30 research outputs found

    Possibilities of cucumber powdery mildew detection by visible and near-infrared spectroscopy

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    Received: July 16th, 2021 ; Accepted: November 6th, 2021 ; Published: February 1st, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] are one of the most demanded and widely grown greenhouse vegetables. Important factors that influence quality and quantity of yield are diseases. Powdery mildew (caused by Podosphaera xanthii and/or Golovinomyces cichoracearum), is one of the most harmful cucumber diseases. Early detection of mildew via non-destructive methods can optimize schemes of fungicide application. The study aimed to find regularities in the reflected light spectra, indices described in the literature, and severity of mildew. Plants were grown in the polycarbonate greenhouse under artificial lighting in a 16 h photoperiod with PAR at the tips of plants 200 ± 30 µmol m-2 s-1. Leaf reflection spectra were obtained using spectroradiometer RS-3500 (Ltd. Spectral Evolution). Spectral range 350–2,500 nm, bandwidth 1 nm. The severity of cucumber mildew was evaluated using 10 point scale (0- no symptoms, … 9 - the plant is dead). The vegetation indices found in the literature have been calculated. The obtained results show that the calculated indices have different sensitivities. The strongest correlation between the degree of cucumbers infection with powdery mildew and the light reflectance spectrum was found in the green range of visible light around 550 nm. Disease-Water Stress Index-2 (DSWI-2), Structure Intensive Pigment Index (SIPI), and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) are the most suitable indices for determining powdery mildew in cucumbers. New indices for detection of powdery mildew have been created. None of the studied indices allows determining the powdery mildew at the early stages of disease development when powdery mildew severity is below 10%

    Antioxidative Activity of Ferrocenes Bearing 2,6-Di-Tert-Butylphenol Moieties

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    The antioxidative activity of ferrocenes bearing either 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol or phenyl groups has been compared using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) test and in the study of the in vitro impact on lipid peroxidation in rat brain homogenate and on some characteristics of rat liver mitochondria. The results of DPPH test at 20°C show that the activity depends strongly upon the presence of phenolic group but is improved by the influence of ferrocenyl fragment. The activity of N-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)iminomethylferrocene (1), for instance, was 88.4%, which was higher than the activity of a known antioxidant 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT) (48.5%), whereas the activity of N-phenyl-iminomethylferrocene 2 was almost negligible −2.9%. The data obtained demonstrate that the compounds with 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol moiety are significantly more active than the corresponding phenyl analogues in the in vitro study of lipid peroxidation in rat brain homogenate. Ferrocene 1 performs a promising behavior as an antioxidant and inhibits the calcium-dependent swelling of mitochondria. These results allow us to propose the potential cytoprotective (neuroprotective) effect of ditopic compounds containing antioxidant 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol group and redox active ferrocene fragment

    Особенности влияния ароматизаторов на секреторную функцию слюнных желез

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    Натуральные ароматизаторы влияют на функционирование слюнных желез как химический раздражитель, изменяющий скорость потока слюны. При ретроназальном восприятии аромата пищи важным является комплекс мультисенсорных ощущений: узнаваемость, приятные ассоциации, насыщенность аромата, его выразительность. Эмоциональные реакции связанные с запахом, являются факторами, которые влияют на длину пути нейронного сигнала и скорость ответной реакции слюнных желез. Проведенное нами исследование, по данным литературы, не имеет аналогичных. Окончательные выводы можно будет сделан после повторного тестирования разных возрастных групп участников эксперимента; Натуральні ароматизатори впливають на функціонування слинних залоз як хімічний подразник, змінює швидкість потоку слини. При ретроназальной сприйнятті аромату їжі важливим є комплекс мультисенсорних відчуттів: впізнаваність, приємні асоціації, насиченість аромату, його виразність. Емоційні реакції пов'язані з запахом, є факторами, які впливають на довжину шляху нейронного сигналу і швидкість відповідної реакції слинних залоз. Проведене нами дослідження, за даними літератури, не має аналогічних. Остаточні висновки можна буде зроблений після повторного тестування різних вікових груп учасників експерименту; Natural flavors affect the functioning of the salivary glands as a chemical stimulus, which changes the rate of flow of saliva. With the retinasal perception of the flavor of food, a multisensory sensation complex is important: recognizability, pleasant associations, the richness of the fragrance, its expressiveness. Emotional reactions associated with odor are factors that affect the length of the neural signal path and the response rate of the salivary glands. The study we conducted, according to the literature, does not have similar ones. Final conclusions can be made after repeated testing of different age groups of participants in the experiment

    The influence of natural flavors on the secretory function of the salivary gland

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    Запах относят к химическим раздражителям, которые, наряду с механическими и тепловыми, влияют на слюнные железы через нервные волокна. Обзор последних достижений в области мозговых механизмов восприятия запаха показал, что путь ретроназального восприятия очень сложный. Ароматизация пищевых продуктов без учета особенностей реакции организма может привести к нарушению пищевых предпочтений и сенсорным отклонениям, что обуславливает актуальность работы. Целью работы было исследование процесса отклика организма (скорость выделения слюны) на различные ароматы: свежий аромат плодов, растворы жидких промышленных ароматизаторов из одноименных плодов и продукты, содержащие натуральные жидкие ароматизаторы. Работа проведена на основании узнаваемости или эмоциональных впечатлений от аромата свежих плодов, растворов жидких ароматизаторов, напитка с ароматизаторами; Запах відносять до хімічних подразників, які, поряд з механічними і тепловими, вплива- ють на слинні залози через нервові волокна. Огляд останніх досягнень в ділянці мозкових механізмів сприйняття запаху показав, що шлях ретроназального сприйняття дуже складний. Ароматизашя харчових продуктів без урахування особливостей реакції організму може призвести до порушен- ня харчових переваг і сенсорних відхилень, що зумовлює актуальність роботи. Метою роботи бул: дослідження процесу відгуку організму (швидкість виділення слини) на різні аромати: свіжий аромат плодів, розчини рідких промислових ароматизаторів з однойменних плодів і продукти, іп: містять натуральні рідкі ароматизатори. Робота проведена на підставі впізнаваності або емо ційних вражень від аромату свіжих плодів, розчинів рідких ароматизаторів, напою з ароматизаторами; The aim of the study was the examination of body’s response process (saliva speed) on different flavors: fresh fruit flavor, solutions of liquid industrial flavors of the same name fruit and products comprising natural liquid flavors. The study was conducted on the basis of recognition of emotional impression from the flavor of fresh fruit, liquid aromas solutions, drinks with flavor

    The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia

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    By sequencing 523 ancient humans, we show that the primary source of ancestry in modern South Asians is a prehistoric genetic gradient between people related to early hunter-gatherers of Iran and Southeast Asia. After the Indus Valley Civilization’s decline, its people mixed with individuals in the southeast to form one of the two main ancestral populations of South Asia, whose direct descendants live in southern India. Simultaneously, they mixed with descendants of Steppe pastoralists who, starting around 4000 years ago, spread via Central Asia to form the other main ancestral population. The Steppe ancestry in South Asia has the same profile as that in Bronze Age Eastern Europe, tracking a movement of people that affected both regions and that likely spread the distinctive features shared between Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic languages

    Same data, different conclusions: Radical dispersion in empirical results when independent analysts operationalize and test the same hypothesis

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    In this crowdsourced initiative, independent analysts used the same dataset to test two hypotheses regarding the effects of scientists’ gender and professional status on verbosity during group meetings. Not only the analytic approach but also the operationalizations of key variables were left unconstrained and up to individual analysts. For instance, analysts could choose to operationalize status as job title, institutional ranking, citation counts, or some combination. To maximize transparency regarding the process by which analytic choices are made, the analysts used a platform we developed called DataExplained to justify both preferred and rejected analytic paths in real time. Analyses lacking sufficient detail, reproducible code, or with statistical errors were excluded, resulting in 29 analyses in the final sample. Researchers reported radically different analyses and dispersed empirical outcomes, in a number of cases obtaining significant effects in opposite directions for the same research question. A Boba multiverse analysis demonstrates that decisions about how to operationalize variables explain variability in outcomes above and beyond statistical choices (e.g., covariates). Subjective researcher decisions play a critical role in driving the reported empirical results, underscoring the need for open data, systematic robustness checks, and transparency regarding both analytic paths taken and not taken. Implications for organizations and leaders, whose decision making relies in part on scientific findings, consulting reports, and internal analyses by data scientists, are discussed