28 research outputs found


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    Abstract: This study aims to develop English phonology contextual-based material at English study program of Jambi University, in which English phonology are thought based on the context of speaking English in communication. This study uses Research and Development approach. The approach used in this study uses three stages, namely the exploration phase which includes analyzing the need for teaching materials, prototype development phase model that includes designing the model and testing the model and validation phase which contains expert validation (Sukmadinata (2008)). Data collected at the stage of exploration is material relates to English phonology area. The second data source is the written text and spoken text in English in everyday communication. Results of the study showed that in the early stages, the students of English study program of Jambi University need a simple material that is easy to apply in daily life. At this stage of the development of prototype models, the materials are designed into module which structured into three parts. The initial section includes a cover, table of contents, and preface. The core part consists of a main material consisting of 14 units. They are (1) openings and closings,(2) introductions and address systems,(3) invitations,(4) thanking people and replying to thanks, (5)apologizing, (6) expressing anger and resolving conflict, (7)giving compliments and replying to compliments, (8)getting people’s attention and interrupting, (9) agreeing and disagreeing, (10)controlling the conversation, (11)getting information, (12) Sympathy, regret and disappointment, (13) giving advice and suggestion,(14)making appointment. Each unit is destined for one lecture. Each unit presents speaking skill and English phonology aspects. The phonology aspects includes segmental and suprasegmental phoneme. The final section includes a bibliography, and profiles of authors and contributors of teaching materials that have been designed well. The model of layout draft has been revised several times and it considers a decent standard of teaching materials. Validation includes indicators of the accuracy of the contents, exploitability, readability and appearance. At this stage of the validation results of the expert, stated that the products of teaching materials that have been made eligible for use in the teaching speaking and the teaching English phonology at English study program of Jambi Universit

    Phylogenomic analysis of Pristionchus nematodes with the focus on orphan genes

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    Proteins perform the bulk of the activity inside each living cell. Thus, it is important that a gene coding for a given protein remains conserved to maintain the proper folding of the primary amino acid sequence. Sequence homology between genes from different species allows us to trace the shared ancestry of the individual genes and species. However, the field of comparative genomics, which deals with sequence comparison, is filled with protein-coding genes that lack detectable sequence homology outside a species or a group of closely related species, such genes are classified as ‘Orphan genes’. During my doctoral research, I have tried to answer the following questions: Are Pristionchus pacificus orphan genes real or not? If yes, how old are these genes and how do they originate? I verified the protein-coding nature of orphan genes by estimating the selection pressure on their primary amino acid sequence. These findings indicate that the majority of orphan genes are under strong selection against non-synonymous amino acid changes and hence are real protein-coding genes. Further, by sequencing the genomes of six Pristionchus and two non-Pristionchus Diplogastrid species, I have generated a phylogenomic dataset with an underlying ladder-like structure around P. pacificus. This has allowed me to uncover the dynamics that shape the evolution of young and old gene families. Further, by demonstrating the diverse gene origin mechanisms, I have also determined that both sequence divergence and de novo gene creation contribute to the emergence of novel genes in Pristionchus nematodes. My results indicate that the genes without homology are biologically important and must not be ignored

    Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Industri Minyak Cengkeh pada UD. Liman Jaya, Banyumas

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    UD. Liman Jaya adalah salah satu industri penghasil minyak cengkeh di Kabupaten Banyumas yang memiliki potensi yang besar. Hal yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu kebijakan perusahaan dalam pengadaan bahan baku masih kurang optimal hanya berdasarkan pada pengalaman atau data-data dari masa lalu. Sehingga belum menerapkan manajemen atau analisis persediaan yang tepat. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu 1) mengetahui jumlah pemesanan bahan baku minyak cengkeh yang paling optimum selama satu tahun, 2) mengetahui kapan waktu pemesanan kembali (reorder point) bahan baku minyak cengkeh selama satu tahun, 3) mengetahui jumlah persediaan bahan baku pengaman (safety stock) selama satu tahun dan 4) mengetahui total biaya persediaan bahan baku minyak cengkeh paling minimum yang harus dikeluarkan selama satu tahun. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode EOQ (Economic Order Qu antity), Reorder point (Titik pemesanan kembali), TIC (Total Inventory Cost), Safety stock (Stok pengaman) dan Maximum inventory (Persediaan maksimum). Metode ini diperoleh dengan mengolah biaya- biaya yang diperlukan perusahaan selama proses produksi. Biaya yang termasuk didalamnya adalah biaya pemesanan (terdiri dari biaya telepon, biaya bahan bakar dan biaya bongkar muat) dan biaya penyimpanan (terdiri dari biaya perawatan gudang, biaya kerusakan bahan baku, biaya dan listrik). Metode EOQ menghasilkan jumlah dan biaya yang optimal dibandingkan yang digunakan oleh perusahaan. Metode EOQ dapat dijadikan sebagai model alternatif dalam pengendalian persedian bahan baku yang optimal dan ekonomis ditunjukkan pada penghematan biaya, frekuensi pemesanan berkurang dan jumlah pemesanan ekonomis setelah menggunakan metode penelitian

    Monitoring rural water services for sound evidence-based planning and finance decision making: lessons from Ghana

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    This paper presents the evolution of the national rural water service monitoring system in Ghana. In 2015, this system has been used to collect, process and analyse monitoring data from all water facilities, service providers and service authorities in six of Ghana’s ten regions. This has confirmed the earlier findings from three pilot districts regarding the low level of compliance of water services with norms and standards and low level of performance of service providers and authorities. So far, these monitoring findings have informed evidence-based dialogue on improving water service delivery and triggered remedial actions to provide renewed access to over 15,000 water users through collaborative partnerships by the District Assemblies and development partners

    Perbandingan Efektivitas Terapi Injeksi Intralesi Triamsinolon Asetonida, 5-Fluorouracil Dan Kombinasi Keduanya Pada Perbaikan Keloid

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    AbstrakTujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas terapi injeksi intralesi triamsinolon asetonida, 5-fluorouracil dan kombinasi keduanya pada perbaikan keloid; Metode: Artikel ini disusun berdasarkan review beberapa literatur yang berhubungan dengan efektivitas terapi injeksi intralesi triamsinolon asetonida, 5-fluorouracil dan kombinasi keduanya pada perbaikan keloid; Hasil: Pada penelusuran literatur didapatkan ada perbaikan semua parameter pada setiap penilaian di ketiga kelompok. Perbaikan dalam hal tinggi bekas luka, vaskularisasi, dan kelenturan paling cepat terjadi pada kelompok TAC+5FU, yang signifikan secara statistik. Telangiektasis, hipopigmentasi dan atrofi kulit paling sering ditemukan pada kelompok TAC, sedangkan ulserasi kulit, hiperpigmentasi dan nyeri merupakan masalah yang umum pada kelompok 5-FU; Kesimpulan: TAC, 5FU, dan TAC+5FU semuanya efektif untuk perbaikan keloid. Kombinasi TAC+5FU terbukti memberikan manfaat seimbang, respon yang lebih cepat dan lebih manjur dengan efek samping yang lebih ringan bila dibandingkan dengan masing-masing monoterapi.Kata kunci: Keloid; Triamsinolon Asetonida; 5-Fluorouracil; POSAS; VSS


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh PWHT terhadap sifat mekanik baja karbon rendah yang menyangkut kekuatan tarik, serta nilai kekerasan. Prosedur penelitian ini di awali dengan mengelas spesimen dengan MMAW. Spesimen di buat dua variasi yaitu yang pertama dengan elektroda E 7018, kemudian spesimen kedua dengan E 6013. Kemudian dilakukan perlakuan panas PWHT 450°C dan ditahan selama 70 menit, serta didinginkan di udara. Sifat mekanik dapat diketahui setelah dilakukan pengujian tarik dan kekerasan. PWHT pada suhu 450 oC dengan waktu penahanan 70 menit dapat mengurangi kekuatan tarik serta kekerasan pada dua jenis elektroda. Penurunan kekerasan dan kekuatan tarik turun secara linear (E 7018 Non PWHT, E 7018 PWHT, E 6013 Non PWHT, sd E 6013 PWHT. &nbsp

    Can 'functionlaity' save the community management model of rural water supply?

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    As attention increasingly turns to the sustainability of rural water supplies - and not simply overall levels of coverage or access - water point functionality has become a core concern for development practitioners and national governments, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Within the long-enduring Community-Based Management (CBM) model this has resulted in increased scrutiny of the “functionality” of the local water point committee (WPC) or similar community management organisation. This paper reviews the literature written from both practice-focused and critical-academic perspectives and identifies three areas that pose challenges to our understanding of water point functionality as it relates to CBM. These concern the relative neglect of (i) the local institutional and socio-economic landscape, (ii) broader governance processes and power dynamics, and (iii) the socio-technical interface. By examining these three areas, the paper engages with the specific issue of WPC functionality, whilst also considering broader issues relating to the framing of problems in development and the methodological and disciplinary ways that these are addressed. Furthermore, by focusing on community management of rural water points, the paper lays the ground for a more substantial critique of the continuing persistence of the CBM model as a central development strategy