68 research outputs found

    Unseen Heirs. Written Traces of Pregnant Widows and Posthumous Children in Early Modern Spain (c. 1490-1673)

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    The pregnant widow and the legitimacy of the posthumous child she carries were a liability that soon found its legal regulation. The distrust placed in her can be traced in various documents between the 15th and 17th century in Spanish legal, notarial and religious texts. The analysis of these sources will help to gain an insight in the perceptions of pregnant widows and posthumous children regarding power, legitimacy and credibility

    Nacido de las cenizas del padre: los nacimientos póstumos de Catalina de Austria y Sebastián de Portugal en obras historiográficas de los siglos XVI y XVII

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    En este artículo se analizará la narrativa con la que se abordaban los nacimientos póstumos de Sebastián I de Portugal y Catalina de Austria en obras historiográficas, como crónicas e historias, de los siglos XVI y XVII. Se estudian los eventos que se destacaban, la importancia que se atribuía al ser nacido duran-te el luto y cómo el estado emocional de la madre viuda se asociaba con la formación y el futuro del feto.This article will analyse the narrative form the posthumous births of Sebastian I of Portugal and Catherine of Austria took in historiographic works of the 16th and 17th centuries such as chronicles and histories. We will study which events surrounding the pregnancy and birth of the aforementioned were highlighted, which importance was given to the fact of being born during mourning and how the emotional balance of the pregnant widow was associated with the formation and future of the fetus

    The Role of Antioxidation and Immunomodulation in Postnatal Multipotent Stem Cell-Mediated Cardiac Repair

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    Oxidative stress and inflammation play major roles in the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease including myocardial infarction (MI). The pathological progression following MI is very complex and involves a number of cell populations including cells localized within the heart, as well as cells recruited from the circulation and other tissues that participate in inflammatory and reparative processes. These cells, with their secretory factors, have pleiotropic effects that depend on the stage of inflammation and regeneration. Excessive inflammation leads to enlargement of the infarction site, pathological remodeling and eventually, heart dysfunction. Stem cell therapy represents a unique and innovative approach to ameliorate oxidative stress and inflammation caused by ischemic heart disease. Consequently, it is crucial to understand the crosstalk between stem cells and other cells involved in post-MI cardiac tissue repair, especially immune cells, in order to harness the beneficial effects of the immune response following MI and further improve stem cell-mediated cardiac regeneration. This paper reviews the recent findings on the role of antioxidation and immunomodulation in postnatal multipotent stem cell-mediated cardiac repair following ischemic heart disease, particularly acute MI and focuses specifically on mesenchymal, muscle and blood-vessel-derived stem cells due to their antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties

    Unseen Heirs. Written Traces of Pregnant Widows and Posthumous Children in Early Modern Spain (c. 1490-1673)

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    La viuda embarazada y el hijo/a póstumo/a que lleva dentro plantean una anomalía que pronto debió ser regulada legalmente. Dada la complejidad que plantea, se pueden encontrar rastros de esta materia en documentos legales, notariales y religiosos entre los siglos XV y XVII en España. El análisis de estos nos permite comprender mejor la imagen de las viudas preñadas y sus vástagos en conexión con el poder, la legitimidad y la credibilidad.The pregnant widow and the legitimacy of the posthumous child she carries were a liability that soon found its legal regulation. The distrust placed in her can be traced in various documents between the 15th and 17th century in Spanish legal, notarial and religious texts. The analysis of these sources will help to gain an insight in the perceptions of pregnant widows and posthumous children regarding power, legitimacy and credibility

    Aproximaci\uf3n al tratamiento archiv\uedstico del fondo del Instituto Central de Cultura Religiosa Superior de la Acci\uf3n Cat\uf3lica Espa\uf1ola /

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    Trabajo Fin de M\ue1ster-Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicaci\uf3n y Documentaci\uf3n, 2021Este trabajo fin de m\ue1ster presenta un estudio pr\ue1ctico en que se analiza el tratamiento archiv\uedstico realizado del fondo del Instituto Central de Cultura Religiosa Superior, perteneciente al Archivo de Acci\uf3n Cat\uf3lica Espa\uf1ola y ubicado en el Archivo de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Para ello se estudia la historia y el funcionamiento del Instituto, sus competencias y sus funciones, que dan lugar a la documentaci\uf3n archivada. Se describe la labor de limpieza llevado a cabo, se presenta una propuesta de cuadro de clasificaci\uf3n, se refieren el gu\ueda del fondo y los inventarios realizados y se da un resumen de las actividades de difusi\uf3n emprendidas por el Archivo de la UPSA

    Nacido de las cenizas del padre: los nacimientos póstumos de Catalina de Austria y Sebastián de Portugal en obras historiográficas de los siglos XVI y XVII

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    En este artículo se analizará la narrativa con la que se abordaban los nacimientos póstumos de Sebastián I de Portugal y Catalina de Austria en obras historiográficas, como crónicas e historias, de los siglos XVI y XVII. Se estudian los eventos que se destacaban, la importancia que se atribuía al ser nacido duran-te el luto y cómo el estado emocional de la madre viuda se asociaba con la formación y el futuro del feto.This article will analyse the narrative form the posthumous births of Sebastian I of Portugal and Catherine of Austria took in historiographic works of the 16th and 17th centuries such as chronicles and histories. We will study which events surrounding the pregnancy and birth of the aforementioned were highlighted, which importance was given to the fact of being born during mourning and how the emotional balance of the pregnant widow was associated with the formation and future of the fetus

    Stress erythropoiesis: selenium to the rescue!

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