10 research outputs found
Digital exhaustion in European Union
The plea of applying the exhaustion doctrine to intangible copies of copyrighted artistic works has been extensively discussed within scholar circles. Although, the debate substantially concerns provisions of the international treaties and the explanation of the exhaustion doctrine under European Union copyright law, the subject brings more uncertainties. Under the European Union copyright law the distribution right is exhausted after the first sale with the consent of a right holder. However, there is neither explicit regulation nor decision in regard to the exhaustion doctrine to the online resale of digital goods. As the act of distribution is shifting and fulfilled through digital means these days, the application of the first sale doctrine is challenged. The given work provides with the legal, organizational and technological analysis of the exhaustion doctrine under European Union copyright law and possible scenarios in respect to digital secondary market
The image of the "enemy of the people" in the political trials in the USSR during the Great Terror
This master’s thesis addresses the problem of the phenomenon of "enemy of the people" and the related activity of the Soviet Union, which clearly affected the further development of the country. The author was particularly interested in the issue of participation of propaganda in the creation of an image of the "enemy of the people" existing in the society. From the standpoint of historical truth, it becomes important to determine whether the "enemies of the people", with whom the NKVD political police waged a constant struggle to the death, actually existed or were in fact imaginary category. In this paper author describes a process of creation of the concept, and also tries to answer the question about the importance of propaganda meaning of the "enemy people", level of its unreality and its role in the society and Stalin's domestic politics during the Great Terror.Niniejsza praca magisterska porusza problem zjawiska „wroga ludu” i związane z nim działania władz ZSRR, które wyraźnie odbiły się na dalszym rozwoju kraju. Autorkę szczególnie zainteresowało zagadnienie udziału propagandy w tworzeniu istniejącego w społeczeństwie obrazu „wroga ludu”. Z punktu widzenia prawdy historycznej, istotne staje się określenie, czy „wrogowie ludu”, z którymi policja polityczna NKWD toczyła ciągłą walkę na śmierć i życie, faktycznie istnieli w rzeczywistości czy byli kategorią wyimaginowaną. W niniejszej pracy autorka opisuje sposób powstania pojęcia, a także próbuje odpowiedzieć na pytanie o propagandowe znaczenie zjawiska „wroga ludu”, stopień jego wyimaginowania oraz rolę odgrywaną w społeczeństwie i polityce wewnętrznej Stalina w okresie Wielkiego Terroru
Studies on determination of cadium in certified reference materials with chemical modifiers by GFAAS technique
Przeprowadzono badania pozwalające ustalić, czy efektywność działania modyfikatorów chemicznych: NH₄H₂PO₄, Mg(NO₃)₂ i Pd(NO₃)₂, stosowanych najczęściej do oznaczania kadmu techniką GFAAS, jest w pełni skuteczna, niezależnie od rodzaju stosowanej kuwety pomiarowej, oraz jaki jest wpływ matrycy analizowanych materiałów na efektywność działania wyżej wymienionych modyfikatorów. Badania prowadzono dla roztworu wzorcowego kadmu oraz dla certyfikowanych materiałów odniesienia, przedstawicieli próbek biologicznych i środowiskowych: CRM GBW 09101 HUMAN HAIR, SRM 1577b BOVINE RIVER, SRM 2709 SAN JOAQUIN SOIL i POLISH CRM NCT-MPH-2 MIXED POLISH HERBS. Ustalono, że zarówno rodzaj stosowanej do oznaczeń kuwety pomiarowej, jak i skład matrycy analizowanego materiału mają wpływ na efektywność działania modyfikatorów chemicznych. Najbardziej efektywnym modyfikatorem (wśród badanych) do oznaczania kadmu w badanych próbkach okazał się modyfikator NH₄H₂PO₄. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań opracowano metody analizy wybranych certyfikowanych materiałów odniesienia na zawartość kadmu techniką GFAAS. Metody te można zastosować do oznaczania kadmu w próbkach naturalnych o podobnych matrycach. Oceny dokładności tych metod dokonano na podstawie porównania otrzymanych wyników analizy badanych materiałów odniesienia z certryfikowaną zawartością kadmu w tych materiałach. Granica detekcji Cd wynosi 0.06 μg ⋅1⁻¹ .The studies were carried out to find out if effectiveness of activity of NH₄H₂PO₄, Mg(NO₃)₂ and Pd(NO₃)₂ chemical modifiers, most often used for cadmium determination by GRAAS technique, appears to be completely successful, independently of a kind of graphite tubes. Also influence of analyzed materials matrix on effectiveness of activity of the above mentioned modifiers was examined. Investigations were carried out for the reference cadmium solution and for the certified reference materials: CRM GBW 09101 HUMAN HAIR, SRM 1577b BOVINE RIVER, SRM 2709 SAN JOAQUIN SOIL i POLISH CRM NCT-MPH-2 MIXED POLISH HERBS. It was found, that activity effectiveness of the chemical modifiers significantly depends on the kind of the graphite tube, and also on the analyzed material content. The most effective modifier (among the investigated ones) used for cadmim determination in the investigated samples was NH₄H₂PO₄. On the basis of the carried out investigations, the methods for determination of cadmium in reference materials using GFAAS technique were developed. These methods could be applied for determination of cadmium in natural samples with similar matrix. Accuracy of these methods was estimated comparing the results obtained for the investigated materials with the certified cadmium content in these materials. The detection limit of Cd was found to be 0.06 μg ⋅1⁻¹
The application of seismic interferometry for estimating a 1D S-wave velocity model with the use of mining induced seismicity
The main objective of this paper is to present the usefulness of the seismic interferometry method to determine the S-wave velocity model of the rock mass affected by exploitation in the KGHM Rudna copper ore mine. The research aim was achieved on the basis of seismic data, acquired from seismograms, of 10 strong seismic events of magnitude greater than 2.6. They were recorded by a pair of seismometers deployed on mining terrain. In the first stage, the Rayleigh wave between seismometers was estimated. Then, the group velocity dispersion curves of fundamental and first higher modes were identified. Finally, inversion of the dispersion curves to a 1D S-wave velocity model up to 500 m in depth was obtained. The velocity model was determined for the part of the rock mass partially affected by mining. The results confirm similar rock mass structure and velocities of the subsurface layers as those obtained by the archival 3D model. In both models, a high degree of correlation in the boundary location between the overburden of the Cenozoic formations and the bedrock of the Triassic formations was observed. The applied methodology can be used to estimate the S-wave velocity model in other mining regions characterized by strong seismicity. Keywords: Seismic interferometry, Induced seismicity, Rayleigh surface wave, S-wave velocity, Mining terrai
Analiza specjacyjna osadów dennych pobranych na terenie Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego
[b]Abstract[/b]. The experimental part covers the description of the sampling places of sediments which were taken from Kampinos National Park and the description of their preparation for analysis. Namely: in the samples of sediments, the total content of selected elements (Cr , Zn , Mn , Fe, Cu , Cd, Pb) and the content of these elements in the fractions separated by sequential extraction were marked. In order to isolate the appropriate fractions, the Tessier method was used. The method allows the separation of five fractions: I — exchangeable metals, II — metals associated with carbonates, III — metals associated with hydrated iron ions and manganese oxides, IV — metals associated with organic matter, V — metals associated with aluminosilicates. It was examined in terms of the total content of heavy metals, and to check if the content of elements in the individual fractions of the test sediments depends on the pH and the percentage of organic matter in the studied sediments.Based on the survey, it was found that the studied sediments can be classified as uncontaminated, from the point of view of their content of Cr, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb. Moreover, it was proved that both, the total content of analytes and the distribution of the percentage content of the determined heavy metals in the individual fractions in the test sediments depend on the content of organic matter, on the pH of the tested sediments and its type.[b]Keywords:[/b] analytical chemistry, environmental protection, speciation analysis, sediments, heavy metal
Technologia wytwarzania tektury falistej
Dla studentów specjalności papierniczych Instytutu Papiernictwa i Poligrafii Politechniki Łódzkiej, jak też pracowników wytwarzających i przetwarzających tekturę falistą bądź wytwory papiernicze przeznaczone do jej produkcji.Książka obejmuje podstawowe wiadomości z technologii wytwarzania
tektury falistej, materiału opakowaniowego o coraz większym znaczeniu
gospodarczym. Zużycie tektury falistej w Polsce dynamicznie wzrasta,
rośnie liczba zakładów produkujących i przetwarzających tektury faliste,
a więc i zapotrzebowanie na wykwalifikowanych specjalistów z tej
W rozmowach z pracownikami zakładów przemysłowych, tak
w terenie, jak też na kursach i szkoleniach w Instytucie Papiernictwa
i Poligrafii Politechniki Łódzkiej, autorzy często spotykali się
z postulatami opracowania podręcznika opisującego proces wytwarzania
tektury falistej, metody jej badania, właściwości klejów do sklejania
warstw tektury falistej, ich przygotowywanie, mechanizm procesu
sklejania i metody badania klejów.
Podręcznik przeznaczony jest zarówno dla studentów specjalności
papierniczych Instytutu Papiernictwa i Poligrafii Politechniki Łódzkiej,
jak też pracowników zakładów wytwarzających i przetwarzających tekturę
falistą bądź wytwory papiernicze przeznaczone do jej produkcji.
Zgodnie z postulatami wytwórców i przetwórców tektury falistej
i chcąc poszerzyć krąg czytelników, w podręczniku przedstawiono także
podstawowe wiadomości z technologii wytwarzania papieru. ·znajomość
tych zagadnień - choćby na podstawowym poziomie - wydaje się bardzo
pomocna dla zrozumienia mechanizmów rządzących procesem
wytwarzania tektury falistej, jej właściwościami, przerabialnością
i zachowaniem się podczas użytkowania. Wiadomości te obejmują
charakterystykę właściwości fizycznych i fizyko-chemicznych
półproduktów włóknistych do wyrobu papierów na warstwy płaskie
(linerów) i warstwy pofalowane (Outingów) tektury falistej, główne etapy
ich wytwarzania oraz podstawowe właściwości tych komponentów
włóknistych istotne dla dobrej jakości tektury falistej. Zwięźle omówiono
także wpływ właściwości linerów i flutingów na technologię wytwarzania
tektury falistej.
Autorzy wyrażają nadzieję, że niniejszy podręcznik pozwoli
czytelnikom na lepsze poznanie i zrozumienie procesu wyrobu tektury
falistej. Jednocześnie zdając sobie sprawę z różnorodności tematyki
prezentowanego obszaru technologii wytwarzania jednego z najbardziej
popularnych materiałów opakowaniowych, będą wdzięczni Szanownym
Czytelnikom za wszelkie uwagi dotyczące doboru przedstawionych
wiadomości oraz sposobu i zakresu ich opracowania
Speciation analysis of sediments from Kampinos National Park
[b]Abstract[/b]. The experimental part covers the description of the sampling places of sediments which were taken from Kampinos National Park and the description of their preparation for analysis. Namely: in the samples of sediments, the total content of selected elements (Cr , Zn , Mn , Fe, Cu , Cd, Pb) and the content of these elements in the fractions separated by sequential extraction were marked. In order to isolate the appropriate fractions, the Tessier method was used. The method allows the separation of five fractions: I — exchangeable metals, II — metals associated with carbonates, III — metals associated with hydrated iron ions and manganese oxides, IV — metals associated with organic matter, V — metals associated with aluminosilicates. It was examined in terms of the total content of heavy metals, and to check if the content of elements in the individual fractions of the test sediments depends on the pH and the percentage of organic matter in the studied sediments.Based on the survey, it was found that the studied sediments can be classified as uncontaminated, from the point of view of their content of Cr, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb. Moreover, it was proved that both, the total content of analytes and the distribution of the percentage content of the determined heavy metals in the individual fractions in the test sediments depend on the content of organic matter, on the pH of the tested sediments and its type.[b]Keywords:[/b] analytical chemistry, environmental protection, speciation analysis, sediments, heavy metal
Colony size as a predictor of breeding behaviour in a common waterbird.
The choice of colony size may have profound consequences for individual fitness in colonially breeding birds, but at the same time it may require certain behavioural adaptations. Here, we aimed to examine behavioural divergence of common terns Sterna hirundo nesting in colonies of different size. For this purpose, we promoted establishment of small (100 pairs) tern colonies under uniform ecological and environmental conditions by providing attractive patches of nesting substrate (floating rafts) at a single site. We combined video recording and GPS-tracking to assess communal and individual defence initiation rate, intra-specific aggression rate, and foraging flight characteristics. We found that birds from larger colonies more frequently engaged in communal defence and they performed longer foraging flights, while terns from smaller colonies more frequently showed individual defence behaviours. Also, intra-specific aggression rate was higher in smaller colonies, but this effect was primarily attributed to a higher proportion of edge breeding pairs, which were more aggressive. Our results suggest that various colony sizes may be associated with different behavioural syndromes, which comprise of diverse personality traits, such as social responsiveness, social tolerance, or propensity for aggression. It remains to be tested whether these behavioural differences reflect processes of phenotypic sorting among colonies of different size or whether they are a result of behavioural plasticity under different social contexts
The significance of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor analysis in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Abstract Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) is an atypical parkinsonism. Major subtypes of the disease: PSP-Richardson’s Syndrome (PSP-RS) and PSP Parkinsonism Predominant (PSP-P) vary in clinical features, the pathomechanism remains unexplored. The aim of this work is to analyze the relevance of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) evaluation in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in PSP subtypes and to verify its significance as a possible factor in the in vivo examination. Authors assessed the concentration of GDNF in the serum and CSF of 12 patients with PSP-RS, 12 with PSP-P and 12 controls. Additionally authors evaluated patients using Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale—III part (UPDRS-III), Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The evaluation revealed significantly increased concentrations of GDNF in the CSF among PSP-RS patients and substantially increased concentrations of GDNF in the serum in PSP-P. Though the GDNF concentrations differentiated PSP subtypes, no correlations between with clinical factors were observed however certain correlations with atrophic changes in MRI were detected. GDNF is a factor which may impact the pathogenesis of PSP. Possible implementation of GDNF as a therapeutic factor could be a perspective in the search for therapy in this currently incurable disease