38 research outputs found

    Viscous fingering and dendritic growth under an elastic membrane

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    We investigate the viscous fingering instability that arises when air is injected from the end of an oil-filled, compliant channel. We show that induced axial and transverse depth gradients foster novel pattern formation. Moreover, the steady propagation of the interface allows us to elucidate the nonlinear saturation of a fingering pattern first observed in a time-evolving system (Pihler-Puzovic et al. PRL 108, 074502, 2012): the wavelength is set by the viscous fingering mechanism, but the amplitude is inversely proportional to the tangent of the compliant wall's inclination angle

    Implementation of NLO high energy factorization in single inclusive forward hadron production

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    Single inclusive particle production cross sections in high energy hadron collisions at forward rapidity are an important benchmark process for the Color Glass Condensate picture of small x QCD. Recent calculations of this process have not led to a stable perturbative expansion for this quantity at high transverse momenta. We consider the quark channel production cross section using the new rapidity factorization procedure proposed by Iancu et al. We show that for fixed coupling one does indeed obtain a physically meaningful cross section which is positive and reduces in a controlled way to previous leading order calculations. We also consider a running coupling that depends on the transverse momentum of the produced particle. This gives a stable result which, however, is not fully consistent with previous leading order calculations that use a coordinate space running coupling.Peer reviewe

    Deep inelastic scattering in the dipole picture at next-to-leading order

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    We study quantitatively the importance of the recently derived next-to-leading-order corrections to the deep inelastic scattering structure functions at small x in the dipole formalism. We show that these corrections can be significant and depend on the factorization scheme used to resum large logarithms of energy into renormalization group evolution with the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation. This feature is similar to what has recently been observed for single inclusive forward hadron production. Using a factorization scheme consistent with the one recently proposed for the single inclusive cross section, we show that it is possible to obtain meaningful results for the deep inelastic scattering cross sections.Peer reviewe

    Nuclear modification of forward Drell-Yan production at the LHC

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    Forward Drell-Yan production at high energy can provide important constraints on gluon densities at small x, in the saturation regime. In this work, we focus on the nuclear modification of this process, which could be measured at the LHC in the near future. For this, we employ the color dipole approach, using the optical Glauber model to relate the dipole cross section of a nucleus to the one of a proton. Combining these results with our earlier results for forward J/psi production, we compute the ratio of the nuclear modification factors of these two processes. This observable was recently suggested as a way to distinguish between initial and final state effects in forward particle production.Peer reviewe

    Forward J/Psi and very backward jet inclusive production at the LHC

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    In the spirit of Mueller-Navelet dijet production, we propose and study the inclusive production of a forward J/Psi and a very backward jet at the LHC as an observable to reveal high-energy resummation effects a la Balitsky, Fadin, Kuraev, Lipatov. We obtain several predictions, which are based on the various mechanisms discussed in the literature to describe the production of the J/Psi, namely, nonrelativistic QCD singlet and octet contributions, and the color evaporation model.Peer reviewe

    Use of a running coupling in the NLO calculation of forward hadron production

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    We address and solve a puzzle raised by a recent calculation [1] of the cross section for particle production in proton-nucleus collisions to next-to-leading order: the numerical results show an unreasonably large dependence upon the choice of a prescription for the QCD running coupling, which spoils the predictive power of the calculation. Specifically, the results obtained with a prescription formulated in the transverse coordinate space differ by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude from those obtained with a prescription in momentum space. We show that this discrepancy is an artifact of the interplay between the asymptotic freedom of QCD and the Fourier transform from coordinate space to momentum space. When used in coordinate space, the running coupling can act as a fictitious potential which mimics hard scattering and thus introduces a spurious contribution to the cross section. We identify a new coordinate-space prescription, which avoids this problem, and leads to results consistent with those obtained with the momentum-space prescription.Peer reviewe

    Predictions for cold nuclear matter effects in p plus Pb collisions at root SNN =8.16 TeV

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    Predictions for cold nuclear matter effects on charged hadrons, identified light hadrons, quarkonium and heavy flavor hadrons, Drell-Yan dileptons, jets, photons, gauge bosons and top quark pairs produced in p+Pb collisions at, root S-NN = 8.16 TeV are compiled and, where possible, compared to each other. Predictions of the normalized ratios of p+Pb to p+ p cross sections are also presented for most of the observables, providing new insights into the expected role of cold nuclear matter effects. In particular, the role of nuclear parson distribution functions on particle production can now be probed over a wider range of phase space than ever before. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Single bottom quark production in kT-factorisation

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    We present a study within the k T -factorisation scheme on single bottom quark production at the LHC. In particular, we calculate the rapidity and transverse momentum differential distributions for single bottom quark/anti-quark production. In our setup, the unintegrated gluon density is obtained from the NLx BFKL Green function whereas we included mass effects to the Lx heavy quark jet vertex. We compare our results to the corresponding distributions predicted by the usual collinear factorisation scheme. The latter were produced with Pythia 8.1