364 research outputs found

    Moving On: A Phenomenological Study on the Experiences of Migrating Teachers in Disadvantaged School Districts

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    Teacher migration occurs frequently in public schools across the United States. As teachers transition and move to new schools, this can have implications for student achievement (Adnot, Dee, Katz, & Wyckoff, 2017; Ronfeldt, Loeb, & Wyckoff, 2013), school/family relationships (Simon & Johnson, 2015), and school administrators (Ingersoll, 2003b). The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative study is to better understand the experiences that led teachers to voluntarily migrate to different schools within their district. Data for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Public district documents were evaluated to better understand specific policies and/or restrictions on migrating teachers. All data was compiled and categorized into four major themes: 1) school characteristics, 2) school-based relationships, 3) professional atmosphere, and 4) leader support. While this study shows that there was no essence to the phenomena of teacher migration, it does make light of the fact that extremely negative relationships with either teaching colleagues or the school principal were important considerations in teacher’s voluntary, intra-district migration decision

    Moving On: A Phenomenological Study on the Experiences of Migrating Teachers in Disadvantaged School Districts

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    Teacher migration occurs frequently in public schools across the United States. As teachers transition and move to new schools, this can have implications for student achievement (Adnot, Dee, Katz, & Wyckoff, 2017; Ronfeldt, Loeb, & Wyckoff, 2013), school/family relationships (Simon & Johnson, 2015), and school administrators (Ingersoll, 2003b). The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative study is to better understand the experiences that led teachers to voluntarily migrate to different schools within their district. Data for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Public district documents were evaluated to better understand specific policies and/or restrictions on migrating teachers. All data was compiled and categorized into four major themes: 1) school characteristics, 2) school-based relationships, 3) professional atmosphere, and 4) leader support. While this study shows that there was no essence to the phenomena of teacher migration, it does make light of the fact that extremely negative relationships with either teaching colleagues or the school principal were important considerations in teacher’s voluntary, intra-district migration decision

    Decomposition of coarse woody debris in a long-term litter manipulation experiment: A focus on nutrient availability

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    The majority of above-ground carbon in tropical forests is stored in wood, which is returned to the atmosphere during decomposition of coarse woody debris. However, the factors controlling wood decomposition have not been experimentally manipulated over time scales comparable to the length of this process.We hypothesized that wood decomposition is limited by nutrient availability and tested this hypothesis in a long-term litter addition and removal experiment in a lowland tropical forest in Panama. Specifically, we quantified decomposition using a 15-year chronosequence of decaying boles, and measured respiration rates and nutrient limitation of wood decomposer communities.The long-term probability that a dead tree completely decomposed was decreased in plots where litter was removed, but did not differ between litter addition and control treatments. Similarly, respiration rates of wood decomposer communities were greater in control treatments relative to litter removal plots; litter addition treatments did not differ from either of the other treatments. Respiration rates increased in response to nutrient addition (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) in the litter removal and addition treatments, but not in the controls.Established decreases in concentrations of soil nutrients in litter removal plots and increased respiration rates in response to nutrient addition suggest that reduced rates of wood decomposition after litter removal were caused by decreased nutrient availability. The effects of litter manipulations differed directionally from a previous short-term decomposition study in the same plots, and reduced rates of bole decomposition in litter removal plots did not emerge until after more than 6 years of decomposition. These differences suggest that litter-mediated effects on nutrient dynamics have complex interactions with decomposition over time

    Impacts of invasive ants on pollination of native plants are similar in invaded and restored plant communities

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordData availability: Data will be made available on request.Ants are amongst the most successful invaders worldwide and can markedly modify invaded communities through biotic interactions. Invasive ants, for example, can compete with native pollinators for resources, act as legitimate pollinators, or disrupt plant-pollinator mutualistic interactions, thereby affecting native plant reproduction. Ecological restoration aims to mitigate the impact of invasive species and restore ecological communities and ecosystem functioning. Here we investigated the combined effects of two invasive ant species, the yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) and white-footed ant (Technomyrmex albipes), on the pollination and reproduction of native plants in the context of a large-scale plant community restoration experiment. We conducted ant exclusion experiments and pollinator observations to obtain data on plant reproduction and pollination of four plant species. The experiments were conducted across eight granitic inselbergs on the island of Mahé, Seychelles, four of which are undergoing restoration since 2011 and four remained as invaded control sites (unrestored). Our findings indicate that native plants on Seychelles’ inselbergs relied primarily on flying flower visitors for pollination, considering that the contribution of ants to fruit set was generally small and substantially lower than that of flying pollinators. Moreover, while flying pollinators approached flowering plants irrespective of invasive ant presence, the number of probed flowers per visit was reduced, in both restored and unrestored communities. Therefore, native plant reproduction was negatively affected by the presence of invasive ants and this effect was similar in restored and unrestored plant communities. Our research suggests that invasive ants may contribute to changes in plant communities by deterring legitimate pollinators of native plants, an impact that is unlikely to be alleviated through early stages of ecological restoration.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technolog

    Rickettsiae Induce Microvascular Hyperpermeability via Phosphorylation of VE-Cadherins: Evidence from Atomic Force Microscopy and Biochemical Studies

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    The most prominent pathophysiological effect of spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsial infection of microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) is an enhanced vascular permeability, promoting vasogenic cerebral edema and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, which are responsible for most of the morbidity and mortality in severe cases. To date, the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which SFG Rickettsia increase EC permeability are largely unknown. In the present study we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to study the interactive forces between vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin and human cerebral microvascular EC infected with R. montanensis, which is genetically similar to R. rickettsii and R. conorii, and displays a similar ability to invade cells, but is non-pathogenic and can be experimentally manipulated under Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2) conditions. We found that infected ECs show a significant decrease in VE-cadherin-EC interactions. In addition, we applied immunofluorescent staining, immunoprecipitation phosphorylation assay, and an in vitro endothelial permeability assay to study the biochemical mechanisms that may participate in the enhanced vascular permeability as an underlying pathologic alteration of SFG rickettsial infection. A major finding is that infection of R. montanensis significantly activated tyrosine phosphorylation of VE-cadherin beginning at 48 hr and reaching a peak at 72 hr p.i. In vitro permeability assay showed an enhanced microvascular permeability at 72 hr p.i. On the other hand, AFM experiments showed a dramatic reduction in VE-cadherin-EC interactive forces at 48 hr p.i. We conclude that upon infection by SFG rickettsiae, phosphorylation of VE-cadherin directly attenuates homophilic protein–protein interactions at the endothelial adherens junctions, and may lead to endothelial paracellular barrier dysfunction causing microvascular hyperpermeability. These new approaches should prove useful in characterizing the antigenically related SFG rickettsiae R. conorii and R. rickettsii in a BSL3 environment. Future studies may lead to the development of new therapeutic strategies to inhibit the VE-cadherin-associated microvascular hyperpermeability in SFG rickettsioses

    Imaging the nanoscale organization of peptidoglycan in living Lactococcus lactis cells

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    Peptidoglycans provide bacterial cell walls with mechanical strength. The spatial organization of peptidoglycan has previously been difficult to study. Here, atomic force microscopy, together with cells carrying mutations in cell-wall polysaccharides, has allowed an in-depth study of these molecules

    Seasonal variation in impact of non‐native species on tropical seed dispersal networks

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData availability statement: Data available at the Dryad Digital Repository https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.wm37pvmqw (Costa, Heleno, Dufrene, Huckle, Gabriel, Harrison, et al., 2022).Invasive non-native species can alter animal-mediated seed dispersal interactions and ultimately affect the stability of recipient communities. The degree of such disturbances, however, is highly variable and depends on several factors, two of which have received little attention: the relative timing of native and non-native fruiting phenologies, and the associated variation in relative resource availability across the fruiting period. Both are likely to alter plant–seed disperser interactions threatened by biological invasions. Here we investigated the impact of plant invasions on the seasonal dynamics of frugivory and seed dispersal networks across a large-scale experimental setup and a plant invasion gradient on a tropical island. We recorded fruit and frugivore abundances, and plant–frugivore interactions across eight inselbergs (i.e. rocky outcrops) with different levels of plant invasion during 10 months on the island of Mahé, Seychelles. By combining four sampling methods of plant–frugivore interactions we constructed quantitative seed dispersal networks at all sites across two 5-month seasons: the on-peak and off-peak fruiting season. Our findings showed that, by fruiting mostly synchronously with natives, non-native plants compete with natives for dispersal services, predominantly carried out by native frugivores. Variation in native seed dispersal was driven by plant invasion and seasonality. Specifically, native seed dispersal declined with the degree of invasion; dispersal frequency increased with fruit abundance more strongly during the off-peak fruiting season; and networks became increasingly specialised during off-peak. These results indicated that during the main fruiting peak seed dispersal services were saturated, which likely intensified the competition between native and non-native fruits. When resources were scarce during off-peak fruiting season, native and non-native frugivores were more selective in their fruit choice at sites dominated by non-native plants. We showed that native plant and frugivore populations and native seed dispersal interactions were more vulnerable in invaded plant communities, where non-native plants compete with natives for dispersal services potentially reducing native recruitment. As invasive non-native plants dominate many ecosystems world-wide, particularly on islands, our findings showed that controlling plant invasions in vulnerable native communities can be critical to maintain native ecosystem functions and biodiversity.German Research Foundation (DFG)Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technolog