60 research outputs found

    Breeding on the leading edge of a northward range expansion: differences in morphology and the stress response in the arctic Gambel's white-crowned sparrow

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    Individuals at the forefront of a range shift are likely to exhibit phenotypic traits that distinguish them from the population breeding within the historic range. Recent studies have examined morphological, physiological and behavioral phenotypes of individuals at the edge of their range. Several studies have found differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity in response to acute restraint stress in individuals at the range limits. HPA axis activation leads to elevations in glucocorticoids that regulate physiology and behavior. Here we compare the hormonal profiles and morphometrics from Gambel's white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) breeding at the northern limit of the population's range to those birds breeding within the historic population range. Birds breeding at the northern limit experienced a harsher environment with colder temperatures; however, we found no differences in arthropod prey biomass between the northern limit and more southern (historic) sites. Males at the northern limit had higher body condition scores (mass corrected for body size) compared to individuals within the historic range, but no differences were found in beak and tarsus lengths, wing chord, muscle profile or fat stores. In males during the pre-parental stage, before breeding commenced, HPA axis activity was elevated in birds at the northern limit of the range, but no differences were found during the parental or molt stages. Females showed no differences in HPA axis activity during the parental stage. This study suggests that "pioneering" individuals at the limits of their breeding range exhibit physiology and morphology that are distinct from individuals within the historic range

    Briefs /

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    Consists of a collection of legal briefs, a few of written by Robert Dunlap, attorney for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company and submitted to various state courts of Illinois or California.Spine title.Consists of a collection of legal briefs, a few of written by Robert Dunlap, attorney for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company and submitted to various state courts of Illinois or California.Mode of access: Internet.SPEC: Hardbound

    Assessing viral taxonomic composition in benthic marine ecosystems: reliability and efficiency of different bioinformatic tools for viral metagenomic analyses

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    In benthic deep-sea ecosystems, which represent the largest biome on Earth, viruses have a recognised key ecological role, but their diversity is still largely unknown. Identifying the taxonomic composition of viruses is crucial for understanding virus-host interactions, their role in food web functioning and evolutionary processes. Here, we compared the performance of various bioinformatic tools (BLAST, MG-RAST, NBC, VMGAP, MetaVir, VIROME) for analysing the viral taxonomic composition in simulated viromes and viral metagenomes from different benthic deep-sea ecosystems. The analyses of simulated viromes indicate that all the BLAST tools, followed by MetaVir and VMGAP, are more reliable in the affiliation of viral sequences and strains. When analysing the environmental viromes, tBLASTx, MetaVir, VMGAP and VIROME showed a similar efficiency of sequence annotation; however, MetaVir and tBLASTx identified a higher number of viral strains. These latter tools also identified a wider range of viral families than the others, providing a wider view of viral taxonomic diversity in benthic deep-sea ecosystems. Our findings highlight strengths and weaknesses of available bioinformatic tools for investigating the taxonomic diversity of viruses in benthic ecosystems in order to improve our comprehension of viral diversity in the oceans and its relationships with host diversity and ecosystem functioning

    Estudo clínico aberto multicêntrico da efetividade e tolerabilidade do gel de adapaleno a 0,1%* em pacientes com acne vulgar Multicentric open clinical study of the efficacy and tolerability of adapalene 0.1% gel* in patients with acne vulgaris

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    FUNDAMENTOS: O adapaleno é um derivado do ácido naftóico, com propriedades biológicas similares às do ácido retinóico e utilizado no tratamento da acne vulgar. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a eficácia e a tolerabilidade do adapaleno 0,1% gel no tratamento da acne vulgar leve à moderada, em pacientes residentes no Brasil. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os pacientes aplicaram o gel à noite, durante 12 semanas, e foram avaliados quanto à efetividade pelo número de lesões em cada visita e quanto à tolerabilidade ao produto nas consultas da segunda e da décima segunda semana. RESULTADOS: Dos 125 pacientes, 81,6% completaram as 12 semanas de tratamento, e 10,4% dos casos terminaram o estudo antes do período estabelecido por estarem livres de lesões. Os resultados permitem confirmar a marcante atividade antiinflamatória, antiproliferativa e na diferenciação celular dos ceratinócitos. Houve diminuição dos comedões e das lesões inflamatórias, com resposta satisfatória no eritema, no ressecamento e na descamação da pele. Efeitos adversos pouco graves foram relatados em apenas 9,6% dos pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: O adapaleno, neste estudo e nos vários que o antecederam, vem-se mostrando uma das melhores opções de tratamento tópico para os casos leves a moderados de acne vulgar.<br>BACKGROUND: Adapalene, a naftoic acid derivative with biological properties similar to those of the retinoic acid, is indicated in the treatment of acne vulgaris. OBJECTIVES: The present study was carried out to evaluate the therapeutic action of adapalene 0.1% gel and its tolerability in the treatment of mild to moderate acne vulgaris in patients living in Brazil. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients applied the gel at night for 12 weeks; and were evaluated regarding the efficacy and tolerability of the product according to the number of lesions observed at each of the 2-week and 12-week visits. RESULTS: Out of 125 patients, 81.6% completed 12 weeks of therapy and 10.4% of the cases left the study before week 12 because they were found to be lesion-free. Results allow us to confirm its effect upon keratinocyte cellular differentiation with antiinflammatory and antiproliferative properties. Adapalene induces a marked decrease in comedos and inflammatory lesions. Mild adverse events were reported in less than 10% of patients. CONCLUSION: Adapalene has been shown to be one of the best topical therapies for mild or moderate acne both in the present study and in previous studies
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