungkin timbul di seluruh wilayah dampak reklamasi dan di tempat sumber material reklamasi diambil. Agar pengambilan keputusan reklamasi bisa menjadi optimal, maka keputusan atas apa yang harus dilakukan dalam reklamasi haruslah mengedepankan prinsip-prinsip inklusif (mengikutsertakan seluruh pemangku kepentingan), terbuka dan transparan

    Optimizing the Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety (K3) Protection in the Indonesian Mining Industry Based on ANIMATION (Active Monitoring Safety Regulation)

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    This study examines the optimization of the Occupational Health and Safety (K3) protection system in Indonesia's mining sector. This research is normative legal research using secondary data sources through library research based on applications often found in real-life realizations. This research is prescriptive using grammatical interpretation and systematic interpretation of the provisions of laws and regulations relating to workers' protection in the mining sector in Indonesia. The results show that the laws and regulations in Indonesia have not optimally regulated the protection of workers in the mining sector, as evidenced by the high frequency of work accident cases which are always increasing due to less strict OHS supervision and violations that have become a habit that has been accepted as a common practice. This research will comprehensively examine the ideal prototype recommendations regarding OSH protection management based on the ANIMATION (Active Monitoring Safety Regulation) system which is projected to supervise mining industry players (employers and workers) to provide adequate minimum K3 qualifications. This is intended to optimize the improvement of K3 and minimize the risk of work accidents in the mining sector's operational activities in Indonesia.Keywords: protection; occupational health and safety (K3); mining; ANIMATION

    Implikasi Hukum Penetapan Kasus Ganti Kelamin dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    This research aims to explore and examine the civil law implications for individuals who are Khuntsa and have changed their identities, with a focus on the perspectives of Islamic Law and Civil Law in Indonesia. The research adopts a normative legal approach with a prescriptive nature, emphasizing the analysis of legislation and case studies. If this process is carried out and followed by a legal application to change their gender identity through the court system, and the judge approves it, there will be legal implications. Additionally, it is essential to consider religious perspectives, especially Islam. To address the issues arising from the civil law implications for Khuntsa individuals who have changed their identities based on court rulings, specific regulations governing their status and position are necessary. This is aimed at ensuring legal certainty in such cases


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    The sea is an important resource, especially for coastal communities. Therefore we are obliged to preserve and keep it from being damaged. If there is damage caused by human activity, what is harmed is humans and living creatures in the sea that will feel the loss. In exchange, the perpetrator of the damage must be punished. Environmental law enforcement has regulated all forms of violations or crimes committed by individuals or a body. Enforcement can be preventive (prevention) or by taking action (repressive). Actions are carried out based on consideration. These actions include Class Action Lawsuits, Criminal Actions, and Administrative Actions.Keywords: Class Action Lawsuits, Criminal Actions, and Administrative Actions

    Menakar Efektivitas Penggunaan Class Action Dalam Sengketa Perlindungan Konsumen

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    Perlindungan konsumen mulai dikenal di Indonesia semenjak adanya Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. Hal ini beriringan dengan semakin berkembangnya konsumen dengan pelaku usaha yang terus mengkikuti perkembangan zaman. Kebutuhan konsumen terhadap barang dan jasa menuntut pelaku usaha untuk meningkatkan prduksinya secara massal. Dalam proses produksi massal tersebut sering terjadi kesalahan baik yang dilakukan decara sengaja maupun tidak disengaja yang dapat merugikan konsumen dikarenakan produk yang dihasilkan tidak layak untuk digunakan atau dikonsumsi. Konsumen yang dirugikan dapat mengajukan tuntutan kepada pelaku usaha namun seringkali jumlah ganti kerugian yang diminta jumlahnya kecil sehingga dirasa tidak efektif apabila mengajukan gugatan secara individu. Metode Class Action atau disebut juga gugatan perwakilan kelompok adalah salah satu upaya efektif untuk memperjuangkan hak konsumen yang dirugikan oleh pelaku usaha. Saat ini upaya perlindungankonsumen masih harus terus disuarakan agar para konsumen lebih berani dalam memperjuangkan hak-haknya dan penyempuranaan metode Class Action masih harus dilakukan agar dapat diterima  dan memberikan manfaat bagi konsumen di Indonesi