223 research outputs found

    The estimation of the indices of the inflammatory and immune response in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

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    The increase of the frequency of inflammatory and degenerative injuries of joints, especially juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) as the most common rheumatic disease in children is observed all over the world. The main directions of the problem study are the detailing of the clinical peculiarities in the course of the disease and the improvement of the diagnostics and treatment. The aim of the study is to check inflammatory and immune responses in children with JRA. During the study we hawe examined 149 children with JRA aged 12 ± 2.4 using general clinical, biochemical and immune-enzyme methods. The control group has included 30 healthy children of the same age. The analysis of the data has been made according to the requirements for the medical and biological research. So, we have come to the conclusion that the most common is a joint form of the disease by the type of monoarthritis with such main clinical signs as intoxication syndrome and joint damage. We have also defined that during the course of JRA are shown the enlarged indices of inflammatory cytokines, C-reactive protein level and antibodies to modified citrullinated vimentin, the meaning of which being more than 20 U/ml is important for the diagnostics of the disease.Во всем мире наблюдается рост частоты воспалительных и дегенеративних поражений суставов, в том числе и ювенильного ревматоидного артрита (ЮРА), как наиболее распространенного ревматологического заболевания детского возраста. Приоритетными направлениями научных исследований проблемы являются детализация клинических особенностей течения заболевания и усовершенствование диагностики и лечения. Цель исследования – изучение особенностей воспалительного и иммунного ответов у детей с ЮРА. С применением общеклинических, биохимических, иммуноферментных методов комплексно обследовано 149 детей с ЮРА, средний возраст которых составил 12 ± 2,4 лет. В контрольную группу вошли 30 практически здоровых детей такого же возраста. Анализ результатов проводился согласно требованиям к обработке данных медико-биологических исследований. Исследование показало, что наиболее часто встречается суставная форма заболевания по типу моноартрита, а клиническими ведущими показателями являются поражение сустава и интоксикационный синдром. Установлено, что ЮРА сопровождается повышенным содержанием провоспалительных цитокинов, повышенным уровнем С-реактивного пептида, а также антител к модифицированному цитруллинированому виментину, значение которого свыше 20 Ед/мл является значимым для диагностики заболевания

    Near Earth space sporadic radio emission busts occurring during sunrise

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    During the period of low solar activity at sunrise the effect of sporadic high frequency near Earth space radio emission was experimentally discovered at middle latitudes. The possible mechanism of its origin is discussed

    Development of the Adolescents’ Communicative Culture in the Context of Digitalization of Additional Education

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    In the era of digitalization of education and economy and the development of artificial intelligence, adolescents appear highly competitive compared with other generations in understanding digital technologies, acquiring expertise, and mastering modern means of communication, which normally causes intergenerational conflicts and the loss of an adult’s personal and functional authority. The aim of this research was to develop and test a model for developing adolescents’ communicative cultures in an institution of additional education. The research emphasizes the significance of personality-oriented, interactive-communicative, and cultural approaches and conducts a comparative analysis of the sources. Methodologically, the study relies on a quantitative method with primary sources. Besides, the findings of the study contribute to the existing limited stress on the importance of adolescents’ communicative cultures from the perspective of the digitalization of additional education. The study finds that the use of digital options in education has reduced social interaction among students. However, the students prefer to use digital methods of learning as they find them more convenient for communication. Therefore, the digital communication culture has high potential in the educational sector. The findings are novel as this study is one of the few recent studies that examined how communicative culture has transformed due to digital means in education. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-019 Full Text: PD

    Concept of implementation the digital signal processing of the miniature particle detector MіRА_ер in the cubesat format

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    Представлено принципи вирішення задачі збирання, сортування, формування та відправлення до бортового комп’ютеру вихідних інформаційних масивів мініатюрного реєстратору-аналізатору електронів і протонів МіРА_ер у форматі CubeSat.The concept of an implementation of tasks on the collecting, sorting, the formation and sending to the on-board computer of the output information frames of the miniature electron and proton recording analyzer MiRA-er in CubeSat format is presented.Представлены принципы решения задачи сбора, сортировки формирования и отправки в бортовой компьютер выходных информационных массивов миниатюрного регистратора-анализатора электронов и протонов МиРА-ер в формате CubeSa

    Empirical Evaluation of Educational Service Quality in the Current Higher Education System

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    During the transition to the mixed education model during the Covid-19 pandemic, some issues have emerged in the matter of providing and supporting the quality of university education in all countries, including educational programs' relevance to the demands of the labor market, expectations of students and their families, digital transformation of the educational process, and economic stability of institution networks. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the quality of educational services in the higher education systems of Indonesia and Russia. The study systematized several essential factors for achieving educational service quality in the current higher education systems, given the limitations imposed by Covid-19. Following this objective, the study utilized a quantitative approach, adopting the SERVQUALmodel that measures the service quality across five service dimensions: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The model aided the development of the questionnaire to assess the quality of the educational services of Indonesian and Russian universities. The questionnaire included 25 close-ended questions on two scales: one to measure the students' expectations regarding the quality of educational services and the other to measure the students' current perceptions. A snowball technique was used to recruit students from Indonesian and Russian universities as participants in the study. The students were asked to assess the educational services of their universities based on their initial expectations and current perceptions. Overall, the students of both countries revealed that they had high expectations from the educational services of their universities. However, the current perceptions of the Russian students regarding the quality of educational services provided by their universities are higher and more positive than the perceptions of the Indonesian students regarding the quality of educational services being delivered to them. The findings of the study have implications for education practitioners. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-05 Full Text: PD

    The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of facial pain in practice

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    Studies have shown that the drug ibuprofen is effective for the relief of pain in the facial area, allowing the continuation of dental treatment. Clinical experience has shown that 87% of patients were satisfied with the result of pain relief.Проведенные исследования показали, что препарат ибупрофен является эффектив-ными для купирования болевого синдрома в лицевой области, что позволяет дальнейшее проведение стоматологического лечения. Клинический опыт показал, что 87% пациентов были удовлетворены результатом снятия болевого синдрома

    Nickel-Catalyzed Carbon–Carbon Bond-Forming Reactions of Unactivated Tertiary Alkyl Halides: Suzuki Arylations

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    The first Suzuki cross-couplings of unactivated tertiary alkyl electrophiles are described. The method employs a readily accessible catalyst (NiBr[subscript 2]·diglyme/4,4′-di-tert-butyl-2,2′-bipyridine, both commercially available) and represents the initial example of the use of a group 10 catalyst to cross-couple unactivated tertiary electrophiles to form C–C bonds. This approach to the synthesis of all-carbon quaternary carbon centers does not suffer from isomerization of the alkyl group, in contrast with the umpolung strategy for this bond construction (cross-coupling of a tertiary alkylmetal with an aryl electrophile). Preliminary mechanistic studies are consistent with the generation of a radical intermediate along the reaction pathway.National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (R01-GM62871)Merck Research Laboratories (Summer Fellowship

    Modern microwave methods in solid state inorganic materials chemistry: from fundamentals to manufacturing

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    The aim of the work – to evaluate the state of development of pediatric education in Ukraine in the beginning of the 21st century, staffing of the branch in the field of pediatrics and to develop a plan of measures to overcome the crisis phenomena in pediatric health care. The main body. The article presents data on the development of pediatric education in the early 21st century after the restoration of the educational-scientific specialty “Pediatrics” in 2017. The development of up-to-date standards for the training of pediatric doctors, based on the acquisition of future master’s degrees in pediatrics, general and professional competencies and necessary practical skills is highlighted. The current problems in the provision of pediatric health care facilities are emphasized. Conclusion. A list of measures at the sectoral and national level has been developed to restore the necessary training рediatricians for childrenʼs health care of the country and to ensure the proper methodological provision of the educational process, which may cause difficulties in providing children with quality medical care in the future.Мета роботи – оцінити стан розвитку педіатричної освіти в Україні на початку ХХІ сторіччя, кадрове забезпечення галузі за спеціальністю «Педіатрія» та розробити план заходів щодо подолання кризових явищ у педіатричній охороні здоровʼя. Основна частина. У статті наведено дані щодо розвитку педіатричної освіти на початку ХХІ сторіччя після відновлення освітньо-наукової спеціальності «Педіатрія» у 2017 р. Висвітлено розробку сучасних стандартів підготовки дитячих лікарів, що базуються на набутті майбутніми магістрами педіатрії загальних та фахових компетенцій і необхідних практичних навичок. Наголошено на теперішніх проблемах у кадровому забезпеченні педіатричних закладів охорони здоровʼя, що може викликати складнощі у забезпеченні дітей якісною медичною допомогою у майбутньому. Висновок. Розроблений перелік заходів на галузевому та загальнодержавному рівні щодо відновлення необхідних для країни обсягів підготовки дитячих лікарів та забезпечення належного методичного забезпечення навчального процесу