251 research outputs found

    Challenged tactical urbanism in Santiago de Chile, a neoliberal city

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    Santiago de Chile is a world showcase for being framed under a pure neoliberal model implemented after a coup during a totalitarian regime. Despite its promises for a prosperous future, the city presents strong contrasts mainly understood as the neoliberal secondary effects, such as intense segregation, extreme real estate speculation, and a private sector that tends to be more influential than the local institutions, adopting profit-oriented decisions neglecting public interest. The Chilean social outbreaks in 2019 highlighted the voices of those living in the negative parallel reality, claiming the right to the city and the systematic integration of social matters. In this context, tactical urbanism emerges as a transitional way to create optimal democratic urban projects based on citizen work and embracing sustainable values that contrast with the neoliberal background. The city frame is hostile to such alternative realities. Hence, groups of citizens, NGOs and other actors manage to implement new human-centred values that finish to re-orientate the status quo. Finally, the study underlines how a citizen-based perspective considering the local scale is essential to be included in urban planning to generate livability and contribute to urban wellbeing

    How parfums Christian Dior could address its existing make-up range Dior backstage to men?: how to sell make-up to men?

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    This Master’s thesis has been developed under the form of an in-company project as a marketing and communication plan for the French company Parfums Christian Dior. The company has international influence and is one of the leader on the luxury cosmetic market and possesses a growing range addressed to millennials and not strongly gendered yet, thus letting the space to change a bit its positioning for reaching men. In order to build this new positioning, we will study the impact of the digital on consumer behavior regarding cosmetics purchase and on the customer decision-making process, the key roles implied in a purchase and the evolution of the meaning of “Man” in our occidental society. Furthermore, it was necessary to collect data from the industry, the market, the competitors and about consumer behavior toward cosmetics and especially. This data collection has enabled us to better understand how and where to reach men, where competitors did not go or did not know how to address their strategy. An internal analysis has also been conducted to make a state of play of Dior’s strengths and weaknesses, based on its range, image, positioning and distribution strategy. The focus of this thesis is to understand how Dior could use its strengths and weaknesses to take the opportunities of the market and to counter the threats for reaching and selling its make-up to men, a very specific and hard to reach target.Esta tese de mestrado foi desenvolvida na forma de um projeto de comunicação e marketing in-company para a empresa francesa Parfums Christian Dior. A empresa possui presença internacional e está entre os líderes no mercado de cosméticos de luxo e possui uma gama crescente voltada para a geração do milênio e ainda não fortemente de gênero, deixando assim o espaço para mudar um pouco seu posicionamento para alcançar os homens. Visando construir este novo posicionamento e o plano de comunicação associado foi criado um framework agregando os principais conceitos. Estudaremos o impacto do digital no hábito de consumo de cosméticos e o processo de decisão do consumidor, os principais papeis implicados na compra e a evolução do significado de “Homem” na nossa sociedade ocidental. Ainda mais, foi necessário coletar informações da indústria, do mercado, de competidores e o hábito de consumo de cosméticos, especialmente em homens. Esta coleta de informações nos possibilitou melhor compreender como e onde alcançar os homens, onde competidores não foram ou não souberam como aplicar suas estratégias. Uma análise interna também foi feita para averiguar a situação que se encontram as forças e fraquezas da Dior, baseado no seu escopo, imagem, posicionamento e distribuição estratégica. O foco desta tese é compreender como Dior poderia utilizar suas forças e fraquezas em oportunidades mercadológicas e preparar-se para possíveis adversidades com a proposta de venda de maquiagem masculina, um objetivo deveras difícil e específico

    Les ensembles de logement géants de Mexico. Nouvelles formes de l'habitat social, cadres de vie et reformulations par les habitants

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    International audienceLa expansion periferica de la urbe del Valle de Mexico sigue hoy dia dinamicas guiadas por la dominacion del sector de la construccion de vivienda de interes social. Una produccion masiva -casi 400,000 unidades en diez anos-, y extensiva, en los margenes de la ciudad, trajo consigo la uniformizacion de la oferta. El fenomeno toma forma de un objeto urbano inédito, los "conjuntos urbanos", que se caracterizan, ademas de su gigantismo, por una fuerte pobreza funcional y una concepcion de tipo insular. Nuestro articulo explora ciertas formas de adaptacion de los habitantes a una nueva periferia y espacio residencial, que bajo todos sus aspectos, tienden a aislar social y espacialmente.L'expansion périphérique de l'agglomération de Mexico suit aujourd'hui la dynamique imposée par la domination des très grandes entreprises de construction de logement social. Une production massive -presque 400.000 logements produits ces dix derniers années-, et extensive aux marges de l'agglomération, a entraîné l'appauvrissement des modèles et l'uniformisation de l'offre. Ce phénomène prend la forme d'un objet urbain inédit, les " ensembles urbains ", dont le gigantisme et la pauvreté fonctionnelle s'accompagnent d'une conception insulaire. Notre article explore comment les habitants de cette nouvelle périphérie font face à leur vie dans un espace résidentiel dont tous les caractères tendent à isoler, socialement et spatialement

    Sudden transitions and grand variations in the solar dynamo, past and future

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    The solar dynamo is the exotic dance of the sun's two major magnetic field components, the poloidal and the toroidal, interacting in anti-phase. On the basis of new data on the geomagnetic aa index, we improve our previous forecast of the properties of the current Schwabe cycle #24. Its maximum will occur in 2013.5 and the maximum sunspot number R-max will then be 62 +/- 12, which is within the bounds of our earlier forecasts. The subsequent analysis, based on a phase diagram, which is a diagram showing the relation between maximum sunspot numbers and minimum geomagnetic aa index values leads to the conclusion that a new Grand Episode in solar activity has started in 2008. From the study of the natural oscillations in the sunspot number time series, as found by an analysis based on suitable wavelet base functions, we predict that this Grand Episode will be of the Regular Oscillations type, which is the kind of oscillations that also occurred between 1724 and 1924. Previous expectations of a Grand (Maunder-type) Minimum of solar activity cannot be supported. We stress the significance of the Hallstatt periodicity for determining the character of the forthcoming Grand Episodes. No Grand Minimum is expected to occur during the millennium that has just started

    Solar Dynamo Transitions as Drivers of Sudden Climate Changes

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    Les baignades en rivière d’Île-de-France, des premiers aménagements à la piscine parisienne Joséphine-Baker

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    On ne se baigne plus à Paris dans la Seine depuis plus de trois siècles. Les équipements, d’abord d’éphémères installations, se perfectionnent et sont réglementés par les pouvoirs publics au fur et à mesure qu’ils se pérennisent. Les simples piquets, plantés dans le lit de la rivière et couverts d’une toile tendue, sont rapidement remplacés par des établissements formés de pontons flottants qui délimitent au centre un bassin. Puis, les vestiaires et les équipements annexes sont édifiés sur les quais des rivages avant que les bassins eux–mêmes ne soient maçonnés et encastrés dans la rive afin de faciliter l’épuration de l’eau.À la baignade en eau vive, née de l’attrait renaissant pour le bain d’hygiène, succède l’école de natation à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Dès les beaux jours, hommes et femmes se rendent dans leurs établissements respectifs, décence oblige, pour se rafraîchir, entretenir leur santé, pratiquer un sport, se retrouver entre amis et pour les plus jeunes, oser des jeux intrépides. Les Franciliens privés de rivages marins plébiscitent les plages fluviales, où enfin, la séparation des sexes n’est plus de mise. La région compte finalement ses établissements par dizaines. Les mieux équipés proposent hôtel, casino, restaurant ou dancing pour s’attirer toujours plus de clientèle. Cependant, dans une rivière après l’autre, à partir des années 1950, la pollution entraîne bientôt l’interdiction de se baigner et sonne le glas de ces piscines d’un genre particulier qui ont presque toutes disparuNo one has ever swum in the Seine in Paris since more than three centuries. The facilities, first short-lived structures, got improved and controlled by the authorities as they became permanent constructions. Simple stakes driven in the bed of the river and supporting a stretched canvas would be replaced by facilities composed of floating landing stages around a pool. Then changing-rooms and annexes would be erected on the banks, before the pools got built into the embankments so as to make water purification easier.The fashion of swimming in river water, aroused by the renewed interest for health bath, was followed by the one of the swimming school in the late XVIIIth century. In summertime, men and women had to have the sense of decency and so would go to separate places so as to freshen up, to keep in good fit, to do sport, to meet friends and, as for the youngest, to dare play bold games. The riverside beaches where, at last, sexual separation was no longer imposed, would prove a success with the inhabitants of the Ile-de-France, missing the seaside shores. In the region, these facilities were in dozens in the end. The best equipped ones would include a hostel, a casino, a restaurant or a dance hall to draw an ever bigger clientele. However, since the 1950’s, in one river after another, swimming has been prohibited because of the pollution, putting an end to these swimming pools of a particular kind which, for most of them, no longer exist.Seit wenigstens drei Jahrhunderten wird in der Seine in Paris nicht mehr gebadet. An den Ufern existierten zuerst vorläufige Badeeinrichtungen, die sich allmählich in dauerhafte Anstalten verwandelten, die immer mehr gesetzliche Anforderungen berücksichtigen mussten. Bald wurden einfache, in das Flussbett gerammte Holzpfähle mit Tuchbedeckung durch Schwimmpontons ersetzt, die mittlere Becken abgrenzten. Nach dem Bau von Umkleideräumen und Nebenausstattungen an den Uferstegen wurden die Becken selber ausgemauert und in das Ufer eingebaut, um eine bessere Wasserreinigung zu ermöglichen. Nach dem Erfolg des Badens im freien Gewässer, entsprungen aus hygienischen Gründen, entwickelte sich am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts die Begeisterung für den Schwimmunterricht. Mit den ersten Frühlingstagen begaben sich Männer und Frauen aufgrund der guten Sitten in geschlechtsgetrennte Anstalten, um sich zu erfrischen, gesund zu bleiben, einen Sport zu treiben oder Freunde zu treffen. Die Jüngeren erfreuten sich auch an waghalsigen Spielen. Da die Franciliens (Einwohner der Île de France) keine Meeresstrände zur Verfügung hatten, begeisterten sie sich für ihre Flussstrände, wo schließlich keine Trennung nach Geschlecht mehr gefordert wurde. In der Pariser Gegend zählte man Dutzende solcher Bäder. Die besten Ausstattungen mit Hotel, Casino, Restaurant und Tanzsaal waren für die Kunden besonders attraktiv. In den Jahren ab 1950 führte jedoch die zunehmende Wasserverschmutzung eines Flusses nach dem anderen zum Badeverbot, so dass nun fast alle diese besonderen Badeanstalten verschwunden sind

    Un modelo de dos fluidos para la descripción del viento solar

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    En trabajos previos de la autora se mostró que la componente paralela a las líneas de campo magnético del campo eléctrico debe ser incluida en la descripción de fenómenos hidromagnéticos en plasmas de baja densidad, como lo es el viento solar, y se encontró un sistema de ecuaciones de dos fluidos que incluye consistentemente esta componente del campo eléctrico. En el presente trabajo se resumen estas ecuaciones, se estudia su aplicabilidad al viento solar y se completa el sistema utilizando el conocimiento empírico sobre el flujo de calor. Se encuentra que provee un término de acoplamiento entre iones y electrones, que i. ide, en el viento solar, desacoplar la descripción para ambas especies, contrario a lo que sucede en el modelo de Chew, Golberger y Low; haciendo indispensable la descripción mediante un modelo de dos fluidos.In previous works it was shown that the component of the electric, field parallel to the magnetic field must be included in the description of hydromagnetic phenomena in low density plasmas, as is the case of the solar winds, and a two fluid system of equations that includes consistently this component of the electric field was found. In the present paper these equations are sumaraized, their application to the solar wind is investigated and the system is completed using the experimental knowledge of the heat flow. It is found that the inclusion of the parallel component of the electric field provides a coupling term between ions and electrons that makes it impossible to unconple the description for the two species in the solar wind, contrarily to the model of Chew, Goldberger and Low, thus rendering indispensable a description by means of a two-fluid model.Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodesta


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    Within the views that consider that animals have moral status, there are two kinds of views: those that consider that animals have the same moral status than humans, and those that consider that animals have less moral status than humans. In this paper I argue that both kinds of views are practically and theoretically equivalent. In the first place, I will argue that there is no practical difference between the two kinds of views, since they can justify the same moral judgments. In the second place, I will argue that, even when superficially it seems that each kind of view justifies the same judgments in different ways, looking more deeply one can see that this is not the case; so there is also no substantial theoretical difference between the two kinds of views. Therefore, these two kinds of views do not constitute different options in the defense of animal rights.Dentro de las posturas que consideran que los animales tienen estatus moral, hay dos tipos de posturas: las que consideran que los animales tienen el mismo estatus moral que los humanos, y las que consideran que los animales tienen menos estatus moral que los humanos. En este artículo argumento que ambos tipos de posturas son práctica y teóricamente equivalentes. En primer lugar, argumentaré que dichas posturas no hacen ninguna diferencia práctica, en tanto desde ellas pueden justificarse los mismos juicios morales. En segundo lugar, argumentaré que, aunque superficialmente pareciera que los mismos juicios morales se justifican de distinta manera desde cada tipo de postura, haciendo un análisis más profundo puede verse que esto no es el caso. De este modo, tampoco hay una diferencia teórica sustancial entre los dos tipos de posturas. Por lo tanto, estos dos tipos de posturas no constituyen diferentes opciones en la defensa de los derechos de los animales

    El calentamiento global y las tormentas solares

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    Presentación con los siguientes temas: 1. El campo magnético del Sol y de la Tierra. El ciclo solar de 11 años 2. El Sistema Sol-Tierra, las tormentas solares y su efecto sobre el Clima 3. Las transiciones solares, la pequeña edad del Hielo y los óptimos climáticos. 4. Estado actual del problema y conclusionesAcademia de la Ingeniería de la provincia de Buenos Aire


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    Plantea una selección de contenidos y un modo de abordarlos a través de distintas actividades pedagógico didácticas, que presentan el personalismo cristiano como una propuesta filosófica de gran riqueza para ser utilizada en el marco de la educación media. Explicitando una concepción de Filosofía, de su enseñanza y aprendizaje, que, partiendo de una mirada de raigambre personalista sobre el ser humano, propone que los participantes de la actividad escolar se descubran como personas con capacidad de pensar, reflexionar y dar cuenta de lo que piensan. También realza el valor del uso de un blog de cátedra para el trabajo de los alumnos