23 research outputs found

    Caracterización y Simulación de un Diodo Schottky de Microondas

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    Presentado en el XXVIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. URSI 2013, Santiago de Compostela, 11 al 13 de septiembre de 2013.Microwave diode models included in commercial simulators use a large set of parameters, so they are often difficult to set up in order to match the actual response of a specific device. In this paper a simple model for a zero-bias microwave Schottky diode is presented. Noise characteristics are determined by measurements and then incorporated to the large signal model offered by the manufacturer in the diode datasheet. Using this model a diode power detector in large signal operation is simulated with commercial software, achieving excellent agreement with the measurement results, both in terms of power sensitivity and noise spectrum.Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía, mediante el proyecto P09-TIC-5268. Universidad de Málaga - Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Polarization and wavelength agnostic nanophotonic beam splitter

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    High-performance optical beam splitters are of fundamental importance for the development of advanced silicon photonics integrated circuits. However, due to the high refractive index contrast of the silicon-on-insulator platform, state of the art Si splitters are hampered by trade-offs in bandwidth, polarization dependence and sensitivity to fabrication errors. Here, we present a new strategy that exploits modal engineering in slotted waveguides to overcome these limitations, enabling ultra-wideband polarization-insensitive optical power splitters, with relaxed fabrication tolerances. The proposed splitter relies on a single-mode slot waveguide which is transformed into two strip waveguides by a symmetric taper, yielding equal power splitting. Based on this concept, we experimentally demonstrate -3±\pm0.5 dB polarization-independent transmission in an unprecedented 390 nm bandwidth (1260 - 1650 nm), even in the presence of waveguide width deviations as large as ±\pm25 nm

    Butler Matrix Based Six-port Passive Junction

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    In this work we propose the utilization of the Butler matrix as a six-port I/Q demodulator. The inherent symmetry of its topology allows to overcome the intrinsic amplitude and phase imbalances of the traditional approaches making it more suitable for the design of high performance six-port networks. To demonstrate the validity of the proposal a Butler matrix has been designed covering the complete UWB band and its results are compared with the traditional approaches

    Caracterización y Simulación de un Diodo Schottky de Microondas

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    Presentado en el XXVIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio. URSI 2013, Santiago de Compostela, 11 al 13 de septiembre de 2013.Microwave diode models included in commercial simulators use a large set of parameters, so they are often difficult to set up in order to match the actual response of a specific device. In this paper a simple model for a zero-bias microwave Schottky diode is presented. Noise characteristics are determined by measurements and then incorporated to the large signal model offered by the manufacturer in the diode datasheet. Using this model a diode power detector in large signal operation is simulated with commercial software, achieving excellent agreement with the measurement results, both in terms of power sensitivity and noise spectrum.Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía, mediante el proyecto P09-TIC-5268. Universidad de Málaga - Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    A chip-scale second-harmonic source via self-injection-locked all-optical poling

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    Abstract Second-harmonic generation allows for coherently bridging distant regions of the optical spectrum, with applications ranging from laser technology to self-referencing of frequency combs. However, accessing the nonlinear response of a medium typically requires high-power bulk sources, specific nonlinear crystals, and complex optical setups, hindering the path toward large-scale integration. Here we address all of these issues by engineering a chip-scale second-harmonic (SH) source based on the frequency doubling of a semiconductor laser self-injection-locked to a silicon nitride microresonator. The injection-locking mechanism, combined with a high-Q microresonator, results in an ultra-narrow intrinsic linewidth at the fundamental harmonic frequency as small as 41 Hz. Owing to the extreme resonant field enhancement, quasi-phase-matched second-order nonlinearity is photoinduced through the coherent photogalvanic effect and the high coherence is mapped on the generated SH field. We show how such optical poling technique can be engineered to provide efficient SH generation across the whole C and L telecom bands, in a reconfigurable fashion, overcoming the need for poling electrodes. Our device operates with milliwatt-level pumping and outputs SH power exceeding 2 mW, for an efficiency as high as 280%/W under electrical driving. Our findings suggest that standalone, highly-coherent, and efficient SH sources can be integrated in current silicon nitride photonics, unlocking the potential of χ (2) processes in the next generation of integrated photonic devices

    Enhanced carbon nanotubes light emission integrated with photonic SOI ring resonators

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    International audienceWe present our recent results towards the integration of carbon nanotubes onto the SOI platform for the implementation of light sources. We experimentally demonstrate two-orders of magnitude enhancement of semiconductor single walled carbon nanotubes emission in fully integrated silicon microresonators

    Butler Matrix Based Six-port Passive Junction

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    In this work we propose the utilization of the Butler matrix as a six-port I/Q demodulator. The inherent symmetry of its topology allows to overcome the intrinsic amplitude and phase imbalances of the traditional approaches making it more suitable for the design of high performance six-port networks. To demonstrate the validity of the proposal a Butler matrix has been designed covering the complete UWB band and its results are compared with the traditional approaches

    Hybrid integration of carbon nanotube emitters into silicon photonic nanoresonators (Conference Presentation)

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    International audienceResearch of integrated light sources into the silicon platform has been extremely active for the past decades. Solutions such as the integration of III / V materials and components on silicon have been developed in a context of pre-industrial research, devices and systems intending very close to the market applications. The germanium(-tin) route has also demonstrated remarkable breakthroughs. The rationales of this research are the realization of optical interconnects. In parallel with these approaches, another interesting research field is the integration of nano-emitters, with the perspective of the realization of classical light sources but also of single photon and photon pair sources, in particular for quantum-on-chip communications. In this context, we propose the use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for the integration into silicon photonics towards novel optoelectronic devices. Indeed, CNTs are nanomaterials of particular interest in photonics thanks to their fundamental optical properties including near-IR luminescence, Stark effect, Kerr effect and absorption. Here, we report on the study of the light emission coupling from CNTs into optical nanobeam cavities implemented on the SOI platform. A wide range of situations have been studied by varying the deposition conditions of CNT-doped PFO polymer layers but also by considering different possible geometries of nanobeam cavities. Under optical pumping, we observe a very efficient coupling of the photoluminescence of the nanotubes with the modes of the nanocavities as well as a spectral narrowing of the photoluminescence spectra as a function of the optical power of the pump. These results contribute to the future realization of CNTs lasers, single photon and photon pair sources integrated on silicon. The authors thank the support of the European Commission's FP7-Cartoon project

    Silicon membrane Bragg filters for near- and mid-infrared applications (Conference Presentation)

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    International audienceThe large transparency window of silicon (1.1-8 µm wavelength range) makes it a promising material for the implementation of a wide range of applications, including datacom, nonlinear and quantum optics, or sensing in the near-and mid-infrared wavelength ranges. However, the implementation of the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform in the mid-infrared is restricted by the absorption of buried oxide layer for wavelengths above 4 µm. A promising solution is to combine silicon membranes and subwavelength nanostructuration to locally remove the buried oxide layer, thus allowing access to the full transparency window of silicon. Additionally, structuring silicon with features smaller than half of the wavelength releases new degrees of freedom to tailor material properties, allowing the realization of innovative high-performance Si devices. Implementing Si membrane waveguides providing simultaneous single-mode operation at both near-infrared and mid-infrared wavelengths is cumbersome. Due to the high index contrast between Si and air cladding, conventional strip waveguides with cross-sections large enough to guide a mode in the mid-infrared are multi-mode in the nearinfrared. Here, we exploit periodic corrugation to engineer light propagation properties of Si membrane waveguides allowing effective single-mode operation in near-and mid-IR. Single-mode propagation in the mid-IR is allowed by choosing a 500-nm-thick and 1100-nm-wide silicon waveguide. A novel waveguide corrugation approach radiates out the higher order modes in the near-IR, resulting in an effectively singlemode operation in near-IR. Based on this concept, we demonstrated Bragg filters with 4 nm bandwidth and 40 dB rejection

    Polarization- and wavelengthagnostic nanophotonic beam splitter

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    9 pags., 6 figs., 1 tab.High-performance optical beam splitters are of fundamental importance for the development of advanced silicon photonics integrated circuits. However, due to the high refractive index contrast of silicon-on-insulator platforms, state-of-the-art nanophotonic splitters are hampered by trade-offs in bandwidth, polarization dependence and sensitivity to fabrication errors. Here, we present a new strategy that exploits modal engineering in slotted waveguides to overcome these limitations, enabling ultra-broadband polarization-insensitive optical power splitters with relaxed fabrication tolerances. The proposed splitter design relies on a single-mode slot waveguide that is gradually transformed into two strip waveguides by a symmetric taper, yielding equal power splitting. Based on this concept, we experimentally demonstrate −3 ± 0.5 dB polarization-independent transmission for an unprecedented 390 nm bandwidth (1260–1650 nm), even in the presence of waveguide width deviations as large as ±25 nm.This work has been funded in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under grants TEC2015-71127-C2-1-R (FPI scholarship BES-2016-077798) and IJCI-2016-30484; and the Community of Madrid (S2013/MIT-2790). This project has received funding from the EMPIR program (JRP-i22 14IND13 Photind), co-financed by the participating countries and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program; and from the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska- Curie Grant No. 734331. This work has been partially funded by the Agence National pour la Recherche, Project MIRSPEC (ANR-17-CE09-0041) and the H2020 European Research Council (ERC) (ERC POPSTAR 647342). The sample fabrication has been performed at the Plateforme de Micro-Nano-Technologie/C2N, which is partially funded by the “Conseil Général de l’Éssonne”. This work was partly supported by the French RENATECH network.Peer reviewe