143 research outputs found

    Livre numérique, à l’avantage des auteurs, des éditeurs, des opérateurs de télécommunication ou du public ? (Le)

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    Le livre numérique voit aujourd’hui son statut évoluer rapidement. Défini par la loi du 26 mai 2011 et soumis aux mêmes règles du prix unique et du taux de TVA réduit, son exploitation se rapproche progressivement de celle des livres papier. Cependant, de nombreuses questions demeurent. Comment la rémunération des auteurs va-telle être organisée ? Comment réussir à promouvoir la livre numérique et la numérisation du patrimoine culturel sans céder à une logique commerciale ? Comment trouver un juste équilibre entre interopérabilité et lutte contre l’offre illégale ? Ce sont autant de défis à relever pour les juristes dans les années à venir

    Regions of Reliability in the Evaluation of Multivariate Probabilistic Forecasts

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    Multivariate probabilistic time series forecasts are commonly evaluated via proper scoring rules, i.e., functions that are minimal in expectation for the ground-truth distribution. However, this property is not sufficient to guarantee good discrimination in the non-asymptotic regime. In this paper, we provide the first systematic finite-sample study of proper scoring rules for time-series forecasting evaluation. Through a power analysis, we identify the "region of reliability" of a scoring rule, i.e., the set of practical conditions where it can be relied on to identify forecasting errors. We carry out our analysis on a comprehensive synthetic benchmark, specifically designed to test several key discrepancies between ground-truth and forecast distributions, and we gauge the generalizability of our findings to real-world tasks with an application to an electricity production problem. Our results reveal critical shortcomings in the evaluation of multivariate probabilistic forecasts as commonly performed in the literature.Comment: 37 pages, 28 figure

    Intégration hybride de transistors à un électron sur un noeud technologique CMOS

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    Cette étude porte sur l intégration hybride de transistors à un électron (single-electron transistor, SET) dans un noeud technologique CMOS. Les SETs présentent de forts potentiels, en particulier en termes d économies d énergies, mais ne peuvent complètement remplacer le CMOS dans les circuits électriques. Cependant, la combinaison des composants SETs et MOS permet de pallier à ce problème, ouvrant la voie à des circuits à très faible puissance dissipée, et à haute densité d intégration. Cette thèse se propose d employer pour la réalisation de SETs dans le back-end-of-line (BEOL), c'est-à-dire dans l oxyde encapsulant les CMOS, le procédé de fabrication nanodamascène, mis au point par C. Dubuc.This study deals with the hybrid integration of Single Electron Transistors (SET) on a CMOS technology node. SET devices present high potentiels, particularly in terms of energy efficiency, but can't completely replace CMOS in electrical circuits. However, SETs and CMOS devices combination can solve this issue, opening the way toward very low operating power circuits, and high integration density. This thesis proposes itself to use for Back-End-Of-Line (BEOL) SETs realization, meaning in the oxide encapsulating CMOS, the nanodamascene fabrication process devised by C. Dubuc.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Sine wave in music and sound art : a typology of artistic approaches

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    Project : Towards an Aesthetics of the Sine Wave Chercheur.e.s : Nicolas Bernier, Guillaume Boutard, Caroline TraubeDespite the sine wave’s close links to the birth of electronic music in the mid-twentieth century, it has been little studied aesthetically, and no systematic review of its artistic usages exists. This article presents a brief literature review, followed by the results of a survey on the principles guiding sine wave-based works. This allows to put forward a typological framework contributing to an understanding of the application of the sine wave in music

    Dinâmica capacitadora e motivação para os estudos universitários

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    We present our results using an illustrative exemplary case of our work on the dynamic capabilities and the construction of a project within a student population enrolled in university courses. This period of life allows the transition between adolescence and adulthood, but also between a state of learner to that of worker inserted into the economic fabric of society. This identity construction is based on the social representations inherent to each group, but their integration at the individual level is influenced by the subjective experience of each person. Our results show that the sense of being competent, which is part of being engaged in a project, is influenced by emotional and experiential states. This influence can also be readjusted to better reflect a current self-image when there is a supported reflexive process.Les presentamos a continuación, un caso de nuestra investigación en el que los resultados obtenidos ilustran adecuadamente la dinámica capacitadora y la construcción de proyecto en una población estudiantil universitaria. El período estudiantil permite la transición de la adolescencia hacia la edad adulta, al igual que la transición de un estatus de practicante a la de un trabajador integrado en la red económica y social. Esta construcción social lleva consigo las marcas de las representaciones sociales inherentes a cada grupo; sin embargo estas son integradas por el individuo de manera personal influenciado por sus vivencias y por su capacidad subjetiva. Los resultados que les mostramos muestran que el sentimiento de ser capaz, que existe de manera tácita en el compromiso con un proyecto, está influenciado por estados emocionales y experienciales, y que este puede ser reajustado con el fin de adecuarse mejor a una representación del sí mismo actualizada, con un proceso reflexivo acompañado.Nous présentons ici nos résultats autour d’un cas exemplaire illustratif de nos travaux sur la dynamique capacitaire et la construction du projet au sein d’une population d’étudiants inscrits en cursus d’études universitaires. Cette période de vie permet la transition entre l’adolescence et l’âge adulte mais aussi entre un état d’apprenant à celui de travailleur inséré dans le tissu économique de la société. Cette construction identitaire implique des représentations sociales inhérentes à chaque groupe mais leur intégration au niveau individuel est influencée par le vécu subjectif de chaque personne. Nos résultats montrent que le sentiment d’être capable qui sous-tend tout engagement dans un projet est influencé par des états émotionnels et expérientiels, qu’il peut se réajuster autrement afin de mieux correspondre à une représentation de soi actuelle et que ce processus réflexif peut être accompagné.Aqui, apresentamos nossos resultados em torno de um exemplo de caso ilustrativo do trabalho sobre a dinâmica de capacidade e construção do projeto em uma população de estudantes universitários. Este período da vida permite a transição entre a adolescência e a idade adulta, mas também, entre um estado de aprendizagem e aquele de trabalhador inserido no tecido econômico da sociedade. Esta construção de identidade é emprestada das representações sociais inerentes a cada grupo, mas sua integração no nível individual é influenciada pela experiência subjetiva de cada pessoa. Nossos resultados mostram que a sensação de capacidade subjacente a qualquer envolvimento em um projeto é influenciada por estados emocionais e experimentais, que pode ser reajustada para corresponder melhor a uma representação atualizada do self, e que esse processo reflexivo pode ser acompanhado

    Innovating in Teaching Collaborative Practice with a Large Student Cohort at Université de Montréal

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    Université de Montréal implemented an interprofessional education (IPE) curriculum on collaborative practice in a large cohort of students (>1,100) from 10 health sciences and psychosocial sciences training programs. It is made up of three one-credit undergraduate courses (CSS1900, CSS2900, CSS3900) spanning the first 3 years of training. The course content and activities aim for development of the six competency domains identified by the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative. This paper describes the IPE curriculum and highlights the features contributing to its success and originality. Among main success key factors were: administrative cooperation among participating faculties, educators eager to develop innovative approaches, extensive use of clinical situations conducive to knowledge and skill application, strong logistic support, close cooperation with health care delivery organizations, and partnership between clinicians and patients. A distinguishing feature of this IPE curriculum is the concept of partnership in care between the patient and caregivers. Patients’ representatives were involved in course planning, and patients were trained to become patients-as-trainers (PT) and cofacilitate interprofessional discussion workshops. They give feed- back to students regarding integration and application of the patient partnership concept from a patient’s point of view. Lire l'article/Read the article : http://openurl.ingenta.com/content?genre=article&issn=0090-7421&volume=42&issue=4&spage=97E&epage=106

    Highly transparent low capacitance plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition Al2O3-HfO2 tunnel junction engineering

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    Abstract : The development of metallic single electron transistor (SET) depends on the downscaling and the electrical properties of its tunnel junctions. These tunnel junctions should insure high tunnel current levels, low thermionic current, and low capacitance. The authors use atomic layer deposition to fabricate Al2O3 and HfO2 thin layers. Tunnel barrier engineering allows the achievement of low capacitance Al2O3 and HfO2 tunnel junctions using optimized annealing and plasma exposure conditions. Different stacks were designed and fabricated to increase the transparency of the tunnel junction while minimizing thermionic current. This tunnel junction is meant to be integrated in SET to enhance its electrical properties (e.g., operating temperature, ION/IOFF ratio)

    Uptrend in distress and psychiatric symptomatology in pregnant women during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic

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    Introduction: Prenatal maternal distress has a negative impact on the course of pregnancy, fetal development, offspring development, and later psychopathologies. The study aimed to determine the extent to which the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic may aggravate the prenatal distress and psychiatric symptomatology of pregnant women. Material and methods: Two cohorts of pregnant volunteer women were evaluated, one that was recruited before the COVID-19 pandemic (n = 496) through advertisements in prenatal clinics in Quebec, Canada, from April 2018 to March 2020; the other (n = 1258) was recruited online during the pandemic from 2 April to 13 April 2020. Prenatal distress and psychiatric symptomatology were measured with the Kessler Distress Scale (K10), Post-traumatic Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5), Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES-II), and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). Results: The 1754 pregnant women (Mage = 29.27, SD = 4.23) were between 4 and 41 gestational weeks (M = 24.80, SD = 9.42), were generally educated (91.3% had post-high-school training), and financially well-resourced (85.3% were above the low-income cut-off). A multivariate analysis of covariance controlling for age, gestational age, household income, education, and lifetime psychiatric disorders showed a large effect size (ES) in the difference between the two cohorts on psychiatric symptoms (Wilks’ λ = 0.68, F6,1400 = 108.50, P <.001, partial η2 = 0.32). According to post-hoc analyses of covariance, the COVID-19 women reported higher levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms (ES = 0.57), dissociative symptoms (ES = 0.22 and ES = 0.25), symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (ES = 0.19), and negative affectivity (ES = 0.96), and less positive affectivity (ES = 0.95) than the pre-COVID-19 cohort. Women from the COVID-19 cohort were more likely than pre-COVID-19 women to present clinically significant levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms (OR = 1.94, χ2[1] = 10.05, P =.002). Multiple regression analyses indicated that pregnant women in the COVID-19 cohort having a previous psychiatric diagnosis or low income would be more prone to elevated distress and psychiatric symptoms. Conclusions: Pregnant women assessed during the COVID-19 pandemic reported more distress and psychiatric symptoms than pregnant women assessed before the pandemic, mainly in the form of depression and anxiety symptoms. Given the harmful consequences of prenatal distress on mothers and offspring, the presently observed upsurge of symptoms in pregnant women calls for special means of clinical surveillance. © 2020 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecolog

    Association entre la fréquence de consultation des médias d’information et la détresse psychologique chez les femmes enceintes durant la pandémie de COVID-19

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    OBJECTIVE: Examine the association between news media use frequency during the COVID-19 pandemic and the scale of psychological distress in pregnant women, considering this distress known harmful effects on the fetus development. METHOD: Pregnant women living in Quebec province (N = 1014) have been recruited in April 2020 through social media, while a state of health emergency was declared. Participants were divided in 4 groups, according to self-reported frequency of news media consulting (little or none; one time a day; several times a day; constant). They filled measures of depressive symptoms, negative affects, post-traumatic stress symptoms and anxiety specific to COVID-19. Instrument scores were grouped under a unique factor of psychological distress. RESULTS: An ANCOVA controlling for age, gestational age, education level, household annual revenue and a diagnosed mental disorder present at the time of participation in study shows that news media exposure frequency is significantly associated with psychological distress severity in pregnant women, during COVID-19 pandemic, F(3,998) = 27.02, p < 0.001, η2 partial = 0.08. Given the mean comparisons a posteriori, higher psychological distress rates are found as soon as news media exposure exceeds once a day (effect sizes between 0.38 and 0.81). CONCLUSIONS: The more pregnant women report consulting the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic, the more likely they are to exhibit psychological distress. Results provide one of the first empirical supports to recommendations of World Health Organization, Canada government and psychiatric associations that encourage population to limit their news media consulting during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The Need for Laboratory Measurements and Ab Initio Studies to Aid Understanding of Exoplanetary Atmospheres

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    We are now on a clear trajectory for improvements in exoplanet observations that will revolutionize our ability to characterize their atmospheric structure, composition, and circulation, from gas giants to rocky planets. However, exoplanet atmospheric models capable of interpreting the upcoming observations are often limited by insufficiencies in the laboratory and theoretical data that serve as critical inputs to atmospheric physical and chemical tools. Here we provide an up-to-date and condensed description of areas where laboratory and/or ab initio investigations could fill critical gaps in our ability to model exoplanet atmospheric opacities, clouds, and chemistry, building off a larger 2016 white paper, and endorsed by the NAS Exoplanet Science Strategy report. Now is the ideal time for progress in these areas, but this progress requires better access to, understanding of, and training in the production of spectroscopic data as well as a better insight into chemical reaction kinetics both thermal and radiation-induced at a broad range of temperatures. Given that most published efforts have emphasized relatively Earth-like conditions, we can expect significant and enlightening discoveries as emphasis moves to the exotic atmospheres of exoplanets.Comment: Submitted as an Astro2020 Science White Pape