25 research outputs found

    Tobacco consumption in Chilean university students and associations with anthropometry, eating habits and sleep quality multicentric study

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    Introduction: Tobacco Consumption (TC) is one of the main causes of the deterioration of health. The objetive this study is to test the association of smoking with anthropometry, diet and sleep quality among Chilean university students. Cross-sectional study. University students (n=1454) from the North, South and Central parts of Chile were evaluated. A self-assessment survey was used to evaluate healthy and unhealthy eating habits,  nutritional status was evaluated by Body Mass Index (BMI). And  two surveys of sleep: the Questionnaire of Insomnia and the Epworth scale. Finally, he was consulted about tobacco Consumption. 30% of students consume tobacco, they have a higher score in unhealthy food consumption, less frequent weekly consumption, less daily fruit consumption, higher alcohol consumption and daily junk food consumption compared to non-consuming students. Men who consume tobacco present greater insomnia, sleep latency and daytime sleepiness compared to non-consumers; and women who consume tobacco have a higher weight and BMI. When performing the logistic regression, tobacco consumption is positively associated with alcohol consumption, whereas fish and vegetable consumption negatively. In conclusions, the students of both sexes who smoke have higher unfavorable health factors and quality of life &nbsp

    School Bus Routing Problem with Open Offer Policy: incentive pricing strategy for students that opt-out using school bus

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    This work introduces the School Bus Routing Problem with Open Offer Policy (SBRP-OOP) motivated by the Williamsville Central School District (WCSD) of New York. School districts are often mandated to provide transportation, but students assigned to the buses commonly do not use the service. Consequently, buses frequently run with idle capacity over long routes. The SBRP-OOP seeks to improve capacity usage and minimize the bus fleet by openly offering a monetary incentive to students willing to opt-out of using a bus. Then, students who certainly will not take a bus due to acceptance of the incentive are not included in the routing generation. Mathematical formulations are proposed to determine a pricing strategy that balances the trade-off between incentive payments and savings obtained from using fewer buses. The effectiveness of the Open Offer Policy approach is evaluated for instances from a real operational context in New York

    Desenvolupament de processos per a la síntesi de pèptids d’interès terapèutic a escala industrial

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    [cat] Investigacions recents en el camp de la biomedicina han demostrat que les interaccions entre pèptids i macromolècules com ara les proteïnes, modulen i regulen processos biològics importants com la memòria, la resposta a l’estrès, el dolor, la resposta immunitària, entre d’altres. El desenvolupament de pèptids com a possibles candidats farmacològics que tenen com a diana els receptors que regulen aquestes funcions biològiques, és un dels principals objectius en els camps de la biologia i la medicina. El Fexapotide (FT) és un pèptid terapèutic amb propietats apoptòtiques. Actualment, es troba en fase III d’assajos clínics per al tractament de la hiperplàsia benigna de la pròstata (BPH). En aquest context, el treball de tesi va consistir en un estudi preliminar vers el desenvolupament d’una ruta sintètica per a la síntesi de FT i la posterior producció a escala pilot en el marc d’una col·laboració amb una empresa farmacèutica. Els pèptids es poden sintetitzar en solució o en fase sòlida. Tots dos enfocaments sintètics han demostrat ser eficaços, però cada un té les seves limitacions. D'una banda, la síntesi en solució requereix un procés d’optimització molt llarg. D'altra banda, l’escalat de la síntesi en fase sòlida és generalment difícil. La possibilitat d’utilitzar resines altament sensibles a àcids com la 2-CTC, és possible sintetitzar pèptids i fragments protegits que es poden alliberar de la resina sense la necessitat d’eliminar cap grup protector de les cadenes laterals. Això ha permès plantejar un enfocament híbrid, també conegut com a síntesi convergent. Aquesta estratègia permet la síntesi de seqüències complexes de pèptids mitjançant la síntesi de fragments peptídics protegits curts del pèptid objectiu mitjançant la síntesi en fase sòlida i, a continuació, la unió d'aquests fragments en solució. En aquest treball, es van proposar tres rutes sintètiques diferents per a la síntesi del Fexapotide. La primera proposta es va basar en la síntesi lineal mitjançant la metodologia de fase sòlida. No obstant això, aquesta estratègia va presentar inconvenients com la baixa puresa del producte sintetitzat. Per solucionar aquest problema es van plantejar dues aproximacions convergents, a partir de tres i quatre fragments protegits. La síntesi en fase sòlida dels fragments de pèptids protegits es va estudiar àmpliament realitzant diverses síntesis de cada fragment. Les condicions d’eliminació del grup Fmoc i les reaccions d’acoblament en solució també es van estudiar exhaustivament, així com també la purificació dels pèptids protegits resultants.[eng] Recent investigations in the biomedical field have shown that peptide-macromolecular interactions modulate and control the main biological processes such as memory, response to stress, pain, immune response, kidney and cardiovascular function and many others. Development of peptide drug candidates that can target the receptors that regulate these biological functions is one of the main concerns in biology and medicine. In the past, peptides were considered to be poor drug candidates because of their low oral bioavailability and their susceptibility of being rapidly metabolised by proteolytic enzymes of the digestive system and blood plasma. Nonetheless, peptides also present many advantages over small organic molecules that led to a revival of interest of these molecules as potential active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) such as greater efficiency, selectivity and specificity, and less systemic toxicity. Moreover, few peptide drugs accumulate in tissues because of their short half-life, thus decreasing the risk of complications. Fexapotide triflutate (FT) is a new therapeutic peptide with selective pro-apoptotic properties. Currently, it is in phase III of clinical trials for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In this context, the thesis has been focused on the development of a synthetic route for the synthesis of FT compatible with pilot plant scale-up. The work has been carried out within the framework of a collaboration between the Inorganic and Organic Department of the University of Barcelona and a pharmaceutical company. Peptides can either be synthesised in solution or in solid-phase. Both synthetic approaches have proven to be effective but, each approach has its limitations. On one hand, solution-phase synthesis requires long time development of the procedure. On the other hand, scale-up of a solid-phase synthesis protocol is generally difficult. Nonetheless, with the introduction of new acid sensitive resins such as 2-CTC, it is possible to synthesise protected peptides that can be released from the resin without the necessity of removing any side chain protecting groups. This has introduced the possibility of an hybrid approach, also known as convergent synthesis that allows the production of complex peptide sequences by the synthesis of short protected peptide fragments of the target peptide using the solid-phase approach and then, the assembly of these fragments either by solution or solid-phase methods. This strategy circumvents difficulties encountered during the solid-phase synthesis of long peptides, becoming a promising approach for the commercial-scale production of large peptides. Three different synthetic routes were proposed for the synthesis of Fexapotide. The first approach is based on the use of the traditional solid-phase methodology following a linear approach. However, this strategy presented some disadvantages, and two different convergent approaches were designed and studied as alternatives, differing on the size of the fragments. The solid-phase synthesis of the protected peptide fragments was extensively studied by performing several syntheses of each fragment under different conditions. Moreover, the solution-phase coupling conditions were deeply examined as well as the purification of different impurities that were generated during the synthetic process to find suitable conditions to avoid them. Special attention was given to the removal of the Fmoc group with the aim of searching protocols suitable for peptide purification. With this goal, the isolation and characterization of the by-products generated was carried out

    Turistas comunitarios en el Ecuador

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    El texto pretende exponer los resultados más relevantes de la última fase de una investigación sobre turismo comunitario que nos ha mantenido trabajando a un equipo de investigadores y profesores de la universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador) y Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (España) desde el año 2006. Una investigación que llevaba por título: “Viabilidad Social del Turismo Comunitario. Indicadores, modelización y evaluación II”, subvencionada por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, que continuaba con lo iniciado en 2006. De aquí que los antecedentes primeros los encontremos en los resultados de anteriores fases del estudio, en formato de publicación: Cultura, Comunidad y Turismo. Este libro está compuesto por las aportaciones de siete investigadores que hemos trabajado en diferentes comunidades durante los períodos que han sustentado nuestro estudio en distintas geografías del Ecuador. Lo hemos estructurado en tres partes: esta primera Introducción (“Mirar a los turistas, de los otros actores del turismo comunitario en Ecuador”) donde se explicitan los planteamientos que nos llevaron a abordar este análisis y se contextualiza la investigación de la que proceden los textos; en una segunda parte que hemos denominado Comunidades vistas por turistas, aparecen la descripción y análisis del papel de los turistas realizados en algunas de las comunidades en la que hemos trabajado en Ecuador: “Del Voluntariado turístico a un turista con voluntad y deseos” en Saraguro provincia de Loja; “Turistas comunitarios y visitantes. El caso de Salinas de Guaranda (Ecuador)”, en Salinas provincia de Bolíva; “El turista y el turismo comunitario indígena en la Amazonía ecuatoriana” en varias comunidades de la Amazonia y “Turistas en el turismo comunitario. Reflexiones desde Agua Blanca”, en Agua Blanca, en la provincia de Manabí. En la tercera parte, Recorriendo comunidades, cerramos con la ejemplificante etnografía de viaje, “Viajeros, curiosos, devotos, militantes… Del “Grand Tour” al turismo solidario. Tour Maquita Cushunchic y encuentro Tumbaco, Agosto-Setiembre 2009”, que realizó uno de los investigadores en un tour de veintiún días por todo el país, y con turistas comunitarios. Así concluimos nuestro intento por mirar a los turistas como actores coprotagonistas, y de algún modo cerrar el circulo abierto hace unos años en torno al particular modo de hacer turismo comunitario en Ecuador

    La prisión preventiva, similitudes y diferencias entre el Código de Procedimiento Penal y Código Procesal Penal

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    Tesis (Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas)Antes de abordar el tema principal que nos ocupa, sintetizaremos los antecedentes históricos del Código de Procedimiento Penal y su procedimiento antes del gran acontecimiento histórico que ocurrió en Chile, "El Nuevo Proceso Penal ", tema que abordaremos con mayor profundidad al tratar la prisión preventiva en relación con la libertad provisional. La aplicación de la prisión preventiva como forma de asegurar la persona del delincuente y la realización del juicio, esta vinculada a la idea medieval de obtener la verdad a cualquier precio a través de la confesión del acusado, por lo que su principal función, era proporcionar condiciones materiales para la tortura. Esta concepción no coincide con la función instrumental atribuida hoy a la prisión preventiva. Actualmente, se trata de evitar que el procesado, con su permanencia en libertad, pueda frustrar su comparecencia a los actos que se verifiquen en el proceso, en que sea indispensable su presencia para el esclarecimiento de los hechos, que atenten contra la seguridad de la sociedad y del ofendido o su familia

    Consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes among Chilean university students

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    International recommendations indicate that 400 g/ day or its equivalent to 5 servings of fruits, vegetables or legumes should be consumed daily. Our aim was to determine patterns of consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes among Chilean university students. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study. University students (n= 1454) from the north, center and south of Chile were evaluated. A self-assessment survey was used to evaluate healthy eating habits (fruits, vegetables and legumes). Seventy-eight percent of participants were women. When analyzing the consumption frequency of fruits, vegetables and legumes according to different universities, only fruits and vegetables showed a statistically significant difference (p< 0.01). Seventy percent of students do not meet recommended amounts for fruit consumption; 72% for vegetables and 77% for legumes. Among women, 6.3% of the total sample met the recommendation for fruit, while, for men, the value was 8.4%; for vegetables, we observed that 29.5 and 21.3% of women and men, respectively, met the recommendation; for legumes, 2.4% of women and 5% of men met the recommendation. There was a low consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes among university students, with levels far from the international recommendations

    Lifestyles, body mass index and sleep patterns among university students

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    Background: Health surveys in Chile show a worrisome high prevalence of unhealthy lifestyles among adults. Aim: To characterize the nutritional status, food intake and sleep patterns in university students of both genders. Material and Methods: Cross sectional study in seven Chilean universities. Students from six universities answered a feeding habits survey, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Insomnia Severity Index and Epworth Sleepiness Scale. All were weighed and their height was measured. Results: A total of 1,418 students aged 21 +/- 3 years (22% males) were evaluated. Three percent were classified as underweight, 68% as normal weight, 24% as overweight and 4% as obese. Thirty three percent of males and 28% of females smoked. Twenty six percent consumed at least one glass of alcoholic beverages on the weekend, and only 18% of males and 5% of females were physically active. Men consumed unhealthy foods with a significantly higher frequency than females. Twenty seven percent had mild daytime somnolence, 24% had moderate daytime somnolence, 50% had subclinical insomnia, 19% moderate insomnia, and 1.4% had severe insomnia. Conclusions: In this group of students a high frequency of unhealthy lifestyles and malnutrition caused by excess was observed. Also a high prevalence of insomnia, daytime somnolence, and inadequate sleep amounts were recorded

    Abordaje integral de las prácticas docentes a partir de un proyecto de “Redes Comunitarias”

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar la propuesta de una actividad electiva en los estudiantes de la carrera de medicina de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud (UNCPBA). La misma surge, a partir de la realización del proyecto de extensión universitario “Redes comunitarias en tiempos de Covid”; en el marco del Programa Universidades por la Emergencia del Covid-19 de la Secretaría de Políticas Universitarias de la Nación. La propuesta nace de las tres funciones sustanciales de la universidad, mediante un abordaje integral; sus objetivos fueron: en extensión brindar información a la población de los Barrios Luz y Fuerza, Facundo Quiroga I y II, sobre “activos comunitarios” a través de una página web; en docencia reforzar la responsabilidad social de estudiantes de Medicina y el contacto con la comunidad en tiempos de pandemia; por último, en investigación detectar activos comunitarios para la salud en tres barrios de la ciudad de Olavarría en el período de pandemia. La propuesta se basó en la teoría de la Salutogénesis, centrada en la identificación de todo lo que genera salud en lugar de aquello que causa enfermedad. La interacción de la comunidad educativa con la realidad social permite construir conciencia social y problematizar los eventos relacionados con la salud de los individuos y la comunidad, en busca de una universidad con responsabilidad social.Especialización en Docencia Universitari

    Consumption of ultra-processed food and its association with obesity in Chilean university students: A multi-center study Ultra-processed food and obesity in Chilean university students

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    Objective To explore the associations between the consumption of three categories of ultra-processed food (sugary beverages, sweet, and salty snacks) and body mass index (BMI) among Chilean university students. Methods We conducted a multi-center, descriptive study among 2,039 students from 6 Chilean universities. Food consumption was surveyed using a validate food survey. That height and body weight were objectively measured to calculate BMI for determining weight status, and also, tobacco use and physical activity were measured. Results An intake equal to or higher than 1 serving of sugary beverage a day was associated with greater odds of obesity in university students (OR:1.32 [95% CI: 1.00, 1.74]), 2 servings/day (OR: 1.30 [95% CI: 1.04, 1.50]), and 3 servings/day (OR: 1.39 [95% CI: 1.05, 1.80]). Neither consumption of sweet nor salty snacks (>= 1 servings/day) related to differential odds of obesity: (OR: 0.83 [95% CI: 0.42, 1.64]) and (OR: 1.79 [95% CI: 0.93, 3.41]), respectively. Conclusion In a sample of Chilean university students, consumption of sugary beverages, and not consumption of sweet or salty snacks, was associated with obesity