56 research outputs found

    Être femme de rois karanga à la fin du XVIe et au début du XVIIe siècle

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    Certains Portugais influents du Sud-Est africain, territoire compris entre la baie Delagoa et le cap Delgado – dans les actuels Mozambique et Zimbabwe – sont considérés, à la fin du xvie et au début du xviie siècle, comme les femmes du Mwene Mutapa et du Quiteve, souverains de royaumes shona karanga au sud du Zambèze. Les Portugais d’alors n’y voient qu’un titre honorifique, thèse que reprennent des historiens du xxe siècle et tout particulièrement W.G.L. Randles. La documentation portugaise fait part de l’existence de « grandes femmes » gouvernant auprès des souverains et ayant des prérogatives éminemment politiques. Elles sont des seigneurs dominant des territoires proches de la cour et interviennent dans la nomination et l’intronisation des nouveaux rois. Leur existence laisse entrevoir l’incompréhension des contemporains, et plus tard des historiens. Informés par leur vision masculine de la royauté où les reines sont avant tout des épouses, ils ne comprennent pas le rôle des femmes, et par extension, celui de ces Portugais, « femmes des rois ».Cet article montre la capacité d’adaptation des royautés karanga par l’intégration d’étrangers dans leur système politique, qui les transforment en seigneurs et en relais du pouvoir. Ces Portugais permettent aux rois karanga de réaffirmer leur autorité, dans des territoires éloignés de la cour, toujours plus difficiles à défendre face aux désirs d’indépendance de certains de leurs vassaux. Il met également en évidence la lecture biaisée qu’en font les Portugais contemporains, mais également des historiens du xxe siècle.No final do século xvi e no início do século xvii, na África do Sudeste, entre a baía Delagoa e o cabo Delgado – no actual Moçambique e Zimbabué – alguns Portugueses influentes eram considerados como mulheres do Mwene Mutapa e do Quiteve, soberanos dos reinos shona karanga ao sul do Zambeze. Os Portugueses daquela época viam naquilo apenas um título honorífico e muitos historiadores do século xx, como W.G.L. Randles, recuperam esta visão.A documentação portuguesa informa-nos sobre a existência de « grandes mulheres » que governavam ao lado destes reis. Elas tinham um grande papel na vida política daqueles reinos. Podemos considerá-las como Suzeranas dos territórios situados perto da corte e intervinham na nomeação e na entronização dos novos reis. Estas mulheres não foram sempre bem compreendidas pelos seus contemporâneos e, mais tarde pelos historiadores do século xx. Envolvidos num mundo dominado pelo sistema patriarcal onde as mulheres eram, antes de tudo, esposas, estes não podiam compreender o papel destas mulheres ; e por extensão, o papel desses Portugueses, que eram « mulheres dos reis ».Este artigo mostra a capacidade de adaptação das realezas karanga, integrando estrangeiros no seu sistema político, estabelecendo-os como senhores e intermediários do poder. Graças a estes Portugueses, os reis karanga reafirmavam a sua autoridade, nos territórios afastados da corte, custosos a defender frente ao desejo de independência dos seus vassalos. Mostra também a leitura torcida feita pelos Portugueses dos séculos xvi-xvii mas, igualmente, pelos historiadores do século xx.Certain influential Portuguese men from South Eastern Africa, the territory between the Delagoa Bay and Cape Delgado – now Mozambique and Zimbabwe – were considered in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, as the wives of Mwene Mutapa and Quiteve, the sovereigns of the Shona Karanga kingdoms south of the Zambesi. The Portuguese of the time saw it merely as an honorary title, an opinion shared by 20th century historians, and in particular W.G.L. Randles.Portuguese documentation informs us, however, of the existence of important female figures governing alongside these sovereigns, with eminently political prerogatives. These women dominated the territories close to the royal courts and took part in the naming and enthronement of new kings. These women were not always well understood by their contemporaries, or later, by 20th century historians. Informed by their masculine vision of royalty where women were above all spouses, they could not understand the role of these women and, by extension, that of the Portuguese so-called «kings’ wives».This article shows the capacity of the Karanga royals to adapt by integrating foreigners into their political system, setting them up as lords, as relays of power. These Portuguese figures enabled the Karanga kings to reaffirm their authority over territories further from the court, areas ever more difficult to defend against the aspirations for independence of certain vassals. It also clearly shows the biased vision not only of the contemporary Portuguese, but also of 20th century historians

    Impact of the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic wave on the pattern of hibernal respiratory virus epidemics, France, 2009.

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    International audienceThis short report based on clinical surveillance and laboratory data describes the circulation of rhinoviruses, influenza viruses and respiratory syncytial viruses (RSV) in France during the 2009-10 season compared with the previous winter season. The delayed circulation of RSV observed in 2009-10 compared with 2008-09 suggests that the early circulation of the 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) viruses had an impact on the RSV epidemic

    Ultrabrza vitrifikacija u otvorenoj rastegnutoj slamci otvara nove mogućnosti za smrzavanje konjskih zametaka.

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate ultra rapid OPS vitrification on the embryo viability. The OPS vitrification technique is comprised of ultra rapid freezing of a small drop in which the embryo is placed. Before the thin straw was plunged into the liquid nitrogen, the embryos were treated with highly concentrated cryoprotectant (CPA) solutions as follows: 18% ethylene glycol (EG), 18% dimethyl-sulfoxide (DMSO) and 0.4 M sucrose. Surgical transfer into the recipient mares and morphologic examination of recollected embryos were used to measure the viability of transferred embryos. The research was performed on Welsh pony mares by collecting the embryos 6.75 days after ovulation. Twenty embryos were vitrified and transferred, four in each recipient mare. At day twelve, nine embryos were recollected after fl ushing of the recipient uterus (56%, 9/ 16). In one recipient mare, endometritis was detected when the uterus was fl ushed. Among the sixteen recollected embryos, seven (44%) had normal morphology and well developed embryonic vesicles. The vitrification procedure used proved to be encouraging.Svrha istraživanju bila je ustanoviti učinkovitost ultrabrze vitrifikacije u otvorenoj rastegnutoj slamci na vitalnost konjskih zametaka, prijenosom vitrificiranih pa otopljenih zametaka u sinkronizirane primateljice. Istraživanje je provedeno na stadu Welsh poni kobila. Davateljicama zametaka maternice su transcervikalno bile ispirane 6,75 dana nakon ovulacije, a zametci su nakon vitrifikacije bili pohranjeni u spremnik s tekućim dušikom. Nakon odmrzavanja, zametci su bili prenijeti u sinkronizirane primateljice. Maternice primateljica bile su ispirane petoga dana nakon prijenosa odmrznutih zametaka. Ukupno je bilo preneseno dvadeset zametaka, a ispiranjem maternica primateljica dobiveno je devet zametaka što iznosi 56% s obzirom da je u jedne primateljice ispiranjem ustanovljen endometritis. Od zametaka dobivenih ispiranjem primateljica, sedam (44%) je imalo morfološki normalno razvijene zametne mjehure. Na osnovi provedenih istraživanja zaključeno je da su rezultati ostvareni vitrifikacijom u otvorenoj rastegnutoj slamci ohrabrujući, ali bi ih s obzirom na mali broj prenijetih zametaka trebalo potvrditi na većem uzorku, posebice sa zametcima odabranoga promjera te brojem ždrebadi

    Efficacy of Oseltamivir-Zanamivir Combination Compared to Each Monotherapy for Seasonal Influenza: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Analysis of virological and clinical outcomes from a randomized trial that was terminated early suggest that combined treatment of seasonal influenza in adult outpatients with oseltamivir plus zanamivir is no more effective than either oseltamivir or zanamivir monotherapy

    Clinical practice guidelines for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic testing

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    BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene pathogenic variants account for most hereditary breast cancer and are increasingly used to determine eligibility for PARP inhibitor (PARPi) therapy of BRCA-related cancer. Because issues of BRCA testing in clinical practice now overlap with both preventive and therapeutic management, updated and comprehensive practice guidelines for BRCA genotyping are needed. The integrative recommendations for BRCA testing presented here aim to (1) identify individuals who may benefit from genetic counselling and risk-reducing strategies; (2) update germline and tumour-testing indications for PARPi-approved therapies; (3) provide testing recommendations for personalised management of early and metastatic breast cancer; and (4) address the issues of rapid process and tumour analysis. An international group of experts, including geneticists, medical and surgical oncologists, pathologists, ethicists and patient representatives, was commissioned by the French Society of Predictive and Personalised Medicine (SFMPP). The group followed a methodology based on specific formal guidelines development, including (1) evaluating the likelihood of BRCAm from a combined systematic review of the literature, risk assessment models and expert quotations, and (2) therapeutic values of BRCAm status for PARPi therapy in BRCA-related cancer and for management of early and advanced breast cancer. These international guidelines may help clinicians comprehensively update and standardise BRCA testing practices

    Method for preserving sperm and applications thereof

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    Demande de dépôt de brevet le 27 décembre 2007 Fr-07 09145. Demande Internationale n°PCT/FR2008/001822 du 24 décembre 200