2,795 research outputs found

    Contrasting Tick Species Behaviors: A Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE)

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    Tick-borne diseases are on the rise throughout the world, and there is a need to better understand tick behavior in order to identify potential new interventions. Ticks have a complex life history and can survive months off-host. There is a lack of large-scale data on off-host tick behavior, which leaves a gap in understanding of tick biology outside of tick-host interactions. Introducing undergraduate students to authentic research early in their studies can help prepare them for independent inquiry in upper-level classes. To address the student needs and fill gaps in tick research, students in introductory biology courses recorded observations of ticks in sealed terraria each week for one semester. Students recorded 11,905 observations of two species of nymphal ticks over 10 weeks. The results showed that Amblyomma americanum nymphs were observed more frequently and quested higher than Ixodes scapularis nymphs

    Flexible and rapid construction of viral chimeras applied to Hepatitis C Virus

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    A novel and broadly applicable strategy combining site directed mutagenesis and DNA assembly for constructing seamless viral chimeras is described using Hepatitis C Virus as an exemplar. Full-length HCV genomic cloning cassettes, which contained flexibly situated restriction endonuclease sites, were prepared via a single site-directed mutagenesis reaction and digested to receive PCR amplified virus envelope genes by In-Fusion cloning. Using this method we were able to construct gene-shuttle cassettes for generation of cell culture-infectious JFH-1-based chimeras containing genotype 1-3 E1E2 genes. Importantly, using this method we also show that E1E2 clones that were not able to support cell entry in the HCV pseudoparticle assay did confer entry when shuttled into the chimeric cell culture chimera system. This method can be easily applied to other genes of study and other viruses and, as such, will greatly simplify reverse genetics studies of variable viruses

    The fate of indeterminate liver lesions: What proportion are precursors of hepatocellular carcinoma?

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    BACKGROUND: The natural history and incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) arising from indeterminate liver lesions are not well described. We aimed to define the incidence of HCC in a cohort of patients undergoing surveillance by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and estimate any associations with incident HCC. METHODS: We performed a retrospective follow-up study, identifying MRI scans in which indeterminate lesions had been reported between January 2006 and January 2017. Subsequent MRI scan reports were reviewed for incident HCC arising from indeterminate lesions, data were extracted from electronic patient records and survival analysis performed to estimate associations with baseline factors. RESULTS: One hundred and nine patients with indeterminate lesions on MRI were identified. HCC developed in 19 (17%) patients over mean follow up of 4.6 years. Univariate Cox proportional hazards analysis found incident HCC to be significantly associated with baseline low platelet count (hazard ratio (HR) = 7.3 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 2.1-24.9), high serum alpha-fetoprotein level (HR = 2.7 (95% CI 1.0-7.1)) and alcohol consumption above fourteen units weekly (HR = 3.1 (95% CI 1.1-8.7)). Multivariate analysis, however, found that only low platelet count was independently associated with HCC (HR = 5.5 (95% CI 0.6-5.1)). CONCLUSIONS: HCC arises in approximately one fifth of indeterminate liver lesions over 4.6 years and is associated with a low platelet count at the time of first diagnosis of an indeterminate lesion. Incidence of HCC was more common in people with viral hepatitis and in those consuming > 14 units of alcohol per week. Our data may be used to support a strategy of enhanced surveillance in patients with indeterminate lesions

    Comparing four laboratory three-parent techniques to construct human aged non-surrounded nucleolus germinal vesicle oocytes: A case-control study

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    Background: The three-parent assisted reproductive technique may increase oocyte competence. Objective: In this case-control study, the suitability of germinal vesicle transfer (GVT), synchronous ooplasmic transfer (sOT), asynchronous ooplasmic transfer using cryopreserved MII oocyte (caOT), and asynchronous ooplasmic transfer using waste MII oocyte (waOT) for maturation of the human-aged non-surrounded nucleolus germinal vesicle-stage (NSN-GV) oocyte were investigated. Materials and Methods: NSN-GV oocytes were subjected to four methods: group A (GVT), B (sOT), C (caOT) D (waOT), and E (Control). The fusion rates, MI, MII, ICSI observations and cleavage at 2-cell, 4-cell, and 8-cell stages were compared in the groups. Results: In GVT, none of the oocytes fused. In sOT, all oocytes fused, 20 achieved the MI, 14 progressed to MII, 8 fertilized, 6 cleaved and 5, 4, and 3 achieved the 2- cells, 4-cells and 8-cells, respectively. In caOT, all oocytes fused and achieved the MI, 8 progressed to MII and fertilized, 6 cleaved and 6, 5, and 5 achieved the 2-cells, 4- cells, and 8-cells respectively. In waOT, all oocytes fused, 5 and 3 progressed to MI and MII, respectively, but only one fertilized, cleaved and reached a 4-cells stage. In group E, 6 and 2 oocytes progressed to MI and MII, respectively, and only one fertilized but arrested at the zygote stage. caOT had the highest survival rate when compared to sOT (p = 0.04), waOT (p = 0.002), and control (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The caOT method was beneficial over sOT, waOT, and GVT in supplementing the developmental capacity of human-aged NSN-GV oocytes. Key words: Assisted reproductive techniques, In vitro oocyte maturation techniques, Nuclear transfer techniques, Oocytes, Oocyte donation

    Human-based approaches to pharmacology and cardiology: an interdisciplinary and intersectorial workshop

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    Both biomedical research and clinical practice rely on complex datasets for the physiological and genetic characterization of human hearts in health and disease. Given the complexity and variety of approaches and recordings, there is now growing recognition of the need to embed computational methods in cardiovascular medicine and science for analysis, integration and prediction. This paper describes a Workshop on Computational Cardiovascular Science that created an international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial forum to define the next steps for a human-based approach to disease supported by computational methodologies. The main ideas highlighted were (i) a shift towards human-based methodologies, spurred by advances in new in silico, in vivo, in vitro, and ex vivo techniques and the increasing acknowledgement of the limitations of animal models. (ii) Computational approaches complement, expand, bridge, and integrate in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo experimental and clinical data and methods, and as such they are an integral part of human-based methodologies in pharmacology and medicine. (iii) The effective implementation of multi- and interdisciplinary approaches, teams, and training combining and integrating computational methods with experimental and clinical approaches across academia, industry, and healthcare settings is a priority. (iv) The human-based cross-disciplinary approach requires experts in specific methodologies and domains, who also have the capacity to communicate and collaborate across disciplines and cross-sector environments. (v) This new translational domain for human-based cardiology and pharmacology requires new partnerships supported financially and institutionally across sectors. Institutional, organizational, and social barriers must be identified, understood and overcome in each specific setting

    Human-based approaches to pharmacology and cardiology: an interdisciplinary and intersectorial workshop.

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    Both biomedical research and clinical practice rely on complex datasets for the physiological and genetic characterization of human hearts in health and disease. Given the complexity and variety of approaches and recordings, there is now growing recognition of the need to embed computational methods in cardiovascular medicine and science for analysis, integration and prediction. This paper describes a Workshop on Computational Cardiovascular Science that created an international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial forum to define the next steps for a human-based approach to disease supported by computational methodologies. The main ideas highlighted were (i) a shift towards human-based methodologies, spurred by advances in new in silico, in vivo, in vitro, and ex vivo techniques and the increasing acknowledgement of the limitations of animal models. (ii) Computational approaches complement, expand, bridge, and integrate in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo experimental and clinical data and methods, and as such they are an integral part of human-based methodologies in pharmacology and medicine. (iii) The effective implementation of multi- and interdisciplinary approaches, teams, and training combining and integrating computational methods with experimental and clinical approaches across academia, industry, and healthcare settings is a priority. (iv) The human-based cross-disciplinary approach requires experts in specific methodologies and domains, who also have the capacity to communicate and collaborate across disciplines and cross-sector environments. (v) This new translational domain for human-based cardiology and pharmacology requires new partnerships supported financially and institutionally across sectors. Institutional, organizational, and social barriers must be identified, understood and overcome in each specific setting

    Gevraagd: betere informatie van de overheid over dreigende ontwikkelingen in het aanbod van drugs

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    Om het potentieel gevaarlijk aanbod van oude en nieuwe drugs te kunnen opsporen en daarop snel te reageren, werken de lidstaten van de Europese Unie tegenwoordig met een ‘early warning system’. Zo’n systeem moet goed kunnen communiceren. Wij onderzochten de communicatieve prestaties van het Belgische systeem. Het kan beter, zowel wat algemene persberichten betreft als de interactie met specifieke doelgroepen

    Chaste : Cancer, Heart and Soft Tissue Environment

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    Funding: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant number EP/N509711/1 (J.K.)].Chaste (Cancer, Heart And Soft Tissue Environment) is an open source simulation package for the numerical solution of mathematical models arising in physiology and biology. To date, Chaste development has been driven primarily by applications that include continuum modelling of cardiac electrophysiology (‘Cardiac Chaste’), discrete cell-based modelling of soft tissues (‘Cell-based Chaste’), and modelling of ventilation in lungs (‘Lung Chaste’). Cardiac Chaste addresses the need for a high-performance, generic, and verified simulation framewor kfor cardiac electrophysiology that is freely available to the scientific community. Cardiac chaste provides a software package capable of realistic heart simulations that is efficient, rigorously tested, and runs on HPC platforms. Cell-based Chaste addresses the need for efficient and verified implementations of cell-based modelling frameworks, providing a set of extensible tools for simulating biological tissues. Computational modelling, along with live imaging techniques, plays an important role in understanding the processes of tissue growth and repair. A wide range of cell-based modelling frameworks have been developed that have each been successfully applied in a range of biological applications. Cell-based Chaste includes implementations of the cellular automaton model, the cellular Potts model, cell-centre models with cell representations as overlapping spheres or Voronoi tessellations, and the vertex model. Lung Chaste addresses the need for a novel, generic and efficient lung modelling software package that is both tested and verified. It aims to couple biophysically-detailed models of airway mechanics with organ-scale ventilation models in a package that is freely available to the scientific community.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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