156 research outputs found

    Automated Completion of Partial Configurations as a Diagnosis Task Using FastDiag to Improve Performance

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    The completion of partial configurations might represent an expensive computational task. Existing solutions, such as those which use modern constraint satisfaction solvers, perform a complete search, making them unsuitable on large-scale configurations. In this work, we propose an approach to define the completion of a partial configuration like a diagnosis task to solve it by applying the FastDiag algorithm, an efficient solution for preferred minimal diagnosis (updates) in the analyzed partial configuration. We evaluate our proposed method in the completion of partial configurations of random medium and large-size features models and the completion of partial configurations of a feature model of an adapted version of the Ubuntu Xenial OS. Our experimental analysis shows remarkable improvements in our solution regarding the use of classical CSP-based approaches for the same tasks.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-101204-B-C22Agencia Estatal de Investigación TIN2017-90644-RED

    Diseño de horno eléctrico para tratamientos térmicos con atmósfera controlada

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    La tesis “Diseño de Horno Eléctrico para Tratamiento Térmico con Atmosfera Controlada” tiene como objetivo diseñar un horno que trabaje con resistencias eléctricas en un rango de temperaturas de 1000 °C a 1400 °C controlado por un sistema de control (PLC) y una atmosfera controlada, para el laboratorio de metales y tratamientos térmicos de la facultad de ingeniería de la Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Con el fin de proteger la superficie de aceros al carbono, aceros inoxidables y aleaciones de aluminio, inundando la cámara del horno con un gas inerte (argón), así como diseñar un horno con curva de calentamiento de pendiente aguda y controlar la atmósfera en el interior de la cámara de calentamiento.The thesis "Design of Electric Furnace for Thermal Treatment with Controlled Atmosphere" has the objective of designing a furnace that works with electrical resistances in a temperature range of 1000 ° C to 1400 ° C controlled by a control system (PLC) and an atmosphere controlled, for the laboratory of metals and thermal treatments of the faculty of engineering of the University Foundation Los Libertadores. In order to protect the surface of carbon steels, stainless steels and aluminum alloys, by flooding the furnace chamber with an inert gas (argon), as well as to design a furnace with an acute slope heating curve and to control the atmosphere in the inside of the heating chamber

    Challenges of health services related to the population displaced by violence in Mexico

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impacts of the care to the population displaced by violence on the health system and the challenges that this entails. METHODS: This is a narrative review of the national and international literature in PubMed, SciELO, WHO/PAHO, and Bireme. Inclusion criteria were date of publication ( from 2000), relation with the subject, and language (Spanish or English). We found 292 documents, of which 91 met the inclusion criteria. RESULTS: The main challenges are the intersectoral, participatory, and integral approach (with emphasis on mental health and sexual and reproductive health), ensured accessibility to health services, the need for a reliable registration and information system of the population displaced by violence and its characteristics, and the addressing of the biopsychosocial problems of the different groups, especially women, persons with disabilities or infectious diseases, adolescents, children, ethnic minorities, older adults and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and intersexual population. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of political will to accept and see the internal displacement by violence and its importance as a humanitarian and public health problem is an obstacle to the adequate and timely care of the population displaced by violence in Mexico

    Process Mining to Unleash Variability Management: Discovering Configuration Workflows Using Logs

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    Variability models are used to build configurators. Configurators are programs that guide users through the configuration process to reach a desired configuration that fulfils user requirements. The same variability model can be used to design different configura tors employing different techniques. One of the elements that can change in a configurator is the configuration workflow, i.e., the order and sequence in which the different configuration elements are presented to the configuration stakeholders. When developing a configurator, a challenge is to decide the configuration workflow that better suites stakeholders according to previous configurations. For example, when configuring a Linux distribution, the configura tion process start by choosing the network or the graphic card, and then other packages with respect to a given sequence. In this paper, we present COnfiguration workfLOw proceSS mIning (COLOSSI), an automated technique that given a set of logs of previous configu rations and a variability model can automatically assist to determine the configuration workflow that better fits the configuration logs generated by user activities. The technique is based on process discovery, commonly used in the process mining area, with an adaptation to configuration contexts. Our proposal is validated us ing existing data from an ERP configuration environment showing its feasibility. Furthermore, we open the door to new applications of process mining techniques in different areas of software product line engineering.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología RTI2018-094283-B-C3

    Advisory: vulnerability analysis in software development project dependencies

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    ecurity has become a crucial factor in the development of soft ware systems. The number of dependencies in software systems is becoming a source of countless bugs and vulnerabilities. In the past, the product line community has proposed several techniques and mechanisms to cope with the problems that arise when dealing with variability and dependency management in such systems. In this paper, we present Advisory, a solution that allows automated dependency analysis for vulnerabilities within software projects based on techniques from the product line community. Advisory first inspects software dependencies, then generates a dependency graph, to which security information about vulnerabilities is attrib uted and translated into a formal model, in this case, based on SMT. Finally, Advisory provides a set of analysis and reasoning operations on these models that allow extracting helpful information about the location of vulnerabilities of the project configuration space, as well as details for advising on the security risk of these projects and their possible configurations.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2020-112540RB-C44 (AETHER-US)Junta de Andalucía P20-01224 (COPERNICA)Junta de Andalucía METAMORFOSIS (US-1381375

    Aplicación móvil nativa en android basada en la gamificación para el aprendizaje matemático de niños entre 7 y 12 años en Colombia

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    Éste trabajo final trata de una aplicación nativa como un apoyo para el aprendizaje de las operaciones basicas en niños de primaria en el país (niños de 7 a 12 años de edad); la cual se aplican los conceptos de la gamificación para comprender las operaciones básicas (suma, resta, multiplicación y división) de una manera amigable a través de juegos y que se puede llevar un seguimiento basado en puntajes para evaluar los avances que el estudiante lleva a cabo al resolver las actividades.This final work deals is a native application as a support for learning basic operations in primary school children in the country (children 7 to 12 years of age); which apply the concepts of gamification to understand the basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) in a friendly way through games and that you can keep track based on scores to evaluate the progress that the student leads to out when solving activities

    Obtención de energía solar y uso eficiente en la orientación de pequeños satélites

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    Una de las tecnologías más efectivas para estudiar la Tierra ese sondeo remoto por medio de satélites que la órbita en el espacio. El satélite estudiado en este libro es denominado Libertad 2 y será una misión de observación de la tierra que aportará a lo que se llama agricultura de precisión y monitoreo de bosques y vegetación. Es un satélite pequeño , de prueba, que intenta avanzarlo ya hecho por su predecesor, Libertad1, el primer satélite artificial colombiano. Los autores detallan todos los componentes del sistema de energía y del sistema que determina y controla la orientación del satélite, y lo hacen de una forma entendible para cualquier lector que tenga un conocimiento básico en los temas de la electrónica, las comunicaciones y la mecánica. No es necesario ser un “científico de cohetes” para poder entender y apreciar cómo funcionan los diferentes sub-sistemas de un sistema integral que volará a una altura de uno 500km aun a velocidad de menos de 8km/s, mientras se orienta para tomar imágenes y a la vez balancear su movimiento rotacional para aprovechar de la mejor forma la energía del sol que alimenta las celdas solares y las baterías de este pequeño satélite para que pueda funcionar. Estos temas, detallados de este libro de resultados de un proyecto de investigación, incluyen todo lo que tiene que ver con las celdas solares, la baterías, el sistema integral de energía, control de la orientación, y especialmente, la optimización del manejo y uso de la energía. Estos temas son aplicables a casi todo tipo de satélite artificial pequeño que tiene aplicaciones similares a Libertad

    El abrigo de Benzú (Ceuta). Aportaciones al conocimiento de las sociedades con tecnología de Modo III en la región histórica del Estrecho de Gibraltar

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    El abrigo de Benzú se encuentra situado próximo a la ciudad de Ceuta, en el (norte) de África. Trabajamos en estos momentos en una fase final de la memoria científica de las actividades realizadas los últimos años. Por ello damos un balance, que todavía no es definitivo, de los datos geológicos, estratigráficos, cronológicos, ecológicos y de los recursos utilizados por las sociedades prehistóricas. Incidimos en datos tecnológicos de los productos arqueológicos y en los modos de vida. Las bases geológicas y paleoecológicas de la región histórica del Estrecho de Gibraltar ofrecen grandes semejanzas entre la orilla norteafricana y la europea. abrigo de Benzú cuenta con una secuencia de 7 estratos con tecnología muy definida en el concepto de Modo III. Las similitudes con los conjuntos del sur de la Península Ibérica son manifiestas. Destacamos también la explotación de recursos marinos por sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras desde el inicio de la secuencia en el Pleistoceno Medio. Con estas bases arqueológicas y el contexto de estudios recientes en la región norteafricana valoramos las posibles relaciones y contactos entre las sociedades de las dos orillas de la región histórica del Estrecho de Gibraltar

    Six Collective Challenges for Sustainability of Almería Greenhouse Horticulture

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    Globally, current food consumption and trade are placing unprecedented demand on agricultural systems and increasing pressure on natural resources, requiring tradeoffs between food security and environmental impacts especially given the tension between market-driven agriculture and agro-ecological goals. In order to illustrate the wicked social, economic and environmental challenges and processes to find transformative solutions, we focus on the largest concentration of greenhouses in the world located in the semi-arid coastal plain of South-east Spain. Almería family farming, predominantly cooperative, greenhouse intensive production, commenced after the 1960s and has resulted in very significant social and economic benefits for the region, while also having important negative environmental and biodiversity impacts, as well as creating new social challenges. The system currently finds itself in a crisis of diminishing economic benefits and increasing environmental and social dilemmas. Here, we present the outcomes of multi-actor, transdisciplinary research to review and provide collective insights for solutions-oriented research on the sustainability of Almeria’s agricultural sector. The multi-actor, transdisciplinary process implemented collectively, and supported by scientific literature, identified six fundamental challenges to transitioning to an agricultural model that aims to ameliorate risks and avoid a systemic collapse, whilst balancing a concern for profitability with sustainability: (1) Governance based on a culture of shared responsibility for sustainability, (2) Sustainable and efficient use of water, (3) Biodiversity conservation, (4) Implementing a circular economy plan, (5) Technology and knowledge transfer, and (6) Image and identity. We conclude that the multi-actor transdisciplinary approach successfully facilitated the creation of a culture of shared responsibility among public, private, academic, and civil society actors. Notwithstanding plural values, challenges and solutions identified by consensus point to a nascent acknowledgement of the strategic necessity to locate agricultural economic activity within social and environmental spheres.This paper demonstrates the need to establish transdisciplinary multi-actor work-schemes to continue collaboration and research for the transition to an agro-ecological model as a means to remain competitive and to create value