121 research outputs found

    Leadership as mean of perfection process of management in the labors collective of office workers

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    Найважливішою складовою процесу створення будь-якої організації є забезпечення взаємодії між групами, а також між людьми, що входять до складу цих груп. Лідерство це явище, закладене в надрах самого трудового колективу, що впливає на оптимізацію управління трудовим колективом. Лідерство є невід'ємною характеристикою керівника, істотно впливає на якість керівництва трудовим колективом і навіть на рівень кваліфікації підлеглих працівників. Головною властивістю лідерства є здібність керівника до самостійного прийняття рішень, адже тільки лідер може узяти відповідальність на себе за прийняті рішення, за результати їх виконання. Від керівника трудового колективу залежить багато що, – він не тільки приймає рішення, але і відповідає за робочий клімат, атмосферу, настрій колективу. Важливою характеристикою прояву лідерства керівника є оцінка якості роботи підлеглих, її адекватність, своєчасність і об'єктивність. Вона також стосується важелів управління. Визнання лідерства керівника підлеглими багато в чому залежить від ступеня об'єктивності цієї оцінки.Cooperation among groups as well as among people involved in these groups is the most important constituent in the process of creation of any organization. Leadership as a phenomenon lies in labor collective, which affects the optimization of management by labors collective. Leadership is inalienable description of a leader, substantially affects quality of guidance by labors collective and even on the level of qualification of inferior workers. Main property of leadership is a leader’s capacity for independent acceptance of decisions, in fact only a leader can take responsibility for the accepted decisions, for the results of their implementation. A great deal depends on the leader of labors collective, he not only makes a decision but also takes responsibility for a working climate, atmosphere and mood of collective. Important description of display of leadership of leader is an estimation of quality works inferior, its adequacy, timeliness and objectivity. It also touches management levers. Confession of leadership of leader in a great deal depends inferiors on the degree of objectivity of this estimation

    Peculiarities of phenotypes of patients with pyelo- and glomerulonephritis by HLA distribution analysis

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    Studies devoted to the role of human leucocyte antigens (HLA) in pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) have demonstrated the associative links of the HLA antigens, which stipulate the relative and attributive risks of some autoimmune diseases, with immune disorder and a high production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The aim of our study was to determine the peculiarities of phenotypes of CKD patients according to the distribution of HLA-A, B and DR antigens and to conduct their comparative analysis in patients with pyelonephritis (PN) and glomerulonephritis (GN). Methods: The distribution of HLA-A, B, DR antigens in 384 CKD patients (120 with PN and 264 with GN) was analyzed. HLA antigens were defined using a standard microlymphocytotoxic test on the Terasakiґs planchette with special panels of anti-HLA serums (20 antigens of locus A, 31 – B and 9 – DR). The control group consisted of 350 healthy donors. The HLA antigen frequencies in normal and diseased subjects were compared taking each antigen separately, using χ2 test. The etiologic fraction (attributive risk s > 0,1) was counted using the formula: s = x - y/I- y, where x is frequency of antigen in patients and y is frequency in healthy. The s  reading was considered reliable when it exceeded 0.1. Results. The causal role (σ > 0,1) was determined for А10, А11; В14, В16 for PN; antigens-protectors - А2, В21, В35, В40. For CGN, NS the relative risk is high (RR > 2) at the presence of HLA-A23, А24, А28; B8, В38, В41, В44; DR1, DR4, DRw52 in phenotype, the causal role in etiopathology (σ>0.1) is indicated for A24,А28; B8; DR1, DR4, DRw52; the disease protectors are B12 and B16. Conclusion. Conclusion. The features of the HLA-phenotype of patients with pyelo- and glomerulonephritis were shown. It allowed to establish the interconnectedness of the antigens of the histocompatibility complex with the risk of kidney diseases developing, which could help to personificate of the treatment and predicte of the course of the disease


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    Introduction. Cytokines and HLA are of important part of immunogenesis of many diseases, therefore the analysis of these indices and this associations in dependence of glomerulonephritis (GN) can define their value as the additional prognostic markers. Aim of the work is to determine the peculiarities of associations the high serum levels ofproinflammatory cytokines (TNF a, MCP-1, IL-18) and some HLA in phenotype to substantiate of chronic glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome (CGN, NS) immunogenesis and to ascertain the additional prognostic markers. Materials and methods. There was studied the HLA-antigens distribution in the 264 CGN, NS adult patients and 350 healthy donors by typing the lymphocytes with the aid of standard microlymphocytotoxic test (Terasaki’s test). Using IFA, the level of the proinflammatory cytokines was studied in the blood serum - MCP-1 in 39, IL-18 – 40 and TNF-a - 96patients. Results. HLA-A23, -24, -B8, -38, -41, -44, DR1, -4, -w52 in adults patients have associations (RR>2) CGN, NS; the attributive risk (a>0,1) to develop GN detected in patients have A24, B8, DR 1, 4, w52. The relative risk (RR) to develop chronic renal failure (CRF) is in detection of HLA-10, -29, -30, -41, -51, DR4; attributive risk (AR) - A10. The CGN, NS patients showed statistically higher level of the serum proinflammatory cytokines – TNF-6, IL-17, MCP-1 with more high indices of the TNF-a in patients with HLA-A23, -A28, -B44 (RR of CGN, NS), -A10 (AR of CRF), IL-18 - A24 (AR of CGN, NS) ma A10 (AR of CRF). The highest levels of MCP-1 detected in adults case have risk antigens - relative B41, attributive - A28, B8, and predictor of CRF B41, wich may be negative marker for prognosis. Conclusion. It was to determine associations the serum levels of some cytokines and HLA in patients with CGN, NS. We think it appropriate to study HLA and proinflammatory cytokines TNF-a, IL-18 and MCP-1 in blood as additional negative prognostic predictors for the differentiating approach to treatment


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    The purpose of study was determination of HLA -antigens I and II classes as predictors of ineffectiveness of initial steroid therapy, and according prognozonegative markers of chronic glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome. Methods. In 59 chronic glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome patients (steroid sensitive n=33 (1 gr.) and steroid resistant’s n= 26 (2 gr.)) and 350 healthy donors( control group) studied HLA antigens I and II classes of the special anti- HLA-antigens panel (20 antigens of locus A, 31 – of locus B and 9- of locus DR). Result. In patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome with hormone sensitivity relative risk is high at the presents of A28 (RR=8,5, r р 2 for antigens  A11  (RR=2,23), A23 (RR=4,28),  A24 (RR=3,3),  A29 (RR=10,78) that A30 (RR=11,23); attributive risk more than 0,1 for the antigen A11 (=0,16) ; A24 (=0,13), other did not differ from control. Subzero connection is exposed for the antigens of A2 (р<0,001), А9 (р=0,007). In locus antigen B14 (RR=5,65, р =0,001) are exposed, B44 (RR=48,25, р =0,004), B51(RR=12,32, р =0,006) and attributive risk of development of disease (according =0,24, 0,12 ; 0,14); and antigens B38 and B41 (RR=11,57, р=0,05). The steroid sensitivity was associated with the antigens B5 (p=0,033), B12 (p=0,005) and B35 (p=0,021). In locus DR made etiologic faction antigens DR4 (RR=7,0 and =0,24) DRw52 (RR=7,0 and =0,25). Conclusions. For patients with chronic glomerulonephritis with a nephrotic syndrome antigens of HLA-B14,B38, B51, DRw52 are associated with steroid sensitivity. The attributive risk of steroid resistance is high for split A19+31+32, antigens B8, B55


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    Introduction. Cytokines are important to take part in immunogenesis and progression of glomerulonephritis (GN), therefore the analysis of these indices in dependence of type of GN forms as prognosys results of treatment. Aim of the work is to determine the peculiarities of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα, MCP-1, IL-17, -18, -23) and anti-inflammatory TGF- β1 and their association with form GN with nephritic syndrome (NS) and possibility use cytokines as prognostic markers. Materials and methods. Using IFA, the level of the above mentioned cytokines was studied in the blood serum of 117 patients with proliferative (33) and non-proliferative (84) CGN, NS forms. There was also analyzed the changes of these indices in the patients with subsequent clinical laboratory remission (59) and patients without one (58). Results. The GN, NS patients showed statistically higher level of the pro- inflammatory cytokines – TNFα, MCP-1, IL-17 (with more high indices last one in the proliferative forms of GN, and IL-17 in nonsensitive to immunotherapy patients). High level profibrogenic TGFβ, and the ratio TNFα /TGFβ reflect the prevalence of anti-inflammatory reactions and high activity of monocytes - macrophages and T-helpers17. The positive effect of the treatment associates with the statistically decreased TNFα, MCP-1 and TGFβ1 levels in the patients with proliferative forms GN; the TGFβ1 - for patients with non-proliferative GN forms. Conclusion. The changes cytokine profiles may be use as predictors of results the immunosuppressive therapy


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    Cytokines and HLA take important part in immunogenesis of many diseases, therefore the analysis of these indices and this associations in dependence of glomerulonephritis (GN) can define their value as the additional prognostic markers. Aim of the work is to determine the of associations the high serum levels of cytokines (IL-4, IL-17) and peculiarities of some HLA in phenotype to substantiate of chronic glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome (CGN, NS) immunogen- esis and to ascertain the additional prognostic markers. Materials and methods. There was studied the HLA-antigens distribution in the 264 adult patients CGN, NS (the diagnosis was confirmed morphologically using the thin needle nephrobiopsy) and 350 healthy donors by typing the lymphocytes with the aid of standard microlymphocytotoxic test (Terasaki’s test). HLA antigens were defined using a standard microlymphocytotoxic test on the Terasaki's planchette with special panels ofanti-HLA serums (20 antigens of locus A, 31 - B and 9 - DR). The etiologic fraction (attributive risks ) was counted using the formula: ct = x - y/I - y, where x - frequency of antigen in patients and y - frequency in healthy. The ct reading was considered significant when it exceeded 0,1. Using ELISA, the level of the cytokines was studied in the blood serum - IL-4 in 76 and IL-17 – 79 patients. Results. HLA-A23, -24, -28, -B8, -38, -41, -44, DR1, -4, -w52 in adults patients have associations (RR>2) CGN, NS; the attributive risk (AR) (0,1) to develop GN detected in patients have A24, A28, B8, DR 1, 4, w52. The CGN, NS patients has statistically higher serum level of the IL-4 and IL-17, with more high indices of this cytokines in patients with attributive risk antigens HLA-A24 and A-28. The highest levels of IL-17 detected also in adults case have B14 and B38, which associated with steroid sensitive NS. HLA-B8, which associated with steroid resistant NS, have more patients with CGN, NS with lower serum level of antiinflammatory IL-4. Conclusion. The patients with CGN, NS have associations of HLA and serum levels of pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines IL-4 and IL-17, which play role of additional prognostic predictors


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    The pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines, SLPI participate in antiinfective immunity, that is why it is necessary study their peculiarities in determination of the role in the immunopathogenesis of pyelonephritis and efficiency of treatment


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    In the work was determined the HLA-phenotype specificities in patients with different morphologic forms of chronic glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome (CGN, NS) to define the additional predictors of a disease course. Materials and methods. There was studied the HLA-antigens distribution in the 264 CGN, NS patients and 350 healthy donors by typing the lymphocytes with the aid ofstandard microlymphocytotoxic test (Terasaki’s test). The diagnosis was confirmed morphologically using the thin needle nephrobiopsy. Results. It is advisable to associate CGN, NS (RR > 2) with antigens HLA- A23, 24, 28; B8, 38, 41, 44 in patients; the causal role (a > 0.1) was determined for A24, 28; B8. In proliferative GN was additionally revealed the etiologic role of B27 known as antigen associated with risk ofautoimmune diseases. In patients with various morphologic forms is advisable the association of some antigens with development of chronic renal failure (CRF) – A30, B41 in FSGS, A10 – MGN; and also hormone resistance (HR) – A19+31+32 in FSGS, B8 – MGN and MC. Conclusion. The revealed reliable associations ofHLA types both with CGN, NS and its separate morphologic forms with the risk of CRF and/or HR allow take into consideration the availability ofsuch antigens in phenotype ofpatients with confirmed by biopsy diagnosis as the additional diagnostic and prognostic markers

    High expression of antiviral proteins in mucosa from individuals exhibiting resistance to human immunodeficiency virus

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    ABSTARCT: Several soluble factors have been reported to have the capacity of inhibiting HIV replication at different steps of the virus life cycle, without eliminating infected cells and through enhancement of specific cellular mechanisms. Yet, it is unclear if these antiviral factors play a role in the protection from HIV infection or in the control of viral replication. Here we evaluated two cohorts: i) one of 58 HIV-exposed seronegative individuals (HESNs) who were compared with 59 healthy controls (HCs), and ii) another of 13 HIV-controllers who were compared with 20 HIV-progressors. Peripheral blood, oral and genital mucosa and gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) samples were obtained to analyze the mRNA expression of ELAFIN, APOBEC3G, SAMHD1, TRIM5α, RNase 7 and SerpinA1 using real-time PCR. RESULTS: HESNs exhibited higher expression of all antiviral factors in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), oral or genital mucosa when compared with HCs. Furthermore, HIV-controllers exhibited higher levels of SerpinA1 in GALT. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the activity of these factors is compartmentalized and that these proteins have a predominant role depending on the tissue to avoid the infection, reduce the viral load and modulate the susceptibility to HIV infection

    Role of lactobacilli and lactoferrin in the mucosal cervicovaginal defense

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    Human lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein present at high concentrations in breast milk and colostrum. It is produced by many exocrine glands and widely distributed in a variety of body fluids. This protein has antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. Two important hLf receptors have been identified: LDL receptor related protein (LRP1), a low specificity receptor, and intelectin-1 (ITLN1), a high specificity receptor. No data are present on the role of hLf on the biliary epithelium. Our aims have been to evaluate the expression of Lf and its receptors in human and murine cholangiocytes and its effect on proliferation. Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence (IF) were conducted on human healthy and primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) liver samples as well as on liver samples obtained from normal and bile duct ligated (BDL) mice to evaluate the expression of Lf, LRP1 and ITLN1. Cell proliferation in vitro studies were performed on human cholangiocyte cell lines via 3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium assay as well as IF to evaluate proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression. Our results show that mouse and human cholangiocytes express Lf, LRP1 and ITLN1, at higher extent in cholangiocytes from BDL and PBC samples. Furthermore, the in vitro addition of bovine Lf (bLf) has a proliferative effect on human cholangiocyte cell line. The results support a proliferative role of hLf on the biliary epithelium; this pro-proliferative effect of hLf and bLf on cholangiocytes could be particularly relevant in human cholangiopathies such as PBC, characterized by cholangiocyte death and ductopenia