50 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterization of polythiophenes from hydrazone derivatives sidegroups

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    Polythiophenes with various substituted hydrazone side groups were synthesized using a chemical oxidative coupling reaction. Analyses of IR and NMR spectra confirmed the expected structure of new synthesized polymers and confirmed suitability of the suggested synthetic route. Surface properties, morphology and thermal stability of the prepared polymers were studied by SEM and TGA methods. Two derivatives were found to have a good solubility in several water-miscible solvents. They can be used as active materials in electrochromic and electronic devices

    Effects of consumer demand, product lifetime, and substitution ratio on perishable inventory management

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    With the intensification of global population, food security is a big concern. Food waste stems from inappropriate inventory management. Companies offer a wide range of products to capture more sales, yet this increases inventories and complicates inventory management. Management challenges are worsened by three factors: uncertain consumer demand, product lifetimes, and consumer substitution among the product range. This research aims to understand the effects of these factors on inventory performance. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method was used to weight the importance of each of the non-financial performance measures from the simulation results and data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used to rank and evaluate the scenarios. Then, the most favorable scenario or replenishment policy, which had the lowest DEA efficiency score, was chosen. The results show that when the substitution ratio is greater, its interaction with consumer demand and product lifetime has mostly a small- or medium-sized effect on retailers’ performance, in contrast to relatively larger effects on the supplier. These findings show that suppliers’ performance is affected largely by the existence of the bullwhip effect in the model. Recommendations are provided for managers who are facing uncertainties of consumer demand, substitution, and product lifetime

    An internet of things approach for water efficiency: A case study of the beverage factory

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    There is a lack of knowledge among food manufacturers about adopting the Internet of Things (IoT)-based water monitoring system and its ability to support water minimisation activities. It is therefore necessary to investigate the applicability of IoT-based real-time water monitoring systems in a real food manufacturing environment to pursue water-saving opportunities accordingly. This article aims to propose an architecture of an IoT-based water-monitoring system needed for real-time monitoring of water usage, and address any water inefficiencies within food manufacturing. This article looks at a study conducted in a food beverage factory where an IoT-based real-time water monitoring system is implemented to analyse the complete water usage in order to devise solutions and address water overconsumption/wastage during the manufacturing process. The successful implementation of an IoT-based real-time water monitoring system offered the beverage factory a detailed analysis of the water consumption and insights into the water hotspots that needed attention. This action initiated several water-saving project opportunities, which contributed to the improvement of water sustainability and led to an 11% reduction in the beverage factory’s daily water usage

    CSR, marketing capabilities and human resource development: the endogenous role of network capabilities

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    Purpose: This study aims to examine the relationship between human resource development (HRD) and the interaction between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and marketing capabilities in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the food industry. Design/methodology/approach: This research uses the extended regression model on a sample of 2,649 food SMEs in Vietnam. Findings: This research found that CSR and marketing strategies positively influence HRD; the interaction of CSR and marketing capabilities has a negative effect on HRD; the endogenous role of network capabilities on the effects of CSR and marketing capabilities on HRD. Originality/value: This research helps food companies use their resources in allocating resources for CSR and conduct marketing reasonably and effectively. This study highlights that the impact of CSR and marketing on HRD is dominated by endogenous networking

    Eliciting patients’ health concerns in consulting rooms and wards in Vietnamese public hospitals

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    This article examines the doctor’s elicitation of the patient’s presenting health concern in two clinical settings in the Vietnamese public hospital system: the consulting room and the ward. The data were taken from 66 audio-recorded consultations. Our analysis shows that the elicitors used by the doctor in the consulting room often communicate a weak epistemic stance towards the patient’s health issue, while those used in the ward tend to signal a strong epistemic stance. In addition, this contrast between the elicitors employed in the consulting room and the ward is evident in our data regardless of whether the consultation is a first visit or a same follow-up (in which the doctor is the same one that treated the patient on their last visit), though the contrast is less clear for different follow-ups (in which the doctor has not treated the patient before). An additional finding is that the clinical setting has some bearing on the use of inappropriate elicitation formats (in which the doctor opens the visit with an elicitor which is more appropriate for another type of visit). The precise way in which each of the consulting room and the ward operates is, of course, a feature of the Vietnamese public hospital system itself. Hence, the overall contrast between the elicitors and elicitation formats used in these two settings illustrates how, on a more general level, the institutional context can have an impact on doctor-patient communication

    Crystal structure of 4-amino-3-(thio-phen-3-ylmeth-yl)-1<i>H</i>-1,2,4-triazole-5(4<i>H</i>)-thione.

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    In the title compound, C7H8N4S2, the thio-phene ring shows rotational disorder over two orientations in a 0.6957 (15):0.3043 (15) ratio. The plane of the 1,2,4-triazole ring makes a dihedral angle of 75.02 (17)° with the major-disorder component of the thiophene ring. In the crystal, two types of inversion dimers, described by the graph-set motifs R22(8) and R22(10), are formed by N-H⋯S inter-actions. Chains of mol-ecules running in the [101] direction are linked by weaker N-H⋯N inter-actions. The thio-phene ring is involved in π-π and C-H⋯π inter-actions

    Determinants of Green Banking Implementation in Emerging Country: Evidence from Vietnam Banks

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    With the purpose of examining which factors affecting on the implementation of ‘Green Banking’ in transitional countries, the research used in-depth interview and survey questionnaire with statistics analysis with the case of Vietnam banks. The results showed that in emerging country such as Vietnam, the level of ‘Green Banking’ implementation is most affected by Human determinant, followed by Strategy, Product &amp; Services, Culture and Technology determinant respectively. Based on findings, several implications were proposed to enhance the performance of these kind of environment friendly financial products in transitional country. By determining these factors, the banking sector in transitional countries will enhance the implementation of ‘Green Banking’ and achieve sustainable development in the context of escalating environmental contamination. Keywords: Green Banking, Implementation, Emerging Country, Human DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-15-04 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Synthesis and redetermination of the crystal structure of salicyl-aldehyde <i>N</i>(4)-morpholino-thio-semi-carbazone.

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    The structure of the title compound (systematic name: N-{[(2-hy-droxy-phen-yl)methyl-idene]amino}-morpholine-4-carbo-thio-amide), C12H15N3O2S, was prev-iously determined (Koo et al., 1977 ▸) using multiple-film equi-inclination Weissenberg data, but has been redetermined with higher precision to explore its conformation and the hydrogen-bonding patterns and supra-molecular inter-actions. The mol-ecular structure shows intra-molecular O-H⋯N and C-H⋯S inter-actions. The configuration of the C=N bond is E. The mol-ecule is slightly twisted about the central N-N bond. The best planes through the phenyl ring and the morpholino ring make an angle of 43.44 (17)°. In the crystal, the mol-ecules are connected into chains by N-H⋯O and C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, which combine to generate sheets lying parallel to (002). The most prominent contribution to the surface contacts are H⋯H contacts (51.6%), as concluded from a Hirshfeld surface analysis

    Classification Methods for Mapping Mangrove Extents and Drivers of Change in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam during 2005-2018

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    Mangrove forests have been globally recognised as their vital functions in preventing coastal erosion, mitigating effects of wave actions and protecting coastal habitats and adjacent shoreline land-uses from extreme coastal events. However, these functions are under severe threats due to the rapid growth of population, intensive shrimp farming and the increased intensity of severe storms in Hau Loc and Nga Son districts, Thanh Hoa province. This research was conducted to monitor spatial-temporal changes in mangrove extents using Landsat and Sentinel imageries from 2005 to 2018. Unsupervised and supervised classification methods and vegetation indices were tested to select the most suitable classification method for study sites, then to quantify mangrove extents and their changes in selected years. The findings show that supervised classification was the most suitable in study sites compared to vegetation indices and unsupervised classification. Mangrove forest extents increased by 7.5 %, 38.6 %, and 47.8 % during periods of 2005 - 2010, 2010 - 2015 and 2015 - 2018, respectively. An increase of mangrove extents resulted from national programs of mangrove rehabilitation and restoration during 2005- 2018, increased by 278.0 ha (123.0 %)

    Monitoring Changes in Coastal Mangrove Extents Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data in Selected Communes, Hai Phong City, Vietnam

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    Mangrove forests are important and known as one of the most productive ecosystems in the tropics. They reduce the impacts of extreme events, provide important breeding grounds for aquatic species and build the resilience of ecosystem-dependent coastal communities. On the contrary, they are also known as one of the most threatened and vulnerable ecosystems worldwide, which have experienced a dramatic decline due to extensive coastal development during the last half-century. Remote sensing techniques have demonstrated a high potential to detect, identify, map, and monitor mangrove conditions and its changes, which is reflected by a large number of scientific papers published on this topic. The aim of this study was to investigate the multi-decadal changes of mangrove forests selected communes in Hai Phong city, North Vietnam, based on using Landsat and Sentinel 2 data from 2000 to 2018. The study used these continuous steps: 1) data pre-processing; 2) image classification using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; 3) accuracy assessments; and 4) multi-temporal change detection and spatial analysis of mangrove forests. The classification maps in comparison with the ground reference data showed the satisfactory agreement with the overall accuracy was higher than 80.0%. From 2000 to 2018, the areas of mangrove forests in the study regions  increased by 584.2 ha in Dai Hop and Bang La communes (Region 1) and by 124.2 ha in Tan Thanh, Ngoc Xuyen and Ngoc Hai communes (Region 2), mainly due to the boom of mangrove planting projects and good mangrove management at the local community level