21 research outputs found


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    Az agykutatás egyik alapvető kérdése, hogy az egyes szinapszisokban előforduló jelátvivő fehérjék elhelyezkedése, sűrűsége hogyan befolyásolja a szinaptikus kapcsolatok kvalitatív és kvantitatív tulajdonságait. A szinaptikus működés hátterében rejlő molekuláris folyamatok megértésének azonban jelenleg is számos módszertani korlátja van, mint például a fénymikroszkópia felbontásának korlátossága. Jelen munkában a STORM szuperfelbontású mikroszkópiát kombináltuk konfokális képalkotással és patch-clamp elektrofiziológiával, hogy egy azonosított sejtben egy célfehérje nanométeres pontossággal mért eloszlását korrelálni tudjuk annak fiziológiai és anatómiai tulajdonságaival. Az egyedi idegsejteket az élettani elvezetés alatt biocitinnel töltöttük fel, majd konfokális mikroszkópiával vizualizáltuk az idegvégződéseket és a CB1-receptorok lokalizációját STORM-mikroszkópiával 20–30 nm laterális és 40–60 nm axiális pontossággal határoztuk meg. Végül a konfokális képek és a STORM-képek korrelált vizsgálatának megkönnyítésére kifejlesztettük a VividSTORM szabadon hozzáférhető szoftvereszközt

    Functional and structural deficits at accumbens synapses in a mouse model of Fragile X

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    International audienceFragile X is the most common cause of inherited intellectual disability and a leading cause of autism. The disease is caused by mutation of a single X-linked gene called fmr1 that codes for the Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), a 71 kDa protein, which acts mainly as a translation inhibitor. Fragile X patients suffer from cognitive and emotional deficits that coincide with abnormalities in dendritic spines. Changes in spine morphology are often associated with altered excitatory transmission and long-term plasticity, the most prominent deficit in fmr1-/y mice. The nucleus accumbens, a central part of the mesocortico-limbic reward pathway, is now considered as a core structure in the control of social behaviors. Although the socio-affective impairments observed in Fragile X suggest dysfunctions in the accumbens, the impact of the lack of FMRP on accumbal synapses has scarcely been studied. Here we report for the first time a new spike timing-dependent plasticity paradigm that reliably triggers NMDAR-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP) of excitatory afferent inputs of medium spiny neurons (MSN) in the nucleus accumbens core region. Notably, we discovered that this LTP was completely absent in fmr1-/y mice. In the fmr1-/y accumbens intrinsic membrane properties of MSNs and basal excitatory neurotransmission remained intact in the fmr1-/y accumbens but the deficit in LTP was accompanied by an increase in evoked AMPA/NMDA ratio and a concomitant reduction of spontaneous NMDAR-mediated currents. In agreement with these physiological findings, we found significantly more filopodial spines in fmr1-/y mice by using an ultrastructural electron microscopic analysis of accumbens core medium spiny neuron spines. Surprisingly, spine elongation was specifically due to the longer longitudinal axis and larger area of spine necks, whereas spine head morphology and postsynaptic density size on spine heads remained unaffected in the fmr1-/y accumbens. These findings together reveal new structural and functional synaptic deficits in Fragile X

    Presynaptic Protein Synthesis Is Required for Long-Term Plasticity of GABA Release

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    Long-term changes of neurotransmitter release are critical for proper brain function. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these changes are poorly understood. While protein synthesis is crucial for the consolidation of postsynaptic plasticity, whether and how protein synthesis regulates presynaptic plasticity in the mature mammalian brain remain unclear. Here, using paired whole-cell recordings in rodent hippocampal slices, we report that presynaptic protein synthesis is required for long-term, but not short-term, plasticity of GABA release from type 1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1)-expressing axons. This long-term depression of inhibitory transmission (iLTD) involves cap-dependent protein synthesis in presynaptic interneuron axons, but not somata. Translation is required during the induction, but not maintenance, of iLTD. Mechanistically, CB1 activation enhances protein synthesis via the mTOR pathway. Furthermore, using super-resolution STORM microscopy, we revealed eukaryotic ribosomes in CB1-expressing axon terminals. These findings suggest that presynaptic local protein synthesis controls neurotransmitter release during long-term plasticity in the mature mammalian brain

    PharmacoSTORM nanoscale pharmacology reveals cariprazine binding on Islands of Calleja granule cells

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    Immunolabeling and autoradiography have traditionally been applied as the methods-of-choice to visualize and collect molecular information about physiological and pathological processes. Here, we introduce PharmacoSTORM super-resolution imaging that combines the complementary advantages of these approaches and enables cell-type- and compartment-specific nanoscale molecular measurements. We exploited rational chemical design for fluorophore-tagged high-affinity receptor ligands and an enzyme inhibitor; and demonstrated broad PharmacoSTORM applicability for three protein classes and for cariprazine, a clinically approved antipsychotic and antidepressant drug. Because the neurobiological substrate of cariprazine has remained elusive, we took advantage of PharmacoSTORM to provide in vivo evidence that cariprazine predominantly binds to D3 dopamine receptors on Islands of Calleja granule cell axons but avoids dopaminergic terminals. These findings show that PharmacoSTORM helps to quantify drug-target interaction sites at the nanoscale level in a cell-type- and subcellular context-dependent manner and within complex tissue preparations. Moreover, the results highlight the underappreciated neuropsychiatric significance of the Islands of Calleja in the ventral forebrain.NWO724.017.002Molecular Physiolog

    Recruitment and inhibitory action of hippocampal axo-axonic cells during behavior.

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    The axon initial segment of hippocampal pyramidal cells is a key subcellular compartment for action potential generation, under GABAergic control by the "chandelier" or axo-axonic cells (AACs). Although AACs are the only cellular source of GABA targeting the initial segment, their in vivo activity patterns and influence over pyramidal cell dynamics are not well understood. We achieved cell-type-specific genetic access to AACs in mice and show that AACs in the hippocampal area CA1 are synchronously activated by episodes of locomotion or whisking during rest. Bidirectional intervention experiments in head-restrained mice performing a random foraging task revealed that AACs inhibit CA1 pyramidal cells, indicating that the effect of GABA on the initial segments in the hippocampus is inhibitory in vivo. Finally, optogenetic inhibition of AACs at specific track locations induced remapping of pyramidal cell place fields. These results demonstrate brain-state-specific dynamics of a critical inhibitory controller of cortical circuits

    Multiple Forms of Endocannabinoid and Endovanilloid Signaling Regulate the Tonic Control of GABA Release

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    UNLABELLED: Persistent CB1 cannabinoid receptor activity limits neurotransmitter release at various synapses throughout the brain. However, it is not fully understood how constitutively active CB1 receptors, tonic endocannabinoid signaling, and its regulation by multiple serine hydrolases contribute to the synapse-specific calibration of neurotransmitter release probability. To address this question at perisomatic and dendritic GABAergic synapses in the mouse hippocampus, we used a combination of paired whole-cell patch-clamp recording, liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy super-resolution imaging, and immunogold electron microscopy. Unexpectedly, application of the CB1 antagonist and inverse agonist AM251 [N-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-(4-iodophenyl)-4-methyl-N-1-piperidinyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide], but not the neutral antagonist NESS0327 [8-chloro-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-piperidin-1-yl-5,6-dihydro-4H-benzo[2,3]cyclohepta[2,4-b]pyrazole-3-carboxamine], significantly increased synaptic transmission between CB1-positive perisomatic interneurons and CA1 pyramidal neurons. JZL184 (4-nitrophenyl 4-[bis(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)(hydroxy)methyl]piperidine-1-carboxylate), a selective inhibitor of monoacylglycerol lipase (MGL), the presynaptic degrading enzyme of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), elicited a robust increase in 2-AG levels and concomitantly decreased GABAergic transmission. In contrast, inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) by PF3845 (N-pyridin-3-yl-4-[[3-[5-(trifluoromethyl)pyridin-2-yl]oxyphenyl]methyl]piperidine-1-carboxamide) elevated endocannabinoid/endovanilloid anandamide levels but did not change GABAergic synaptic activity. However, FAAH inhibitors attenuated tonic 2-AG increase and also decreased its synaptic effects. This antagonistic interaction required the activation of the transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor TRPV1, which was concentrated on postsynaptic intracellular membrane cisternae at perisomatic GABAergic symmetrical synapses. Interestingly, neither AM251, JZL184, nor PF3845 affected CB1-positive dendritic interneuron synapses. Together, these findings are consistent with the possibility that constitutively active CB1 receptors substantially influence perisomatic GABA release probability and indicate that the synaptic effects of tonic 2-AG release are tightly controlled by presynaptic MGL activity and also by postsynaptic endovanilloid signaling and FAAH activity.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Tonic cannabinoid signaling plays a critical role in the regulation of synaptic transmission. However, the mechanistic details of how persistent CB1 cannabinoid receptor activity inhibits neurotransmitter release have remained elusive. Therefore, electrophysiological recordings, lipid measurements, and super-resolution imaging were combined to elucidate those signaling molecules and mechanisms that underlie tonic cannabinoid signaling. The findings indicate that constitutive CB1 activity has pivotal function in the tonic control of hippocampal GABA release. Moreover, the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) is continuously generated postsynaptically, but its synaptic effect is regulated strictly by presynaptic monoacylglycerol lipase activity. Finally, anandamide signaling antagonizes tonic 2-AG signaling via activation of postsynaptic transient receptor potential vanilloid TRPV1 receptors. This unexpected mechanistic diversity may be necessary to fine-tune GABA release probability under various physiological and pathophysiological conditions

    Presynaptic Nanoscale Components of Retrograde Synaptic Signaling

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    While our understanding of the nanoscale architecture of anterograde synaptic transmission is rapidly expanding, the qualitative and quantitative molecular principles underlying distinct mechanisms of retrograde synaptic communication remain elusive. We show that a particular form of tonic cannabinoid signaling is essential for setting target cell–dependent synaptic variability. It does not require the activity of the two major endocannabinoid-producing enzymes. Instead, by developing a workflow for physiological, anatomical, and molecular measurements at the same unitary synapse, we demonstrate that the nanoscale stoichiometric ratio of type 1 cannabinoid receptors (CB 1 Rs) to the release machinery is sufficient to predict synapse-specific release probability. Accordingly, selective decrease of extrasynaptic CB 1 Rs does not affect synaptic transmission, whereas in vivo exposure to the phytocannabinoid Δ 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol disrupts the intrasynaptic nanoscale stoichiometry and reduces synaptic variability. These findings imply that synapses leverage the nanoscale stoichiometry of presynaptic receptor coupling to the release machinery to establish synaptic strength in a target cell–dependent manner

    Ripple-selective GABAergic projection cells in the hippocampus

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    Ripples are brief high-frequency electrographic events with important roles in episodic memory. However, the in vivo circuit mechanisms coordinating ripple-related activity among local and distant neuronal ensembles are not well understood. Here, we define key characteristics of a long-distance projecting GABAergic cell group in the mouse hippocampus that selectively exhibits high-frequency firing during ripples while staying largely silent during theta-associated states when most other GABAergic cells are active. The high ripple associated firing commenced before ripple onset and reached its maximum before ripple peak, with the signature theta-OFF, ripple-ON firing pattern being preserved across awake and sleep states. Controlled by septal GABAergic, cholinergic, and CA3 glutamatergic inputs, these ripple-selective cells innervate parvalbumin and cholecystokinin-expressing local interneurons while also targeting a variety of extra-hippocampal regions. These results demonstrate the existence of a hippocampal GABAergic circuit element that is uniquely positioned to coordinate ripple-related neuronal dynamics across neuronal assemblies