131 research outputs found

    Media, Children and Play: New Practices in a New (and Complex) Ecosystem

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    The relationship between media and play has been the subject of my research during the last ten years. Along that period, the research has obtained a common conclusion: children are related to media as consumers, as audiences, as producers and as reproducers of what is shown on them. From the moment in which children are born a new ecosystem composed by different screens and devices becomes their home. I argue that play is a key dimension to analyze contemporary childhoods and their relationship to media culture. When children talk about their games, their favorite shows and computer interactions, they are presenting themselves to others. The objective of this paper is double. Firstly, I aim to present a characterization of the media addressed specifically to children in order to identify continuities, stereotypes, differences and basic characteristics. The key concept in this phase is the one of representation. Secondly, I work with the interviews that I made during 2012 to thirty children who were between six and ten, inhabitants of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The objective was to listen to children and the meanings the built around their everyday lives. Play and games were approached not only as meaningful cultural practices but also as a way of analyzing the productions that children made from the available discourses in their everyday lives. Desires, preferences and games as children name them are going to be the organizers of the second part of the paper. The relationship between children, media and play is complex, but it is a very interesting way to build some knowledge about the contemporary culture and the ways through which children establish different relationships with it. Both objectives will allow us to build a complex approach to children, media and play in the communicative ecosystem in which they are growing.Fil: Duek, Sara Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Childhoods and play: Facebook, exhibition and competition

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    L'objectif de ce document vise à explorer les relations entre le jeu et les enfants dans le contexte contemporain. L'article considère le jeu d'enfants comme pratique significative à partir des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication. Comme les enfants associent Facebook aux jeux, Facebook représente le point central de cet article. Nous traitons les jeux auxquels les enfants jouent, les articulations les plus appropriées entre les enfants, la socialisation et Facebook. Nous proposons d'entrer dans l'univers où les enfants, les représentations, les médias et les adultes entrent en relation. Nous analysons Facebook comme la plate-forme contemporaine la plus importante à partir de laquelle la socialisation, l'exposition et la concurrence sont construites par les enfants.The objective of this paper is to explore the relationship between games, play and children in the contemporary context. The article begins with the consideration of children’s play as a meaningful practice focussing on new technologies of information and communication. Along the research, Facebook was identified as the most important place that children associated with games. That is why, the role that Facebook “plays” is one of the most important focusses of this paper: the uses that our informants report of the most used social network, the games they play and the most relevant articulations between children, socialization and Facebook. It is not our objective to analyse games thoroughly (we will analyse “Farmville” briefly), but to enter the universe in which children, representations, media and adults are related and intertwined. And in this path, we will analyse Facebook as the most important contemporary platform from which socialization, exhibition and competition are built by children as the main subjects of our research.Fil: Duek, Sara Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Université Catholique de Louvain; Bélgic

    Towards the construction of new audiences: ‘Fictions’ in contemporary media

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    In this paper I aim to work with a concept that I defined as “fictions” or better, “Hegemonic fictions”. The concept of fiction is based not on a “lie”, but on a hegemonic representation that media produce and reproduce in every show, game, interaction or presentation. That is why I chose to call them fictions: the ways through which media build hegemonic representations about everything that should matter in a specific moment of time and history. I identified four different fictions and, through them, I propose to analyze different aspects of both the contemporary media and their audiences. The first one is the fiction of choice. The analysis that I made of this fiction is based on the diversity of available electronic devices and the real possibilities that audiences have to choose. The second one is the fiction of participation. The emphasis in the so called “decision of the audience” is built upon a new fiction: we do not get to choose who participates on a show, a survey or a contest but we are summoned to “vote” or answer questions in order to construct a feeling that we are participating. The third fiction is the one of the objectivity. The aim of this fiction is to analyze the operations through which media present their sayings, images, news and opinions as “objective”. In the same line, the fourth fiction is about the reception stage. I do not sustain that reception is a fiction but I will analyze the variables and the mediations that exist between media messages and the audiences who receive, read, write and listen to those messages. New audiences and new media seem to be changing and developing at the same time in the same space. We aim to question the naturalization of the different and varied relationships between media and audiences in order to present possible new approaches that might lead to new questions and researches.Fil: Duek, Sara Carolina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Crianças, telas digitais e família: práticas de mediação dos pais e gênero

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo explorar as características de gênero da parentalidade digital e da mediação parental através de um estudo qualitativo desenvolvido com famílias e crianças na Argentina. Recentemente, diversas tipologias foram elaboradas para entender melhor a mediação dos pais em relação às telas digitais. Estudos quantitativos correlacionaram diferentes estilos de mediação parental com variáveis sociodemográficas e também avaliaram a sua eficácia na prevenção de vários riscos online. Neste artigo, usamos dados qualitativos de um estudo que recorreu à técnica de tecnobiografias para construir uma abordagem aprofundada das práticas e representações das crianças com várias vozes envolvidas (pais, professores, autoridades da escola). Como mostramos, diferentes tipos de mediação parental estão associados a mães ou pais, seguindo ideologias e estereótipos de gênero mais amplos. Através de dados provenientes de famílias diferentes, construímos a hipótese de que existe uma divisão de gênero na parentalidade digital.The objective of this article is to explore the gendered characteristics of digital parenting and parental mediation through a qualitative study developed with families and children in Argentina. Diverse typologies have recently been elaborated to better understand parental mediation of digital screens. Quantitative studies have correlated different styles of parental mediation with sociodemographic variables and have also assessed their effectiveness in preventing several online risks. In this paper we use qualitative data from a research developed using the technique of technobiographies to construct an in-depth approach to children’s practices and representations with multiple voices involved (parents, teachers, school authorities). As we show, different types of parental mediation are associated to mothers or fathers, following more broader gender ideologies and stereotypes. With insights from different families, we built research questions that state that there is a gendered division of digital parenting

    Infancias Contemporáneas. Apuntes para una reflexión sobre las instituciones, los medios de comunicación y el juego

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    Infancias contemporáneas, infancias del pasadoreciente: ejes que estructuran este artículo, en elcual presentamos una serie de reflexiones en tornoal juego, los medios de comunicación y los niñospara abordar las transformaciones en el marcode la expansión y consolidación del “ecosistemacomunicativo”. Pensar las infancias en la historiareciente supuso, metodológicamente, acercarnosal universo discursivo que construyeron los informantessobre su pasado y su presente. Proponemostrabajar en este artículo cuatro grandes ejes queaparecieron como invariantes para pensar la culturacontemporánea y sus prácticas, como modo deaproximación al complejo universo infantil desdecomienzos de los 80 hasta la actualidad. Éstos sonla escuela, la familia, el juego y la televisión. Através de cada uno de ellos presentaremos parte delos resultados de la investigación y las reflexionesasociadas con ellos

    Escuela, juego y televisión : Una experiencia etnográfica

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    La escuela es, sin dudas, la institución central en lo que refiere a la organización de las vidas cotidianas de los niños. Más allá de la crisis por la que atraviesa opera como un marco, un espacio en el que se aprenden, aprehenden y construyen significados y en el que se despliega una serie de rituales que organizarán la escolarización de los niños. Es decir, no podemos pensar la infancia contemporánea por fuera de lo que supone la escolarización. Nuestro trabajo se orienta hacia la caracterización de la infancia urbana, más específicamente, la infancia de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Seleccionamos este segmento porque, a los fines de nuestra investigación, es interesante por varios motivos.Trabajo presentado en el Panel 8: Producciones, encuentros y conflictos entre saberesFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la EducaciónSociedad Argentina de Historia de la Educación (SAHE

    “If you are entertained, you don’t learn anything”

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    El artículo presenta los principales hallazgos de un proyecto de investigación (PICT 2015-1329) cuyo objetivo general era la identificación y el análisis de las apropiaciones del juego en el contexto escolar como medio para alcanzar fines no vinculados directamente con el juego. La hipótesis que organizó el trabajo sostenía que en los contextos urbanos contemporáneos existe una definición particular del juego sostenida por diferentes actores que la practican, utilizan, proponen y se vinculan con ella. La investigación se desarrolló en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y en la ciudad de La Plata. El abordaje metodológico fue cualitativo y las herramientas de relevamiento de información fueron entrevistas realizadas durante 2018 y 2019 en ambas ciudades a niños y a niñas de entre 6 y 9 años, que concurrían a escuelas públicas y que tenían, al menos, un hermano o hermana en la escuela primaria. Los hallazgos que presentaremos aquí se vinculan con las representaciones del juego y del aprendizaje en la escuela y en el hogar. ¿Qué se puede aprender de un juego? ¿Qué se puede aprender jugando? Retomaremos la palabra de los y las informantes para presentar evidencia sobre las categorías que construimos para desplegar el análisis realizado. The article presents the main findings of a research project (PICT 2015-1329) whose general objective was the identification and analysis of the appropriations of the play in the context of the school but as a means to achieve ends not directly related to play. The hypothesis that organized the research argued that, in contemporary urban contexts, there is a particular definition of the game supported by different actors who practice, use, propose and are linked to it. The investigation was developed in the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and in the city of La Plata. The methodological approach was qualitative and the information gathering tool were interviews carried out during 2018 and 2019 in both cities with boys and girls between 6 and 9 years old, who attended public schools and who had at least one brother or sister in primary school. The findings that we will present here are related to representations of play and learning at school and at home. What can you learn from a game? What can be learned by playing? We will return to the word of the informants to present evidence about the categories that we built to deploy the analysi

    Infâncias e tecnologias na Argentina: Interações e vínculos intergeracionais

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    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados de una investigación sobre los procesos de apropiación tecnológica por parte de niñas y niños en diferentes regiones de la Argentina y las desigualdades de género. Los vínculos entre pares y con adultos y el rol de la escuela son claves para analizar las prácticas y las representaciones. Los hallazgos de las tecnobiografías realizadas (que se componen de entrevistas a niños y niñas de 9 a 11 años, grupos focales, de forma individual y a sus padres y docentes) nos permitirán exponer cómo las apropiaciones se construyen colectivamente mediante reglas donde se articulan habilitaciones y formas de control.The purpose of this article is to show the results of research on the processes of technological appropriation performed by children and also the gender inequalities in different regions of Argentina. The existing bonds among peers with adults and the role of the school are key factors in analyzing the practices and representations observed. The findings of the technobiographies carried out (interviews with children between 9 and 11 years old, in focus groups, individuals, parents and teachers) demonstrate how appropriations are collectively constructed based on rules that incorporate various possibilities and forms of control.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre os processos de apropriação tecnológica de crianças e as desigualdades de gênero em diferentes regiões da Argentina. As ligações entre pares, com adultos, e o papel da escola são fundamentais para analisar as práticas e representações observadas. Os achados das tecnobiografias realizadas (compostos por entrevistas com crianças de 9 a 11 anos, em grupos focais, individuais, e a pais/mães e professores) permitem mostrar como as apropriações são construídas coletivamente a partir de regras que articulam possibilidades e formas de controle.Fil: Duek, Sara Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Benitez Larghi, Hector Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Infancias en la historia reciente: Algunas reflexiones sobre la escuela, la familia, el juego y la televisión

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    Infancias contemporáneas, infancias del pasado reciente: ejes que estructuran este artículo, en el cual presentamos una serie de reflexiones en torno al juego, los medios de comunicación y los niños para abordar las transformaciones en el marco de la expansión y consolidación del “ecosistema comunicativo”. Pensar las infancias en la historia reciente supuso, metodológicamente, acercarnos al universo discursivo que construyeron los informantes sobre su pasado y su presente. Proponemos trabajar en este artículo cuatro grandes ejes que aparecieron como invariantes para pensar la cultura contemporánea y sus prácticas, como modo de aproximación al complejo universo infantil desde comienzos de los años ochenta hasta la actualidad. Ellos son la escuela, la familia, el juego y la televisión. A través de cada uno presentaremos parte de los resultados de la investigación y las reflexiones asociadas con ellos.Contemporary childhoods, Childhoods from the recent past: both topics structure this article in which we present a series of reflections about the play, the media and children to analyze the transformations in the context of the expansion and consolidation of the “communicative system”. To think about childhoods in recent history demanded, methodologicaly, the construction of an approach to a discoursive universe built by our informants. We propose to work, in this article, with four big areas that appeared as constants to think the contemporary culture and its practices as a way of aproximation to the childhood universe from the 80’s until now. These areas are: school, family, play and television. Through each one of them we will introduce part of the results of the research and its results.Fil: Duek, Sara Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Childhood, development and knowledge: Boys and girls and their socialization

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    En el presente artículo abordo los diferentes contextos en los que los niños y niñas de seis a ocho años se desarrollan en la actualidad. No se trata sólo de un intento de caracterización de los niños y niñas de dicha edad, sino de una aproximación al complejo universo infantil a partir de diferentes abordajes teóricos y metodológicos. Mi hipótesis es que la socialización y los marcos en los que crecen los niños y las niñas no pueden entenderse por fuera de los discursos que circulan en el ecosistema comunicativo en el que están inmersos. La educación, los medios de comunicación, la relación con pares y los discursos que circulan en torno de ellos, son los ejes para analizar el desarrollo y la constitución subjetiva de los niños y niñas de clase media habitantes de grandes ciudades y con acceso a determinados consumos culturales. Propongo, en consecuencia, el análisis de estos elementos y el debate de sus roles.No presente artigo abordo os diferentes contextos nos que os meninos e meninas de seis a oito anos se desenvolvem na actualidade. Não se trata só de uma tentativa de caracterização dos meninos e meninas de dita idade, senão de uma aproximação ao complexo universo infantil a partir de diferentes abordajes teóricos e metodológicos. Minha hipótese é que a socialização e os marcos nos que crescem os meninos e as meninas não podem se entender por fora dos discursos que circulam no ecosistema comunicativo no que estão inmersos. A educação, os meios de comunicação, a relação com pares e os discursos que circulam em torno deles, são os eixos para analisar o desenvolvimento e a constituição subjetiva dos meninos e meninas de classe média habitantes de grandes cidades e com acesso a determinados consumos culturais. Proponho, em consequência, a análise disto.In this article we approach the different contexts of development in which children from six to eight years old grow nowadays. This is not only an attempt of characterization of children of that age but also an approach to the complex universe of childhood considering different theoretical and methodological views. Our hypothesis is that socialization and the frames in which children grow can not be understood beyond the discourses that circulate in the communicative ecosystem in which they are inmersed. Education, media, the relationship with equals and the discourses that circulate among them are the axis to analyze the development and the subjetive constitution of children of middle classes from big cities and with access to certain cultural consumptions. We propose, thus, the analysis of these elements and the debate of its roles.Fil: Duek, Sara Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani"; Argentin