484 research outputs found

    China\u27s Evolving Surface Fleet

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    The missile fast-attack craft and amphibious fleets of the People\u27s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy (PLAN) have undergone significant modernization over the past fifteen years. The capabilities of both categories of vessels have improved even if their actual numbers have not increased dramatically. Examined from the perspective of PLA doctrine and training, the missions of these forces represent the PLAN\u27s past, present, and future.https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cmsi-red-books/1013/thumbnail.jp

    China Maritime Report No. 3: China’s Distant-Ocean Survey Activities: Implications for U.S. National Security

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    Today, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is investing in marine scientific research on a massive scale. This investment supports an oceanographic research agenda that is increasingly global in scope. One key indicator of this trend is the expanding operations of China’s oceanographic research fleet. On any given day, 5-10 Chinese “scientific research vessels” (科学考查船) may be found operating beyond Chinese jurisdictional waters, in strategically-important areas of the Indo-Pacific. Overshadowed by the dramatic growth in China’s naval footprint, their presence largely goes unnoticed. Yet the activities of these ships and the scientists and engineers they embark have major implications for U.S. national security. This report explores some of these implications. It seeks to answer basic questions about the out-of-area—or “distant-ocean” (远洋)—operations of China’s oceanographic research fleet. Who is organizing and conducting these operations? Where are they taking place? What do they entail? What are the national drivers animating investment in these activities?https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cmsi-maritime-reports/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Beyond the Wall: Chinese Far Seas Operation

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    This volume is the product of a groundbreaking dialogue on sea-lane security held between People\u27s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy and U.S. Navy scholars at the Naval War College in August 2013, with additional material from a related conference, China\u27s Far Seas Operations, hosted by the China Maritime Studies Institute in May 2012. At that time the political climate in China was uncertain, in the shadow of the Bo Xilai crisis and of the impending transition of power between the Hu and Xi regimes; accordingly the PLA Navy, though invited to participate in the Far Seas conference, ultimately declined to do so. This was not entirely surprising. Attempts by various agencies of the U.S. Navy up to that time to engage in discussions to advance maritime cooperation between China and the United States had been met with lukewarm responses at best. But at a maritime security dialogue in Dalian in September 2012 Senior Capt. Zhang Junshe of the PLA Navy Research Institute, a key contributor to this volume and to the success of the academic cooperation between our two institutes, approached Peter Dutton to tell him that everything had changed.https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cmsi-red-books/1012/thumbnail.jp

    China Near Seas Combat Capabilities

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    The capstone U.S. Defense Department study on the future operational environment declares, China\u27s rise represents the most significant single event on the international horizon since the collapse of the Cold War. Understanding and assessing changes in China\u27s traditionally defensive naval strategy, doctrine, and force structure are of obvious importance to the U.S. Navy (USN) and other Pacific navies concerned with the possible security implications of that rise. This chapter examines the development of the Chinese navy\u27s Houbei (Type 022) fast-attack-craft force and its roles and missions in China\u27s near seas and discusses implications for the U.S. Navy and other navies in the region.https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cmsi-red-books/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Incremental View on Intelligence and High Intrinsic Motivation Increase Working Memory Training Compliance

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    Working memory (WM) training is demanding both regarding time and cognitive endurance. Many participants who could benefit from completing the training lose their motivation to do so. Hence, it is valuable to address compliance with the training protocol from a motivational angle. Studies have shown that subjective views on intelligence influence motivation, where individuals believing that intelligence can increase with training, that is, an incremental mind-set, tend to try harder after setbacks and that high-intrinsic motivation relates to higher academic performance. We used questionnaires to measure the extent to which mind-set and intrinsic motivation influenced compliance to complete a WM training program of a minimum of 20 sessions of WM training. Only 53 out of 112 recruited participants, (13years old (SD=.61)) completed the training. Our results showed that mind-set and motivation significantly predicted compliance to training, with high motivation and incremental mind-set being associated with more completed sessions

    The Unseen Face of E-Business Project Development

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    The purpose of this paper is intent on identify and analyze the unseen factors of successful or failure of e-business project development. The IT managers must take into account both all costs involved in e-business development and all phases (analysis, design, testing, implementation, maintenance and operation) according to principle of project management for software/systems life cycle development. There are many solutions to exceed these factors of failure among could be counted outsourcing, a good project management, involvement of senior management, a real cost estimation etc.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Mapping the library, archives, records, information and knowledge management and related professions in the United Kingdom: final report

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    Unpublished research report. (2015

    A study of the UK Information Workforce.

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    In 2014, CILIP and the Archives Records Association (UK & Ireland) (ARA) commissioned Edinburgh Napier University to undertake major research to map the workforce across the Library, Archives, Records, Information and Knowledge Management Services and related professions in the United Kingdom. Mapping the workforceLibrary, Archive, Records, Information and Knowledge professionals are developing new roles in business, industry, government, and the third sector. There are an estimated 270,000 people in the UK working in these sectors but there is no accurate picture of the workforce overall and little information on demographics. This research has helped CILIP and ARA to better understand the sector so that we can monitor trends in the workforce, advocate on behalf of the sector, develop relevant and robust policies, and to develop better and targeted services

    A study of the UK Information Workforce.

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    In 2014, CILIP and the Archives Records Association (UK & Ireland) (ARA) commissioned Edinburgh Napier University to undertake major research to map the workforce across the Library, Archives, Records, Information and Knowledge Management Services and related professions in the United Kingdom. Mapping the workforceLibrary, Archive, Records, Information and Knowledge professionals are developing new roles in business, industry, government, and the third sector. There are an estimated 270,000 people in the UK working in these sectors but there is no accurate picture of the workforce overall and little information on demographics. This research has helped CILIP and ARA to better understand the sector so that we can monitor trends in the workforce, advocate on behalf of the sector, develop relevant and robust policies, and to develop better and targeted services