56 research outputs found

    Ice Dynamics and Morphological Changes During Proglacial Lake Development at Exploradores Glacier, Patagonia

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    Proglacial lakes are ubiquitous features formed during deglaciarization and are currently increasing in number in Patagonia and elsewhere. Proglacial lakes can affect glacier dynamics, catchment hydrology and have the potential to cause glacial lake outburst floods. Therefore, monitoring the onset and development of proglacial lake formation is relevant to understand glacial processes and anticipate glacier response to climate change. In this study, we integrate geomorphological and ice-dynamic information to assess proglacial lake development in Exploradores Glacier, Chilean Patagonia. We monitor recent spatial and temporal changes in the lower trunk of Exploradores Glacier (10 km2) to provide a 20-year observation record by combining eight uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAV) surveys between 2019 and 2020, with high-medium resolution satellite imagery (Rapid Eye and Landsat) between 2000 and 2018. We use feature tracking techniques, digital surface elevation model analysis and field data to create a multi-temporal scale (inter-annual and seasonal) and a multi-spatial (cm to km) data set. Our analysis shows that surface velocity overall trend has not changed over the last 20 years and that surface velocity near the terminus is significant (>10 m a−1). Moreover, an exceptional advance over moraine deposits was detected. We also found low downwasting rates (<0.5 m a−1) close to the glacier terminus which are attributed to sufficient ice flux and the insulation effect of the debris-covered surface. However, hundreds of supraglacial ponds were observed and are currently coalescing and expanding by ice-cliff backwasting favoring glacier disintegration. Lastly, it was found that calving losses at the east marginal lake equaled ice-flux input into the lake for the UAV monitored period. This study contributes to a better understanding of glacial lake dynamics during proglacial lake development, and our results may help ice modelling efforts to predict glacier response to future climate scenarios

    Improved functionalization of oleic acid-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles can providemultiple benefits for biomedical applications in aqueous environments such asmagnetic separation or magnetic resonance imaging. To increase the colloidal stability and allow subsequent reactions, the introduction of hydrophilic functional groups onto the particles’ surface is essential. During this process, the original coating is exchanged by preferably covalently bonded ligands such as trialkoxysilanes. The duration of the silane exchange reaction, which commonly takes more than 24 h, is an important drawback for this approach. In this paper, we present a novel method, which introduces ultrasonication as an energy source to dramatically accelerate this process, resulting in high-quality waterdispersible nanoparticles around 10 nmin size. To prove the generic character, different functional groups were introduced on the surface including polyethylene glycol chains, carboxylic acid, amine, and thiol groups. Their colloidal stability in various aqueous buffer solutions as well as human plasma and serum was investigated to allow implementation in biomedical and sensing applications.status: publishe

    El "retorno de lo reprimido": el papel de la sexualidad en la recepción del psicoanålisis en el círculo médico chileno, 1910-1940

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    Glaciers in Patagonia: Controversy and prospects

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    Lately, glaciers have been subjects of unceasing controversy. Current debate about planned hydroelectric facilitiesa US7−to7- to 10-billion megaprojectin a pristine glacierized area of Patagonia, Chile [Romero Toledo et al., 2009; Vince, 2010], has raised anew the matter of how glaciologists and global change experts can contribute their knowledge to civic debates on important issues. There has been greater respect for science in this controversy than in some previous debates over projects that pertain to glaciers, although valid economic motivations again could trump science and drive a solution to the energy supply problem before the associated safety and environmental problems are understood. The connection between glaciers and climate changeboth anthropogenic and naturalis fundamental to glaciology and to glaciers\u27 practical importance for water and hydropower resources, agriculture, tourism, mining, natural hazards, ecosystem conservation, and sea level [Buytaert et al., 2010; Glasser et al., 2011]. The conflict between conservation and development can be sharper in glacierized regions than almost anywhere else. Glaciers occur in spectacular natural landscapes, but they also supply prodigious exploitable meltwater. © 2012. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Endovascular stent placing in the treatment of coronary artery disease. Angiographic, inmediate and late clinical results Implante de prĂłtesis endovasculares (stents) en el tratamiento de la cardiopatĂ­a coronaria: Resultados angiogrĂĄficos, clĂ­nicos inmedi

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    Background: Coronary revascularization allows a better survival and quality of life in high risk patients with coronary artery disease. Aim: To report the experience in stent placement as treatment for obstructive atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Patients and methods: A prospective analysis of 105 stent placements. A morphological and quantitative analysis of coronary angiograms, using an electronic caliper, was performed. Patients were followed during their hospital stay and after discharge. Results: In four of 112 coronary lesions, it was not possible to liberate the stent and in 108, it was successfully placed (48 in anterior descending, 19 in circumflex, 36 in right coronary arteries and 5 in saphenous aortocoronary by-pass. Lesions with stent implantation were type A in 11%, B1 in 30%, B2 in 44% and C in 15%. Reference diameter was 3.13 ± 0.58 mm. After placement, luminal diameter increased from 0 95 ± 0.43 to 2.99 ± 0.46 mm, with a final stenosis of 7.2 ± 10.1%. Angiogra
