843 research outputs found

    Le français et le travail

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    L'auteur, un linguiste, décrit sommairement les grandes périodes qui ont marqué l'histoire des langues dans le monde. Il circonscrit ensuite la notion de langue de travail. Il applique enfin cette notion au travailleur québécois de langue française, pour en souligner les conséquences dangereuses pour l’ensemble de la culture française quand le travailleur « doit laisser sa langue maternelle, le français, au vestiaire ».The history of languages is divided in three different periods. We find that changes are relatively slow during the first one going from the beginning of our world to the mid-nineteenth century. It is in the latter that began a second period in the western part of the world characterized by a more or less important industrialization depending upon the countries, by the development of communications but especially by a massive scholarization of the youngest part of the population. It is here that the common language became more and more popular and finally obtained a great prestige.The third period began with the appearance of radio and television. These means of communication contributed to the introduction of the common language in each and every home. However in a more and more industrialized society as ours, there is one element that plays and will play a very important role in the future of French that is the language at work.Normally the language fluently used at work, as in Germany for example, contributes to the growing of the worker. For the French Canadian, his language at work is not French but English. Instead of having the chance to learn and to become in touch with sectors of the language he would have never known otherwise, the workers lose their French if not they surely do not improve it. Because useless at work, our French becomes at the end a language internally damaged which nobody will try to improve, lack of interest. The worker is far from being responsible for the deterioration of its language. He rather is the victim of an absurd situation.We have looked for solutions but nobody ever dared considering the root of the problem. This situation will be hopeless unless French becomes the language of the French Canadian at work. But if French cannot become the language of the French Canadian at work, logic leads me to ask the following question : why would not we teach English at all levels ? Therefore nobody will suffer of such a ridiculous and odious situation which cannot last longer.It is the duty of our teachers to correct this situation. The future of French in Quebec is at stake


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    L’étude de la culture : le folklor

    Com la inseguretat desafia el socióleg

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    Patterns of policy-induced losses in the fossil fuel extraction, power, and financial sector

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    Die Umsetzung einer effektiven Klimapolitik ermöglicht die Verringerung von Treibhausgasemissionen und damit die Eindämmung des Klimawandels. Eine solche Politik hat jedoch negative Auswirkungen auf die direkt oder indirekt in der fossilen Industrie tätigen Akteure, wenn deren Vermögensgegenstände wertlos werden (auch „Asset Stranding“ genannt). Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Wechselwirkung zwischen Klimapolitik und Asset Stranding: Sie untersucht angebotsseitige Politikmaßnahmen in der fossilen Brennstoffindustrie, das Ausmaß und die Verteilung von Asset Stranding auf Ebene der Anlagenbesitzer im Energiesektor und die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Asset Stranding, Erwartungen über Klimapolitik und systemischen Finanzkrisen. Darüber hinaus gibt die Arbeit einen Überblick über die Literatur im Bereich Klimaökonomie zu Asset Stranding und zu entgangenen Gewinnen der Produzenten fossiler Brennstoffe aufgrund von Klimapolitik. Die Arbeit besteht aus fünf Artikeln (Kapitel 2-6), die von einer allgemeinen Einleitung und einer Schlussfolgerung umschlossen werden.The implementation of effective climate policies facilitates reducing greenhouse gas emissions and thereby mitigating climate change. Such policies, however, have adverse effects on stakeholders directly or indirectly engaged in the fossil industry if they find the value of their assets "stranded". This thesis contributes to our understanding of the interaction between climate policies and asset stranding: It studies supply-side policies in the upstream fossil fuel extraction industry, the extent and distribution of stranded assets at the asset owner level in the power sector, and the interaction of asset stranding, expectations of climate policies, and financial systemic crises. Further, the thesis surveys the climate economics literature on stranded assets and fossil fuel producers' lost profits due to climate policies. The thesis is a compilation of five articles (Chapters 2-6) encased by a general introduction and a conclusion

    La implicación de la sensibilidad corporal en el testimonio histórico

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    El testimonio histórico, la forma moderna de testimonio que ha emergido tras las dos guerras mundiales, pretende fundamentalmente transmitir a la sociedad contemporánea lo que han vivido los supervivientes de estas catástrofes. No se trata solamente de informar a los lectores sino de transmitirles el eco del choque producido por un acontecimiento, como señal de alarma sobre la evolución de la sociedad. El testimonio escrito es, igual que en su forma oral, la comunicación de una sensibilidad humana a otra, y es por esto que, incluso mediante un texto, implica tanto el cuerpo del testigo como el del destinatario. Dos obras, una sobre los testimonios de veteranos de la Primera Guerra Mundial, la otra sobre testimonios de las victimas sobrevivientes de los campos de concentración, demuestran la importancia de la corporeidad en el dispositivo de la transmisión escrita del testimonio histórico

    Concentration of asset owners exposed to power sector stranded assets may trigger climate policy resistance

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    The article processing charge was funded by the Open Access Publication Fund of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.Thoroughly assessing the owners and distribution of stranded assets in a 2 °C scenario is essential to anticipate climate policy resistance. We employ novel data to analyze owners and incidence of asset stranding in the power sector globally. We show that Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the US are highly exposed to stranded assets, especially coal plants. Stranded assets are highly concentrated in a few asset owners in some countries (e.g., India). Even if owners are more equally exposed (e.g., in the US) they can vary considerably in the asset stranding timing due to differences in plant fleets’ age profile. European, US, and Chinese asset owners own large shares of stranded coal plants abroad. Listed owners may face stranded assets of up to 78% of their share price or more than 80% of their equity. Asset stranding exposure positively correlates with ownership of alternative energy assets. India stands out owning many stranded assets but little alternative energy.Peer Reviewe

    Reproducción en la revolución. Género y mujeres frente a la ley francesa de paridad en política

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    Este artículo presenta de manera sintética los principales resultados de una encuesta colectiva –“La invención de la representante elegida: estudio acerca del ingreso de las mujeres en política”– financiada por el Ministerio francés de Investigación (ACIJC n°67016). Esta encuesta fue realizada por 15 investigadores, quienes pertenecen a cuatro laboratorios. Se aplicó en forma simultánea en 8 lugares distintos y durante un período de 5 años (2001-2005), de tal manera que se pudo observar más de seis elecciones locales y nacionales, y hacer un seguimiento de las mujeres elegidas en el ejercicio de su mandato. Se usaron métodos muy variados, pero se privilegiaron las metodologías cualitativas: observación de las campañas electorales y de varias instancias de poder (asambleas regionales, concejos municipales, secciones de partidos políticos), realización de más de 150 entrevistas, análisis de documentos de campaña (volantes y programas) y análisis de la prensa (generalista y femenina

    From Free Culture to Open Data: Technical Requirements for Access and Authorship

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    Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/Creative Commons tools makes it easier for users, who are also authors, to share, locate and distribute reusable content, fostering remix and digital creativity, open science and freedom of expression. But reuse could be made even easier by the licensing framework, which does not yet handle the diversity of legal and usage situations pertaining to technical accessibility and reuse modalities of works and data. This paper will first discuss what additional legal regulation may be required to allow full accessibility, which includes not only a legal authorization to perform certain rights, but also the technical possibility to effectively access and reuse material. Then, based on the example of attribution and authorship requirements for reproduction and performances of works and derivative works, it will be examined what technical infrastructure may better support the enforceability of these licensing terms, namely a framework automating certain actions and pedagogy tools. From legal accessibility to technical accessibility and technical support of open content licenses, this article illustrates the intricate relationship between law and technology in the realm of copyright and focuses on access and authorship, two fundamental elements of (free) culture and (open) science

    Alternative policies for alternative Internets

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    International audienceOnline services’ Terms of Use (ToU) or End-user Licence Agreements (EULA) are often unfair, abusive and hard to read for users. They are also difficult to draft for alternative projects willing to develop fair and clear policies for their contributors. This piece provides examples of original and alternative clauses, containing fair and unfair terms, addressing some of the most common issues faced by online platforms when developing their legal policies regarding ownership of user-generated content, protection of personal data, liability for third-party content, and other legal questions affecting users’ or consumers’ rights and their enforcement.While specific model clauses can’t be drafted to fit a plurality of activities without knowing the details of the platforms’ features and setting, projects and values, this piece provides guidelines and practical information to communities aiming for a wide-reaching, easy to understand licence, to empower informed choices prior to the definition of policies reflecting a variety of alternative politics that may be embraced by alternative internet platforms. Alternatives can be defined as the “range of (media) projects, intervention and networks that work against, or seek to develop different forms of, the dominant, expected (and broadly accepted) way of ‘doing’ (media)” (Atton, 2004).Commons-based and privacy-enhancing or peer-to-peer services, as alternative to commercial services where users relinquish most of their rights, also need alternative policies in order not to deprive their users of their rights.Therefore, this contribution is intended to provide a practical, critical and normative contribution by proposing guidelines for platform developers drafting their terms of use. As a practical resource, it lists most clauses that are to be included in online terms of use. The objective to enclose a range of examples from the most abusive to the fairest for most of the topics aims at exemplifying worst as well as best practices. The definition of fair clauses is meant to implement the vision of platforms which respects users’ rights. My legal approach is grounded in commons-based peer production theory and practice from a continental European legal culture perspective, with the assumption that alternative internets have political concerns for freedom, autonomy, consent, privacy, independence, surveillance, asymmetries of power, security, unfair contractual and commercial practices and other fundamental rights. Neither universal nor exhaustive, and rather than legal advise, the purpose is to raise awareness on the possibility to draft alternative terms of use, in a context dominated by US corporate legal culture aiming at maximising profit and minimising risks (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple). Instead of embracing a neoliberal agenda, alternative policies may rather try to support the development of sustainable services and products, seen as commons. Most Terms of Use show a diverse mix of all criteria and choices, and there are no caricatural pure evil commercial models or universally desirable commons-based alternatives, unilaterally advantaging or disadvantaging users at all levels. Finally, it follows the European Directive on unfair contract terms according to which contracts should be drafted in plain, intelligible language, which do not preclude validity and non-ambiguity