57 research outputs found

    Multi-instrumental observations of the 2014 Ursid meteor outburst

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    The Ursid meteor shower is an annual shower that usually shows little activity. However, its Zenith hourly rate sometimes increases, usually either when its parent comet, 8P/Tuttle, is close to its perihelion or its aphelion. Outbursts when the comet is away from perihelion are not common and outbursts when the comet is close to aphelion are extremely rare. The most likely explanation offered to date is based on the orbital mean motion resonances. The study of the aphelion outburst of 2000 December provided a means of testing that hypothesis. A new aphelion outburst was predicted for 2014 December. The SPanish Meteor Network, in collaboration with the French Fireball Recovery and InterPlanetary Observation Network, set up a campaign to monitor this outburst and eventually retrieve orbital data that expand and confirm previous preliminary results and predictions. Despite unfavourable weather conditions over the south of Europe over the relevant time period, precise trajectories from multistation meteor data recorded over Spain were obtained, as well as orbital and radiant information for four Ursid meteors. The membership of these four meteors to the expected dust trails that were to provoke the outburst is discussed, and we characterize the origin of the outburst in the dust trail produced by the comet in the year ad 1392.This study was supported by the Spanish grants AYA2011- 26522 and AYA2015-67175-P (PI: JMTR), AYA2015-68646-P and AYA2014-61357-EXP (JMM). The FRIPON project is funded by ANR. MG acknowledges support from the ERC Advanced Grant No. 320773, and the Russian Foundation for BasicResearch, project nos. 16-07-01072 and 16-05-00004. Research at the Ural Federal University is supported by the Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, agreement No 02.A03.21.0006. EB is supported by the Universitat Ramon Llull project 2016-URL-IR-001supported by ‘Generalitat de Catalunya’. The authors acknowledge being a part of the network supported by the COST Action TD1403 ‘Big Data Era in Sky and EarthObservation’. The CINES supercomputer was used for theoretical work. This research has been made in the framework of EURONEAR. We thank Dr Aswin Sekhar for his valuable comments that helped to enhance this paper. This study was done in the frame of a PhD on Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) under the direction of Dr. Josep M. Trigo-Rodr´ıguez and Dr. Maria Gritsevich

    Multi-instrumental observations of the 2014 Ursid meteor outburst

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    The Ursid meteor shower is an annual shower that usually shows little activity. However, its Zenith hourly rate sometimes increases, usually either when its parent comet, 8P/Tuttle, is close to its perihelion or its aphelion. Outbursts when the comet is away from perihelion are not common and outbursts when the comet is close to aphelion are extremely rare. The most likely explanation offered to date is based on the orbital mean motion resonances. The study of the aphelion outburst of 2000 December provided a means of testing that hypothesis. A new aphelion outburst was predicted for 2014 December. The SPanish Meteor Network, in collaboration with the French Fireball Recovery and InterPlanetary Observation Network, set up a campaign to monitor this outburst and eventually retrieve orbital data that expand and confirm previous preliminary results and predictions. Despite unfavourable weather conditions over the south of Europe over the relevant time period, precise trajectories from multistation meteor data recorded over Spain were obtained, as well as orbital and radiant information for four Ursid meteors. The membership of these four meteors to the expected dust trails that were to provoke the outburst is discussed, and we characterize the origin of the outburst in the dust trail produced by the comet in the year AD 1392.Peer reviewe

    Molecular diagnosis of Pseudoterranova decipiens s.s in human, France

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    Background: Anisakis and Pseudoterranova are the main genera involved in human infections caused by nematodes of the Anisakidae family. Species identification is complicated due to the lack of differential morphological characteristics at the larval stage, thus requiring molecular differentiation. Pseudoterranova larvae ingested through raw fish are spontaneously eliminated in most cases, but mechanical removal by means of endoscopy might be required. To date, only very few cases of Pseudoterranova infection have been reported in France. Case presentation: A 19-year-old woman from Northeastern France detected, while brushing her teeth, a larva exiting through her mouth. The patient who presented with headache, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps reported having eaten baked cod. The worm was a fourth-stage larva with a size of 22 × 0.9 mm, and molecular biology identified it as Pseudoterranova decipiens sensu stricto (s. s.). In a second P. decipiens infection case, occurring a few months later, a worm exited through the patient’s nose after she had eaten raw sea bream. Conclusion: These two cases demonstrate that Pseudoterranova infection is not uncommon among French patients. Therefore, molecular techniques should be more widely applied for a better characterization of anisakidosis epidemiology in France

    Association of the PHACTR1/EDN1 genetic locus with spontaneous coronary artery dissection

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    Background: Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is an increasingly recognized cause of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) afflicting predominantly younger to middle-aged women. Observational studies have reported a high prevalence of extracoronary vascular anomalies, especially fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) and a low prevalence of coincidental cases of atherosclerosis. PHACTR1/EDN1 is a genetic risk locus for several vascular diseases, including FMD and coronary artery disease, with the putative causal noncoding variant at the rs9349379 locus acting as a potential enhancer for the endothelin-1 (EDN1) gene. Objectives: This study sought to test the association between the rs9349379 genotype and SCAD. Methods: Results from case control studies from France, United Kingdom, United States, and Australia were analyzed to test the association with SCAD risk, including age at first event, pregnancy-associated SCAD (P-SCAD), and recurrent SCAD. Results: The previously reported risk allele for FMD (rs9349379-A) was associated with a higher risk of SCAD in all studies. In a meta-analysis of 1,055 SCAD patients and 7,190 controls, the odds ratio (OR) was 1.67 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.50 to 1.86) per copy of rs9349379-A. In a subset of 491 SCAD patients, the OR estimate was found to be higher for the association with SCAD in patients without FMD (OR: 1.89; 95% CI: 1.53 to 2.33) than in SCAD cases with FMD (OR: 1.60; 95% CI: 1.28 to 1.99). There was no effect of genotype on age at first event, P-SCAD, or recurrence. Conclusions: The first genetic risk factor for SCAD was identified in the largest study conducted to date for this condition. This genetic link may contribute to the clinical overlap between SCAD and FMD

    Estimation des paramètres de croissance. Apport des techniques de rééchantillonnage (Bootstrap - Jackknife) et des statistiques robustes (médianes et modes)

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    This paper is devoted to statistical problems associated to the estimation of the parameters of a Von Bertalanffy growth curve. A first part corresponds to theoretical considerations, first within the classical regression point of view, corresponding to residuals normaly and independently distributed, then to resampling techniques (Jackknife/Bootstrap). The possibility of using not only the arithmetic mean of observed lengths for a given age, but also medians and modes is discussed. A software has been written in Fortran, which makes it possible to fit by (Weighted) least squares either mean, median or modal length at age, and provides estimates of variances/covariances using the classical approximation within regression theory or resampling techniques. An example, corresponding real data is finallyLa prem1ere partie est dévolue à une synthèse des problèmes statistiques posés par l'ajustement de la courbe de Yon Bertalanffy. Un premier volet de cette synthèse est consacrée à la régression classique, sous hypothèse de normalité et d'indépendance des résidus. Le deuxième volet est consacré aux techniques de rééchantillonnage, les points et formules essentiels du Jackknife et du Bootstrap étant présentés. La possibilité d'utiliser comme valeur centrale des longueurs pour un âge donné, les modes ou médianes, outre les moyennes arithmétiques, est discutee, en liaison avec les techniques de rééchantillonnage, les mieux à même de fournir dans un tel contexte des éléments d'inférences. Un logiciel a été écrit, effectuant des ajustements par les moindres carrés (éventuellement pondérés) des valeurs centrales évoquées, et procédant aux rééchantillonnages classiques. Ce logiciel couvre, en outre, les possibilités de rétrocalcul. Un exemple est finalement trait


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    Wolff Philippe, Higounet Charles, Rey Raymond, Dupouy P. Chronique. In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 62, N°11, 1950. pp. 294-300


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    Wolff Philippe, Higounet Charles, Rey Raymond, Dupouy P. Chronique. In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 62, N°11, 1950. pp. 294-300