15 research outputs found

    Hang him high: The elevation of Jánošík to an ethnic icon

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    In this paper, Martin Votruba traces the evolution of the Jánošík myth. The highwayman Jánošík is a living legend in Czech, Polish, and Slovak cultures. Contrary to common claims, the modern celebratory myth of the brigand hanged in the eighteenth century is at odds with the traditional images of brigandage in the western Carpathians. Folk songs and The Hungarian Simplicissimus of the seventeenth century often anathematize highway robbery. High literature of the mostly Slovak counties of the Kingdom of Hungary in the Habsburg empire similarly cast Jánošík as a criminal. Yet some intellectuals, such as Pavol Jozef Šafárik, inspired by the robber in German literature, singled out Jánošík from among other brigands and reduced that folklore-based opprobrium. Others, such as Ján Kollár, resisted Jánošík's rehabilitation. Subsequent Central European national revivals and ethnic activism prompted the Slovak romantic poets to reinvent Jánošík as a folk rebel against social and ethnic oppression

    Basic military service in the Czechoslovak people's army in years 1970-1980

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    The aim of the thesis is a reflection of the phenomenom military service in the Czechoslovak People's Army in the seventies of the twenties century in the men's collective memory who fulfilled military service in these times. The research was based on a narrative analysis data which have been obtained during oral history interviews with contemporary witnesses. Then, the data were compared with written historical sources. The thesis is focused on a soldier's everyday routine in the military service. The empirical part is focused on the reflection of the military service from the view of narrators.Cílem této diplomové práce je reflexe fenoménu základní vojenské služby v Československé lidové armádě v sedmdesátých letech dvacátého století v kolektivní paměti mužů, kteří plnili základní vojenskou službu ve sledovaném období. Výzkum byl založen na narativní analýze dat, která byla získána při provádění orálně - historických rozhovorů s pamětníky, následně komparována s historickými prameny písemné povahy. Práce se zaměřuje na problematiku každodennosti vojáka základní služby. Empirická část práce se věnuje reflexi základní vojenské služby očima narátorů.Oral History - Contemporary HistoryPracoviště Orální historie - soudobých dějinFakulta humanitních studiíFaculty of Humanitie

    Ecological power supply systems with hydrogen fuel cells

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    Předkládaná práce se zabývá vodíkovými palivovými články s protonově vodivou membránou. V první kapitole je probráno rozdělení vodíkových palivových článků primárně z hlediska konstrukce, použitého elektrolytu a provozních teplot. Stručně jsou popsány hlavní rozdíly a uvedeny příklady možných aplikací jednotlivých typů palivových článků. Další část práce je věnována teoretickému rozboru palivových článků s polymerní iontově vodivou membránou. Vysvětlen je samotný princip fungování a následně jsou popsány jednotlivé komponenty, ze kterých se tento palivový článek skládá zejména po materiálové stránce. Následně jsou uvedeny příklady využití palivových článků pro různé typy aplikací ať už v automobilovém průmyslu, nebo jako záložní zdroje elektrické energie a jiné. Další dvě kapitoly se věnují možnostem výroby a skladování vodíku. Poslední kapitola práce představuje experimentální část, která se věnuje zejména stacku sestaveného z pěti palivových článků a jeho měření v různých režimech zatěžování a regulace zásobování vodíkem. Zkoumán je také vliv vlhkosti a koncentrace kyslíku v uzavřeném pracovním prostředí palivového článku. Na závěr byla provedena analýza katalytických vrstev použitých v testovaném palivovém článku pomocí skenovací elektronové mikroskopie s prvkovou analýzou a byly pořízeny CT snímky jednoduchého palivového článku pro detailní zobrazení jeho vnitřního uspořádání. Jako doplnění jsou v práci prezentovány výsledky termických analýz polymerní membrány a uhlíkového papíru.ObhájenoThis diploma thesis deals with hydrogen fuel cells with a proton exchange membrane. The first chapter discusses the classification of hydrogen fuel cells in terms of construction, type of electrolyte and operating temperature. The main differences are briefly described and examples of possible applications of individual types of fuel cells are given. The next part of the work is devoted to the theoretical analysis of fuel cells with a proton exchange membrane. The very principle of operation is explained and then the individual components of which this fuel cell is composed are described, especially in terms of material. The following are examples of the use of fuel cells for various types of applications, whether in the automotive industry or as backup sources of electricity and more. Other two chapters deal with the possibilities of hydrogen production and storage. The last chapter of this thesis is an experimental part, which is mainly devoted to the measurement of the assembled fuel cell stack in different modes of power loading and regulation of hydrogen supply. The effect of humidity and oxygen concentration in the closed working environment of the fuel cell stack is also investigated. Finally, analysis of the catalytic layers used in the tested fuel cell by using scanning electron microscopy with analysis of chemical elements in tested material were performed and CT images of a simple fuel cell were taken for a detailed view of its internal arrangement. In addition, the results of thermal analysis of the polymer membrane and carbon paper are presented

    Research of dipole moments series substituted 1-(p-X-phenyl)-2-Y-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaboranes(12) and 1-(p-X-phenyl)-12-Y-1,12-dicarba-closo-dodecaboranes(12)

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    5. Conclusions oneofthemaintaÍgetsofthisthesiswastodetectasplitofelectriccharge insubstitutedl,2-dicarba-closo-andl'12'dicarba-c/oso-dodecaboranes(12) in their elemental level through a dipole moment measur€m€nt method and also to examine interactions between substituents through a carbon skeleton' Within this thesis there were structured rows of following matters prepared for a measurement of the dipole moments through a series of substituted 1'2- dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12) molecules' whose characteristic structure motives are: l-(4-X-phenyl)'1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane'(12)' l-(4-X- phenyl)-2-phenyl-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12)' 1-haiogen-2-phenyl- 1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12) a 1-phenyl-2-(YQ3)-l'2'd\carba-closo- dodecaborane(12). SubstituentXrepresentsgroupsfromthefollowinglisting:fluor'chlorine' bromine, iodine, methyl, nitro, amino, dimethyiamino, hydroxyl, methoxyl and hydrogen. Q stands for methyl or hydrogen and Y represents silicon or carbon. Theresultsofthethesisarenewlyrecognízeddipolemomentsvaluesof above mentioned compounds and series of monosubstituted 1-(4-A-phenyl)- | ,12-dicarba-c/oso-dodecaborane( 1 2) and disubstituted (4-A-phenyl)-1214- B-phenyl)-1,12-dicarba-c/oso-dodecaborane(12)' where substituents A and B stand for groups of the following listing: dimethylamino'...Department of Organic ChemistryKatedra organické chemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Financial aspect of online diagnostic systems

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    Předkládaná bakalářská práce je zaměřena na problematiku online monitorovacích a diagnostických systémů výkonových transformátorů. Dále jsou v této práci rozděleny a popsány typy systémů z hlediska složitosti a také počtu sledovaných parametrů včetně investičního zhodnocení pořízení takových systémů.ObhájenoThe presented bachelor thesis is focused on the issue of online monitoring and diagnostic systems of power transformers. Furthermore, in this work are divided and described the types of systems in terms of complexity, as well as the number of monitored parameters, including investment evaluation of the acquisition of such systems

    Research of dipole moments series substituted 1-(p-X-phenyl)-2-Y-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaboranes(12) and 1-(p-X-phenyl)-12-Y-1,12-dicarba-closo-dodecaboranes(12)

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    5. Conclusions oneofthemaintaÍgetsofthisthesiswastodetectasplitofelectriccharge insubstitutedl,2-dicarba-closo-andl'12'dicarba-c/oso-dodecaboranes(12) in their elemental level through a dipole moment measur€m€nt method and also to examine interactions between substituents through a carbon skeleton' Within this thesis there were structured rows of following matters prepared for a measurement of the dipole moments through a series of substituted 1'2- dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12) molecules' whose characteristic structure motives are: l-(4-X-phenyl)'1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane'(12)' l-(4-X- phenyl)-2-phenyl-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12)' 1-haiogen-2-phenyl- 1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12) a 1-phenyl-2-(YQ3)-l'2'd\carba-closo- dodecaborane(12). SubstituentXrepresentsgroupsfromthefollowinglisting:fluor'chlorine' bromine, iodine, methyl, nitro, amino, dimethyiamino, hydroxyl, methoxyl and hydrogen. Q stands for methyl or hydrogen and Y represents silicon or carbon. Theresultsofthethesisarenewlyrecognízeddipolemomentsvaluesof above mentioned compounds and series of monosubstituted 1-(4-A-phenyl)- | ,12-dicarba-c/oso-dodecaborane( 1 2) and disubstituted (4-A-phenyl)-1214- B-phenyl)-1,12-dicarba-c/oso-dodecaborane(12)' where substituents A and B stand for groups of the following listing: dimethylamino'..

    Research of dipole moments series substituted 1-(p-X-phenyl)-2-Y-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaboranes(12) and 1-(p-X-phenyl)-12-Y-1,12-dicarba-closo-dodecaboranes(12)

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    5. Conclusions oneofthemaintaÍgetsofthisthesiswastodetectasplitofelectriccharge insubstitutedl,2-dicarba-closo-andl'12'dicarba-c/oso-dodecaboranes(12) in their elemental level through a dipole moment measur€m€nt method and also to examine interactions between substituents through a carbon skeleton' Within this thesis there were structured rows of following matters prepared for a measurement of the dipole moments through a series of substituted 1'2- dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12) molecules' whose characteristic structure motives are: l-(4-X-phenyl)'1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane'(12)' l-(4-X- phenyl)-2-phenyl-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12)' 1-haiogen-2-phenyl- 1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12) a 1-phenyl-2-(YQ3)-l'2'd\carba-closo- dodecaborane(12). SubstituentXrepresentsgroupsfromthefollowinglisting:fluor'chlorine' bromine, iodine, methyl, nitro, amino, dimethyiamino, hydroxyl, methoxyl and hydrogen. Q stands for methyl or hydrogen and Y represents silicon or carbon. Theresultsofthethesisarenewlyrecognízeddipolemomentsvaluesof above mentioned compounds and series of monosubstituted 1-(4-A-phenyl)- | ,12-dicarba-c/oso-dodecaborane( 1 2) and disubstituted (4-A-phenyl)-1214- B-phenyl)-1,12-dicarba-c/oso-dodecaborane(12)' where substituents A and B stand for groups of the following listing: dimethylamino'..


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    Basic military service in the Czechoslovak people's army in years 1970-1980

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    The aim of the thesis is a reflection of the phenomenom military service in the Czechoslovak People's Army in the seventies of the twenties century in the men's collective memory who fulfilled military service in these times. The research was based on a narrative analysis data which have been obtained during oral history interviews with contemporary witnesses. Then, the data were compared with written historical sources. The thesis is focused on a soldier's everyday routine in the military service. The empirical part is focused on the reflection of the military service from the view of narrators