100 research outputs found

    Model C critical dynamics of random anisotropy magnets

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    We study the relaxational critical dynamics of the three-dimensional random anisotropy magnets with the non-conserved n-component order parameter coupled to a conserved scalar density. In the random anisotropy magnets the structural disorder is present in a form of local quenched anisotropy axes of random orientation. When the anisotropy axes are randomly distributed along the edges of the n-dimensional hypercube, asymptotical dynamical critical properties coincide with those of the random-site Ising model. However structural disorder gives rise to considerable effects for non-asymptotic critical dynamics. We investigate this phenomenon by a field-theoretical renormalization group analysis in the two-loop order. We study critical slowing down and obtain quantitative estimates for the effective and asymptotic critical exponents of the order parameter and scalar density. The results predict complex scenarios for the effective critical exponent approaching an asymptotic regime.Comment: 8 figures, style files include

    Field theory of bicritical and tetracritical points. III. Relaxational dynamics including conservation of magnetization (Model C)

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    We calculate the relaxational dynamical critical behavior of systems of O(n)O(n)O(n_\|)\oplus O(n_\perp) symmetry including conservation of magnetization by renormalization group (RG) theory within the minimal subtraction scheme in two loop order. Within the stability region of the Heisenberg fixed point and the biconical fixed point strong dynamical scaling holds with the asymptotic dynamical critical exponent z=2ϕ/ν1z=2\phi/\nu-1 where ϕ\phi is the crossover exponent and ν\nu the exponent of the correlation length. The critical dynamics at n=1n_\|=1 and n=2n_\perp=2 is governed by a small dynamical transient exponent leading to nonuniversal nonasymptotic dynamical behavior. This may be seen e.g. in the temperature dependence of the magnetic transport coefficients.Comment: 6 figure

    Peculiarities of Intersystemic Correlation Relationships of M-Response and F-Wave Characteristics in the Forearms Symmetric Muscles Which Participate in the Implementation of Multiple Coordinated Bimanual Movements

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    The organization of combined voluntary goal directed movements of hands has remained a serious scientific problem with a pronounced applicable nature.  Insufficiency of a procedural framework and clear quantitative and qualitative criteria causes gaps and difficulties in professional selection, the effectiveness diagnosis of work-out session in sports and rehabilitation within remedial treatment.  The aim of the investigation is to study the adjustment and co-adjustment of the effector apparatus elements, which are the basis of bimanual coordination, in the groups of male and female trial subjects. In the following study, based on informed consent in accordance with the ethics committee requirements, 75 subjects (39 men and 36 women) at the age of 18-20 took part. F-wave and M-response parameters registration was carried out by means of NMA-4-01 “NEUROMIAN” neuromyoanalyzer (Taganrog, Russia) according to the standard method. It has been established that the nerve centers responsible for the work of homonymous muscles in the right and left forearms, innervating synergists and antagonists, are to a certain extent in the initial adjustment and co-adjustment according to the level of activity, which determines not only the moment of the excitement onset, but also the speed of its irradiation.  The revealed manifestations of adjustment and co-adjustment have pronounced sex differences.  Proceeding from the fact that female trial subjects have a lower level of bimanual movements if compared with men, it can be assumed that the revealed features of correlational relationships determine, to a certain extent, coordination abilities of men and women

    Peculiarities of Intersystemic Correlation Relationships of M-Response and F-Wave Characteristics in the Forearms Symmetric Muscles Which Participate in the Implementation of Multiple Coordinated Bimanual Movements

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    The organization of combined voluntary goal directed movements of hands has remained a serious scientific problem with a pronounced applicable nature.  Insufficiency of a procedural framework and clear quantitative and qualitative criteria causes gaps and difficulties in professional selection, the effectiveness diagnosis of work-out session in sports and rehabilitation within remedial treatment.  The aim of the investigation is to study the adjustment and co-adjustment of the effector apparatus elements, which are the basis of bimanual coordination, in the groups of male and female trial subjects. In the following study, based on informed consent in accordance with the ethics committee requirements, 75 subjects (39 men and 36 women) at the age of 18-20 took part. F-wave and M-response parameters registration was carried out by means of NMA-4-01 “NEUROMIAN” neuromyoanalyzer (Taganrog, Russia) according to the standard method. It has been established that the nerve centers responsible for the work of homonymous muscles in the right and left forearms, innervating synergists and antagonists, are to a certain extent in the initial adjustment and co-adjustment according to the level of activity, which determines not only the moment of the excitement onset, but also the speed of its irradiation.  The revealed manifestations of adjustment and co-adjustment have pronounced sex differences.  Proceeding from the fact that female trial subjects have a lower level of bimanual movements if compared with men, it can be assumed that the revealed features of correlational relationships determine, to a certain extent, coordination abilities of men and women

    Peculiarities of Intersystemic Correlation Relationships of M-Response and F-Wave Characteristics in the Forearms Symmetric Muscles Which Participate in the Implementation of Multiple Coordinated Bimanual Movements

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    The organization of combined voluntary goal directed movements of hands has remained a serious scientific problem with a pronounced applicable nature.  Insufficiency of a procedural framework and clear quantitative and qualitative criteria causes gaps and difficulties in professional selection, the effectiveness diagnosis of work-out session in sports and rehabilitation within remedial treatment.  The aim of the investigation is to study the adjustment and co-adjustment of the effector apparatus elements, which are the basis of bimanual coordination, in the groups of male and female trial subjects. In the following study, based on informed consent in accordance with the ethics committee requirements, 75 subjects (39 men and 36 women) at the age of 18-20 took part. F-wave and M-response parameters registration was carried out by means of NMA-4-01 “NEUROMIAN” neuromyoanalyzer (Taganrog, Russia) according to the standard method. It has been established that the nerve centers responsible for the work of homonymous muscles in the right and left forearms, innervating synergists and antagonists, are to a certain extent in the initial adjustment and co-adjustment according to the level of activity, which determines not only the moment of the excitement onset, but also the speed of its irradiation.  The revealed manifestations of adjustment and co-adjustment have pronounced sex differences.  Proceeding from the fact that female trial subjects have a lower level of bimanual movements if compared with men, it can be assumed that the revealed features of correlational relationships determine, to a certain extent, coordination abilities of men and women

    Three Types of Coexistence of Pagan and Christian Elements in the Late Roman Intellectuals’ Mentality

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    The paper considers three types of coexistence of pagan and Christian elements in the consciousness of Late antique intellectuals who were Latin writers in the period from of the 4th to 6th centuries, representatives of the upper stratum, Christians such as Ausonius, Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, and others. The authors come to the conclusion that the attitude to the pagan heritage combined in the minds of Late Latin intellectuals with Christian ideas in three versions: passive-eclectic, contrast-nihilistic and respectful-condescending, which was conditioned both by life circumstances and chronologically

    Вплив механоактивації сумішей нанопорошків SiO2/Al2O3 на їх морфологію та енергетичний розподіл валентних електронів

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    The analysis of morphological characteristics of nanoscale structures x-Al2O3 + y-SiO2 (x = 0,2; 0,3; 0,75; y = 0,8; 0,7; 0,25) before and after mechanical activation is hold. During the investigation of spot chemical composition is was revealed that as the consequence of mechanical activation in the structure of composites agglomerates are formed where nanoparticles of silicon and aluminum oxides are present simultaneously. The changes of the structure of morphology are confirmed by the redistribution of valence Ор-, Sisd- та Alsd electrons mixtures as a result of mechanical activation.Проведено аналіз морфологічних характеристик структури нанорозмірних сумішей x-Al2O3+ y-SiO2 (x = 0,2; 0,3; 0,75; y = 0,8; 0,7; 0,25) до і після механоактивації. При дослідженні точкового хімічного складу виявили, що в наслідок механоактивації у структурі композитів утворюються агломерати, де одночасно присутні наночастинки оксидів кремнію та алюмінію. Зміни морфології структури підтверджуються перерозподілом валентних Ор-, Sisd- та Alsd- електронів сумішей в результаті механоактивації


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    The aim of the work – to learn the use of students’ needs for updating the format of conducting lecture classes and possible ways of their implementation. The main body. Challenges of modern time require training of new doctors as competent, mobile, and able to perfection and quick orientation in the scientific world and medicine. Change in generations of university teachers has led to failure of effectiveness of outmoded teaching approaches. It’s needed the renovation of university curricula and the implementation of interactive, more flexible approaches to learning and teaching. We conducted an anonymous questionnaire of 2139 students of 3–6 courses of medical faculties of O. Bohomolets National Medical University, that we were gave an opportunity to assess the attitude of our students to lectures. In general, students highly appreciate the benefits of the lectures; most respondents believe that they receive and assimilate about 60 % of the educational materials from these lectures. Most of the students who took part in the survey expressed answer that oral lectures on clinical disciplines are needed, but are required significant changes in the format. The existing format of our lectures is satisfied by only 14 % of the interviewed students. They consider that common disadvantages of the existing format of lectures are the repetitions of information from textbooks or/and manuals and the lack of specific clinical typical cases. Conclusions. Students consider the optimal format of lectures for clinical departments as follows: the total duration of the lecture should be 45 minutes and include 2 blocks for 20 minutes with a 5 minute break between them. Firstblock should contain up-to-date information about clinical features, diagnostics and treatment of diseases, the second block – the analysis of clinical cases with examples of the formulation of diagnosis, the plan of additional examinations and methods of treatment.Мета роботи – продемонструвати потреби студентів щодо оновлення формату проведення лекційних занять і можливі шляхи її реалізації. Основна частина. Вимогою сьогодення є підготовка нових лікарів як компетентних, мобільних, здатних вдосконалюватися та швидко орієнтуватися у сучасному світі науки і медицини. Зміна поколінь привела до зниження ефективності застарілих навчальних підходів. Це диктує потребу в оновленні навчальних програм і впровадженні інтерактивних, більш гнучких підходів до навчання. Нами було проведено анонімне анкетування 2139 студентів 3–6 курсів медичних факультетів Національного медичного університету імені О. О. Богомольця, яке дало можливість оцінити ставлення сучасних студентів до лекцій. Загалом студенти досить високо оцінюють користь від лекційних занять, більшість опитаних вважає, що отримує з лекцій близько 60 % навчального матеріалу. Більшість студентів, які взяли участь в анкетуванні, висловила позицію, що усні лекції з клінічних дисциплін потрібні, але потребують істотної зміни формату. Існуючий формат лекцій задовольняє лише 14 % опитаних студентів. Основними недоліками існуючого формату лекцій студенти вважають повторення інформації з підручників/посібників і брак конкретних клінічних прикладів. Висновки. Оптимальним форматом лекцій для клінічних кафедр студенти вважають такий: загальна тривалість лекції має бути 45 хв і включати 2 блоки по 20 хв із 5-хвилинною перервою між ними. В одному блоці повинна міститися сучасна інформація щодо клінічної симптоматики, діагностики і лікування захворювань, в другому – розбір клінічних випадків з прикладами формулювання діагнозів, планом обстеження і лікування

    The study of quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease using the SF-36 questionnaire

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    It was conducted a simple prospective study of the effect of lipid-lowering therapy in the assessment of quality of life using the SF-36 in IHD in men before and after pharmacological intervention. We did not have a statistically significant difference in the dynamics of scales SF-36 questionnaire both before treatment and after in patients with coronary heart disease, stable angina FC I-II with atherogenic GLP-sensitive rosuvastatin treatment, in comparison with a group of patients who switched to bi-component therapy. However, in the analysis of the personal data of patients with coronary artery disease based on genotype found that the original values of quality of life on the scale of SF-36 in media D allele polymorphism ACE I/D is different from that in comparison with the native I allele. Thus, patients are carriers of D allele showed initially a bad score for quality of life and less dynamic values on the scales of SF-36, regardless of the type of pharmacological correction of disorders of lipid metabolism. Therefore, from the point of view of preventive approach is of interest to link genetic and personal-behavioral characteristics considered as psychological factors of CHD risk