330 research outputs found
Explaining the Negative Effects of Stigma through Sense of Mastery
Previous research on stigma has identified many negative outcomes associated with its experience. These often include decreased affect and decreased life satisfaction. The present study examined sense of mastery - the sense of control one feels they have over the events in their life - as a moderator or mediator for these negative effects of stigma. To examine this, the Life Evaluations Survey was distributed to psychology students at a Southeastern university (N = 392). Participants completed measures of public stigma, self-stigma, sense of mastery, positive and negative affect, and life satisfaction. Results revealed experiences of public and self-stigma were associated with a decreased sense of mastery. In addition, sense of mastery was found to partially explain the relationship between stigma and quality of life. By contrast, results did not support a moderating role of mastery. Findings suggests that stigmatized individuals experience a sense of diminished control over their lives, which translates into decreased positive affect and life satisfaction
An Investigation into the Structure of Self-Control
Self-control has been measured using a variety of methods including self-report measures, cognitive inhibition tasks, delay discounting and delay of gratification tasks, and persistence and willpower tasks. Although these are all theoretically linked to processes involved in self-control, recent evidence has shown that these diverse measurement techniques relate only minimally to one another. Assuming that self-control is a reflective construct, this would indicate that many of these tasks are poor indicators of self-control. The present research challenges the common assumption that self-control is a reflective construct and instead proposes that self-control is a formative construct. Conceptualizing self-control as a formative construct could reconcile some of the inconsistencies in the literature, in particular the fact that many indicators for self-control do not correlate highly. To examine the possibility of a formative model of self-control, this research examines 13 commonly used measures of self-control and investigates indicator intercorrelations, indicator relationships with the theoretical consequences of self-control, and performs a vanishing tetrad test (Bollen & Ting, 2000). Results show that in general, indicator intercorrelations are low and nonsignificant as well as indictor correlations with theorized construct consequences. The results of the vanishing tetrad test suggest a reflective interpretation of self-control, but concerns with uniformly low covariances between indicators limit the interpretation of this test
The purpose of this study was to determine if a wearable neuromuscular device (WND) was successful in reducing knee valgus angle (VA), and increasing electromyography (EMG) activity of the gluteus maximus (Gmax), gluteus medius (GMed), medial hamstrings (junction of the semimembranosis and semitendinosis), and vastus medialis oblique (VMO) in female collegiate soccer players during a countermovement jump (CMJ). 15 female soccer players, were recruited to partake in a 6 week study. Over the intervention period, the intervention group (n=8) wore a WND, during active rest. It was hypothesized that the WND group would display a decreased VA and increase in EMG activity of the 4 muscles, during a CMJ, when compared to the control group (n=7). No significant difference was found between the control and intervention groups between pre and post testing (
Neuroticism and Ego Depletion Patterns
Self-control has been defined as the ability to override or alter an automatic response. Past research has suggested that those who are higher in the personality trait neuroticism display poorer self-control. Based on theory suggesting that self-control is a limited resource, the present study attempts to explain the relationship between neuroticism and self-control. Understanding that neuroticism is characterized by emotional instability, it follows that individuals high in neuroticism must exert more self-control in managing their negative moods, thus leaving them depleted for future acts of self-control. Participants (n = 84) completed measures of trait self-control, engaged in an emotional regulation task, and then completed measures of state self-control, affect, and rumination. Results revealed no significant effect of emotional regulation on state self-control, nor a significant effect of neuroticism on state self-control. The implications of these findings are discussed
Die diagnostische Wertigkeit der kontrastunterstützten Sonografie bei dem Befund einer in der B-Bild-Sonografie inhomogenen Milztextur
Für den Ultraschalluntersucher stellt der Befund einer B-Bild-sonografisch inhomogenen Milztextur ein klinisches Problem dar. Grundsätzlich wird bei einer Parenchyminhomogenität zwischen einer fokalen und diffusen Inhomogenität unterschieden. Insbesondere bereitet die diffuse Inhomogenität als uncharakteristischer Befund Schwierigkeiten bei der ätiologischen Zuordnung.
Die Milz eignet sich gut für die neue Technik des kontrastunterstützten Ultraschalls (CEUS).
Sie zeigt eine intensive Anreicherung von schwefelhexaflouridbasiertem Kontrastmittel (Sono-Vue®) über einen Zeitraum von mehr als fünf Minuten (Lim et al., 2004).
Mit dem Ziel, die diagnostische Wertigkeit der CEUS bei dem B-Bild-sonografischen Befund einer inhomogenen Milztextur zu beurteilen, wurden die Sonogramme und klinischen Daten von 120 Patienten mit einer inhomogenen Milztextur im B-Bild und einer anschließend durchgeführten CEUS im Zeitraum von 2003 bis 2010 retrospektiv ausgewertet.
Als diagnostisch wertvoll galt die CEUS in dieser Studie zum einen, wenn eine fokale Milzläsion erst durch die Verabreichung von Kontrastmittel detektiert werden konnte, zum anderen, wenn sich eine fokale Milzläsion nach der Kontrastmittelgabe eindeutiger vom umliegenden Milzgewebe abgrenzte und/oder wenn aufgrund eines spezifischen Musters der Kontrastmittelanreicherung
eine ätiologische Zuordnung der Inhomogenität des Milzparenchyms gelang.
Insgesamt wurde die CEUS in dieser Studie bei 90 der 120 Patienten (75 %) als diagnostisch wertvoll erachtet. Bei 71 von 120 Patienten (59 %) zeigte sich im B-Bild eine diffuse Milzinhomogenität.
In Übereinstimmung mit dem Ergebnis einer Pilotstudie von Görg et al. (2006) gelang in dieser Studie mit der CEUS bei 44 % dieser Patienten die Detektion fokaler Milzläsionen.
Bei 49 von 120 Patienten (41 %) wurde im B-Bild eine fokale Milzinhomogenität vermutet.
Nach der Kontrastmittelgabe grenzten sich die fokalen Läsionen bei 98 % der Patienten eindeutiger vom umliegenden Milzgewebe ab. Mehrere andere Studien (Catalano et al., 2003c; Peddu et al., 2004; Görg, 2005) konnten bereits zeigen, dass sich mit Hilfe der CEUS fokale Milzläsionen, insbesondere bei vorliegender vaskulärer Pathologie, einfacher visualisieren und demzufolge auch häufiger detektieren lassen.
Eine ätiologische Zuordnung der Milzveränderungen gelang bei 87 der 120 Patienten (73 %) dieser Studie. Der Milzinfarkt war die häufigste Ursache für eine im B-Bild inhomogene Milz.
Den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit zufolge sollte bei Vorliegen einer B-Bild-sonografisch fokal oder diffus inhomogenen Milztextur eine CEUS durchgeführt werden. Die CEUS hat sich in dieser Studie, wie in vorangehenden Studien (von Herbay et al., 2006; Catalano et al., 2003c; Clevert et al., 2008), für die Diagnostik eines Milzinfarktes und einer Milzruptur als diagnostisch wertvoll erwiesen. Somit kann sie bei dem klinischen und/oder B-Bildsonografischen Verdacht empfohlen werden. Insbesondere bei dem uncharakteristischen Befund einer diffusen Milzinhomogenität kann die CEUS von diagnostischer Wertigkeit sein. Sie steigert den Läsion-zu-Parenchymkontrast und ermöglichte somit in der vorliegenden Studie in 44 % der Fälle einer B-Bild-sonografisch diffusen Milzinhomogenität die Demarkierung fokaler Milzläsionen.
Inwieweit die CEUS zur einer Steigerung der diagnostischen Treffsicherheit bei der Diagnostik der lymphatischen und metastatischen Milzinfiltrationen, der Hypo-/Asplenie, des Milzabszesses und des Milzbefalls bei Sarkoidose führt, konnte in der vorliegenden Studie sowie auch in vorangehenden Studien nicht eindeutig beurteilt werden. Weitere Studien mit größerer Fallzahl und einheitlichem Referenzstandard sind hierfür notwendig
C-Dynamik in Böden unter forst- und landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung: Untersuchungen mittels Radiokohlenstoff (14C-AMS)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, das Verständnis der Mechanismen, welche die C-Dynamik in Böden beeinflussen, zu verbessern. Dazu wurden Radiokohlenstoffmessungen an unterschiedlichen Bodenfraktionen mehrerer Bodenprofile unter Forst als auch unter Ackerbau durchgeführt. Die Verweilzeit der OBS steigt im Allgemeinen mit zunehmender Tiefe an, unterscheidet sich aber deutlich in Böden unter verschiedener Landnutzung, wie die Analyse mehrerer Radiokohlenstoff-Tiefenprofile zeigt. Landnutzung, Ausbildung der Streuschicht, vertikale Substratwechsel sowie Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen beeinflussen die vertikale Radiokohlen-stoffverteilung, welche daher als Ausdruck der unterschiedlichen Verlagerung und des mikrobiellen Abbaus von Teilen der OBS verstanden wird. Die für die Analyse des wässrigen Trans-port häufig eingesetzten, künstlich hergestellten Wasser-Extrakte werden dabei sowohl in ihrer Zusammensetzung als auch in ihrem OBS-Gehalt stark durch die Extraktionsbedingungen sowie die physikalische Behandlung der Bodenproben beeinflusst, wie dies systematische Radiokohlenstoff-Untersuchungen der Wasser-Extrakte eines Wald- und Ackerbodens zeigen. Unter bestimmten Extraktionsbedingungen können Wasser-Extrakte gleichwohl ein akzeptables Surrogat für die in situ gelöste OBS darstellen. Neben dem Transport durch die mobile wässrige Phase ist die Speicherung der OBS durch die feste Phase für die C-Dynamik wichtig. Im Oberboden kommt dabei der Schluff- und Tonfraktion – wie bisher angenommen – eine bedeutende Rolle zu, wohingegen im Unterboden unabhängig von der Korngrößenzusammensetzung die älteste OBS sich in der Grobfraktion (Größe äquivalent der Bodenart Sand) befindet. Daneben führen speziell Verbindungen zwischen metallischen Partikeln und der OBS zu einer erhöhten Verweilzeit der OBS, wie dies Radiokohlenstoffuntersuchungen an Fe-Mn-Konkretionen der stauwasserbeeinflussten Unterböden und an kolloidalen Partikeln der Wasser-Extrakte zeigen. Im Gegensatz dazu führt der Einschluss sowohl in Makro- als auch in Mikroaggregate in den hier untersuchten Pflughorizonten nicht zu einer erhöhten Verweilzeit der OBS – entgegen der Annahme aufgrund der Ergebnisse früherer Studien
Communication through Internet and Self-esteem in Secondary School Students in Chile
The objective of the present study is to find out how the use of the Internet is perceived and felt by the students. The sample was made up of 51 students from 4 educational establishments in the VIII, IX and X Regions in Chile. The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory was used in the collection of quantitative data. Qualitative data was gathered using focus groups and in-depth interviews. The quantitative results indicate that there are differences between the evaluated groups with respect to self-esteem. The principal results of the qualitative analysis, are related to the students' experience of the use of computers, the use of the internet and the experience of communication, observing in general a positive perception associated with learning and the use of technology.The objective of the present study is to find out how the use of the Internet is perceived and felt by the students. The sample was made up of 51 students from 4 educational establishments in the VIII, IX and X Regions in Chile. The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory was used in the collection of quantitative data. Qualitative data was gathered using focus groups and in-depth interviews. The quantitative results indicate that there are differences between the evaluated groups with respect to self-esteem. The principal results of the qualitative analysis, are related to the students' experience of the use of computers, the use of the internet and the experience of communication, observing in general a positive perception associated with learning and the use of technology
Communication through Internet and Self-esteem in Secondary School Students in Chile
The objective of the present study is to find out how the use of the Internet is perceived and felt by the students. The sample was made up of 51 students from 4 educational establishments in the VIII, IX and X Regions in Chile. The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory was used in the collection of quantitative data. Qualitative data was gathered using focus groups and in-depth interviews. The quantitative results indicate that there are differences between the evaluated groups with respect to self-esteem. The principal results of the qualitative analysis, are related to the students' experience of the use of computers, the use of the internet and the experience of communication, observing in general a positive perception associated with learning and the use of technology.The objective of the present study is to find out how the use of the Internet is perceived and felt by the students. The sample was made up of 51 students from 4 educational establishments in the VIII, IX and X Regions in Chile. The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory was used in the collection of quantitative data. Qualitative data was gathered using focus groups and in-depth interviews. The quantitative results indicate that there are differences between the evaluated groups with respect to self-esteem. The principal results of the qualitative analysis, are related to the students' experience of the use of computers, the use of the internet and the experience of communication, observing in general a positive perception associated with learning and the use of technology
O uso das tecnologias na docência na Universidade Federal do Acre em tempos de pandemia : um re(pensar) da formação docente
Orientador(a): Prof(a). Dr(a). Glaucia da Silva BritoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa : Curitiba, 15/12/2022Inclui referênciasResumo: A presente pesquisa tem como tema o uso das tecnologias na docência da Universidade Federal do Acre, durante a pandemia de covid-19. Esse tema emergiu das experiências profissionais somadas a da preocupação dos docentes para efetuar o ensino durante o Ensino Remoto Emergencial - ERE. O ERE, foi adotado por diversas instituições públicas e particulares tendo inclusive variações nominais, visando sanar uma necessidade de continuidade da formação profissional durante o isolamento social. O problema de pesquisa foi então elaborado: Quais as necessidades formativas dos docentes da Universidade Federal do Acre? Para responder a essa pergunta propôs-se como objetivo geral mapear e realizar um estudo sobre as necessidades formativas dos docentes para a utilização das tecnologias digitais, estruturando caminhos de formação continuada pós-pandemia, identificadas na consulta realizada pela Universidade Federal do Acre a partir do Relatório Técnico da Pró-Reitoria de Graduação, apresentado no Plano de Contingência Ufac em Tempos de Covid-19. Para essa pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa do tipo exploratória-descritiva, foram utilizados como instrumento de coleta de dados os resultados do questionário on-line aplicados pela própria universidade. Os participantes foram os professores do quadro de docentes da Ufac. Para analisar os dados foi desenvolvida análise interpretativa descritiva de abordagem qualitativa. A pesquisa está dívida em cinco seções. O início da jornada o qual apresentamos um breve histórico, problemática de pesquisa, objetivos e metodologia. Na segunda seção discorremos sobre o uso de tecnologias na educação superior utilizando como referencial teórico Kenski (2013), Castells (2002), Brito e Purificação (2008), Ferreira e Pryjma (2020), Brito e Ferreira (2020), Moran (2013 e 2015), Masetto (2015) e Gomes (2018). A terceira seção trata de um breve histórico do estado do Acre e da Universidade Federal do Acre, utilizando o referencial teórico Souza (2009), Pinheiro (2013) e Ufac (2020). Na quarta seção efetuamos a análise das respostas do instrumento aplicado pelo Comitê Covid Ufac e um a apontamento sobre a construção de uma formação permanente aos docentes sobre o uso das tecnologias. Na conclusão constante na quinta seção desse trabalho temos como resultados que existem as necessidades formativas dos docentes da Universidade Federal do Acre - Ufac, para a adoção das tecnologias digitais. Destacam-se o treinamento em plataformas e ferramentas digitais, a orientação em metodologias de ensino on-line, o suporte técnico, o acesso a recursos de aprendizagem, a capacitação para avaliação on-line e a capacitação pedagógica para o planejamento das disciplinas nos ambientes virtuais e na utilização dos recursos tecnológicos. A pesquisa indica que a maioria dos docentes da Ufac não se sentem preparados para o ensino virtual e é necessário oferecer capacitação técnica e pedagógica para que possam lidar com as novas demandas impostas pelas tecnologias digitais.Abstract: The present research focuses on the use of technologies in teaching at the Federal University of Acre during the COVID-19 pandemic. This theme emerged from professional experiences combined with the concern of teachers to carry out teaching during the Emergency Remote Teaching - ERE. ERE was adopted by various public and private institutions, including nominal variations, in order to meet the need for continued professional development during social isolation. The research problem was then elaborated: What are the formative needs of teachers at the Federal University of Acre? To answer this question, the general objective was proposed to map and conduct a study on the formative needs of teachers for the use of digital technologies, structuring paths of continuing education post-pandemic, identified in the consultation conducted by the Federal University of Acre from the Technical Report of the Pro- Rectorate of Graduation presented in the UFAC Contingency Plan in Times of COVID- 19. For this exploratory-descriptive qualitative research, the results of the online questionnaire applied by the university itself were used as the data collection instrument. The participants were teachers from the faculty of UFAC. To analyze the data, a descriptive interpretive analysis of a qualitative approach was developed. The research is divided into five sections. The beginning of the journey presents a brief history, research problem, objectives, and methodology. In the second section, we discuss the use of technologies in higher education using as theoretical references Kenski (2013), Castells (2002), Brito and Purificação (2008), Ferreira and Pryjma (2020), Brito and Ferreira (2020), Moran (2013 and 2015), Masetto (2015) and Gomes (2018). The third section deals with a brief history of the state of Acre and the Federal University of Acre, using the theoretical reference Souza (2009), Pinheiro (2013), and UFAC (2020). In the fourth section, we analyze the responses of the instrument applied by the Covid Committee UFAC and make a note about the construction of permanent training for teachers on the use of technologies. In the conclusion of this work, we have as results the formative needs of teachers at the Federal University of Acre (UFAC) for the adoption of digital technologies. They include training in digital platforms and tools, guidance on online teaching methodologies, technical support, access to learning resources, training for online evaluation, and pedagogical training for planning disciplines in virtual environments and the use of technological resources. The research indicates that most UFAC teachers do not feel prepared for virtual teaching and that technical and pedagogical training is necessary to enable them to deal with the new demands imposed by digital technologies
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