325 research outputs found

    A possible relation between dietary zinc and cAMP in the regulation of tumour cell proliferation in the rat

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    The possibility of an effect of zinc on the rate of tumour cell division, mediated through a regulation of cellular cAMP concentration, was investigated in the present study in rats. Dietary Zn deficiency (< 1·5 mg Zn/kg) but not Zn excess (500 mg Zn/kg) resulted in an increased cAMP concentration in transplanted hepatoma cells. Neither treatment had any effect on the cAMP concentration in regenerating liver or normal resting liver. Both the deficient and excess Zn diets resulted in a small reduction in tumour growth (not statistically significant). The results seem to indicate that the relation investigated in the present study does not apply in the cell line used

    Does believing something to be fiction allow a form of moral licencing or a 'fictive pass' in understanding others' actions?

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    Introduction: The human capacity to engage with fictional worlds raises important psychological questions about the mechanisms that make this possible. Of particular interest is whether people respond differently to fictional stories compared to factual ones in terms of how immersed they become and how they view the characters involved and their actions. It has been suggested that fiction provides us with a ‘fictive pass’ that allows us to evaluate in a more balanced, detached way the morality of a character’s behaviour. Methods: We use a randomised controlled experimental design to test this. Results and discussion: We show that, although knowing whether a substantial film clip is fact or fiction does not affect how engaged with (‘transported’ by) a troubling story an observer becomes, it does grant them a ‘fictive pass’ to empathise with a moral transgressor. However, a fictive pass does not override the capacity to judge the causes of a character’s moral transgression (at least as indexed by a causal attribution task)

    Diametral compression test method to analyse relative surface stresses in thermally sprayed coated and uncoated circular disc specimens.

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    In firsts of its investigation, a diametral compression destructive testing method (also known as Brazilian test) was performed on thermally sprayed coated and uncoated circular disc specimens to compare relative surface stresses. The coating investigated had about 250 μm thickness deposited on 4.76 mm thick Hastelloy®X substrate discs of 20 mm diameter. In the instrumented experiment (diametral compression test) strain gauge rosettes were used to measure strains on two circular surfaces of disc specimen (coated and uncoated sides) and converted to stress values for analysis. Where comparisons were made, the experimental and finite element simulation results were in some agreement with overall understanding of the diametral compression testing behaviour. For coated specimen, test results convey that higher stresses exist within the uncoated side of the specimen rather than the coated side. Although the methods proposed would be deemed most comparable to real life scenarios (e.g. to quantify coating delamination strength and failure mechanics), this type of experimental investigation has certain advantages and limitations

    Dissecting Bottromycin Biosynthesis Using Comparative Untargeted Metabolomics.

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    Bottromycin A2 is a structurally unique ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptide (RiPP) that possesses potent antibacterial activity towards multidrug-resistant bacteria. The structural novelty of bottromycin stems from its unprecedented macrocyclic amidine and rare β-methylated amino acid residues. The N-terminus of a precursor peptide (BtmD) is converted into bottromycin A2 by tailoring enzymes encoded in the btm gene cluster. However, little was known about key transformations in this pathway, including the unprecedented macrocyclization. To understand the pathway in detail, an untargeted metabolomic approach that harnesses mass spectral networking was used to assess the metabolomes of a series of pathway mutants. This analysis has yielded key information on the function of a variety of previously uncharacterized biosynthetic enzymes, including a YcaO domain protein and a partner protein that together catalyze the macrocyclization.This work was supported by a BBSRC studentship (W.J.K.C.), BBSRC grant BB/M003140/1 (A.W.T. and J.S-A), a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (A.W.T.), and by the BBSRC MET ISP grant to the John Innes Centre.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.20160430

    Talk the talk, walk the walk: Defining Critical Race Theory in research

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    Over the last decade there has been a noticeable growth in published works citing Critical Race Theory (CRT). This has led to a growth in interest in the UK of practical research projects utilising CRT as their framework. It is clear that research on 'race' is an emerging topic of study. What is less visible is a debate on how CRT is positioned in relation to methodic practice, substantive theory and epistemological underpinnings. The efficacy of categories of data gathering tools, both traditional and non-traditional is a discussion point here to explore the complexities underpinning decisions to advocate a CRT framework. Notwithstanding intersectional issues, a CRT methodology is recognisable by how philosophical, political and ethical questions are established and maintained in relation to racialised problematics. This paper examines these tensions in establishing CRT methodologies and explores some of the essential criteria for researchers to consider in utilising a CRT framework. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Royal and Lordly Residence in Scotland c 1050 to c 1250: an Historiographical Review and Critical Revision

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    Academic study of eleventh to thirteenth century high status residence in Scotland has been largely bypassed by the English debates over origin, function and symbolism. Archaeologists have also been slow to engage with three decades of historical revision of traditional socio-economic, cultural and political models upon which their interpretations of royal and lordly residence have drawn. Scottish castle-studies of the pre-1250 era continue to be framed by a ‘military architecture’ historiographical tradition and a view of the castle as an alien artefact imposed on the land by foreign adventurers and a ‘modernising’ monarchy and native Gaelic nobility. Knowledge and understanding of pre-twelfth century native high status sites is rudimentary and derived primarily from often inappropriate analogy with English examples. Discussion of native responses to the imported castle-building culture is founded upon retrospective projection of inappropriate later medieval social and economic models and anachronistic perceptions of military colonialism. Cultural and socio-economic difference is rarely recognised in archaeological modelling and cultural determinism has distorted perceptions of structural form, social status and material values. A programme of interdisciplinary studies focused on specific sites is necessary to provide a corrective to this current situation

    Gastrointestinal parasite infections in Nepalese Gurkha recruits arriving in the United Kingdom from 2012–2020

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    Background: Gastrointestinal parasite (GIP) infections are a major cause of global morbidity, infecting hundreds of millions of people each year and potentially leading to lifelong infection and serious complications. Few data exist on screening for GIP infections in migrants entering the UK or on the current performance of different traditional diagnostic approaches. This study aimed to describe the prevalence of GIP infections in Nepalese Gurkha recruits screened on arrival in the UK. Methodology/Principal findings: We present a retrospective analysis of data from screening male adults (18–21 years) who arrived in the UK from Nepal between 2012 and 2020. Three separate faecal samples were obtained from participants at weekly intervals and processed for formalin-ethyl acetate (FEA) concentration/light microscopy and charcoal culture. Serum samples were analysed for IgG antibodies to Strongyloides stercoralis by ELISA. Results were available from 2,263 participants, of whom 463 (20.5%, 95% CI 18.8%-22.2%) had a positive diagnostic test for at least one GIP infection. A total of 525 potential infections were identified. Giardia duodenalis was most common (231/2263, 10.2%), followed by S. stercoralis (102/2263, 4.5%), and hookworm species (86/2263, 3.8%). Analysis (microscopy and culture) of the initial stool sample diagnosed only 244/427 (57.1%) faecally identified pathogens, including 41/86 (47.7%) hookworm infections. The proportion of participants infected with any GIP showed a downward trend over the study period. Log-binomial regression showed risk of infection decreasing by 6.1% year-on-year (95% CI 3.2% - 9.0%). This was driven predominantly by a fall in hookworm, S. stercoralis and Trichuris trichiura prevalence. Conclusions/Significance: The level of potentially pathogenic GIP infection in young Nepalese men migrating to the UK is high (20.5%) and requires a combined diagnostic approach including serology and analysis of multiple stool samples incorporating specialised parasitological methods. Advances in molecular approaches may optimise and simplify the intensive screening strategy required
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