182 research outputs found

    "När vi träffar socialtjänsten så lämnar vi information kring eleven medan de i sin tur inte kan ge oss någonting" ­ en studie om samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst.

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    SyfteVårt syfte är att studera samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst utifrån pedagogers och socialsekreterares synvinkel. Vi vill studera faktorer som hindrar eller möjliggör samverkan. Frågeställningar.Hur upplever pedagoger och socionomer att samverkan fungerar, vad möjliggör samverkan, vad hindrar samverkan, hur ser den ideala samverkan ut mellan skola och socialtjänst. Dessa är våra frågeställningar genom arbetet. Metod och materialVi har valt att intervjua både pedagoger och socialsekreterare för att få en så bred bild om som möjligt kring deras syn på samverkan Vi har tolkat våra informanter utifrån ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv och tidigare forskning på området. ResultatDet vi kom fram till är att sekretessen är ett stort hinder. Men det finns möjligheter att få till en bra samverkan i alla fall dels genom egna tolkningar av lagen dels genom förståelsen av hur viktiga föräldrarna är inom samverkan. Vi vill visa på hur samverkan utifrån de olika nivåer som finns inom systemteorin. Betydelse för läraryrketDet står i skollagen att skolan ska samverka med socialtjänsten. Oavsett Anmälningsplikt eller ej så har skolan och socialtjänsten barnets bästa i fokus. Dilemman med anmälningsplikten är något som vi kommer att stöta på i vårt kommande yrke. Därför är det viktigt att lyfta fram hur lagen är konstruerad för att kunna verka för barnets bästa i fokus. Vi är medvetna om att samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst kommer att bli problematiskt eftersom sekretessen ser ut som den gör idag.

    Maprotiline treatment differentially influences cardiac β-adrenoreceptors expression under normal and stress conditions

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    Alterations in cardiac function were observed in antidepressants treated patients and published in several clinical reports. These detected changes could be either a consequence of the treatment or of depression itself, which has already been proved to be a risk factor in heart diseases. In order to determine a possible influence of chronic treatment with norepinephrinergic reuptake inhibitor, maprotiline, on the heart, we investigated gene expression of cardiac β-adrenoceptors both in controls and in animals with signs of depression. The rats were divided into two groups, unstressed controls and those exposed to chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS). The groups were further divided into two subgroups, one receiving daily intraperitoneal injections of vehicle (sterile water) and another one maprotiline (10 mg/kg) for four weeks. Tissue samples were collected after the last application. Gene expression of cardiac β1- and β2-adrenoceptor was determined using Real-time RT-PCR analysis. Our results show that in control animals expression of both adrenoreceptors was decreased in the right atria after 4 weeks of maprotiline application. Contrary, the same treatment led to a significant increase in expression of cardiac β1-adrenoceptor in the stressed rats, with no change in the characteristics of β2-adrenoceptor. Our findings might reflect the that molecular mechanisms are underlying factors involved in the development of cardiovascular diseases linked with antidepressant treatment.Vários relatórios clínicos observaram alterações de funcionamento cardíaco de pacientes depressivos que foram tratados com os antidepressivos. As alterações detectadas podem ser consequência do tratamento ou, por outro lado, da depressão que, como se tem provado, é um fator de risco no caso de doenças cardíacas. De modo a determinar a possível influência de tratamento crônico com o inibidor da recaptação de norepinefrina, maprotilina, no coração, foi investigada a expressão do gene aos receptores β-adrenérgicos cardíacos dos animais em grupos de controle e em grupos com sinais de depressão. Os ratos foram divididos em grupos de controle não estressados e os grupos de ratos submetidos ao estresse crônico moderado imprevisível (CUMS). Os grupos foram, ainda, divididos em dois subgrupos, que, durante quatro semanas, diariamente receberam injeções intraperitoneais de placebo (água estéril) ou de maprotilina (10 mg/kg). As amostras de tecido foram coletadas após a última aplicação. A expressão do gene aos receptores adrenérgicos β1 e β2 foi determinada utilizando a análise PCR quantitativa em tempo real (RT-PCR). Os nossos resultados demonstram a diminuição de expressão dos ambos os receptores adrenérgicos no átrio direito dos animais do grupo de controle depois de quatro semanas de aplicação de maprotilina. Em contraste, o mesmo tratamento conduziu ao aumento significativo na expressão do receptor β1-adrenérgico no coração dos ratos estressados, sem qualquer alteração nas características do receptor β2-adrenérgico. Estes resultados podem refletir os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos no desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares associadas ao tratamento com os antidepressivos

    Pesticides - impact and consequences

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    Industrijskim razvojem i nekontroliranim iskorištavanjem prirodnih bogatstava dolazi do poremećaja prirodne ravnoteže na Zemlji. Tlo, voda i zrak postaju onečišćeni kao i ljudska hrana čime je ugroženo ljudsko zdravlje. Pesticide treba uzeti kao nužno zlo koji u ovom trenutku pomažu čovječanstvu osigurati dovoljan izvor hrane, ali pravi izazov upravo je u traženju načina proizvodnje koji neće tlo, vodu i zrak onečistiti tim spojevima. U ovom radu prikazane su pozitivne i negativne strane pesticida te njihova transformacija od samog razvoja do konzumacije.Industrial development and the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources lead to disturbance of the natural balance on Earth. Soil, water and air become contaminated as well as a human food and thereby a human health is threatened. Pesticides should be taken as a necessary harm, which is at the moment helping mankind to provide a good source of food, but the main challenge is a search for the technology that won't pollute soil, water and air. This work shows the positive and the negative sides of pesticides and their transformation from the development to the consumption

    Influence of Institutional Business Factors on the Growth of Social Enterprises in Croatia

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    Social entrepreneurship is recognized as a key element in overcoming social and economic problems. The impact of social enterprise is recognized in balanced use and allocation of available resources, reducing unemployment, strengthening of democracy, reduction of the informal economy, encouraging social cohesion and improving the quality of life. Social entrepreneurship in Croatia is faintly developed and it is necessary to get financial injection by the government to support the development and expansion of companies in the sphere of social entrepreneurship. In Croatia, there is still a missing institutional framework to support the operation and development of social enterprises. The main reasons for this are the lack of definition of the legal framework, but also a wide interpretation and understanding of the concepts of social entrepreneurship and social enterprise, both in theory and in practice. In order to see which institutional business factors influence on the growth of social enterprises, the data was conducted with primary and secondary research

    Pesticides - impact and consequences

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    Industrijskim razvojem i nekontroliranim iskorištavanjem prirodnih bogatstava dolazi do poremećaja prirodne ravnoteže na Zemlji. Tlo, voda i zrak postaju onečišćeni kao i ljudska hrana čime je ugroženo ljudsko zdravlje. Pesticide treba uzeti kao nužno zlo koji u ovom trenutku pomažu čovječanstvu osigurati dovoljan izvor hrane, ali pravi izazov upravo je u traženju načina proizvodnje koji neće tlo, vodu i zrak onečistiti tim spojevima. U ovom radu prikazane su pozitivne i negativne strane pesticida te njihova transformacija od samog razvoja do konzumacije.Industrial development and the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources lead to disturbance of the natural balance on Earth. Soil, water and air become contaminated as well as a human food and thereby a human health is threatened. Pesticides should be taken as a necessary harm, which is at the moment helping mankind to provide a good source of food, but the main challenge is a search for the technology that won't pollute soil, water and air. This work shows the positive and the negative sides of pesticides and their transformation from the development to the consumption

    Effects of stress on catecholamine stores in central and peripheral tissues of long-term socially isolated rats

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    Both the peripheral sympatho-adrenomedullary and central catecholaminergic systems are activated by various psycho-social and physical stressors. Catecholamine stores in the hypothalamus, hippocampus, adrenal glands, and heart auricles of long-term socially isolated (21 days) and control 3-month-old male Wistar rats, as well as their response to immobilization of all 4 limbs and head fixed for 2 h and cold stress (4 degrees C, 2 h), were studied. A simultaneous single isotope radioenzymatic assay based on the conversion of catecholamines to the corresponding O-methylated derivatives by catechol-O-methyltransferase in the presence of S-adenosyl-1-(H-3-methyl)-methionine was used. The O-methylated derivatives were oxidized to H-3-vanilline and the radioactivity measured. Social isolation produced depletion of hypothalamic norepinephrine (about 18%) and hippocampal dopamine (about 20%) stores and no changes in peripheral tissues. Immobilization decreased catecholamine stores (approximately 39%) in central and peripheral tissues of control animals. However, in socially isolated rats, these reductions were observed only in the hippocampus and peripheral tissues. Cold did not affect hypothalamic catecholamine stores but reduced hippocampal. dopamine (about 20%) as well as norepinephrine stores in peripheral tissues both in control and socially isolated rats, while epinephrine levels were unchanged. Thus, immobilization was more efficient in reducing catecholamine stores in control and chronically isolated rats compared to cold stress. The differences in rearing conditions appear to influence the response of adult animals to additional stress. In addition, the influence of previous exposure to a stressor on catecholaminergic activity in the brainstem depends on both the particular catecholaminergic area studied and the properties of additional acute stress. Therefore, the sensitivity of the catecholaminergic system to habituation appears to be tissue-specific

    Dysregulation of BDNF and PI3K/Akt signaling in the brain of female Wistar-Kyoto rats exposed to chronic mild stress

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    Background: The neurobiology underlying depression has not yet been fully identified, but is thought to result from molecular and cellular abnormalities that interact with genetic and environmental factors. Depression is twice as prevalent in women as in men, however, females remain underrepresented in preclinical research. In addition to the neurotransmission theory of depression, the inflammatory processes and the disrupted signaling pathways also play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of depression. The WKY rat strain has long been established as a model of depression. These rats demonstrate an exaggerated response to stress compared to other strains. WKY strain fail to respond to chronic antidepressant treatment after exposure to chronic mild stress (CMS) and considered to be nonresponsive to antidepressant drugs. The hippocampus and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) are thought to be an important regions for depression. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) play a vital role in the pathophysiology of depression. BDNF-stimulated signaling cascades, including the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)–/serine threonine kinase (Akt), also implicated in depression and treatment respons. In the present study, we have examined the effects of CMS on behavior and BDNF and PI3K/Akt signaling in the hippocampus and mPFC of female WKY rats. Method: In the experiment, we used three months old Wistar (WI) and WKY female rats. Animals were divided in two groups: control and animals exposed to CMS for 6 weeks. On the last day of stress procedure, animals were tested in elevated plus maze to determine the levels of anxiety. Animals were then sacrificed and hippocampus and mPFC were isolated. Levels of BDNF and pAkt were determined by Western blot method. Data were analyzed using the two way ANOVA and Tuckey’s post-hoc test. Results: WKY rats showed significantly decreased number of rearings (by 70%, p<0.01),decreased number of total arm entries (by 21%, p<0.05) and the time spent in the open arms (by 73%, p<0.001) of the elevated plus-maze compared to WI control group. WKY females had a significantly lower level of BDNF in the hippocampus (by 12%, p<0.05) and mPFC (by 16%, p<0.05) and pAkt (by 14%, p<0.01) only in mPFC as compared to the WI female rats. Exposure of WKY females to CMS enhanced an anxiety-like behavior and hypolomotion (decrease in number of rearings by 31%, p<0.05, number of total arm entries by 89%, p<0.001, and timevspent in the open arms by 92%, p<0.001), further down-expression of BDNF in both brain areas (in PFC: by 15%, p<0.001; in hippocampus: by 7%, p<0.05) and Akt phosphorylation in the mPFC (by 17%, p<0.05) as well as a decreased pAkt in the hippocampus (by 36%, p<0.001). Conclusions: The difference in the balance of BDNF and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways may be relevant to the resistance of WKY rats to antidepressant drug treatment and may be useful for developing new targets for depression treatment, especially in females.Abstracts of the 36th ECNP Congress 202

    Different behavioral effects of maprotiline and fluxilan in rats

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    Serotonin and noradrenaline are involved in the mechanisms of action of most antidepressant drugs. We examined the effects of chronic treatment with maprotiline, a selective inhibitor of noradrenaline reuptake, and fluxilan, a selective inhibitor of serotonin reuptake, on the behavior of unstressed controls and chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) model rats in the forced swim test (FST) and elevated plus maze test. Both selective reuptake inhibitors resulted in a significant reduction of time spent in immobility. Climbing was significantly increased in maprotiline- and swimming was exclusively elicited in the fluxilan-treated unstressed control and CUMS rats. Maprotiline-treated animals displayed decreased anxiety and fluxilan-treated rats enhanced anxiety. The obtained results suggest that central noradrenergic and serotonergic systems might be affected differently during FST. The results also demonstrate that the anxiogenic effects of chronic fluxilan treatment are similar to those reported by many other studies. These differences observed for the effects of fluxilan in relation to those reported for maprotiline and probably due to the different pharmacological profiles of these drugs

    Effects of acute stress on gene expression of splenic catecholamine biosynthetic enzymes in chronically stressed rats

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    The aim of this study was to examine how acute immobilization stress affects the concentrations of catecholamines in the plasma and the expression of the splenic catecholamine biosynthetic enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine-Я-hydroxylase (DBH) and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) in chronically socially isolated rats. We found that acute immobilization increases the plasma catecholamine levels and splenic PNMT protein levels in chronically socially isolated rats. These results show that acute stress of chronically stressed animals activates the sympatho-adrenomedullary system and increases synthesis of splenic PNMT by 37%, both of which can modulate the immune function. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 41027, br. III 41022 and br. ON 173044