2,257 research outputs found

    The Road from Medical Injury to Claims Resolution: How No-Fault and Tort Differ

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    In the area of medical malpractice, no-fault has been offered as a response to the criticisms leveled against tort litigation for medical injuries. Five issues of no-fault are examined within the context of obstetrical malpractice

    Th1/M1 Conversion to Th2/M2 Responses in Models of Inflammation Lacking Cell Death Stimulates Maturation of Monocyte Precursors to Fibroblasts

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    We have demonstrated that cardiac fibrosis arises from the differentiation of monocyte-derived fibroblasts. We present here evidence that this process requires sequential Th1 and Th2 induction promoting analogous M1 (classically activated) and M2 (alternatively activated) macrophage polarity. Our models are: (1) mice subjected to daily repetitive ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) without infarction and (2) the in vitro transmigration of human mononuclear leukocytes through human cardiac microvascular endothelium. In the mouse heart, leukocytes entered after I/R in response to monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), which is the major cytokine induced by this protocol. Monocytes within the heart then differentiated into fibroblasts making collagen while bearing the markers of M2 macrophages. T cells were seen in these hearts as well as in the human heart with cardiomyopathy. In the in vitro model, transmigration of the leukocytes was likewise induced by MCP-1 and some monocytes matured into fibroblasts bearing M2 markers. In this model, the MCP-1 stimulus induced a transient Th1 and M1 response that developed into a predominantly Th2 and M2 response. An increase in the Th2 product IL-13 was present in both the human and the mouse models, consistent with its known role in fibrosis. In these simplified models, in which there is no cell death to stimulate an anti-inflammatory response, there is nonetheless a resolution of inflammation enabling a profibrotic environment. This induces the maturation of monocyte precursors into fibroblasts

    United Kingdom newsprint media reporting on sexual health and blood-borne viruses in 2010

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    Background: Improving sexual health and blood-borne virus (BBV) outcomes continue to be of high priority within the United Kingdom (UK) and it is evident that the media can and do impact the public health agenda. This paper presents the first large-scale exploration of UK national newsprint media representations of sexual health and BBVs. Methods: Using keyword searches in electronic databases, 677 articles published during 2010 were identified from 12 national (UK-wide and Scottish) newspapers. Content analysis was used to identify manifest content and to examine the tone of articles. Results: Although there was a mixed picture overall in terms of tone, negatively toned articles, which focussed on failures or blame, were common, particularly within HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, and other sexually transmissible infection coverage (41% were assessed as containing negative content; 46% had negative headlines). Differences were found by newspaper genre, with ‘serious’ newspaper articles appearing more positive and informative than ‘midmarket’ newspapers or ‘tabloids’. Across the sample, particular individuals, behaviours and risk groups were focussed on, not always accurately, and there was little mention of deprivation and inequalities (9%). A gender imbalance was evident, particularly within reproductive health articles (71% focussed on women; 23% on men), raising questions concerning gender stereotyping. Conclusions: There is a need to challenge the role that media messages have in the reinforcement of a negative culture around sexual health in the UK and for a strong collective advocacy voice to ensure that future media coverage is positively portrayed

    Framing: Til afklaring af et spredt paradigme

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    I denne klassiske artikel om framing-begrebet giver Robert M. Entman en udfoldet definition af framing, ligesom han argumenterer for, at frames findes i hele kommunikationsprocessen, dvs. hos afsenderen, i teksten, hos modtageren og i kulturen. Framing-begrebet har været anvendt i mange discipliner, men kommunikationsforskningen kan med fordel være den centrale overdisciplin, der samler spredte bidrag til en konsistent definition af begrebet. Kommunikationsforskningen kan på denne måde dels styrke sin egen teoretiske stringens og dels bidrage til afklaring af en række problemer i en række andre discipliner vedr. teksters betydning og indflydelse. Artiklen er oprindeligt publiceret i Journal of Communication i 1993. Artiklen er oversat af Stig Hjarvard. 
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