134 research outputs found

    Llindar de dolor i diferències individuals en rates

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    El objetivo del experimento que se describe es el de contribuir a validar la hipótesis de García (1974) de que la deambulación en el Campo abierto podría ser un análogo en ratas de la dimensión extraversión-introversión de la teoría de Eysenck (1957, 1967). Para ello, observamos si se obtenía entre dearnbulación y tolerancia al dolor en ratas el mismo tipo de correlación que entre extraversión y tolerancia al dolor en humanos. Los resultados obtenidos pueden interpretarse de acuerdo con la hipótesis citadaGarcía (1974) say that open-field ambulation could be un analogous of Eysenck extraversion-introversion factor. The similarity of the relation between open-field ambulation with pain tolerance in rats and extroversion with pain tolerance in humarns was studied to examine this hipothesis. The observed findings agreed with the Garcia hipothesis

    Triple aproximació a les biennals d'art contemporani de les comarques de Tarragona: vessant estètica, sociològica i didàctica

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    La investigació presenta un triple vessant de les biennals d’art en tres àmbits diferenciats, que, alhora, s’interrelacionen: el vessant historicoartístic, el sociològic i el didàctic. En el vessant historicista de les arts visuals es realitza, per primera vegada, una anàlisi global de les manifestacions artístiques, es revisen les edicions de les biennals, les obres d’art i l’evolució dels artistes que hi han participat i la seva projecció, i es fa menció especial als guanyadors dels certàmens biennals. En el vessant sociològic, s’analitza la participació de la convocatòria al concurs, la repercussió que ha tingut en l’àmbit cultural de les respectives ciutats i si ha propiciat la creació de contextos favorables, així com la Incidència social de l’impacte mediàtic a la premsa. En el vessant didàctic, s’analitza la relació entre educació i art al llarg de la història de l’educació artística, en els diferents nivells educatius, amb el centre d’atenció a la demarcació de Tarragona, i emfatitza en l’estudi del cas de les biennals del Museu d’Art Modern de Tarragona. Paraules clau: biennal, ciències socials, educació artística, demarcació Tarragona, museu, art contemporani.La investigación analiza un triple componente de las Bienales de Arte en tres ámbitos diferenciados, que, a su vez, se interrelacionan: la vertiente histórico-artística, la sociológica y la didáctica. En el componente historicista de las artes visuales se realiza, por primera vez, un análisis global de las manifestaciones artísticas, revisando las ediciones de las bienales, las obras y la evolución de los artistas que han participado, su proyección, haciendo mención especial de los ganadores de los certámenes bienales. En el componente sociológico se analiza la participación de la convocatoria al concurso, la repercusión que ha tenido en el ámbito cultural de las respectivas ciudades y se ha propiciado la creación contextos favorables, así como la incidencia social del impacto mediático en la prensa. En el componente didáctico, se analiza la relación entre educación y arte a lo largo de la historia de la educación artística, en los diferentes niveles educativos, con el centro de atención a la demarcación de Tarragona, enfatizando en el estudio del caso de las bienales del Museu d’Art Modern de Tarragona. Palabras clave: bienal, ciencias sociales, educación artística, demarcación Tarragona, museo, arte contemporáneo.The research analyzes a triple component of the Art Biennials focusing on three distinct, but interrelated, areas: The art-historical, the sociological and the educational aspects. In the historicist component of the visual arts, for the first time a comprehensive analysis of the artistic production is performed, reviewing the biennial editions, the work and evolution of the participating artists and the impact of their work, with specific attention to the winners of these biennial competitions. The sociological component analyzes the participation in the call of the competition, the impact it has had on the cultural environment of the respective cities, whether it has contributed to the creation of favourable contexts and, finally, the social impact of media coverage in the press. The didactic component analyzes the relationship between education and art throughout the history of art education, at different educational levels and focused on the province of Tarragona, centred on the case study biennal of the Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona. Keywords: biennial, social sciences, art education, Tarragona, museum, contemporary art

    Comparison of structural equation models with observed and latent variables: an application to the mediating role of disability in the impact of common conditions on perceived health

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    Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) allows to study the simultaneous relationships among chronic conditions and perceived health mediated by disability dimensions. We hypothesized that considering some items as indicator variables of the underlying concept they describe (a latent variable) would provide more accurate estimates and better fit than using observed scores. Methods: Two Complex Disability Mediated Models CDMM-O (with all the variables Observed) and CDMM-L (with some Latent variables) were fitted in an epidemiological sample (n=24,797). SEM was used to estimate total, direct, and indirect effects of conditions on perceived health. Before comparing CDMM-O and CDMM-L in terms of parameter estimates, standard errors and model fit, a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was conducted. Results: The CFA presented excellent fit (RMSEA=0.011, CFI=TLI=0.999). A better fit was observed for CDMM-L. Standard errors were lower for CDMM-L, and parameter estimates were more distinct among CDMM-O and CDMM-L than expected. CDMM-O presented inconsistent estimates. Conclusions: A model with latent variables is preferred.. This project aims at comparing two structural equation models, one with observed and the other with latent variables. The models will be fitted in an epidemiological database, and the mediating role of disability in the impact of common conditions on perceived health will be assessed. The latent variables will be defined by means of ordinal indicators. The comparison will be carried out evaluating model fit indices and the size of both model coefficients and standard errors. It is expected that the fit will be better and the standard errors lower for the latent model

    La problemática de los perros potencialmente agresivos

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    All metrics are equal, but some metrics are more equal than others: A systematic search and review on the use of the term ‘metric’

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    Objective: To examine the use of the term 'metric' in health and social sciences' literature, focusing on the interval scale implication of the term in Modern Test Theory (MTT). Materials and methods: A systematic search and review on MTT studies including 'metric' or 'interval scale' was performed in the health and social sciences literature. The search was restricted to 2001-2005 and 2011-2015. A Text Mining algorithm was employed to operationalize the eligibility criteria and to explore the uses of 'metric'. The paradigm of each included article (Rasch Measurement Theory (RMT), Item Response Theory (IRT) or both), as well as its type (Theoretical, Methodological, Teaching, Application, Miscellaneous) were determined. An inductive thematic analysis on the first three types was performed. Results: 70.6% of the 1337 included articles were allocated to RMT, and 68.4% were application papers. Among the number of uses of 'metric', it was predominantly a synonym of 'scale'; as adjective, it referred to measurement or quantification. Three incompatible themes 'only RMT/all MTT/no MTT models can provide interval measures' were identified, but 'interval scale' was considerably more mentioned in RMT than in IRT. Conclusion: 'Metric' is used in many different ways, and there is no consensus on which MTT metric has interval scale properties. Nevertheless, when using the term 'metric', the authors should specify the level of the metric being used (ordinal, ordered, interval, ratio), and justify why according to them the metric is at that level

    Ús d’ATENEA en l’adaptació a l’EEES de les assignatures experimentals troncals de la titulació d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial en Química Industrial de la EUETIT

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    ATENEA ha estat una eina bàsica en la coordinació de les assignatures experimentals dins de la seva adaptació al EEES. En aquesta línia s’han utilitzat diverses eines que ens proporciona la plataforma digital. Aquesta ha estat el punt de distribució de la documentació necessària per a cada una de les assignatures i de coordinació de les diferents tasques a fer durant el curs. Dins d’aquestes tasques hi ha, entre d’altres, l’ús dels qüestionaris tant per a avaluar a l’alumnat com per a avaluar l’assignatura i el professorat, l’ús de les bases de dades i dels forums per comunicar i trametre dades, informacions, ...Peer Reviewe

    Biotecnología agrícola

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    The domestication of plants can be considered as the first genetic manipulation of living organisms and it is associated with the origin of agriculture, and represents the major contribution of biotechnology to the development of mankind. The challenges the agricultural sector faces in the coming decades are population growth and the increasing demand for raw materials for food, feed, as well as the consumer preferences, environmental and legal aspects, and the overall globalisation of the economy. The agricultural biotechnology applications will undoubtedly play a role in meeting these challenges. Spain has competent scientific groups devoted to basic and applied research, with a wide knowledge on agricultural biotechnology. The transfer of the business sector needs to the scientific field, coordinating the R&D companies and research groups from universities and public research organisms is an objective to be attained in the future.La domesticación de plantas, primera manipulación genética de los organismos vivos y origen de la Agricultura, representa la mayor contribución de la biotecnología al desarrollo de la humanidad. Los retos a superar en las próximas décadas para el sector agrario están determinados por el aumento demográfico y la demanda de materias primas para alimentación humana y animal, por las preferencias en el consumo, por aspectos medioambientales y legales, y por la globalización de la economía. Las aplicaciones de la biotecnología agrícola van a jugar un papel incuestionable en el logro de estos retos. Nuestro país posee unos buenos grupos en investigación básica y aplicada, con amplios conocimientos de la agrobiotecnología. El traslado de las necesidades del sector empresarial a la investigación, coordinando los departamentos de I+D+I de las empresas y los grupos de investigación de las universidades y organismos públicos de investigación es una finalidad a conseguir en el futuro

    Effect of chemical treatments and additives on properties of chicken feathers thermoplastic biocomposites

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    The valorization of chicken feathers (CFs) waste was researched in this work through the preparation of composites using ground chicken feathers as a filler (20 % v/v) and polypropylene (PP) or low-density polyethylene (LDPE) matrices. In order to improve the compatibility between CFs and the matrixes two different strategies were followed. First, by the chemical modification of the CFs by either acetylation or silanization and, second, by the addition of adhesion promoters like maleated polypropylene (MAPP) and maleatead polyethylene (MAPE). The effect of those treatments on the physical, mechanical and structural properties of the thermoplastic-CFs biocomposites, which are mainly related to the fibre–matrix compatibility, was analyzed. Results show that the addition of 20 % (vol/vol) of unmodified CFs to the thermoplastic matrices results in a significant decrease of the tensile strength associated to a weak interfacial adhesion was assessed by SEM. However, when the adhesion promoters were added to the mixture, a significant increase in the tensile strength was noticed, particularly when the composites were obtained by a process at 180 °C. On the contrary, acetylation and silane treatments of the CFs did not result in any practical improvement of the macroscopic properties of the biocompositesPostprint (author's final draft

    Environmental impact assessment of Polylactide(PLA)/chicken feathers biocomposite materials

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the environmental impacts (EIs) of the process of preparation of new biocomposite materials obtained from polylactide (PLA) and chicken feathers (CFs). Two CFs stabilization methods and different percentages of CFs have been studied. The EIs of these new composites were compared to the impact of virgin PLA. Cradle-to-gate life cycle inventories were assessed for 0–35% v/v of CFs in a CFs/PLA biocomposite. Two CFs stabilization processes, autoclave and surfactant, were tested and compared with the aim to prioritize one of them from the environmental point of view. A composite plate of 184¿×¿184¿×¿2.2 mm3 was defined as the functional unit. Autoclave stabilization process exhibited lower environmental impact compared with surfactant stabilization process mainly due to both the lower requirements of electricity and water and the reduced pollution loads of the generated wastewater. Thus, the autoclave process was selected as the standard method when comparing the EIs of the proposed CFs/PLA biocomposites. In this sense, the addition of CFs to PLA matrix proportionally reduces all the EIs compared to pure PLA due to the replacement of PLA with CFs. This behaviour can be explained because the PLA production accounts for the 99% of the impact of the biocomposite. Consequently, CFs conveniently stabilized might be an alternative raw material to prepare CFs/PLA biocomposites with less environmental impact compared to pure PLAPostprint (author's final draft