202 research outputs found

    Deceleration of a supersonic flow behind a curved shock wave with isentropic precompression

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    Three-dimensional supersonic flows of an ideal fluid in the neighborhood of bodies formed by being cut out along the streamlines of an axisymmetric flow are investigated. The flow consists of a region of isoentropic compression and a region of vortex flow. An exact solution with variable entropy is used to describe the flow in the vortex region. In the continuous flow region an approximate solution is constructed by expanding the solution in a series in a small parameter. The effect of the shape of the excision and the vorticity of the flow on compression of the jet and and the total pressure loss coefficient is studied

    Ледокол «Ангара»

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    The icebreaker “Angara” is one of the most ancient ships of that kind that still exist in Russia. It was built in Newcastle (England) in 1899 and is now located on the shore of the Irkutsk water reservoir. It is a monument of regional significance. The ship’s technical data make it unique to our country. This monument comprises the age-old traditions of conquering the severe nature, Russian inventors’ innovations, English ship builders’ skillfulness, dramatic events of the Patriotic war, everyday life of Baikal sailors and public struggle for preservation of the best traditions of the past. It is necessary to provide the icebreaker with proper conditions, giving it a status of federal significance.Ледокол «Ангара» – древнейшее судно ледокольного типа, сохранившееся в России, которое было построено в английском городе Ньюкасле в 1899 году, и в настоящий момент стоит на берегу Иркутского водохранилища. Оно имеет статус памятника регионального значения. По многим техническим показателям корабль является единственным в нашей стране. Уникальному памятнику, в котором переплелись вековые традиции борьбы нашего народа с суровой природой, новаторство русских изобретателей, мастерство английских корабелов, бурные события Гражданской войны, будни байкальских матросов, борьба общественности за сохранение лучших традиций прошлого, необходимо обеспечить достойное будущее, придав статус памятника федерального значения

    Simulation of CO2 injectivity in a laboratory cylindrical-cone model

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    In this thesis the processes (caused by injection of carbon dioxide) - mainly migration of particles and dissolution and precipitation of carbonates - which cause changing of permeability (and consequently injectivity) are studied. In chapter 2 we study previous investigations and theories, made by different researchers and related to our topic. The goal of this chapter is to sum up all previous researches and to understand the physical processes in reservoir during the injection of CO2. Chapter 3 is mainly dedicated to creating of a mathematical model of particle migration. Main formulas for the model is presented and described there. Also chapter contains description of a program (on MatLab), where this mathematical model is implemented. Chapter 4 deals with the description of physical (cylindrical-cone) model (which does not exist now, but will be constructed in nearest future) and with computer simulation (in CMG Stars). The result of simulation is the changing of pressure distribution in reservoir (including changing of pressure near the injection well – changing of injectivity), caused by particle migration due to injection of carbon dioxide. Thus, the main result of this work is the computer program, where all the theoretical investigations are implemented, and simulation, based on the data, produced by this program

    Voigt lineshape function as a solution of the parabolic partial differential equation

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    The goal of this paper is to show that the Voigt function may be found as a solution of a parabolic partial differential equation, like the heat conduction equation or other diffusion equations. A square of the Gaussian half-width of the Voigt function plays the role of 'time' and initial conditions are determined by a Lorentz function. Some questions concerning the practical application of the numerical grid methods for the calculation of the Voigt function are discussed. It is shown, that in some cases the offered calculation algorithm can be both faster and more accurate than other known algorithms. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Instrumental broadening of spectral line profiles due to discrete representation of a continuous physical quantity

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    It is the usual situation in spectroscopy that a continuous physical quantity, which plays the role of a spectral function argument (i.e. the abscissa of a spectrum), is sampled electronically as discrete point clouds or channels. Each channel corresponds to the midpoint of a small interval of the continuous argument. The experimentally registered value of intensity in the channel describes the averaged spectral intensity in this interval. However, an approximation of spectra by a continuous theoretical model function often assumes that the interval is small enough, and tabulation of the theoretical model function may be used without appreciable disadvantages for the fitting results. At this point, a new type of approximation error appears, such as the error of midpoint approximation to a definite integral in the rectangle method of numeric integration. This paper aims at quantitative estimation of this error in the cases of a pure Lorentz lineshape and a generalized Voigt contour. It is shown that discrete representation of continuous spectral data leads to some non-physical broadening in comparison with the tabulated model function. As a first approximation it is normal broadening. We show that even in the case of a Lorentz true lineshape we must use the tabulated Voigt function measured in channels fixed Gauss linewidth rather than a tabulated Lorentzian. Application of the results of this paper is demonstrated on Mössbauer spectra. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    A method of simultaneous measurement of Mössbauer spectra for a set of discrete values of an external parameter is proposed. The method proposed makes it possible to simplify series measurements and replaces a number of specialized techniques. The possibilities of the spectrometer have been experimentally demonstrated by the example of observation of the dependences of the Mössbauer spectra of an α-Fe foil on the external magnetic field strength. © Allerton Press, Inc. 2007

    Microstructure and magnetic properties of strontium titanate implanted with iron

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    © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc. The magnetic phase composition of strontium titanate surface layers implanted with iron ions is studied by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy, and by measuring alternating current magnetic susceptibility. It is shown that the interaction between α-Fe nanoclusters at high concentrations of the implanted admixture produces ferromagnetic order in samples at room temperature

    Mössbauer spectrometer providing measurement of spectral dependences on external parameters

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    A method of simultaneous measurement of Mössbauer spectra for a set of discrete values of an external parameter is proposed. The method proposed makes it possible to simplify series measurements and replaces a number of specialized techniques. The possibilities of the spectrometer have been experimentally demonstrated by the example of observation of the dependences of the Mössbauer spectra of an α-Fe foil on the external magnetic field strength. © Allerton Press, Inc. 2007

    Reference installation for the German grid initiative D-Grid

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    The D-Grid reference installation is a test platform for the German grid initiative. The main task is to create the grid prototype for software and hardware components needed in the D-Grid community. For each grid-related task field different alternative middleware is included. With respect to changing demands from the community, new versions of the reference installation are released every six months