97 research outputs found

    Baseline to Evaluate Off-Site Suspended Sediment-Related Mining Effects in the Alto Tajo Natural Park, Spain

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    Mining is a human activity with considerable environmental impact. To evaluate such impacts, international laws require undertaking local studies based on direct sampling to establish baseline conditions of parameters modified by human activities. Mining takes place near the Alto Tajo Natural Park, where a suspended sediment concentration (SSC) baseline is required to determine whether mining affects water quality. To this end, we have monitored the Tajo River and its tributary the Tajuelo following Before–After Control-Impact (BACI) techniques, recommended by Australian and New Zealand laws, requiring a specific method based on continuous monitoring and sampling to enable evaluation of SSCs. An SSC baseline has been defined at stations situated upstream of the mining area and compared with those downstream. The highest detected SSC upstream of the Tajuelo mines was 24 g l−1 whereas the highest simultaneous downstream value was 391 g l−1, more than one order of magnitude higher than the supposed baseline (24 g l−1). Additionally, this value is 1000 times more than the average concentration of 25 mg l−1, used by the European Union until 2015, to guarantee the quality of salmonid waters. Following a BACI approach, a statistically significant SSC impact has been identified. The mined areas are the only source that can explain this increase. This is the first instance that such an increase and baseline have been found using this method. BACI is a simple and reliable method recommended for studying degraded areas rather than an irrelevant, fixed standard as included in most international laws. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.This study was funded by: (i) Research Project CGL2010-21754-C02-01 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, and Ministry of Economy); (ii) the Department of Agriculture and Environment of Castile—La Mancha through its socalled “Fondos Verdes” (Green Funding); (iii) the research contract 249/2015 between CAOBAR and UCM; (iv) the Ecological Restoration Network REMEDINAL-3 of the Madrid Community (S2013/MAE-2719); (v) the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) for Ph.D. Grant JAEPredoc to IZAPeer reviewe

    Effects of Topography and Surface Soil Cover on Erosion for Mining Reclamation: The Experimental Spoil Heap at El Machorro Mine (Central Spain)

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    Mining reclamation tries to reduce environmental impacts, including accelerated runoff, erosion and sediment load in the nearby fluvial networks and their ecosystems. This study compares the effects of topography and surface soil cover on erosion on man-made slopes coming from surface mining reclamation in Central Spain. Two topographic profiles, linear and concave, with two surface soil covers, subsoil and topsoil, were monitored for two hydrologic years. Sediment load, rill development and plant colonization from the four profiles were measured under field conditions. The results show that, in the case of this experiment, a thick and non-compacted topsoil cover on a linear slope yielded less sediment than carbonate colluvium or topsoil cover on a concave slope. This study also shows that vegetation establishment, which plays an important role in erosion control, depends on topography. Plant cover was more widespread and more homogeneous on linear profiles with topsoil cover. On concave slopes, plant establishment was severely limited on the steepest upper part and favoured in the bottom. This study suggests that management of topography and surface soil cover should be approached systematically, taking three outcomes into consideration: (i) topsoil can lead to a successful mining reclamation regardless of topography, (ii) created concave slopes can lead to a successful mining reclamation and (iii) topography determines the vegetation colonization pattern.The experiment was funded by a research contract between the Spanish mining company 602 CAOBAR S.A. and the Department of Geodynamics of the Complutense University of Madrid 603 (research contract numbers 234/2007, 290/2008 261/2009). The data analyses and manuscript 604 production were developed within two Research Projects, CGL2009-14508-C02-01 and 605 CGL2010-21754-C02, of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and by the 606 Ecological Restoration network REMEDINAL-2 (S2009/AMB-1783).Peer reviewe

    Wind speed description and power density in northern Spain

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    Wind resources are increasingly being investigated as a clean alternative for generating energy. This paper analyses the daily wind speed recorded at 46 automatic weather stations located in Navarre, northern Spain, in 2005e2015. Key points are the surface density of stations and the range of time that ensure a faithful depiction of wind speed together with surface calculations from image analysis and correlation with height. Different statistics were used. Median wind speed at 10 m was low, about 3.3 m s 1 and its interquartile range was narrow, about 2.3 m s 1. Nearly half the surface shows a median wind speed above 3.0 m s 1. The method of moments was employed to calculate the parameters of the Weibull distribution. Around half of the surface presented a shape parameter above 2.25 and the scale parameter was above 4 m s 1 for nearly 41% of the region. Although wind resources are not suitable for wind turbine applications in most of the region, since the wind speed is low in low-lying areas, about 12% of the region is suitable for stand-alone applications and, moreover, a substantial part of the region, around 23%, presents satisfactory wind resources for the installation of wind turbines.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and ERDF funds (project numbers CGL2009-11979 and CGL2014-53948-P

    Os textos descontínuos: uma possibilidade didática para favorecer a interpretação

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    This article is the result of research conducted are three public schools in Medellín: José Antonio Galán, La Esperanza y San Antonio de Prado. The main objective was exploring the possibilities for the use of discontinuous texts a didactical medium for encouraging interpretation in students from 4th and 5th grade. The method employed for the research was of a qualitative kind with a focus on learning situations designed from some discontinuous text with a greater social circulation that allowed the strengthening of comprehension and textual interpretation processes. The use of discontinuous texts presents a differentiating element given that these kind of texts, poorly used in class, are a reading alternative in conformity with the kind of texts of greater circulations nowadays and resulted in the strengthening of interpretative processes that lead students to assuming a critical, reflective and analytical attitude towards matters of their everyday life and its immediate social environment, thus resulting in a link of non-scholar knowledge in the school context. At the end of the analysis, certain findings are highlighted as the ones surrounding processes such as autonomous reading, re-reading, interpretative abilities with textual and paratextual elements, collaborative learning, detection of relevant information, correlation between text and context and creation of new texts from pre-established ideas or formats; findings that allows the research to conclude that the link between diverse typologies and text formats is necessary alongside the teaching of different strategies that allow the student the improving off its interpretation abilities and that school must undertake the inclusion of text with meaning for the student and with correspondence with the social use of reading.Este artículo es el resultado de la investigación realizada en las instituciones educativas públicas de Medellín: José Antonio Galán, La Esperanza y San Antonio de Prado. El objetivo fue explorar las posibilidades del uso de textos discontinuos como medio didáctico para fortalecer la interpretación en los estudiantes de grados 4.° y 5.°. La investigación fue de tipo cualitativo con un enfoque de investigación acción educativa, en la cual se implementaron seis situaciones de aprendizaje diseñadas a partir de algunos textos discontinuos de mayor circulación social que permitieron fortalecer procesos de comprensión e interpretación textual. El uso de los textos discontinuos representa un elemento diferenciador, ya que al ser poco abordados en las prácticas de aula, muestran una alternativa distinta de lectura más acorde con el tipo de textos que circulan en la actualidad, fortaleciendo de esta manera procesos interpretativos que llevaron al estudiante a asumir una postura de análisis, crítica y reflexión sobre asuntos que hacían parte de su cotidianidad y se referían a su entorno social, logrando vincular a la escuela los saberes extraescolares. Finalizado el proceso de análisis, se destacan hallazgos en torno a procesos de relectura, lectura autónoma, capacidad interpretativa sobre elementos textuales y paratextuales, aprendizaje colaborativo, identificación de información relevante, correlación entre texto y contexto y creación de nuevos textos a partir de ideas o formatos preestablecidos, hallazgos que permitieron concluir que se hace necesaria no solo la vinculación a los procesos de lectura diversas tipologías y formatos textuales, sino la enseñanza de estrategias que le permitan al estudiante mejorar su interpretación, y que la escuela se debe dar a la tarea de llevar al aula textos que tengan sentido para el estudiante y que correspondan al uso social de la lectura.Este artigo é resultado da pesquisa realizada nas instituições educativas públicas de Medellín (Colômbia): José Antonio Galán, La Esperanza e San Antonio de Prado. O objetivo foi explorar as possibilidades do uso de textos descontínuos como meio didático para fortalecer a interpretação nos estudantes dos 4º e 5º anos. Esta pesquisa foi de tipo qualitativo, com uma abordagem de pesquisa-ação educativa, na qual foram implantadas seis situações de aprendizagem desenhadas a partir de alguns textos descontínuos de maior circulação social que permitiram fortalecer processos de compreensão e interpretação textual. O uso dos textos descontínuos representa um elemento diferenciador, já que, ao serem pouco abordados nas práticas de sala de aula, mostram uma alternativa diferente de leitura mais coerente com os gêneros textuais que circulam na atualidade, fortalecendo, dessa maneira, processos interpretativos que levam o estudante a assumir um posicionamento de análise, crítica e reflexão sobre assuntos que fazem parte de seu cotidiano e se referem a seu contexto social, conseguindo vincular os saberes extraescolares à escola. Finalizado o processo de análise, são destacados os achados sobre os processos de releitura, leitura autônoma, capacidade interpretativa sobre elementos textuais e paratextuais, aprendizagem colaborativa, identificação de informação relevante, correlação entre texto e contexto e criação de novos textos a partir de ideias ou formatos preestabelecidos, achados que permitiram concluir que é necessário vincular, aos processos de leitura, não somente diversos tipos e gêneros textuais, mas também o ensino de estratégias que possibilitem ao estudante melhorar sua interpretação, e que a escola deve levar à sala de aula textos que tenham sentido para o estudante e que correspondam ao uso social da leitura

    Preditores psicolinguísticos da aquisição e aprendizagem do inglês como segunda língua

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    The skills and psycholinguistic competences in the mother tongue (L1) seem to play a fundamental role in the acquisition and learning of a second language (L2). The purpose of this study was to establish the psycholinguistic predictors of the L1 for the acquisition and learning of English as an L2. The sample was made up of 111 children, students in public schools of the city of Medellín. The results of this research project suggest that there are two psycholinguistic factors considered as strong predictors of L1 for the acquisition of English as an L2, the first factor was named syntactic analysis and the second one phono-lexical. In conclusion, the skills in L1 and the aptitudes for the acquisition of the L2 are closely related or at least the psycholinguistic profile in L1 is fundamental for the acquisition and learning of English as an L2. Las habilidades y competencias psicolingüísticas de la lengua materna (L1) parecen desempeñar un papel fundamental en la adquisición y aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2). El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer los predictores psicolingüísticos de L1 para la adquisición y aprendizaje del inglés como L2. La muestra estuvo conformada por 111 niños, estudiantes de instituciones educativas públicas de la ciudad de Medellín. Los resultados de esta investigación sugieren la existencia de dos factores psicolingüísticos considerados como fuertes predictores de L1 para la adquisición del inglés como L2; el primer factor se denominó análisis sintáctico y un segundo factor fue denominado fonolexical. En conclusión, las habilidades en L1 y las aptitudes para la adquisición de L2 están estrechamente relacionadas o, por lo menos, el perfil psicolingüístico en L1 es fundamental para la adquisición y el aprendizaje del inglés como L2.As habilidades e competências psicolinguísticas da língua materna (L1) parecem desempenhar um importante papel na aquisição e aprendizagem de uma segunda língua (L2). O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os preditores psicolinguísticos de L1 para a aquisição e aprendizagem do Inglês como L2. A amostra foi composta por 111 crianças, estudantes de instituições educativas públicas da cidade de Medellín. Os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem a existência de dois fatores psicolinguísticos considerados fortes preditores de L1 para a aquisição de Inglês como L2; o primeiro fator foi denominado análise sintático e o segundo fator foi chamado fonolexical. Em conclusão, as habilidades em L1 e as aptidões para a aquisição de L2 estão intimamente relacionadas, ou, pelo menos, o perfil psicolinguístico em L1 é essencial para a aquisição e aprendizagem do Inglês como L

    Teoría de la mente y empatía como predictores de conductas disociales en la adolescencia

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    It has been proposed that the characteristics of theory of mind and empathy are important predictors of behavioural disorders during childhood and adolescence. This study compared a group of teenagers with the characteristics of antisocial behavior disorder and a group of teenagers as controls in terms of their performance on tests assessing the theory of mind and empathy, with the further aim of establishing risk and protective factors predictive of the development of antisocial behavior during adolescence. There were significant statistical differences between the two groups on the theory of mind and empathy tests. The dimension of empathy known as as perspective taking as well as the adolescent’s skills in understanding mental and emotional states were established as protective factors according to the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test.Se ha propuesto que las características de la teoría de la mente y la empatía son predictores importantes de trastornos de conducta en la niñez y la adolescencia. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron comparar un grupo de adolescentes, con características de trastorno disocial y un grupo de adolescentes controles, en pruebas que evalúan teoría de la mente y empatía, con el fin de establecer factores predictivos de riesgo o de protección para el desarrollo de conductas disociales en los adolescentes. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos, en las pruebas de teoría de la mente y de empatía. Se establecieron como factores protectores la dimensión de la empatía denominada toma de perspectiva y las habilidades del adolescente para interpretar los estados mentales y emocionales de acuerdo al Test de la lectura de la mirad

    Pensar, crear y actuar: Las bases para emprender, desde el desarrollo del pensamiento científico, lógico matemático y lógico lingüístico en estudiantes de básica secundaria de la IEM Cundinamarca en Zipaquirá.

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    292 PáginasEl presente proyecto de investigación tiene como principal objetivo fomentar la cultura del emprendimiento desde el desarrollo del pensamiento científico, lógico-matemático y lógico-lingüístico en estudiantes de educación básica secundaria de la Institución Educativa Municipal Cundinamarca de Zipaquirá. El proyecto propone una educación emprendedora con una visión humanista e integradora desde la Enseñanza para la Comprensión, las rutinas de pensamiento, la visibilización del pensamiento y el uso de rúbricas de valoración continua que permita el desarrollo de habilidades emprendedoras (pensamiento crítico, creatividad, trabajo en equipo, toma de decisiones, comportamiento autorregulado y proactividad) en el estudiante, para que pueda desenvolverse adecuadamente en la vida cotidiana. Lo anterior, se enmarca en una propuesta transversal desde las siguientes áreas: ciencias sociales, ciencias naturales, matemáticas, valores y cátedra de la paz, con el fin de contribuir a la articulación de la educación básica secundaria con la media técnica en gestión empresarial ofrecida por la Institución. La propuesta abarca el emprendimiento, entendido como una forma de pensar, ser, sentir y actuar, que se aprende y construye a lo largo de la vida, para esto se utilizan rutinas con el fin de hacer visible el pensamiento y estimular tipos de pensamiento, desde el marco de la Enseñanza para la Comprensión (EpC), sin olvidar el desarrollo de los lineamientos y estándares curriculares de las disciplinas. Su propósito general es constituirse en un aporte a la visión integral del emprendimiento en el currículo institucional, que articule la educación básica secundaria con la media técnica en gestión técnica empresarial

    The Origin of The Acheulean: The 1.7 Million-Year-Old Site of FLK West, Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)

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    The appearance of the acheulean is one of the hallmarks of human evolution. It represents the emergence of a complex behavior, expressed in the recurrent manufacture of large-sized tools, with standardized forms, implying more advance forethought and planning by hominins than those required by the precedent Oldowan technology. The earliest known evidence of this technology dates back to c. 1.7 Ma. and is limited to two sites (Kokiselei [Kenya] and Konso [Ethiopia]), both of which lack functionally-associated fauna. The functionality of these earliest Acheulean assemblages remains unknown. Here we present the discovery of another early Acheulean site also dating to c. 1.7 Ma from Olduvai Gorge. This site provides evidence of the earliest steps in developing the Acheulean technology and is the oldest acheulean site in which stone tools occur spatially and functionally associated with the exploitation of fauna. Simple and elaborate large-cutting tools (LCT) and bifacial handaxes co-exist at FLK West, showing that complex cognition was present from the earliest stages of the acheulean. Here we provide a detailed technological study and evidence of the use of these tools on the butchery and consumption of fauna, probably by early Homo erectus sensu lato