88 research outputs found

    Knowledge Sharing on Social media: State of the Art in 2018

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    In the past decade, the importance of social media has increased, especially in knowledge sharing practices. Current massive evolution of computer-mediated communication platforms influenced the ways of how knowledge is managed and shared by individuals. This literature review of published papers in the past decade explores the potential of using social media in knowledge sharing by individuals and, through the mapping of the existing studies, identifies research opportunities for future studies. Primary, tacit and explicit knowledge sharing have been investigated. The findings suggest that there are different ways in which knowledge is shared across social media, but the systematic approach and synthesis is challenging to define. Therefore, there are some open courses of future research that may form the basis for a theoretical framework. The results of the present literature review should increase methodological rigor, and provide the guidelines to academics by identifying research opportunities. They can also serve as a comprehensive collection of findings for knowledge management decision makers.In the past decade, the importance of social media has increased, especially in knowledge sharing practices. Current massive evolution of computer-mediated communication platforms influenced the ways of how knowledge is managed and shared by individuals. This literature review of published papers in the past decade explores the potential of using social media in knowledge sharing by individuals and, through the mapping of the existing studies, identifies research opportunities for future studies. Primary, tacit and explicit knowledge sharing have been investigated. The findings suggest that there are different ways in which knowledge is shared across social media, but the systematic approach and synthesis is challenging to define. Therefore, there are some open courses of future research that may form the basis for a theoretical framework. The results of the present literature review should increase methodological rigor, and provide the guidelines to academics by identifying research opportunities. They can also serve as a comprehensive collection of findings for knowledge management decision makers

    Defining the "figure of merit" for places in the age of digital nomadism

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    The aim of this work is to find analogy between the “figure of merit” of electronic devices and place formulas that could be useful to explain in synthesis what could be the characteristics of a place to be considered by digital nomads to live a work experience. Digital nomads are people with a particular life style: they live in a sustainable, cooperative, and social network-oriented life; for a limited period of time, they choose places in line with their particular work needs and with their life style. Digital nomads could be a particular target for places, because they represent a form of knowledge and culture openness and could become a relevant driver for the evolution of the place. Places must organize themselves to attract this segment with the efforts on a specific interpretation matrix that could start from the “figure of merit” concept. Each digital nomad chooses his or her device using this approach, and that could be the key that provides the place value to them. This work provides a “figure of merit” formula for places toward digital nomads. In the following research project, it will be possible to test the formula and to measure the results in a consumer behaviour approach

    What Motives Make People Write Online Review – Case Study of Serbia

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    Travelling to new destinations might require long number of hours spent whilst searching for information to support consumer’s decision-making process. Pushing information through online marketing channels for destinations could play a remarkably influential role in that process [1]. One of the most powerful elements of such marketing is the reviews by individuals who are eager to share their own experiences and expertise [2]. These reviews are an important repository for those making decisions. The act of writing reviews of a destination is solely voluntary act because of post-purchase behavior and it certainly needs motivation behind [3]. We have inquired these motives for the case of online reviews for destinations around Serbia. The present research uncovers the motivation by analyzing questionnaire previously distributed to foreign travelers that have been visiting Serbia at some point. The preliminary results show the several reasons behind the reviews and different motivation triggers. In the current process of further data analysis, we expect to see clearly the inner and outer influences on motives. As a result, and implication, this will serve as a guideline to Serbian country branding and marketing initiatives in shaping the offers that will empower customer engagement.Travelling to new destinations might require long number of hours spent whilst searching for information to support consumer’s decision-making process. Pushing information through online marketing channels for destinations could play a remarkably influential role in that process [1]. One of the most powerful elements of such marketing is the reviews by individuals who are eager to share their own experiences and expertise [2]. These reviews are an important repository for those making decisions. The act of writing reviews of a destination is solely voluntary act because of post-purchase behaviour and it certainly needs motivation behind [3]. We have inquired these motives for the case of online reviews for destinations around Serbia. The present research uncovers the motivation by analysing questionnaire previously distributed to foreign travellers that have been visiting Serbia at some point. The preliminary results show the several reasons behind the reviews and different motivation triggers. In the current process of further data analysis, we expect to see clearly the inner and outer influences on motives. As a result, and implication, this will serve as a guideline to Serbian country branding and marketing initiatives in shaping the offers that will empower customer engagement

    Examining country development indicators and e-waste under the moderating effect of country development levels and e-waste policy

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate if country development indicators i.e., gross domestic product per capita (GDPPC), literacy rate, internet penetration, and urban population influence the generation of e-waste on a global level. The moderation effect due to differences between countries in terms of absence or presence of e-waste policy and level of development is also checked. Design/methodology/approach - This is an archival study that builds upon data from United Nations (UN), World Bank, and Global E-waste Statistics Partnership. We did a path analysis comprising mediation and multigroup analyses to decipher the proposed research model containing data from 172 countries. Findings - Results indicate that GDPPC, literacy rate, internet penetration, and urban population do not directly influence the generation of e-waste. However, higher internet penetration in developing countries leads to higher e-waste, while higher literacy rates in developed countries suppress e-waste generation. When it comes to e-waste policy, a higher urban population without a regulatory legal framework boosts higher e-waste. We observed that higher internet penetration leads to higher e-waste in the presence of e-waste policy as well. Originality - This is the first study to include economic wellbeing indicators in elaborating e-waste generation, on a global scale. No previous study has observed differences between countries nested in e-waste policy and level of development

    Social Marketing Challenges in Western Balkans: Evidence From Kosovo

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    In a global world, doing business in heavy industry is becoming a concern to the environment. The need for production, export, and consumption under these circumstances has come as a challenge for marketers, consumers and surrounding residential population. The Western Balkan countries include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. Kosovo has witnessed a considerable economic transformation during recent years, but is has fallen short of considering and implementing a strategy for the preservation of the environment. Kosovo is relatively rich with underground and surface resources, having large quantities of minerals and coal. But despite this, Kosovo continues to be the most underdeveloped country in the region. Exploiting these resources can have a great impact on economic growth and with it, consumer needs are more satisfied. Social marketing has a major impact on the activities of businesses in these areas and ensures that these businesses operate in accordance with certain rules and laws. This would also help in matters of general health of the population. Through Pearson's correlation and case studies, recommendations and conclusions will be given on the studied topic. The results show that there are positive and negative relationships between the variables which are significant.In a global world, doing business in heavy industry is becoming a concern to the environment. The need for production, export, and consumption under these circumstances has come as a challenge for marketers, consumers and surrounding residential population. The Western Balkan countries include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. Kosovo has witnessed a considerable economic transformation during recent years, but is has fallen short of considering and implementing a strategy for the preservation of the environment. Kosovo is relatively rich with underground and surface resources, having large quantities of minerals and coal. But despite this, Kosovo continues to be the most underdeveloped country in the region. Exploiting these resources can have a great impact on economic growth and with it, consumer needs are more satisfied. Social marketing has a major impact on the activities of businesses in these areas and ensures that these businesses operate in accordance with certain rules and laws. This would also help in matters of general health of the population. Through Pearson's correlation and case studies, recommendations and conclusions will be given on the studied topic. The results show that there are positive and negative relationships between the variables which are significant

    The effects of finasteride on behavioral, electroencephalographic and cellular changes in thioacetamide-induced hepatic encephalopathy in rats

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    Hepatiĉna encefalopatija (HE) predstavlja neuropsihijatrijski sindrom, koji se razvija kao posledica akutne ili hroniĉne insuficijencije jetre. Za ispitivanje patogeneze HE koriste se razliĉiti eksperimentalni modeli, ukljuĉujući model izazvan portno-kavnim šantom, stenozom portne vene, modele izazvane hepatotoksiĉnim agensima (tioacetamid, D-galaktozamin, paracetamol, azoksimetan, ugljen-tetrahlorid) i modele ciroze jetre. U razvoju HE kljuĉnu ulogu ima hiperamonijemija, a mehanizmi ukljuĉeni u patogenezu HE ukljuĉuju: citotoksiĉni edem mozga, poremećaje neurotransmisije (preteţno glutamatergiĉke i GABA-ergiĉke), energetske poremećaje, oksidacijski stres, mitohondrijsku disfunkciju i neuroinflamaciju. U HE povećava se sinteza neurosteroida, koji pozitivnom alosternom modulacijom receptora za gama-aminobuternu kiselinu (GABAA receptora) pojaĉavaju efekte GABA u centralnom nervnom sistemu. Finasterid, inhibitor 5α-reduktaze i sinteze neurosteroida, potencijalno moţe menjati tok HE. Ciljevi ove disertacije su bili: da se ispitaju bihejvioralne i elektroencefalografske (EEG) promene u HE izazvanoj tioacetamidom kod pacova; da se odrede parametri oksidacijskog stresa i antioksidacijske zaštite, aktivnost acetilholinesteraze (AchE) i ekspresiju ćelijskih markera u razliĉitim moţdanim regionima u intoksikaciji tioacetamidom; da se ispita uticaj finasterida na bihejvioralne, EEG i ćelijske promene u HE izazvanoj tioacetamidom kod pacova. U cilju ispitivanja efekata tioacetamida (TAA) na ponašanje, EEG i ćelijske promene muţjaci Wistar pacova su podeljeni u sledeće grupe: 1. kontrolna grupa (n=8); 2. eksperimentalna grupa tretirana TAA na dozno zavisan naĉin: TAA300 (300 mg/kg, n=8), TAA600 (600 mg/kg, n=10) i TAA900 (900 mg/kg, n=18). Dnevne doze TAA (300 mg/kg) su primenjene tokom jednog (TAA300), dva (TAA600) ili tri uzastopna dana (TAA900). U cilju ispitivanja uticaja finasterida na HE izazvanu TAA-om, ţivotinje su podeljene u sledeće grupe: 1. kontrolna grupa (n=8); 2. TAA900 grupa tretirana TAA (900 mg/kg, n=18); 3. grupa tretirana finasteridom, FIN (150 mg/kg, n=8); 4. FIN+TAA900 grupa (n=10) tretirana finasteridom (150 mg/kg) i TAA (900 mg/kg)...Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) represents a neuropsychiatric syndrome, that appears as a consequence of acute or chronic liver failure. Various experimental models are used for the investigation of the pathogenesis of HE, including porto-caval shunt, portal vein stricture, models induced by hepatotoxic agents (thioacetamide, D-galactosamine, acetaminophen, azoxymethane, carbon tetrachloride) and models of liver cirrhosis. Hyperammonemia has a pivotal role in the development of HE, and mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of HE include: cytotoxic brain edema, alterations in neurotransmission (especially glutamatergic and GABAergic), energy disturbances, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and neuroinflammation. The synthesis of neurosteroids is increased in HE and by positive allosteric modulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptors they potentiate the effects og GABA in the central nervous system. Finasteride, 5α-reductase and neurosteroid synthesis inhibitor, may potentially modulate the course of HE. The aims of this dissertation were: to investigate the behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) changes in thioacetamide-induced HE in rats; to determine the parameters of oxidative stress and antioxidative protection, the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AchE) and cellular marker expression in various brain regions; to investigate the effects of finasteride on behavioral, EEG and cellular changes in thioacetamide-induced HE in rats. In order to investigate the effects of thioacetamide (TAA) on the behavior, EEG and cellular changes male Wistar rats were divided into the following groups: 1. control; 2. experimental group treated with TAA in a dose-dependent manner: TAA300 (300 mg/kg; n=8), TAA600 (600 mg/kg; n=10) and TAA900 (900 mg/kg; n=18). Daily doses of TAA (300 mg/kg) were administered once (TAA300), twice (TAA600) or three times (TAA900) in subsequent days. In order to investigate the effects of finasteride on TAA-induced HE, the animals were divided into the following groups: 1. control (n=8); 2. TAA900 group treated with TAA (900 mg/kg; n=18); 3. FIN group treated with finasteride (150 mg/kg; n=8); 4. FIN+TAA900 group (n=10) treated with FIN (150 mg/kg) and TAA (900 mg/kg)..

    Social Media in Use: A Uses and Gratifications Approach

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    Information technologies have caused radical changes in many areas, they have also changed marketing activities. Today, marketing activities are carried out in digital environments, facilitating the work of companies and helping consumers around the world. Consumers get the right information and data about products and services much easier and faster, as well as access different forms of entertainment. Therefore, it can be said that the place of traditional marketing today has been replaced by digital marketing. This paper tries to shed some light on how consumers of Western Balkans and specifically in Kosovo, use social media and how those shape their attitudes, based on the uses and gratifications approach. This is the first paper from this region, which analyzes social media, based on the previously mentioned approach. Since research in the region was prohibitive for us, we selected a sample of 200 consumers from Kosovo, active on social media. The findings of this paper serve managers in better attracting online customers through social media.Information technologies have caused radical changes in many areas, they have also changed marketing activities. Today, marketing activities are carried out in digital environments, facilitating the work of companies and helping consumers around the world. Consumers get the right information and data about products and services much easier and faster, as well as access different forms of entertainment. Therefore, it can be said that the place of traditional marketing today has been replaced by digital marketing. This paper tries to shed some light on how consumers of Western Balkans and specifically in Kosovo, use social media and how those shape their attitudes, based on the uses and gratifications approach. This is the first paper from this region, which analyzes social media, based on the previously mentioned approach. Since research in the region was prohibitive for us, we selected a sample of 200 consumers from Kosovo, active on social media. The findings of this paper serve managers in better attracting online customers through social media

    Prediction of Fuel and Exhaust Emission Costs of Heavy-Duty Vehicles Intended for Gas Transportation

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    This research focuses on heavy-duty vehicles intended to transport compressed natural gases, i.e., class-2 dangerous goods. The analysis includes heavy-duty vehicles powered by diesel and compressed natural gas and trailers with two body types. The body types used in the research are battery bodies and multiple-element gas containers, with pressure vessels made of composite materials (Type-4) and steel (Type-1). The paper presents the methodological procedure for predicting fuel and exhaust gas emission costs as a function of fuel consumption and transported gas quantities. The effects of different types of bodies and different types of fuel on the transported quantities of gas, vehicle mass utilization, fuel consumption, and exhaust gas emissions are shown. The obtained results show that bodies with Type-4 pressure vessels transport 44% more gas than bodies with Type-1 pressure vessels for one turn. The most cost-effective solution for emission costs is diesel-powered, newer-technology vehicles and Type-4 vessels, requiring EUR 2.82 per ton of gas. Similarly, the most economical choice for fuel costs is compressed natural-gas-powered vehicles with Type-4 bodies and a cost of EUR 19.77 per ton of gas. The research results’ practical application pertains to the selection procedures of vehicles and bodies intended for the transport of gases; they should be considered in the decision-making process, with the aim of attaining a sustainable transport sector with lower costs and less impact on the environment

    Solid-phase extraction as promising sample preparation method for compound of emerging concerns analysis

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    Today’s environment is under the influence of numerous substances and most of them are not covered by current national and international regulations. Substances that are classified as contaminants of emerging concern, CECs, are not regulated nor systematically controlled in the environment, and they belong to the different chemical classes such as pesticides in current use, pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs), personal care products, illicit drugs, hormones, micro- and nano-plastics, per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), and many others. Once released CECs end up in surface water where they can be either accumulated or transported to the other environmental compartments, i.e. soil (by irrigation), underground water, or drinking water. The aim of the research was to investigate the efficiency of different selected solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges for preparation of water samples for simultaneous analysis of several CECs. For this purpose, a model mix solution of selected CECs in concentration relevant to environmental appearance was used. The selected CECs (14 PhACs, 11 pesticides in current use, and 4 PFAS) represented emerging contaminants with different properties, including polarities, and varying adverse effect on the environment and human health. Different types of sorbents were investigated: (i) commercial single-layer HLB, (ii) homemade multi-layer I: HLB plus a mix of WAX, WCX, and PPL, and (iii) multi-layer II: mix of WAX, WCX, and PPL plus HLB. The results revealed that the single-layer sorbent showed better efficiency in extraction of the analyzed CECs. Multi-layer sorbent should be further investigated to elucidate the possible reason for the poor extraction of some compounds, as development of a balanced extraction for a wider range of contaminants with different polarities, especially for non-target analysis of chemical residues, is required in order to capture the occurrence of the full profile of micropollutants

    Effect of elevated temperatures on mechanical properties of ultra high strength hot work tool steel h11

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    This paper presents an experimental and numerical study into the influence of elevated temperatures on mechanical properties of the heat treated high quality hot work tool steel H11. This steel belongs to a group of alloyed steels with extraordinary mechanical properties. The aim of this study was to determine the highest temperature at which these properties are still maintained. The experimental investigation focused on the tensile testing of specimens at seven different temperatures, including the room temperature. The highest testing temperature was 700 degrees C. The heat treatment of plates (specimens) consisted of quenching and tempering. Although the strain hardening of this type of materials is small, the strain hardening curves were calculated to show if there was a possibility for the material to increase its strength due to exploitation loads. Also, a numerical analysis of the tensile test by using the finite element method was done in order to define an appropriate model for numerical testing. The obtained results are then compared with the experimental results